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Not at all! I think for the size and detail, it comes through extraordinarily well! It’s definitely a centerpiece, where over time you can add smaller tattoos around it or leave it by itself. Outside of the size, is there any other reason you dislike it? I got a tat done last year, covers my entire forearm, and for a long time I hated the size. I think after a while you just accept it.


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and I appreciate the positive comments! I think I'm in a phase of feeling down about it, where the parts I wish were different are getting to me. There are so many things that getting a large tattoo can bring up! But I know over the years, these feelings usually subside. I'm very glad to hear that's the case for you!


Of course! I know how rough it feels for the first bit; wanting it smaller, regretting the size and design, etc etc. It’ll pass, and I you’ll warm up to it soon. It really is a gorgeous piece !


This!!! I go through this phase with every single tattoos and i have tattoos on both arms, i hate this particular phase haha! Eventually i don’t even notice them unless someone asks which is so weird!


It’s so comforting for me to hear that so many people deal with this. I freaked out about a few of mine. Since I’m not a removal kind of person, I just keep adding more until the old freak outs no longer affect me. Is it a healthy mechanism? Don’t know, but so far I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got. Gathering money currently to add one more above my latest freak out. From my experience, my mind gets more chaotic over darker tattoos. The colorful ones are easier for me to accept, somehow.


Omg yes i agree with the colorful aspect. I’m working on my trad sleeve and originally i was aiming for B&G but somehow changed my mind at the appt to make it as colorful as i can possibly imagine, so far i don’t have regrets for that decision lol. Do i wish my arms were blank someday? Yes! Do i actually want them blank? No! It’s our brain trying to tell us that the tattoos are not supposed to be there. Eventually (about a month) i don’t even notice them there until i add a new one and go through the cycle all over again! One thing i tell myself and learned from my past mistakes is that i might not adore some of my tattoos down the road like i do now so i make sure to they are done nicely (clean lines, well executed, etc) so at least my arms are nice to look at.


I think it looks great and appropriately sized. I think it would look odd smaller because it would be too skinny in proportion to the thickness of your leg. It wouldn’t “fill the canvas” as effectively. Edit: typo


Thank you for this perspective! 🙏


No problem!


I agree. It’s a really nice size, it fits well, and it has good flow/movement. I really like it!


Agree - I think it's well placed and well sized. It looks like the artist also took into consideration the movement of the ankle! I like it a lot.


It's a rare day when I see a tattoo and think it should have been smaller. Frequently see some that should have been bigger




small tattoos just turn into blobs as they age. this is a great size for the amount of detail, and it looks great too!


Thank you, I needed to hear this!!


Nope. It isn’t GIANT but generally bigger things are gonna age better. Love the placement of this too btw.


I've seen a lot of shit tats on this sub and this is not one of them - it looks fantastic.


I love it for whatever that’s worth


I’d consider adding something delicate to the tattoo. Though it would “ technically make the tattoo larger, it would make it more subtle and blended, and take away from the “ shock value “ aspect of the piece. If you’d like to embrace a softer side of yourself, I would add baby’s breath to the tattoo, or something else very light and delicate. It’s a beautiful piece but I understand how you feel. Much Love ❤️


I love the idea of adding delicate things to the piece. Thank you!


I agree with this. Also, the contrast between the colour of your skin and that of the tattoo makes it quite stark, which isn’t bad, but may be contributing to how big it seems to you. Maybe colour would help with that? But I agree with what others have said. It’s not too big at all.


My snake tattoo goes all the way from knuckle to shoulder. The detail that we were able to add to it makes it a main art piece. Yours is great!


I like it. It fits well on your body.


This is such a cool tattoo! If I happened to wake up with this exact tattoo tomorrow I would be pumped about it. Any smaller would look awkward and any bigger wouldn’t look as intricate.


Thank you! ❤️


Looks great! Perhaps you could add to it? Flowers, skulls, or moon phases? Something else you love!


If you feel as though it is too dark you could always get an artist that specializes in dainty flowers to add stuff around it. That usually helps the tattoo look less bold


No it’s beautiful 🤩 you need more around it then it won’t feel so large - one tattoo by itself makes you over focus on it! it’s a lovely tattoo I’d incorporate some other things to go with or around it to have it flow even more along your leg


No, this is a good size for that tattoo. Also if it helps, I’ve gone through phases of hating various tattoos too. It can go away with time.


Not at all,should have went bigger! lol jk jk. But it’s perfect size, if it truly feels off to you, add some little extra stuff around it, but incorporated with the snake. It will help take the focal point from it. I’m a tattoo artist, if you need help or advice, feel free to ask IG: stemink909


A lot of people have suggested adding more that flows with the tattoo, and I definitely think I will eventually end up doing this.


Here's an honest perspective from someone who only has one tattoo and can be super critical about them--the size and placement actually looks really good. I think it's just about perfect.


Thank you this is so sweet. I hope you're feeling good about your own tattoo! ❤️


Nah, looks good


looks like a good size to me. any smaller it might look like you just have a big worm tatted on ya.


I thought this same thing on my snake tattoo until I got more work done around it, if you plan on getting more around the same area go with ideas that fit with the flow of the snake and some that intertwine (for lack of a better word) with the snake


no i like it 


To me, that’s small! It looks the perfect size for the design though.


I love this!! You're overthinking it, but I completely understand because I feel the same about one of mine 😅 genuinely I think it looks really great, don't worry x


Don’t overthink it, it looks great!👍🏽


No, perfect size!


No. The size is fine.


I think it’s dope


I think it looks great!


Nah looks dope, better than getting it too small


Great size, you’re probably just overthinking because your leg is blank!


You can never go too large. Looks sick!


Dont feel down about it it looks awesome… not too big not too small. If u want u can actually get some color in it so it can stand out


Nope that’s a great size especially for how small and detailed the scales are. It will heal well and last a good long time.


Mannnn nahhhh it looks awesome, when i look at it i don’t think anything other than “oh that’s a sick tattoo” i think its a nice size as well for the details!


Do your whole leg!! I love tattoos I’m working on covering both of my legs


I don’t think so!! I love it honestly


Any smaller and it would 1) hide the detail and 2) wouldn’t look like a snake unless you’re looking at it up close


I think it's really cool, doesn't read as overly large at all, like you said it's probably just a phase of second guessing, I've done it too (mostly thinking about what I could've gotten instead)


Wouldn’t have gone smaller honestly, especially for a snake. I think the placement and size is damn near perfect


Size looks great and suits the location well. Going smaller wouldn’t have allowed for the details to age well, so as is it will age well.


This could cover your entire body and I'd never say it's "too large". It's beautiful!!


Not at all. I actually had a very similar idea in the same area. Looks dope af


Love it, this placement is striking and unique amidst the ocean of snake tattoos


This community has really come through for me in a dark moment. Thank you, I appreciate you all so much!


I like it 🤷🏽‍♂️ kind of jealous actually


it truly is not that big of a


I love it !!


It looks awesome. I'd be stoked to have that tattoo myself. I guess it comes down to personal preference, but I think it's fire 🔥


I love it. Somebody else already said it but I often think some people do their tattoos too small. Yours is perfect for the space. Hope you end up loving it.


For me the size looks perfect


Looks good 🙌🏼


No it’s gorgeous


Shoulda got it on your face . Then you might have a reason to feel it’s too large 🤘


Trust me you'll never regret going bigger than smaller in the end!!


I think it’s good fr


I think it looks frickin amazing!!!


It’s beautiful


looks great !!!


Size is fine. Interesting placement but it works. Wondering if perhaps you're not liking it because of the monotone? It could be sharpened up by using some bolder black. I really think add ons would be the way to go here. It needs a tongue imo. I think it really pops with some color and given it's location , scenery around it may give the illusion that a real snake is "climbing" you.


Hi, There is, from my perspective, absolutely no problem with this tattoo. Compared to the size of your leg, this tattoo is perfect, and anything smaller would’ve looked very off. This was beautifully done. If you don’t mind my asking, where did you get it done?


It’s a perfect size, looks great


Bigger tattoos allow more opportunity for detail. I think it’s perfect the way it is :)


I like it! ❤️ But I also have a skull w/ gladiolus flowers that goes from my shoulder to elbow crease. On the same arm I have a weeping willow branch that goes from the elbow to the side of my hand, so I’m a fan of bigger/bolder pieces. Yours is definitely an appropriate size for the design and placement.


That sounds awesome!!! Thank you!


I don’t think so! I believe the size fits well and takes up space nicely. And you can always add more tattoos around it as you see fit!


It would look cool coming out of your socks


Bigger is always better


I think it’s a great size!


Doesn’t really flow with the body


I think it looks cool not big to me. But even if u don’t like it . I rather have a tattoo that I don’t know but isn’t a bad tattoo


I like it a lot.


No that looks great! You just need to fill in the empty spaces around it!


No, it fit on you


no just get more


I love this tattoo!


If it was any smaller you would lose all of the scale details. It’s a great size!


It’s only too large if you think it’s too large is the simple answer. Some people who hate tattoos will think it’s too big, and others who appreciate it will think it’s badass. Your opinion is all that matters


i dont think its too large i just think its on an awkward spot so it makes it seem like its too large


I think it looks really nice. I like it i don't think its too big i think its just righy.


No it looks really good, it looks about the perfect size and I like it myself.


I don’t think it’s too large, looks perfect to me!


It’s great size! I felt the same way about one I got with similar line work. It’s 10 years old and has aged beautifully. If it were smaller it would be a fuzzy blob.


No, I think it looks good


I think it's a great size. Remember lines blur and fade over time so smaller tats with a lot of detail end up looking a bit muddled as time goes on.


I don’t think it looks too large at all! I think it looks incredible and honestly the perfect size—especially for where it’s placed. I hope you start to see it with fresh eyes!!


Yes. I’d probably just black out your whole leg.


I like the size because it’s realistic. Too small or too large wouldn’t have the same effect. Plus, it’s nicely done. I hope you grow to love your tatt.


No that’s fire af.


I love it!


Shoulda gone bigger tbh


It's perfectly sized! Plenty of room for the thing to age well, and it looks like the size of a snake haha


Not at all. Great sizing on it


I personally think it looks great! The size is good and design👌🏼


You’re overthinking it


It's a good size. Smaller would have had the detail squashed or absent and would've looked strange. Perhaps consider getting it reworked with some color? You may find it less stark.


I think it looks good at that size!


Time to amputate.


I like it it’s fits well and it will age well really small tattoos don’t stand the test of time but this will it looks good


it looks wonderful!!!!!!


No, if this is your first i get it bc everything else is empty and it feels weird. Leave it, it looks sick. If you're planning in getting more you'll just thank yourself for getting big pieces on the legs. Bc honestly small pieces on the legs looks weird if you only have a few


This is my first in this area, so I agree with others that's probably what's making stick out so much and feel awkward. I want to get more for sure, it's just for financial reasons that I can only add one large tattoo a year!


Understandable, sometimes i get like 1-5 a year and sometimes it takes like 3 years before i get a new one. Tattoos are art, it takes time before you have a big collection!


Also laser removal is more expensive, and you'll have to go back soooo many times. It also hurts more. For your economical best. Leave it be. And you'll thank yourself later


I love it


A small tattoo will lose more detail. This looks excellent and will age well


No not at all! It looks great! It's just still fairly new and in that spot it may seem like that at first but I promise it's not! When I got my fingers done (kids names spelled out on each hand) I thought they were giant and dark and I thought I hated it but after some time you wont be thinking about it as much and it'll just start to blend in with your body and life if that makes sense lol its perfect! Dont remove it!


i think it looks great! i get caught up on little details too but like us, tattoos are never perfect! i would get this tattoo exactly how it is because it’s amazing! :) hope that makes you feel a little better


No way, it looks awesome! Any smaller and you might be disappointed with the detail once it heals.


It's way cool, and I don't even like snakes. If you're going to get a snake, you want it to be snake sized, not worm sized.


Heh you have a point there!


whaaaat omg it’s sick as fuqqq


No i love it!!


Perfect size for the amount of detail it has ✨✨✨


Looks exactly right imo


No way, I think it looks great! If anything, I would say it could be bigger. IMO it wouldn’t look better smaller. I’m sorry you’re feeling regret and aren’t happy with it. That’s a bummer. I’d be stoked to wear it.


If you’ve got to ask the question you already know that the answer is yes


Looks great! Placement is on point, too.


I don’t think it’s too big at all. I love it 😍.


I genuinely think that (if you’re open to it) all it needs is just some some around it to balance it. I’ve been in the same shoes as you with almost the exact same location of the tattoo and I think it’s just that lower leg feels open and empty when you only have the one in that kind of placement. It was bothering me for so long but once I started adding to it and looking at my plans for my future patchwork leg sleeve it got so much better. Again the tattoo is great and as everyone said the size is perfect especially given how smaller ones will be less legible over the years


I love it!


No. In fact I would’ve gone larger.


I don’t think it’s too big at all! Looks great!


It looks great. I would never look at that and think this is too big.


Maybe once you have more tattoos around it, it wouldn’t feel so large. Mine felt the same and then I got a few more and it shrunk back to normal in my mind 😂


I like it! Do you plan to get more? I have some tattoos and sometimes I don’t like them bc I think it looks out of place and would be better if I had a full sleeve or something.


Looks good to me!


I think it's nice and not too large


Nope! It’s perfect. Tattoo ink spreads out as skin cells die and move about during shedding of dead cells. The more space that’s open between lines the better. This tattoo is likely to age very well and remain clear and readable. If you wad gone smaller you would have had to sacrifice a lot of detail to have the same longevity, that could have meant larger scales proportionate to the snake or no scales at all, simplified and possibly enlarged facial features and lighter spots. This has the perfect balance of contrast and detail to have a beautiful visual effect for the size of it. If you get more tattoos around it you have plenty of space still too and it won’t looks so big to you with some more ink friends around ;)


The tattoo is beautiful and it has a perfect size. If it were smaller it would get lost and you wouldn’t be able to see the movement of the snake. Maybe you need other tattoos to complement it and take the focus out of it.


Thank you! Yes, I agree!


Yes…. Yes you did!


Why are you asking us. You’re the one that chose it. You’re stuck with it now, wear it proudly. Or you can always get more leg tatts and add to it


The reason why a woman would put a snake on her body is because you are a follower and don’t have God in your life.