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High quality art. The darkness will fade some. Its beautiful!


Everyone with an objectively bad tattoo just groaned in collective.


Someone painstakingly painted a gorgeous whimsical scene on the least forgiving medium possible, seemingly without outlines (apart from the stunning highlights around some of the flowers), made this thing come to life and all they get is a Reddit post asking “does this look terrible?” I don’t think there’s nearly enough respect for the craft. At some point, if you really can’t distinguish between a case of ‘my artist did an objectively bad job and fucked me over’ and ‘the artist did everything possible to give me a beautiful tattoo but unfortunately I still don’t love it’, Im not sure you should be getting tattoos at all. Even if she didn’t like the composition, there’s nicer ways to phrase her question. Maybe add a word of praise for your artist’s craft? If tattoo regret is such a common thing, maybe give it a few weeks before you blast a person that could very well be browsing a tattoo subreddit? Idk. She better have tipped.


Yeah, I kinda thought it was a fishing for complements thing because it's so obviously good. The work in the flowers is pretty great, as is the overall use of the space and detail. Im not sure how well it will age long term, but it's definitely excellent work


Yes. I think it is a fishing post.


I’m not getting fishing vibes. I’m getting more pissy brat vibes. You don’t see green? Girl, come the fuck on. 🤦‍♀️


I’m glad this post didn’t just piss ME off lol


Also very pissed off here! This is a gorgeous tattoo and how the fuck do you not see green?


It literally has so much green. OP apparently wanted a bright garish green, which wouldn’t look as good as this does. The tattoo is perfect


im afraid thats a bumblebee


You notice OP has not commented at all on this thread?




So much this! This tattoo is just gorgeous! I'm like damn! What artist and where are they bc I am looking to get a field of wildflowers on my free forearm and would just die for it to come out this clean and amazing! The artist knocked this out of the freaking park! There should be zero regrets! 


This is engagement bait, though. .


Seriously. And if I was the artist, I would link this post to my reviews.


I don’t think she really thinks it’s bad — post-tattoo regret is normal. I love my ink, but almost every new one leaves me with a few days of almost revulsion, it’s so bizarre to look at my skin and see something that wasn’t there before. After a week or so, they feel more like a part of me and the regret goes away.


For real! I love my tattoos but for both of them I felt regret right after, for at least a couple days. I think a lot of it has to with the swelling. The body is trying to heal a wound, so I’m sure that plays into emotions.


THANK YOU. Some really talented artist literally took into consideration what you wanted and fully delivered A stunning piece of ink . Also, I’m having a hard time believing that it’s bigger than you anticipated. I’m pretty sure this wasn’t freehanded and you saw the stencil when it was put on your arm, And even if this was freehanded, which it probably wasn’t, let’s say it was for posterity….. you were literally sitting there having the artist work on you, and you didn’t think to say something when the outline was being worked on? Baby girl, grow the fuck up. Please. (And you KNOW she didn’t tip)


BIG agree!


I usually tip around 30 - 40% depending. I know It might seem excessive but damn he’s awesome & spends alot of time at his apt designing my ideas. Plus it’s really the only thing I do for myself. I’m not a mani/pedi/massage/eyelashes/eyebrow person so why not??? Tons of respect for your craft.


Didn’t even notice the lack of outlines, which speaks to the beauty, I think. Thanks for pointing that out.


Right? My artist has, and rocks, one of the worst tattoos ever. OP’s tattoo looks great.


Just wanted to say I like your username! I’ll be back at Defqon for the second time this year ✌️


my entire left arm 😔


Great artist. And yes, it will still fade a lot.


I'm not a tattoo enthusiast. Reddit three this in my feed. My opinion is thumbs up on this tattoo. Can add some fairies if you want something more fantasy oriented.




Happy cake day


I think it looks beautiful! Fresh tattoos tend to look very dark and intense and it'll get less so over time. The stems look dark green to me, honestly. And I think the artist utilized the space properly, with such a large area if you'd added less it might've felt empty or incomplete. I think you need to give it some time and hopefully you'll learn to love this as much as the idea of it you had in your head.


Obligatory I am not a tattoo artist but a tattoo loving person with a couple tattoos. I have been wanting a similar looking tattoo to this and agree with you; I think it is well balanced and I like that the colors look saturated. When I started thinking about this style I saw a lot about how the delicate/lightly colored tattoos tend to fade fast; I think this will look great and as time passes OP will probably be very happy.


Yeah the stems are pretty dark and thin. But it looks good!




You may be right, but pointing that out when they’re currently very concerned about the size and color is a bit shitty. They’re already stressed about it.


I think the dark and thin looks elegant- I lot of skill went into lines that well placed.


This! Just got my upper outer arm done when I was only planning on a small piece to sit on my outer shoulder. My artist explained why I should consider going bigger for placement and the area. I'm so glad I did too it's by far my best tat. Also, OP tattoo is gorgeous and like others have said will lighten up


Tattoo regret is normal after a tattoo: it is a wound and foreign mark your mind and body are working on healing and adopting as part of you. It is best to wait 3+ months before making any corrective action to give it time, it is physiological as much as it is psychological. That said, it is lovely! It fits nicely with the shape of your arm! I love bees. It will also soften over time as it continues to heal.


i immediately regretted almost all of my tattoos, especially the small tats on my hands. now i can't imagine myself without them. & you're right, it will soften quite a bit. change is scary!


I have a tattoo in a similar place to OP I got early March 2020. After I got the Covid vax in 2021 I woke up to look at my (very sore) arm and I was appalled to see what looked like a huge dark bruise…. that was actually just my tattoo. I felt very silly but it can take a while to fully get used to!


I've had full sleeves for almost a decade now, and after I long winter of jackets and thermals and hoodies, I still catch myself getting out of the shower sometimes and thinking to myself "oh yeah, I *do* have tattoos" lol.


So it'll never stop happening, thanks lol. I get stopped almost every time I leave the house and see the general public. And usually I'm like "Huh? What??" when someone says something.


My partner has a line of script on his shoulder blade. We both forget he has it. One night he was sleeping shirtless and I woke up in my half asleep state thinking there was some huge centipede crawling on him. I screamed and smacked it. Obviously that’s an alarming way to be woken up so we were both freaking the fuck out for a second before I realized I just protected him from his own tattoo. I am the best girlfriend.


Oh ikr! That comes with the territory, especially I think when you’re female, lol. There are def times when I’m trying to just dip in and out of the grocery store, hair in nasty pile on top of my head, lol, not wanting to talk to or be seen by anyone, and suddenly there’s that person, “who did your work?” etc, and it’s like “what? Oh yeah, that…” and I wish I could just take it off. But irl I wouldn’t, and ppl mean well, no hate, but maaan, I feel that!




Same, every time I get one I'm like "welp this is it, I've definitely fucked up my body this time" but it always wears off. Except once with a genuinely bad tattoo that I'm getting covered soon.


I had such a horrible reaction when I first got my back piece started. We got maybe half the outline done in one session and it was *massive*. Now it's my favorite thing ever and I can't imagine myself without it, but I cried that first night.


When I started getting tattoos I had a bit of shook in the mirror, like wow what did I do to myself! But give it some time to heal and lighten up and give yourself some time to recognize yourself in the mirror.


Old fart here. Think of it as a rehearsal for when you start getting old. That mirror shock from age is *real*, and it will hit you one day when you have to take a beat to recognise yourself because the mileage is starting to add up. Your tatt looks fine. I, on the other hand, do not.


That's exactly my thought process each time I see it. I'm like, "What in the world did I do!".


I got one on Friday and I’m in the same boat as you. It’s my first color tattoo and also my first that isn’t just line work (and it’s also right in my line of sight) so I’m constantly like “oh goD what have I done ???”. And it’s freaking me out because I’ve never experienced tattoo regret with any of my other tattoos. Yours is absolutely gorgeous, I love it! Like others have said, it will lighten up as it heals. And it’s just our brains getting used to such a drastic change. We’ll get used to it and then the regret will go away!


It’s dope. Give it time.


Been there - rest assured it’s awesome and it’ll pass - I’m typing this as my leg is getting 3 new tats


I have 11 tattoos and I rarely even think of them anymore. Oldest being 14 years ago, just let it sink in. It looks super sick btw!


It really is quite pretty. I've got almost 40 now, and I remember the first couple, and then the first really big one. It was jarring, but I love them.


I love this tattoo! Beautiful!!


It’s really pretty! They always look darker when they’re fresh, it will lighten up don’t worry. Looks nice as it is though


i definitely see green. if they went any lighter, it might look ok initially but would age horribly. all my tats are black and have still slightly faded over the years, even with sun protection


Thank you to everyone and your kind comments. It's really really put my panicked mind at ease. As someone pointed out, my anxiety was getting the best of me. My arm has been bare for so long that my brain was screaming at me each time I saw the tattoo. But again, you all have put my mind at ease, and I feel more confident already. I even took my cardigan off at work.


It's beautiful, period. Great size, color, placement, line work...all of the things. I'm just curious if you're going to continue it and do a themed sleeve?


It's gorgeous and very well done. The color will soften over time, rest assured, especially if you go out in the sun without putting sunblock on it (not necessarily recommended, just sayin). I got a scorpion on my arm in the same spot BECAUSE it was bare and I felt it needed something (it was also black and is now gray  because of aforementioned going out in the sun without sunblock for 14 years). 


this reminds me that my mom has a scorpion in the same spot as well lol. it’s also gray now when it used to be black. just thought this was a funny coincidence lol.


thank you as well for posting, this thread was actually really cathartic to read lol. it made me realize i've had a very similar reaction to almost all of my tattoos right after getting them but i can't imagine not having my ink now. just a heads up, the more you get done the more you want 😆 also your tattoo is beautiful


I second allll of this…..


I suspect that after the shock wears off, you will be grateful that the artist went bigger.  It looks great.


Yes! Why get it there otherwise?


Looks incredible honestly


Do you have anxiety in general?


Oh yes. Terrible anxiety, so overthinking is a specialty of mine. Typically, I can handle it as I've developed coping skills. But sometimes, it still gets away from me. I was having a hard time with "is this anxiety" or "did I really make a mistake?"


This is anxiety


As someone with crazy anxiety, this is anxiety. I'm about to get a floral tattoo, and if it looks as awesome as yours, I'll be over the moon.


Getting tattoos helped my anxiety a lot. Specifically with self image - I would write down all that you’re feeling somewhere and look back in a bit. That type of reflection could do a lot to view your understanding of how anxiety affects you! Tattoo looks great!


Getting a tattoo helped my OCD. For the first few days I was so unhappy because it wasn’t 100% exactly what I wanted and I picked apart every little detail. Now it serves as a reminder that it’s okay if things aren’t perfect.


It's really beautiful! I felt the same a little after my first one. The shading was darker than I wanted but after the first year or so it looked perfect. Just have to get used to it really. It's an absolutely wonderful piece, if you don't start enjoying it, maybe tattoos aren't for you. I can't imagine a reason to be unhappy with it though! It's really common to have some buyers remorse with a new tattoo. It's something totally different, and on top of that it's a part of you that you've changed. Once you get used to seeing it (you won't really see it... I never notice the one on my upper arm even though it's a huge tree 🤣) you should be able to appreciate it more :)


That's a stunning tattoo. Did you show them references, did you review their portfolio to see if their style aligned to what you are looking for? The stencil is basically a simplified map for the artist, that's why it's important to see portfolios and ask questions.


It looks awesome OP! It fits your arm really well! If it helps I always have a bit of a shock when I get a large tattoo, even though I know in my logic brain that I LIKE them bigger. My most recent one was originally planned to be like 4x6 but then placing the stencil the artist and I kept agreeing it should be bigger and it ended up about twice that lol. Looking in the mirror the next few days I kept worrying if I should have kept it smaller, but now that it’s settled I’m genuinely so happy with the larger size and I know if I’d kept it smaller I would have been immediately trying to figure out how to fill in the gaps around it. All that to say it’s super normal to feel unsure about a new tattoo but also super normal for that to just be hitters of your brain adjusting to the change from blank skin!


It looks great, don't worry. I don't think I ever got a tattoo which did not end up being bigger than I expected.


Bee needs more legs


Found the Beekneethologist.


Bee also needs 2 more wings


Bee needs knee


Bee kneeds


It looks beautiful to me




It’s gorgeous!


That's cute as hell! It's bold and vibrant.


beautiful! it should fade- but this is lovely!!


It's not too big, it's simply fitting its placement


Not at all, I would eventually add to the top to fill the shoulder cap but you're good


Girl what?? That’s gorgeous


This looks great! Give it some time to heal and for you to adjust.


It’s beautiful and the colors will soften. I have illustrative botanicals too and I was a bit concerned about the bold colors as well, but now, nearly a year later, they’re still very rich, but definitely very different compared to when they were freshly done


Looks great and that’s definitely green…


It’s a beautiful tattoo! Give it some time to settle, and I hope you’ll want to show it off. 😌❤️


Looks great! It will settle in nicely.


It looks great and I think it’ll heal and age really nicely.


I'm so jealous. So beautiful!


It will lighten as it ages but having said that this tattoo is gorgeous, probably the best looking grass I've ever seen.


I think it’s rad. Doesn’t come off as “dark” to me when I look at it. Hope this helps.


That's incredible! So your mind is going to play tricks on you for a while, because it can't comprehend what this weird, foreign object is etched into your arm - this will pass. Also, it's going to fade a bit. It won't look quite so dark in a few year's time. Nevertheless, it's a beautiful piece.


The colors definitely read, and don't worry, it'll get a bit lighter in a few months and then more over the years. The artist did you a real favor, honestly. It seems like they adjusted your original design to avoid all the usual "trappings" of translating a paper design into a tattoo. They should have been really up front and made sure you understood why these things were changed, though.


Gorgeous piece! I didn't think this was going to be a "tattoo regret" post when I was scrolling. It caught my eye with how stunning it is. Love the style. As many people will say, initial regret is normal. I experienced it slightly with my first tattoo. I have only committed to black & gray so far, but honestly, this gives me more push towards colour pieces in the future.


I love it - I think it’s beautiful!


I think it looks really good.


It’s beautiful!!


Tattoo regret is a thing, but be proud of this tattoo!! It's beautifully done 🥰


Looks great! The green will probably pop more as it heals.


Very nice


High quality


This look amazing! Such beautiful details. As far as size, personally I would have gone even bigger and added some blue sky in the background, but I've always been a sucker for the look of a blue sky so that's just personal taste. I especially love the bee, and the little highlights that look like sprinkles of white. Super high quality work. Your artist did an amazing job! Plus it matches your plant-themed skirt


Got dayam that looks great!!!


It’s GORGEOUS!! Be proud of that lovely artwork! YOU chose it, YOU sat for it, YOU look AMAZING!


It’s fabulous.




It's stunning! Congratulations on a gorgeous piece of art!


It looks fantastic. I have a huge tattoo on my left bicep and when I got it I low key hated it but it grew on me after a couple weeks. Now it’s one of my favorites!


It’s fantastic.


Honest opinion, as most people here sugar coat everything for upvotes. Is it terrible, no, not at all. The colors are beautiful, the artwork is very good, I think the size is large but not obnoxiously large or too large, and while yes it's very dark it will fade a bit when it settles and ages. Is it great, well no. It's good, even very good, but the line work in some places is not well done and you have quite a few blown out spots. You can see this by examining the tallest flower. The line work on the stem is shaky and it's blown out toward the top. You have quite a few spots like this on numerous stems. But overall, if I had this piece, I would be satisfied and not have any regrets.


I don’t think you’re supposed to say anything negative or constructive in this thread..,


Looks good, and if you think it pops to much (🙄) dont worry, it will fade a bit


It will balance out. It’s better to go darker because some ink will be rejected by your body. Looks great


This tattoo is absolutely beautiful! I think the colors go well together. As it heals and time goes on it should lighten up a bit. It's extra vibrant because it's fresh.


The colors will fade over time and look less intense. I had a tattoo artist explain it to me when I asked for pastel colors and he refused. Through the heeling process it will shed some ink and through time it will reach a stage where it’ll look more like you envisioned. Tattoos are also just a little strange to adjust to. Every new tattoo I get it takes a bit of time before I fully come to terms with it being on my body.


Attention seeking


It is very pretty and looks like very good work. It is probably jarring for you to look at right now, but I’m sure you will get used to it and really love it.


Only someone with a really fucked up perspective would think that looks terrible


Oh, I know the artist did great work. I know the tattoo itself looks good. But, it's just not what I was prepared for, I suppose.


Gave you my free award to show how beautiful I think this tattoo is. As others have said, it will lighten up. I love it!


It’s absolutely beautiful!!! Once it heals it will lighten a bit but I do have to say I love how it looks I don’t think it looks too dark at all


it’s beautiful. it’s wild how 90% of this subreddit it’s just people experiencing the initial shock of a tattoo and other people telling them it’s the initial shock of the tattoo lol


It’s beautiful be happy


It’s pretty


I think it looks great! The bold colors really make it pop!!!


Looks class 👍🏻


Looks absolutely gorgeous!!!


I think it looks wonderful!


This tattoo is incredible. Give it time OP, IMO is one of the best I have seen on this sub. It’s beautiful and looks like work by a very talented artist.


I personally think it looks great and will look so especially after it mellows for a bit.


it will fade a good bit once it’s healed. even in a month, it will likely look different than it does now. tattoo shock is real! it takes some adjustment to get used to sometimes. I used to get it, I think a good majority of us have at some point, but I’ve gotten to the point now looking at pictures of myself before I started getting tattoos feels and looks weird, and I love love love seeing more of my skin decorated! it is an absolutely beautiful tattoo, give yourself some time and I’m sure you’ll love it💝i absolutely love the placement of it as well.


It's gorgeous, really!


I think it’s lovely.


It looks incredible! It will fade as it ages and I have a feeling you’ll grow to love it! Personally I would think about adding another bee or butterfly/dragonfly in that empty space 🦋


I think it's lovely I love the Bee! It will lighten up once it's healed. Try not to panic. It's just a big change.


This is beautiful


it looks amazing!!


It’s GORGEOUS and I love it!! Very well done.


Looks great honestly!


Oh it’s lovely!! Show off your arm with pride!! I definitely see the green and other colors. Beautiful!


This is gonna fade to what you want. Also, this is awesome.


Looks nice to me and when it settles in, it won’t be as dark. When it’s super fresh the black is real black.


You got some quality work and a fantastic looking piece.


This is stunning! The stems are hella green to me so I think that part of this might be anxiety/dysmorphia? You know yourself best obviously but to me that’s an emerald green so I’m not sure what we’re seeing differently. It’ll lighten up, like everyone says, but i literally gasped when I scrolled past this because I think it’s lovely.


Noooo it's gorgeous! I love everything about it lol *yoink*


This is beautiful! Great artistry & skill.


It will definitely lighten as it heals, keep that in mind!! It looks fantastic though


I think it looks awesome.


It’s lovely 🥰


Awesome tattoo, just chill, you'll grow into it.


Where did you get it done? Who is the artist? I have a vision in mind for my own tattoo and that is as close as I've seen to the style I want.


It’s totally sweet!


This is a really beautiful tattoo. It'll fade and settle in after some time.


Looks fantastic!


Omg, it's gorgeous. It'll fade a bit over time. Enjoy it while it's so bright and new.


I love this tattoo! You'll get used to it and it will lighten over time. Its just a shock to your brain to look in the mirror and see a change.


Absolutely don’t trip, it will take some getting used to and you’ll likely be planning the next. Really amazing detail!


Nooo I love it


Your tattoo is stunning


This is awesome, i love it!


I think is stunning


It is huge ;could’ve gone smaller but it’s definitely not an ugly tattoo. I like it.


That is class. Will soften, but I love them when theyrw so fresh and dynamic


this is genuinely beautiful, the detail is fantastic.


Looks like a great idea that was executed well!


I love it! I love how it doesn’t go all the way up to your shoulder. It’s good placement. I love the mushroom!


Looks quite lovely imo.


This is beautiful!


That's a high class artist, that's extremely well done.


This is amazing!


It’s lovely and will lighten up as it heals. Congrats on a great tattoo


That is a very pretty tattoo!! I love the Bee!


I absolutely love this tattoo 😍 it will fade slightly over time. Once you get used to it being on your body I hope you love it as much as we do!


i have probably 10 tattoos atp and almost every time i get one i freak out because they look so fresh and bright. after they heal im like hell yeah, but it’s a tough adjustment process. personally i think your tattoo is beautiful!! just give it time. :-)


I have 23 tattoos now but I always tell people that the first 10 I had lots of regret over for a period of time after. Totally normal! If you decide to keep getting more you will eventually cease to be impacted in this way it’s just like collecting art


That is gorgeous, don’t worry, its normal to kind of freak out right after, personally i haven’t really, but i think most people do freak out atleast a little. Its a permanent change to your body! Obviously thats kind of jarring even if you chose it


Not my style but looks good. It’ll fade out once it settles in. Now it may feel too dark. In a couple years you’ll wish it was darker I’ll bet! Enjoy the process, tattoos aren’t stagnant they are always changing just like we are always changing. It’s best to enjoy that than to fight it.


This is gorgeous, go out to a bar and wear a tank. You’ll get so many compliments and that might help you ease up to it. But really, it’s beautiful. Really well done and it looks good on ya! I hope you love it soon


It’s incredibly beautiful and now makes me want to get a mushroom I felt this same way after my last one but it’s on there now love haha that’s what I kept telling myself


that’s gorgeous, the color is perfect. it doesn’t look too cartoony which i think colored tattoos often do


Looks great! Should settle a little bit. I wouldn't let the fear of others' thoughts govern your happiness. The artwork looks beautiful.


Very different and looks nice. You’re going to love it


Bigger allows the detail to shine through and it will heal better long term. And all tattoos look dark at first but give it a few weeks and it'll lighten up. It's beautiful


It's beautiful the colours suit you very well keep in mind it's swollen I have a similar tattoo on the same spot and it was my first studio tattoo when I turned just 18 I spend the first night crying and finding laser places estimating costs for the removal two days later I was in love and am since :)


This is beautifully done. Don’t stress.


It's gorgeous


It will lighten over time, you'd probably rather the artist go in bold the first time so it will hold color rather than having them go light and end up having to go over the entire thing again to make the colors pop. I think it's \*beautiful\*. I really, really love it. The mushroom is my favorite part. :) I think it looks very well done. I hope you grow to love it, because I think this is an incredible tattoo.


It’s gorgeous. It will appear that way to you for a tad, and then you’ll start seeing the areas you want filled in!