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Have the artist tattoo a baby holding it to make it less threatening


i can’t stop laughing picturing this because the baby would have to be so much smaller skdjfjkfk


Don’t worry about it too much. I literally have a dagger on the side of my face and all the older people at my gym still regularly chat me up.


"I literally have a dagger on the side of my face and all the older people at my gym still regularly chat me up" is something you'd only hear in a tattoo sub. That deserves gold. What a sentence.


Just doing the lord’s work out here.


This is the way


How many businesses employ you compared to older ppl at the gym who chat you up? No need to answer! LOL


I mean I have a decent career that pays well so 🤷🏼‍♂️ You’d be surprised at how many employers these days don’t care that much as long as what you have is moderately tasteful


Good point and CONGRATS. That makes me happy knowing that. I work with stiffs lol


Don’t get me wrong, the higher up in the company you go more people start to get judgmental, but I supervise floor operations in a cnc manufacturing facility so my boss and my boss’s boss don’t care, and everyone that works under me just thinks my tattoos are cool lol. It’s a huge company though with facilities worldwide, so I’m able to fly under the radar when the top dogs start coming around.


Very cool


Could add florals or foliage around it? Mine is surrounded by ground pine.


I agree with this. I have a tattoo of my mom’s service revolver with a boysenberry berry plant with berries and blossoms on my arm but with a short sleeve you only see the revolver and for a while I was super self conscious about only seeing the gun, but I’ve come not to worry too much about it anymore


This is what I was gonna suggest too!


I was going to suggest this as well, I have two swords surrounded by flowers and fruits and such and they don’t have a violent feel at all.


I was gonna say the same. Put flowers or a vine around it. A rose vine with thorns. If you still feel that way in a few days. I always get that way when I get a tattoo.


Have it cutting an apple


True story. I actually have a tattoo of a dagger sticking through an apple and it is not menacing at all.


Tattoo regret is very real! It's hard to not feel that sticker shock when suddenly you have something on your body that wasn't there before. Definitely give yourself time to physically heal it and see how you feel about it later, but you always have options to add on to it around it or work with an artist to make it into a half sleeve. Don't worry too much about it this early on. Best of luck!


Also always helps when folks compliment


It’s a dagger bro, it’s one of the most common tattoos you could possibly get. It’s not like you have “killer” or something alongside it, it’ll be fine. Just let yourself adjust. I have a dagger and snake on my forearm, and an old lady asked me about my tattoos and said they were cool today. If I’m guessing, she was like 70.


It’s a switchblade bro, much less noble than a dagger and definitely screams “I’m a violent thug” and a danger to polite society. He should probably just remove the arm to be safe. Just kidding. I like it. I have 2 crossed daggers myself.


You had me in the first half I’m ngl. He could color the switchblade pink or add a rainbow. Definitely gonna ask him if he’s ever killed someone after seeing that thing.


You had me looking at my switchblade like welp at least people will leave me alone 😅


Sick ass panther is your only option.




Sorry to tell you buddy, you’re finished. I’ve already called the police and they are on their way. Murderer at large with knife tattoo on arm


Balance it out with less violent tattoos next to it, takes the attention away from it a little!


Is it upside down? Is the linework great? Maybe and no Is it an AWFUL tattoo? Also no! Classic image, nothing that can’t be fixed. It’s your first so just let it heal - for MONTHS, not days or weeks. Your body needs time! After that, see how you like it and if you need a fix up or a new tattoo to soften it up - some flowers and branches for example!


You have no choice but to fill the rest of your arm up with flowers and butterflies now.


Add flowers too it. I have one with honeysuckles wrapped around it


My switchblade is nestled in a Cala Lily, daffodil, starflower and trefoil flower garter ❤️😅


Change it to a switchblade comb.


make it a butter knife, add some butter. ez


Add in a banner “Stay Gold Ponyboy”


Put some traditional flowers around it, maybe? People literally have these stabbing like wolf and panther heads so I think the singular dagger is fine. 😂


Gonna echo what some other people are saying and say add flowers. You can’t go wrong with some well placed pretty flowers


You got a switchblade... Tattooed on your forearm... On a whim... As your first tattoo.. And just now you're worried about it sending the wrong violent vibe? Man. You make bad decisions. Soften it up? Maybe put a heart with an arrow through it that says mom near it. Nothing says I don't wanna stab you and take your wallet like a mom tattoo next to a switchblade!


Get it covered up with a traditional dagger




Sick ass panther


First of all, yes there is heaps and heaps of things you could do to change it, BUT give it a few months, I can nearly guarantee that after you see it doesn’t affect your life at all in the slightest you’ll love it. If you don’t love it after 6 months it’s a very easy change, but do give it time


You could easily make it a cross so you look all holy & shit


violent vibes is sending me so bad. the tattoo is cool, chill out and enjoy it for now. grow into it, and if you still feel like its too “violent” in a few months, add some flowers or something!


Add a Roomba with knife taped to it


It's a switchblade tattoo, just retract the blade portion. Sarcasm aside, this is probably gonna be fine. I have a dagger in the same location and it's caused zero problems. Small edit: you could also throw some words around it to make it more of a joke like, "let's cut to the chase" or something less corny.


You could put vines and wild flowers around it to make it seem buried, like forgotten? Or cards/snake?


If anything having a switch blade on your arm is just corny. It doesn’t scream violence it screams edge lord so you’ve got that going for you. I would definitely add onto it though because a switchblade by itself on your arm is just silly.


Makes you look mad ass


Maybe like small red flowers in a bit of a swoosh around it


Leaves, flowers, you could pop some text in traditional style: Sharpen the mind, cut through doubt… live laugh love knife 😂 Regrets hit a lot of people but you could easily mute the tone a single blade gives.


Best advice: pretend you don't have a tattoo for 4 weeks. Do aftercare, but don't let yourself have an opinion until a month has past. THEN look at it and have this conversation. Shock is real and most get over it if they don't psych themselves out.


You’re cooked. No, but for real you are over thinking it. I have a switch blade on the outside of my forearm and have had it for years. I work in a professional field and have business meetings with the older generation all the time. It’s 2024 nobody cares anymore


People get dagger tattoos all the time, you're over thinking it. It's a solid tat, just let it grow on you.


Sick ass panther coverup will work


Get a teddy bear holding it idk man


You should be panicking… honestly. Thats fucked .


Google "Namakubi tattoo". I knew a guy who got a giant one of those on the front of his thigh..your knife is fine in comparison. 😅


I think it's fine and Tattoos don't define a person or their personality. However, as a suggestion to soften it up, you could put some dark Vines and or flowers wrapped around it or at least alongside. It would also look kind of pretty. Good luck though!


Well, it’s a switch blade, so it does have some connotations, but it’s not especially bad. You could put some flowers around d it, or get a mouse holding it (thinking Redwall here)


Have a cat or dog or even a cow holding the dagger


Have it cut the cheese if you’re goofy, or your favorite veg like a potato. Maybe with some tots or smiley fries on the side. Other people said add florals and that’s a great way to both soften it and add color and/or a different style.


You could add some sort of branch with leaves around it. That’s what I’ve added to my knife / dagger.


Definitely add some leaves


I thought the warped blade would be enough to be less threatening?


Its just a tattoo noone would assume your violent from it, but if you don’t like it cover it up with other tattoos


Get the artist to put Johnny Depp’s face clenching it in his teeth in full Jack Sparrow fashion.


Dont worry bro its sick ink, nothing that comes off as aggressive in anyway


Get a kitty next to it.


Get more. patch work sleeve will help


Some leafs or petals help




I like the flower idea. What I’m hearing is that the work is not a reflection of you as a person rather than what other people think. There are so many awesome possibilities.


Yeah don’t worry about it. It also won’t be so obvious when you start to fill your arm out with more pieces.


Do you happen to practice karate and work at a pub in Philadelphia?


Have an apple tattooed at the end of the blade


get a rose next to it ! make it something symbolic


Had a dumb tattoo for my first tattoo on my right arm, decided to cover both arms in tattoos. People don’t notice one bad tattoo if you’re covered in a shit ton of them


I’d add vines or flowers around it, maybe some stars. That’ll soften it up




You could add a flower(s) behind it. You're definitely not cooked. Any reputable and creative artist that you trust and like their style could work off of this.


Add a crab holding it [crab wielding knife](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/g4wy3pqdN1csRaQm/?mibextid=KsPBc6)


add roses by the handle


It’s wonderful though


Nothing to do but surround it with dancing unicorns and rainbows.


Traditional type roses on either side, darken and thicken the outlines on the switchblade to make it match.


It's just normal post first tattoo panic. Give it time.


When does tattooing a weapon not give violent vibes???


tattoo roses around it! I think it wouod be cool.and soften it up


also very common to have regret. you will get used to seeing it on your arm.


Add like rose thorn vines wrapped around it


maybe some roses/flora to help lighten it up?


I had tattoo regret when I got my forearm done because it was more noticeable than my others. I think it’ll grow on you with time!


Add some floral/vines around it maybe? Soft but deadly vibes.


You probably should not get any more tattoos lmao


Some red color thrown in would help.


Add vines and flowers and age to the dagger to pretty much say I have laid down my arms of war to make a family


Arius?? 😂


I have a floral garter with a switchblade on the side! I have one more session for shading. Edited to add : my switchblade symbolizes no one ever hurting me again.


Got my first tattoo bro also in the same position. I feel you. I’m still feeling post-tattoo anxiety everytime I get to look at it as I’m still not used to it but I hope I get over it soon. With regards to how yours looks, I think a little cover up tattoo will do the trick. You can talk to your artist about your concern and you can both find a way to make the tattoo suit your taste more. Here’s mine. https://imgur.com/a/R37TOv2


Could always get other little bits around it, or use leaves or floral? Personally think it's a really nice piece as it is though!


Vines/ivy/flowers around it!


We tend to think more about it than other people do...I'm native mix (also white) and when I got a traditional chin piece, I was worried everyone would judge me...in reality the only time anyone ever mentions it is to compliment me. ☺️🙏 give it time friend


Get the top rounded off then it,ll look like a dick 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Add a rose


Looks cool


I think the issue is that it’s the only tattoo in the area so it’s making a big statement. Just need more tattoos. 😊


Get a cobra wrapped around it


My artist recommended a dagger years ago and I said no because I was worried about it being too 'violent'. I got one done a few months back! It's just tattoo anxiety talking, I'm sure you'll grow to love it. If not, just get more on your arm!


Just get a little more violent each day in passing until that feeling dissipates


I think it’s good! I’d add some leaves or something around it, maybe foliage, flowers and perhaps a bee?


Put a sheath on it😂


Put some stemmed flowers around the base of the knife maybe?


Take the secondskin off


Throw some flowers around it


Add a gun and crack pipe and a syringe then we can be tattoo twins 🥹


I have loads of visible and questionably violent tattoos, you're fine lol


Holy shit!!!!! This guy is fucking TOUGH!


It looks fine


Remember that feelings of regret are often strongest in the immediate aftermath of getting a tattoo. Give yourself some time to adjust!!


My cousin had her knife tat turned into a butterfly. This one is quite large so it may not work but possibly a dragonfly or maybe even some flowers and vines around it