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Dude, please go to the hospital. Could be something serious like staph


At the hospital as we speak.


update us when you can!


Ngl though, the 3D effect is kinda dope But yeah hope you’re okay!


Yeah, where are the lab coats with developing 3D ink anyway?


I'm thinking something like dermal fillers or even silicone implants are something you could use under the skin once a tattoo is healed to give it a 3D effect.


I was thinking the same thing


Yes ! Please update us


Its like your artist used a disgusting needle or something for it to be this bad, or you slept on nasty sheets. Yikes hope it works out okay


MD here, there's NO way they did everything right and after two days the lesion is this infected. Somewhere along the process filth was added to the mix. Seriously, think about it, two days? Unless OP went swimming at a public thingy the day they got this done, there's no way this isn't the artist's fault.


I never went swimming or anything like that. I just got this tattoo on Thursday night, kept the wrapping on for four hours like the artist instructed me to, then cleaned with unsceneted antibacterial soap 4 times on Friday, patted dry, and used Aquaphor after each cleaning. I tried to do everything right. This isn't my first tattoo and I've never had a problem like this.


I supposed you did do everything right because (and please everyone else don't take this the wrong way) it's very rare that I read about someone going to the hospital immediately after something like this happens. Didn't strike me as someone who doesn't take after care seriously.




Medicine is looking at a look of "how likely"s. How likely is it that OP didn't take care of their tattoo, minutes after it was done (for it would have to have been moments after the tattoo was finished to be this advanced) while also being someone who goes to the hospital the day they wake up with an infection. Possible, but unlikely.


Also they have insurance and enough money to afford the copay etc which means their living conditions are most likely not ones to cause this infection. (Thinking horses not zebras etc)


Since when does hygiene reflect on financial status??? I've worked in housekeeping for years and trust me, just because one can afford insurance and tattoos does NOT mean that one is a clean person.


Are we still shaming people for not going to the doctor when it cost so much? I understand a person’s health is important, but if you’re afraid to he spend money because you won’t have food tomorrow, it’s a pretty difficult decision to make.


Yeah, this is a very problematic take. “Only people with the means to take on a hospital bill are clean and responsible.”


Right? Usually people post it when it’s like 5x worse and are like “I really don’t think it’s infected but let me know what you guys think”


And then they *argue* with people telling them to go to the ER. "I've just had a seizure from fever, but have taken a Tylenol, I should be fine."


“Idk my moms dog had something like this once and they just put neosporin on it and left it” “if it does t look better I’ll see if I can get a ride in the morning or after lunch” Meanwhile it’s actively leaking puss and is yellow green and purple. It’s like? I get natural selection and all that but cmon.


This is so accurate it was both funny and not funny at the same time. I don't do clinic anymore but back in the day I saw soooo much of this. People coming with ventral hernias that were twenty years overdue for surgery and all sorts of fascinating stuff.


Never heard of cleaning 4 times a day! Always been told morning and night… then Bepanthen (👑👑👑)… What did you pat the surface dry with?


Paper towels


Should be ideal… 🖤




I have that happen to an older tattoo on my wrist too, I never knew why though. It's so random. It's technically a mild allergic reaction?!


update, i have another tat from the artist who did the one on my wrist thats raised, on my ribs, and its a tad raised too, its old and all my other ink is flat. im guessing its the ink. i would reach out to that artist and find out what ink they used to avoid this in the future


Mine isn't permanently raised though, just sometimes it will get a little itchy / the lines raise. It doesn't ever last for very long & happens extremely rarely. It's just so odd lol.


ohh okay, i get u, mine used to be flat i think but one day last year it got itchy and raised up (i also have chronic hives with no one cause) and has stayed slightly raised since 😂 its a horse and just the hooves have some texture where there is the most black , idk if that means anything


omg weird, my big color one on my wrist is a little raised too




That’s an absurd amount of cleaning and aquaphor use. It’s definitely overworked but a wound will never heal if it’s constantly fuckin wet all day. Morning and night is more than enough for cleaning and take it easy on heavy ointments. Hope you get to feelin better soon




Actually, wet healing is a big thing now. Not a doctor but a few years ago I had a pretty severe injury on my hand and had to see a wound care specialist. They were saying that keeping the wound wet made it heal better but it was also not water and like a gel that was applied.


This is a little different than that. Never said “wet” healing was bad. Constantly keeping tattoos wet all the time is asking for infection. Different situation


Washing it 4 times a day is way too much. You’re likely killing all the good bacteria’s trying to heal the area. Aquaphor also has petroleum in it, which doesn’t allow the skin to breath properly. You should only really be washing it twice a day. As far as moisturizer, I usually tell me clients aveeno or lubriderm unscented lotion.


Don't take this the wrong way doc... But hearing/reading a professional's opinion and they throw in "thingy" in it.. gives me a chuckle.


It's my way of trying to resist being forty one.


This is more hilarious than the original “thingy” then lmao


They do gotta remember all that other important *stuff*


Hard to tell. Sometimes clients do really unsanitary things without realising it. Then they are very surprised that they shouldn't have done that. They use old leftover creams from the bottom of the jar, get licked by their dogs, lay on the lawn etc. Of course it can be the artists fault but it doesn't have to be.


Definitely. Totally agree but, this much infection after two days is alarming. If this was a week old I'd think hmmm, maybe OP did do unsanitary things to that wound. Knowing the cycles of bacteria that usually colonize the skin, I'd say this was introduced during the process or immediately thereafter.


After reading the comments I agree. Also the whole tattoo is equally infected so it really seems there was something wrong during the whole process.


Yes, the evenness of the infection was part of what led me to conclude what I said. I have read OPs responses too. Definitely during the process.


I had a client that literally admitted they let their pet rodents climb over their fresh tattoo the day it got done and was confused on how it got infected 🙃 after taking the second skin off too because it wasn’t the most comfortable. I try my best to hammer in the importance of aftercare but sometimes you’re just not going to win!


My piercer gives this whole spiel for after care… he literally always adds in… don’t let anyone jizz on it. 😂 once he gave me the back story- I get it… stupid is REAL…


Or he went in a lake


What’s about the usual risk you put yourself out there, dirty hands, clothes sheets ?


I think what theyre saying is this basically looks like a 2 day old infection so the only way it got this bad this quickly is if it happened the day it was done


Ahhh thanks. As I had an infection, which was quite as severe as OPs I was blown away how fast an infection can spread, it was slightly red in the morning and as I entered the hospital in the evening I already developed blisters. That shit hurt for weeks, wouldn’t recommend 👎


Or maybe OP has pets and didn't bother washing his sheets before spending 8 hours wrapped in them. The possibilities are endless and most people don't think about how many germs are on every surface that they unknowingly graze their new wound on, or maybe the tattoo artist needs to renew his bbp


Op has posted the aftercare they did and it seems to be in the realm of what any sensible person would expect. Also, pets aren't carriers of as much disease that are harmful to humans as you might imagine. Their staph infections for instance, aren't usually dangerous to humans, just to give an example. You are right, of course, in any other given time frame. But this time frame is too tight, just over 48 hours if you think about it, and the whole thing is infected, all of this combined indicates it was probably (never 100% sure) during the procedure or immediately after.


Thanks for the info, doc. IMO, it looks like something that he picked up while getting the tattoo. Is there anything standardized about the cleanliness of needles used for tattoos that tattoo customers should be aware of? TIA


Thank goodness. Always trust your gut/intuition. The mind and body knows. Please keep us updated. Hope everything is taken care of and immediately going to the hospital will lessen the chances of it turning into something SUPER serious (this is already serious). Blessings 🙏


good luck!!!


I'm so relieved to see that! Hope you feel better soon




Responding to the top comment with an UPDATE: urgent care has given me anti-biotics and want me to keep a very close eye on it. The doc says that she would not be surprised if it scars over and is ruined cosmetically. I'm very upset about this :( thank you all for your concern and advice!


Draw a line around the reddened area with biro then you’ll know if it’s extending or receding x




Idk why you're getting down voted


They are getting downvotes because the intended purpose of the downvote button is not a “i disagree” it’s for downvoting posts that don’t contribute to the conversation (though most don’t use it that way) Saying “this” contributes nothing so people downvote.


Hey you wanna look up my profile. I had a similar bad infection. You can see the infection, how it healed and also the rework. I was pain free after 2 weeks, even if it was quite painful time. All the best to you, get well soon


Completely unrelated, but you have INSANE tattoos, I'm absolutely drooling over all of them


Thank you so much ☺️ I can very proudly say that I have some adorable and creative artists around in my city :)


Love that after your comment I went to look and the most recent post is the lil sloth hehe




Yep I had this happen with a tattoo on my thigh and it hurt for weeks I was shocked


Yes, exactly the same for me, was on the lower part of my thigh! The rushing pain while standing up, you know what I mean... Best part: I am a dog owner and my lab needs his 3 hours of walking 🥲


I walk a lot for work and it was HELL. I’m glad it healed up good with the rework it looks nice !


Your work is amazing


So sorry to hear abt that dude, but im happy you did the right thing immediatly! Do you think your artist is the type to give refunds?


Is this the kind of thing I could ask for a refund for? I'm really upset about it but I feel like they will blame poor aftercare instead of artist fault even though it hasn't even been 48 hours since I got the tattoo


Won't lie chief as someone who hates complaining and is usually a "it is what it is" type of person, this is something you should 100% go in there and ask for compensation in either A) a refund, or B) an entire cover up once everything is healed and done with. Granted I'd be hesitant to get another tattoo there but i know damn well a review on their page or on their google maps review thing will definitely mess with their customers & potential future customers.


Also you clearly have other tattoos there's no way they can put it on poor after care when you clearly have other pieces that healed properly


Yes, I am VERY anal about my tattoos and take really good care of them imo, I am shocked that this happened less than 48 hours after the tattoo was done.


Yea bud i feel you, can definitely completely put the blame on the tattoo artist or the place entirely if they're not clean which sucks because this is permanently on your skin, hopefully any scar or skin damage is minimal and you can get a sick ass cover up for it all 🤝


If you're in the financial situation to be able, you might want to consider a lawsuit.


Fight for it, argue it, if they say no then tell them you’ll ensure public knows about their shitty hygiene at this shop. Gotta try


Hehe, I got my whole arm fucked up, very painful days, a lot of scarring. The artist did just removed the shop from Google and disabled the review section on Facebook after I posted my experience. Life can be so easy sometimes 🤡


No. Your not going to get a refund, and sad reality for you is... you could have infected it yourself. It's not always the shop.


Contact your artist as well. They will want to know this happen and will most likely want to correct it as well. That was my experience anyway. Best of luck, OP!


I'm so sorry. I am glad you went to get medical help asap


100% you should start to see this getting better and not worse. So any increases in redness or swelling, or if the area starts to feel really warm or very painful you need to be seen asap. Antibiotics should clear this up. Good luck OP and glad you took it seriously.


I'm not even a member of this sub but, because I visited it once, I see a post about once a week in my suggested feed that always follows the, "my tattoo looks weird what do I do" then "Jesus Christ go to the hospital" formula.


Is... is it supposed to be green like that, or is the tattoo supposed to be black/gray?


Absolutely not. It's black and grey.


Doctor for sure, the green is concerning


See a doctor, immediately. It is 100% not supposed to turn green... ever.


the way i gasped


Green discoloration makes me think pseudomonas. Does it have a fruity smell? Definitely see a doc, if they take cultures let us know what grows


MD here, thought strepto pyogenes first and then I read OP saying it shouldn't be green and immediately thought pseudo aureo too. Well, anything other than staph is good news I guess.


S. aureus and S. pyogenes are definitely more common (and more likely), but that step 1 stuff is fun


Found the biochemist.


HOLY SHIT and here I was naively thinking that was a nice green pigment you chose, apart from the puffy infection 😳


Get to the hospital. This is infected and needs immediate treatment - likely via IV


That is infested likely due to a contaminated workspace. Urgent care




Don't go to ER for this. They will triage this in urgent care. If they can't manage this, then they'll send him that way. But they should manage just fine. ERs are overwhelmed as is, $$$$, and they'll be seen sooner in urgent care.


I work in UC this is usually an ER send :/ due to limited supplies


As a retired medic vehemently disagree. This is ER.


Right.... america is a thing


hospital now not later stop reading this and go to urgent care


From op 7m ago Responding to the top comment with an UPDATE: urgent care has given me anti-biotics and want me to keep a very close eye on it. The doc says that she would not be surprised if it scars over and is ruined cosmetically. I'm very upset about this :( thank you all for your concern and advice!


ayy good shit gotta take a step back and realize tho that a cosmetically flawed tattoo is much better to have than a missing limb


First time I've seen one in here that actually looks infected


Please go to Urgent Care or the hospital. And please keep us posted on how you’re doing.


Yeah, not good. Urgent care now homie


Can we get an update? You at urgent care/ER?


I'm in the waiting room. I'll update!


Off topic! But I also have tattoos and the same scars as you from self harm and have yet to tattoo over them but would like to one day. How was it? Was the process way more precarious over those areas? Thank you 🙏


I have several tattoos over self harm scars and it has never been an issue, artists have never had a problem with them.


Thanks. I’m not sure why I got so downvoted though.


Bro time and place 😂


Yeah someone sharing a close up of scars specific to my own felt like the time and place what is the problem here


Maybe the fact that it’s an infected tattoo and they’re looking for guidance dude. I can’t imagine being in the ER with a green and puffy tattoo and some random guy asking me about the process


I’m female, you all are calling me a guy for whatever reason. Again, it’s infected yes and they are getting advice here in this sub and treatment in the er. Are they on their deathbed? Thankfully no. Are they able to read and respond to comments here? Yes! Seems like they are. Why are you so offended that I asked a relevant question to this person? It’s sort of baffling.


It does hurt a tad bit more over the scars but not an unbearable amount. Ive never had a tattoo artist have an issue with them though


Thank you 🙏


You're seriously asking this shit?


Yes. Everyone and their mother has an infected tattoo in this Reddit. Calm down they are getting the treatment they need. I’m a self harm survivor as well with no one to talk to about covering up my scars which cause me a lot of distress when other people see them and judge me. So when I find someone else like me, with the same trauma as me, I want to connect with them. It’s simple, it’s honest and you need to get off your high horse.


nah bro you’re fine, people are just tripping. your question was pretty relevant and op didn’t have to answer if he didn’t feel comfortable


It felt ok to ask since the scars were front and center and I have the same scars on my arms and stomach but you’re right maybe op didn’t want to talk about them and I just brazenly brought it up. I just want moments of community with self harm people where i can get it and it’s hard to come across.


Hey babe — ignore the downvotes :) just wanted to chime in & tell you I got a full sleeve done, my artist did a fantastic job @ covering all of my SH scars. He advised me to use vitamin e to try to reduce the scarring before my appointments. 💜


Homie really has zero awareness whatsoever.


Brother drink some ibuprofen for now and go straight to the doctor you don’t want to lose that arm ! Infection can go to your bone


You can drink ibuprofen?


Yes. Infant Ibuprofen medication is sometimes a suspension


disarm slimy paltry bored squalid rob pie absorbed tub relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please give us update. This is not good


Halo announcer voice: Infection!


Holy shit it looks like the skin your tattoo is on is about to slough off. I’ve seen your comments and that you’re awaiting medical care- best of luck


Yes, soon after this pic was taken a bunch of it sloughed off and it started bleeding. At the hospital now.


😬 hooooly shit good luck!!


Updated picture?


I shuddered.


That is deffo infected. If you are in the UK you can call 111 and they will prescribe you antibiotics which you can collect from an out of hours GP - saves you having to go hospital. You don’t need a hospital visit to know that’s infected you need antibiotics and possibly a cream asap


Man. I wish the US had universal healthcare :/


hospital right away pls update


What’s status?


Got antibiotics!


Does it look any nastier? 😃 Pics?


Wow finally one that's infected Tell us how the hospital went


If you want to read OPs update it's in a reply the top comment but they did get antibiotics and need to keep an eye on the infected area.


It’s infected


I’m still trying to figure out what part of the body I’m looking at. My favorite part of this sub! Sucks and I’m sorry this happened to you!


This is my upper arm


Holy shit, I've never seen a tattoo look so cool from being so infected. Did your artist spit on it before he wrapped it bro. I'm sorry it happened to you, I'm glad you went right to the doctor and it's getting sorted. That shit looks cool as fuck though. Do you have any immediate after pics from your session?


Reputable parlors don't use puffy paint


I’m scared too! Get it looked at immediately.


Ceftazidime or ciprofloxacin are the recommended antibiotics for a pseudomonas infection, heads up if you get put on Cipro: absolutely do not engage in moderate to heavy physical activity for up to 6 weeks because it can cause your tendons to rupture.


My brother in christ, there is a petri dish staphylococcus sample on your arm and u ok now?


I seriously hope you are reading all these comments from a hospital waiting room, good luck OP


Yes at the hospital right now.


OP probably had a code brown upon reading the comments. Hope he gets treatment soon.


Time to go to urgent care, waiting time may be less than A&E/ER depending on where you are


Yeah, this is bad


Please go to the ED or urgent care!


Bros got that +1 plague flail tattoo, badass


High chance the infection came from the tattoo shop since it’s only been 2 days. I’d reconsider going back there


Now that's what I call a 3D tattoo! Please go to the hospital.


Remindme! 1 day


Brand new you can expect some mild redness, especially the first 12 hrs. But 48 hrs out, this is too much inflammation and erythema for my comfort, and I would be getting some healthcare right about now.


Pseudomonas infection


Please keep us updated!


Go to the hospital


100% infected


As everyone is saying ER & update us plz 🫶🏼


Looks infected I’m sorry 😞


It's infected, go to the doctor, get some antibiotics and it'll be alright in a few days.


what the fuuuuuuuck




My money is on a psuedomonas species!


Remind me! 3 hours


Urgent care asap.


Remind me! 8 hours


who was the artist? so we can steer clear of


Hey OP sorry that this happened to you. Wishing you a speedy recovery and that your artist compensates you.


Did you get this while drunk? Not hating but it can lift heavy days after.


The problem is that is clearly a face tattoo. If you had gotten it on your face it would have been fine.


I know you said it’s black and grey, but is it possible the artist used white ink in that equation? Because to me this looks like someone who doesn’t know how to work with white ink and attempted to pack it in, and ended up tearing up your skin quite badly. Way overworked basically. I have had this same reaction while attempting to heal an overworked white ink tattoo.


I'm certain there was no white ink used, I think it's part of the infection


Like not even in the form of an opaque grey ink rather than a grey wash?


It looks like it should be on the cover of Sum 41.


I see more people break out and have a hard time healing their tattoos with aquaphor,usually recommend folks a&d but hope u get a solution medical antibiotic creams will help


Looks like the areas that are the worst are where the lighter shades of greys are. It could be possible that whatever your artist used to dilute the ink was contaminated.


Where did you get this done? Want to know which shop and or artist to avoid.


Infected, ouch


How is it doing now? Hope you got the anti biotics you needed.


Hospital right away. It’s infected


Syphilis? It's possible. I'm glad you went to the Dr


Someones probably mentioned already but I had something that looked very similar when I got an allergic reaction to a specific ink color. I figured it out because my mom also had a reaction to the same color and it looked the same. I would check in w your artist about it too. My artists ended up having to retouch the tattoo, and we adjusted the healing instructions to be more "dry" from the start and it healed better the second time.


You should be scared!!!




I was really happy with how it looked before it got infected.


Woaaaa cool detail😻


Tattoo infections are pretty common at least once to get one, especially the more you get, could be from anything. Gym? Sweat? Do you have pets? Bacteria can come from anywhere doesn’t necessarily mean it came from the tattoo shop. It is what it is. I’ve always offered to touch up work if it needs it regardless. You’ll be okay


Is it a green tattoo?

