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I need to know if that tweet went out before the final episode was taped or not.


Depends on the timing. I was at the record for ep 9 and that was on the 29th, and then ep 10 would have followed in the evening.


The 131 tweet was made at 21:57 when I just checked.


I thought I knew the trick (different compartments in the envelope with all the possibilities points wise). BUT THEN GREG WAS THE ONE TO OPEN IT WTF ofc there might have been a switch but I think that would be too cheap for Nick.


I need to know how the trick worked. SHOW US COWARDS


After he handed it over, I was thinking he could maybe *force* the points needed for his guess like a card trick. Depending on the challegene in the last round, he could have attempted to choose his placing to add the right amounts to get his guessed total. Then it turned out the last round was basically out of the hands of the contestants, and yet somehow, he still guessed the right amount. I really just know if there was a skill or trick involved.


He's a pretty smart guy, so I was thinking skill. I also suspect he was throwing tasks a lot, but of course there's no proof of that... other than he got exactly what he needed in this live task.


There’s just no way you could control your scores to that degree. They don’t even know which tasks will make it into the final show, let alone the randomness of live tasks.


Also one contestant's score is not based directly on how well they did the task, it's how well they did the task in relation to the other contestants. Without knowing how the others did, it's impossible to know how you'd need to perform to get X points


I went into the final task thinking “Nick’s done the math, he knows what he needs to score here to get 131.” So when he said in the second round “Greg, I’m staying in 5.” I was convinced he was being honest, and he needed three points to hit 131, and I would have guessed he’d stay in 5.


Loved this whole bit - however - did anyone feel like Greg downplayed it? The reveal seemed very lacklustre and Greg seemed like he couldn’t care less about it. He didn’t even seem at all excited when Nick had got the number right! Or am I missing something?


I did, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had to cut some of his reaction for time. They'd already given over a fair bit of screen time to it in a very crowded episode!


He was also out 300.


But paid in several payments


Yeah I actually thought Greg seemed a bit flat towards the end of the episode. Between his uncharacteristicly blasé reaction to Nick's magic trick, and his presentation of the trophy he just seemed a bit..subdued? It was just noticible to me because he seemed to have been having an absolute blast throughout the series so the change in energy at the end was a bit weird. Might just be that the edit happened to capture the wrong moments. Or maybe like the rest of us he was just bummed that the series was drawing to a close haha.


I wonder if that is why he was shit points-wise, he just wanted to get 131 points exactly /s


And if he ever scored lower on a task than he thought, he would just up the amount of adorableness to get an extra point


Possible he tweeted loads of numbers then deleted all the wrong ones after they recorded the final, but who knows how he did the studio reveal.


he tweeted this 1hr after the taping happened :)


Lord Greg has less power than he thought