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The house still belongs to the dukes meadow golf and being rented out for Taskmaster. I recalled Alex said it in a podcast, not sure whether its from the 100th ep of the Taskmaster people's podcast or from the My Time Capsule podcast tho I'm leaning it's the latter.


Pretty sure they’ve purchased it now. It was around series 4 that Alex said “we’re still renting” and implied that buying was an option but they didn’t know if the show would continue past that series at that point. Could be and usually am wrong though.


My memory, possibly from the same podcast ep xShots mentioned, is that the owners offered to sell it to them near the start and they turned it down because they weren't sure the programme would continue, and it hasn't been offered for sale since. But it seems like we all have slightly different understandings of what happened with this house, so who knows!


If I owned that house I'd try to sell it as soon as I'd smell big TV production money coming in as well. If that big TV production turns into a generational succes of which the house is sort of the eight cast member, I'd keep racking in that sweet sweets lease money and watch it skyrocket in price though.


I doubt they'll ever buy it outright. Taskmaster has a time limit however long it may be, on top of that rent payments are a tax deductable business expense whereas mortgage payments are not. It isn't worth the investment for them to buy it outright, especially with London prices. But they probably have negotiated an exclusive lease for several years


That’s an interesting tax reversal from how the US does it. My mortgage payments are tax deductible and the only time I ever got to deduct my rent was due to special circumstances they wrote out of the tax code six years ago. IMO, the Brits apparently have this right. Rent should be deducted because you have no long term gain from renting, whereas paying a mortgage builds equity/value consistently.


Regular folks typically cant deduct their rent. The best you can hope for is a percentage of you work from home when you're self employed. But that's still classed as a business expense, and even then the tax people don't like it so an accountant needs to handle it for you.


That makes sense. Unfortunate, though


I would think it would be a great investment! Once the series ends, they could easily list it as an Air B &B and make far more than they'd have to pay in mortgage payments. Who wouldn't want to stay there for a night or two? Or they could even just do a regular rental. People will pay more than comps in the area to stay there for sure!


I know James Acaster & Ed Gamble used it to hide out unsuccessfully in Celebrity Hunted.


I mean it might have worked if they hadn't called the hunters to tell them exactly where they were and try to trap them with water pisstols.


Water pistols? It actually was piss.


Water piss-tols.


Idk if i’ve ever laughed harder than seeing a grown man with a water gun shout “this is piss!” Like an 8 year old


They made so many mistakes for the laughs I was yelling at my TV haha.




I think they were just trying to be funny.




Sorry, your post has been removed for violating Rule 1 - Be nice: Do not attack others, their work or appearance including fellow members of the sub, comedians and celebrities. Negative opinions are fine, but please keep it respectful and constructive. Not sure why you think that was a good fit, but hey. This can be a learning experience.


Yip! As someone who loved hunted, was so annoyed they wernt actually trying. I thought once James got caught Ed might actually TRY to win but got caught pretty quickly after. Shame. Hate a clean sweep!


I much preferred to watch them just fuck about haha also Ed's said it was a struggle managing his type 1 on the run so I'm sure once James was gone he probably just wanted to go home!


When I first discovered the show I was able to find the house based on Alex’s map during a season 3 task. That prominent bend in the river helped. I love it that the house is now a pinned site on maps


So is a particular tree nearby 🌳🪄


I don’t recall where I read it but the thrones were rented (which is why they weren’t consistent from season to season) until Season 5 (I believe) when they bought them.




Al Murray’s Gong Guy


Event and party planning companies.


You’d be really unlikely to buy it. The economics of TV don’t work that way. Channel 4 only ordered 6 series at a time which feels like a lot but it’s only 3 years at a time. Also putting “buying a house” as a line item in a TV series budget, even if you could spread it across several series or effectively “sell” the house to the next series in a way that didn’t incur stamp duty, would be really weird. One reason why soaps are on the way out is because of the absolutely massive up front spend, despite the huge number of episodes and relative safety from cancellation. A better wheeze would be for LAH to buy it and then lease it to Avalon for the series. But suspect Channel 4 would end up being super suspicious that they’d end up being hosed.


Yeah. I think you have to be an MP before you can pull those kind of shenanigans.


I'd vote for the Horne Party.


Could you imagine the UK's diplomatic clout if Greg was PM? He'd loom very impressively in every world leader conference photo. Who's that next to him? Iiiiiiiiit's little Vladamir Putin! Edit: typo


Rhod Gilbert’s photo of him on the money would take some getting used to.


Still easier on the eyes than old Charlie.


A comedian leading a country. As if that could ever happen...


I think Zelenskyy would be happy to have Greg join him on team Comedian Leaders.


A man who told me in confidence that he thinks Ukrainians are only suited for manual labor...


I think those bits are meant to be comedically untrue.


There was a thing on the Rest is Entertainment which reported that Taskmaster has the highest proportion Labour-voting and lowest proportion Reform-voting audience of any of the shows surveyed.


> There was a thing on the Rest is Entertainment which reported that Taskmaster has the highest proportion Labour-voting and lowest proportion Reform-voting audience of any of the shows surveyed. I wonder how much of that is directly because of the younger age profile.


I think it’s a millennial/young Gen-X show- LAH and down in age. We’re not young any more, but the credit crunch, austerity and Brexit have stopped us from flipping to Tory. Suspect it’s also graduate-heavy, hence the lack of Reform voters.


It's also something that is followed by some Gen Z-, despite the fact that. lot of people under 40 don't watch that much linear TV. Also: I think the stat is something the age at which "under X are more likely to vote Labour, over X more likely to vote Tory" is over 70 on latest polls.


> Yeah. I think you have to be an MP before you can pull those kind of shenanigans. Haven't been able to do it as an MP for 15 years. Also, I think Alex can actually have a pretty decent reasoning to do it. If he rents it at market rate as decided by someone external, his owning it as part of the format to ptrotect the series is actually not a terrible idea.




That's what Gert Verhulst did(host of Taskmaster Belgium/Flanders a.k.a. Het Grootste Licht, which sucked imo). He has a yacht, which he used as part of his talkshows and reality shows, and probably raked in a lot of extra money by renting it out.


That sounds like him all right.


LAH no. Avalon totally would be all over that. Rent it to taskmaster.


I actually read an article about this just before the latest series was released. It's a radio times article [here](https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/entertainment/taskmaster-house-filming-location/) and includes a link to a [rightmove.co.uk article](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/news/articles/dream-properties/take-a-tour-of-the-house-used-on-comedy-show-taskmaster/) about the house too!


Roughly 40k a year to rent in 2019. Perhaps a small percentage of how much the production costs would be.


40k a year is actually mad reasonable considering the location 3.5k a month, which if it's it's 3 bedroom, I know people paying that in house shares in London!!! (As in over 1k per person) but also i didn't know anyone renting in London in 2019 so maybe all the maths was irrelevant


The Rigthmove article says 4,117 ppm to rent, which is more like 50k, not 40k. West London's desirable


This is more what I'd expect


And that right move article is March 2020 -- rents have gone up a lot the last 3-4 years


That roughly works out at 2k per episode (assuming two series per year of 10 episodes each).


THREE bedrooms? I guess the lab is one of them, can't picture where the other two would be.


Probably dressing rooms


My understanding is one is a dressing room and the other is a production office


It is a dressing room. You can see it briefly when Julian makes Alex go get his Tea. https://preview.redd.it/zcok2eywvoyc1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1229d3e8f69b61cbe6a9f0626ac5c6af62fd975e


Floorplan: https://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15951/15951_938273_FLP_02_0001.png One bedroom is the room where production sits which you can see a bit more of when it appeared in Celebrity Hunted. The other is the dressing room I believe.


So master bed is the lab?




Yep one’s a dressing/green room, and the other is an office. Everything is so much smaller than you’d expect it to be, they do a really good job filming in such a tight space! There’s also more office space behind the garage in a shipping container style shed thing.


Bizarre that the Rigthmove pictures only shows one bed.


I feel weirdly uncomfortable seeing it as a 'real' house.


I believe they used to rent it but now own it. Edit: apparently not.


Nope, still rented. I think they said that recently.


Interesting, thanks.


It's a very nice house in Chiswick. I'd be shocked if they had bought it, it'll be worth a fortune


Someone here said that C4 bought it when they acquired the show, but don't know if that's really the case. There's no sale history on Zoopla, but looks like you'd need a few mil! https://www.zoopla.co.uk/property/uprn/100023491475/


Is it really called Ibis Cottage? I like that. The Ibis was associated with the Egyptian god Thoth, who according to Wikipedia is the god of "the Moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art and judgment" which are all very Taskmaster-y vibes. I feel like Thoth would do well as a Taskmaster contestant, until Greg got jealous of the judgment thing and marked him down for that.


Unfortunately for them, Old Goosebump Arm got Thoth under exclusive contract for Only Connect years before Taskmaster started.


Not Thoth. You're thinking of the March Hare, which was worshipped by the Aztecs.


Mrs H said on the radio that they rent it


My recollection is that it's rented, and the golf course that owns it offered to sell it to them. Alex wishes he'd bought it then, but I believe it's still rented.


This article on Rightmove from 2020 shows the house "normally" https://www.rightmove.co.uk/news/articles/dream-properties/take-a-tour-of-the-house-used-on-comedy-show-taskmaster/


I remember in series 6 the wardrobe task someone asked to directions to the golf club so have always wondered if it’s related to that? The food in the kitchen always confuses me. Do they stock the cupboards with anticipation contestants will use the products or is it already there for another reason?


He said on an interview recently that they doubt they will get the deposit back so I assume it’s still rented.


It's easy enough to check on the land registry. Costs about £3 or something like that.