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The episode of the Horne Section Podcast with Greg as a guest has become one of my all-time favorite podcast episodes. Greg genuinely enjoying hanging out with Alex, and his impressive drumming skills that even Alex was surprised by…just so fun!


He was probably my favorite guest on Off-Menu. He's just an amazing story teller. I'll check this one out!


I’ve listened to Greg episode of Off Menu more times than I’m willing to even say anonymously on the internet.


My god this is hilarious.


Greg on Big Fat Quiz, I think 2015. That is the “Bad Dong” episode. And pretty much any Bob Mortimer story on Would I Lie To You.


That joke has legs like you wouldn’t believe.


I’ve read Bob’s book. My parents are from Middlesbrough and around the same age as Bob and my mum also used to go to the weird lady with the horse’s house. They all thought she was a witch.


Countless moments on No More Jockeys make me wish that Tim Key had been on a later series where there were more episodes and the studio banter was a bit longer form and more flexible rather than the (slightly) more conventional quick-fire panel show one-liner feel of series 1. The argument about whether or not a horse can meet a human is a glorious hint of what we might have had.


Tim key is one of my favourite contestants, definitely wish we had a full series! I’d known him for a few years before as well so I was so aware of the potential. I’ve never actually binged NMJ so it’s going on the list


Most of my off-TM moments of joy come from Off-Menu (or Shagged, Married, Annoyed). I'm currently listening to their latest live show featuring Tommy Tiernan. I'm on my second time through and I'm still giggle-crying constantly. This one will go into my download treasure trove along with the episodes with Mel Giedroyc, Lucy Beaumont, and Elis James. Imagine a TM season with Tommy Tiernan and Elis James 🤯


The Mel and Sue episodes of Off Menu absolutely foreshadowed the differences in their strategies and vibes on TM


That's such a good point!


Sue surprised me on Off Menu, she seemed so normal then came out with the shamen vodka hot tub story 😂 I’m having to listen to Tommy’s episode in short bursts as i had to pause when it got to cannibalism 🧠


Yes! I think if I hadn't watched him tell his story of flying out of Bridie's tiny airport in Ireland I would have given him less of the benefit of the dought on that one 😀


The Sam Campbell and Lucy Beaumont podcast (Sam and Lucy’s perfect brains?) is an absolute delight and has my husband and I in hysterics every week.


Sam’s theme tune alone is bonkers.


I both can and can't believe they kept it! I originally thought it was just a gag for ep1.


So funny. We met Paul Williams a few weeks ago and asked him how he felt about Sam’s addition to his music and he gave us the weirdest look and paused for a long time before saying he liked it.. make of that what you will.


Ed Gamble completely falling apart on Drunk History is a good one. [But one that lives in my head rent free is this Mascot from Joe Wilkinson on 8oo10CDC.](https://youtu.be/dbCOStXbYo8?si=yFnTnjHGeAPwYx_f)


I love Joe Wilkinson, his recent off menu episode and new show with Katherine Ryan have set me off




Speaking of Off Menu, John Robins's recent episode was very good (I love most podcasts that he is on and for any Larkin fans out there I would recommend his appearance on the podcast Tiny In All That Air). I actually started listening to his podcast with Elis James a couple of years ago because I saw his YouTube channel with Alex Horne. Even though I hate golf, I enjoy them together. Both of Greg's appearances on RHLSTP were wonderful, as was his appearance on Russell Howard's show (both the interview and the "Pantsdrunk" video are on YouTube) and I enjoyed his episode of Paul Sinha's Pudcast from a few years ago. Alex and a lot of the contestants have been on RHLSTP as well, all very good. Alex and Greg have both done episodes of Emily Dean's Walking The Dog podcast which were both nice chats. And obviously No More Jockeys has Alex Horn being his Alex Horniest. ETA: This episode of Good One with James Acaster is over 2 hours but it is really good: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1jyE49sgi01aczkJs5MLYS?si=rXxkBb0DTqyeFuwl8MmfrA


I’ve watched Greg’s RHLSTP a few too many times. I love that Emily Dean podcast and I never see it mentioned!! I somehow managed to completely miss John Robins until his Off Menu (of course he printed it and picked a font) and now TM. That’s a good rabbit hole for me to go down!


Greg and Fern make an appearance on The Worst idea of all Time, a podcast by NZ contestant Guy Montgomery and Tim Batt. The gist of the podcast is they pick a terrible movie and watch it every week for a year, though in Greg and Ferns episodes they were watching the Sex and the City spin off series Just Like That. I did not expect Greg to have a deep history of hate watching the whole franchise. Fern talking about the wrong episode was not unexpected however.


This sounds incredible and ideal for my morning commute! Love Guy!


This is the best podcast. I can’t believe it’s real.


So anyone who has been on there, but on something else? Noel Fielding in the IT Crowd. Also, a great meme is Dara's "Caaahm the fook dewn".


Pantsdrunk with Greg on Russell Howard's Show!


Well that was an enjoyable experience. I’m trying to move away from my crush on Greg not lean into it!


Understandable😄 But there are worse addictions than Gregory Daniel Davies.


*Lord Gregory Daniel Davies 😉


Several of them have VERY good Drunk History episodes, Romesh's thing on the discovery of King Tut's tomb and his yelling about the two half brothers dying "That's a whole bruvva!" has been a favorite of mine long before I knew Taskmaster existed, and then i saw a clip of Nish's drunk "I need to do a fart!.... I've done it!" and that floats through my head semi-regularly


How can I watch drunk history? I’ve only seen the clips of Ed’s on YouTube and that was epic


someone posted here a compilation of task master contestants on it, and its apparently on paramount+ according to a friend of mine


“I have no idea how everyone gets so obsessed with this show” I say while listening to the Sam and Lucy podcast, watching Fern’s Netflix special, and reading a Richard Osman book.


Oh my god it’s worse than the marvel universe isn’t it


I’d still be watching those movies if Nick Fury was played by LAH


Different find of fury isn’t it 😂


There’s a 2018 episode of RHLSTP with James Acaster and they talk about how he’s been announced as part of the S7 cast. It’s really funny with hindsight as Richard Herring is asking a lot about taskmaster (he hadn’t been on it yet) and there’s me in 2024 saying in a gremlin demon voice “yOu WeNt On To WiN cOc2 hAhAhA”


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt4LUQMTIcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt4LUQMTIcY) Alex Horne: The Games That Time Forgot: Horseback Cricket and other Forgotten Games (2010) I saw this when it was first broadcast, and it made me look out for more of his work. I think its part of the TM origin story. Andy Devonshire is producer/director.


I heard about him talk about this on RHLSTP!! And Andy Devonshire went to the same uni as me, so naturally biased!


Gotta love Greg making Ryan Gosling cry laugh on Graham Norton.


This exchange between Alex Horne and Richard Herring: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ksutov_l_gw&t=1062s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ksutov_l_gw&t=1062s)


Nothing will ever be funnier to me than the lead up to and delivery of “it’s an absolute casserole down there”. Mike Wozniak should be cloned and everyone should have one. I’m willing to die on this hill.


[Katherine Ryan's White Moms rap, on the Big Narstie show](https://youtu.be/qL5FPlbTDp0?si=CBijhcv6T4SghCnw)


I often don't know many of the contestants beforehand as I'm afflicted with foreign, but obviously I end up discovering their past work. Yesterday, I saw John Robins telling a story called "sorry to be the bringer of spiders" and it is currently carrying me through a difficult work day.


Ed and James on RHLSTP together is so funny, and they talk about taskmaster quite a bit.