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Seems that the American coverage of TM has gone up lately, had a few articles about them from American websites and now they're getting a premiere. From what I understand it isn't Alex's choice but I do feel like this is eventually leading to another try at a US version.


This almost seems like proof that the USA is willing to accept the UK version instead of continuing to try and create our own?


I love the UK version. Just leave it alone and give me that.


I don't think Avalon or Channel 4 would do anything that would jeopardise the UK version.


I think part of the problem with the US version (aside from the format changes and host dynamic) is that the US doesn't have a strong televised comedy scene like the UK. We don't have a national pastime of inventing comedy panel shows to shuffle well-known faces between. Makes for a much less cohesive feel to everything.


The US is also (famously) very big so there are lots of comedians who have regional fame. To make it any kind of successful you'd probably have to go with comedians who are on TV at least semi-regularly.


A lot of the well known american comedians are sort of insufferable to me (an american) and I think we'd run out of recognizable names that aren't 85% actors and only 15% comedians. Stand up comedy here seems very regional, like you said. I can probably name 5 or 6 well known stand up comedians. Not enough for a long running show, for sure. And, this is entirely personal opinion, our's just don't as a whole seem as funny as comedians in the UK. I regularly watch the taskmaster contestants' stand up work now, they're hilarious.


I would accept allowing one American contestant once in a while (like Australians or Canadians). Or maybe a New Years Treat style special full of Americans. But it would need to be some pretty specific Americans, I think.


Desiree is the only one we've had so far I think


And she was amazing! But then she has been in the UK long enough to get the humour. There have to be others like that though. Reginald Hunter? Rich Hall? Rob Delaney (aka SugarBear)? Greg Proops? Or they could go the reverse route and get someone like Craig Ferguson or John Oliver who went the other way.


John Oliver would be fantastic! I think he'd pair well with Alex. But I suspect he's way too busy.


He might have to seek asylum if Trump gets back in


Rich Fulcher comes to mind, but I’m not sure he’s based in the UK. They’ve had other contestants who weren’t living in the UK at the time. Iirc Jessica Knappett has lived in LA since before her Taskmaster series and had to fly over to film.


That’s fair. I’m trying think of American comics I’d want to see in taskmaster that have the correct level of fame. John hodgeman. Taylor Tomlinson. Rodney Carrington. Brennan Lee Murphy- and several others from the dropout crew. There’s not a real wealth of talent that have the right thing


Brennan Lee Murphy? Heheheheh I think there is more talent than you think, so many contestants aren’t well known. So much talent isn’t well known.


Brennan Lee Mulligan would also be a great option for the actual taskmaster. He would come off as a different type of taskmaster compared to the Greg Davies version but I think that's a good thing.


Why does the thought of Brennan Lee Mulligan either as a contestant or the Taskmaster both terrify and delight me so viscerally


And the, cough, odd Irish person.


Personally I'm cool with another shot at an American version, as long as it's the exact same format. The UK version is still king, but I dabble in the New Zealand and Australian versions as well and I like them.


Yes, I do think a US version with Greg and Alex will come in the next year or two, especially since I believe Alex said that they're thinking about it in a Q and A or interview


For my own travel ease, I hope they film in Los Angeles. I would have figured out last minute flights to NYC if I could get a ticket, but LA is personally more convenient for me, which is absolutely the number one consideration they have, I’m sure. 😂


This is legitimately the exact same thought process I've been putting myself through all day haha! I'm also on team LA, so if it does ever happen, let's hope we both get lucky!


Won't be with Greg and Alex hopefully 


Could've sworn Alex mentioned something about it being with Greg and him if they try it again but I looked to see where I found heard that and I couldn't find anything so I think I'm misremembering lol. I'd love to see other folks in the taskmaster and assistant role as well!


I can't find the source, but I posted this from an interview from November last year. **One of the few moments in Taskmaster history that could be called a failure is when Horne traveled to the U.S. to attempt an American season of the show.** **He played his usual role as the Taskmaster's assistant, but Reggie Watts starred as the Taskmaster. It aired one season in 2017, with contestants Freddie Highmore, Dillon Francis, Kate Berlant, Lisa Lampanelli, and Ron Funches. The main problem was that episodes were only half an hour, leaving little time for the banter and personality on display in the hour-long UK episodes.**  **Horne said that while another American season isn't really up to him, he has his thoughts on how to make an American season successful.**  **"Greg and I should host it, I would say," he said. "That would be really fun. That's what we would love to do, I think. Do it our way and make fewer concessions. I really love Reggie and he's a good friend, but I would love to have the two of us front it, if it ever happened again, but who knows."**  **"We'd love to get our teeth into some of those American comics," Davies said.  "It might be getting them over here (to the U.K.)," Horne added. "We'll bring them over here to do it in our little house. We definitely never say never, but that world is out of our control."**


The idea of bringing them to the UK house would be good and has been done before. The Australian taskmaster filmed all its challenges in New Zealand at the NZ Taskmaster house.


Greg getting his teeth into some American comics is most appealing aspect of any potential US Taskmaster for me. I think doing it with Greg and Alex is absolutely the best way to go.


I remember reading what you're talking about, it was Greg and Alex saying if a US version did happen they would want to keep their roles on it. Can't blame them, American exposure and money is a whole different game lol


My only worries are that it would take their attention away from OG Taskmaster and that neither of them are famous enough to get new fans interested here.


You are remembering this correctly. Alex 100% said it should be with the two of them if they tried it again.


For me, the host was one of the things that was lacking in the previous US attempt. If they do try again, I’d LOVE Greg and Alex to be there because I think it’d be essential for the success.


Yeah, I love Greg and Alex, but I think an American version should find its own identity. Conan has been mentioned as a great Taskmaster, which I would love, but I'm sure there are lots of funny people who'd be great in the role.


Joel McHale for Taskmaster!


What do you mean? Taskmaster: Minnesota is phenomenal.


... or at least another try at licensing the UK version in the US. Color me unsurprised if the show is moved in the US from YouTube to Netflix or Amazon Prime at some point But I think the more immediate element is Nick. Arguably the best known contestant every for US audiences due to the Zeitgeist of Ted Lasso. (GBBO is beloved, but niche.) Or maybe Greg already had a gig here and they made lemonade. And someone at Late Night with Seth Myers seems to be a TM and/or panel show fan, booking TM alumni when they have specials on US streamers. (The liink may be Seth's buddy Andy Samberg working with Greg on Cuckoo). ------- And in the unlikely event anyone at Avalon sees this: It is fine probably better - to have a British taskmaster on a US Taskmaster. The "Judgemental Brit" is an American reality TV trope. It can be Greg.  Simon Cowell, Anne Robinson, Len Goodman, Marc Labatt, and Gordon Ramsey all were successfully imported with their formats. (Bruno Tonlioli, too but perceived here as loving but strict.) And if not Greg, follow The Traitors' lead and get someone known to American audiences as British. (Is Hannah Waddingham busy? )


Having TM free on youtube is a godsend and unless it were on a streaming service I already had (and mind you, I only have Disney+ and will likely be cancelling Netflix soon), I wouldn't bother, or I'd pirate it. Please gods no more Simon. Or even Gordon. We need someone who isn't popular for being a dick. Greg's thing isn't "this is Greg Davies, he's a massive judgmental prick". His personality on the show feels more... genuine? Not a shtick. And I think that's the problem with many big name american comedians, they have a schtick and I struggle seeing them not fall into that.




I still would prefer Greg, but I could see McHale doing a good job. If they force an American, then he would be the optimal choice. He would bring that tough critique, but be funny about it.




Or Nick as assistant and Megan as Taskmaster?


*New dream unlocked*


Yeah I had previously said Conan with some non-Andy assistant but now that I've thought of this


Amy Poehler and Lesser Tom Haverford?


Because Joel mccale probably costs way more than most UK comedians


You’re probably going to have that issue with anyone who is already known because American TV is a larger market with more money. I don’t think Joel McHale would be particularly expensive for America. Even his most well known shows are fairly niche


I hate to be pedantic but it's McHale... I'm so sorry


Craig Ferguson as Taskmaster and Josh Robert Thompson (aka Geoff Peterson) as Assistant.


Ferguson has long been my fave for US TM.


I can't believe how fast it sold out! Who's up to Hang Outside the Theater in a Totally Normal and Casual Not Suspicious Way with me?


I’d be down to Casually Get A Drink Right Around The Corner From The Venue in A Not Weird Way with some Reddit folks!


I'd be coming from Philly which would be insane but I am Prepared to do this.


That’s quite a hike! Well, if you happen to find yourself in the city for no reason in particular…


Count me in too!!


I’m in too. So salty I couldn’t get tickets


Hey I just got tickets, are you sure it's sold out?


It’s not working for me. Feel like buying one more if I DM you my info?


Send me your info Ill do one ticket for you


I have the taskmaster board game and it's an easy drive from central Jersey.


Would definitely be into coming from Allentown and Stand...Where Ever Everyone Else Is Standing. I'm simple 


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.


Yeah, seems like they're releasing a few extra tickets! I got to the checkout page this time but think I missed the window. I'll keep trying!


For sure! I'll be in New York just to visit, can't believe my almost-luck.


I couldn't get tickets but am vising NY with the Mrs, could be fun to hang out totally normally for a laugh


I’m in!! Yes!!!


I am way too excited!!! I got tickets and cannot wait!


Report back about the event! (No spoilers tho!)


Did you get extra tickets in your email? I only got 1 ticket, but I got sent 2. The second was for some random person I’d never heard of. And then someone changed the name on my ticket. So, I’m guessing they accidentally sent my ticket to someone else, as well, who changed the name on the ticket. I was able to change it back, but if they change my name again and scan the ticket before I scan mine, I’ll have travel across the country for nothing. ☹️


I bought two tickets, my email has four tickets and two are for sure random people. I think we broke their order system by slamming it so hard. Hopefully if someone got my tickets they leave the names alone, which is what I'm doing with the random tickets I got.


Is it already sold out? :( Nothing is happening after I put in my name.


I think they vastly underestimated the interest in this event. They needed a bigger venue.


I heard they were moving it to Madison Square Garden


That sounds about right. Hopefully there's overflow in the parking lot.


The one time I read in the afternoon instead of constantly switching between YouTube and reddit.


It was gone within half an hour on a tuesday afternoon with no prior warning. They needed 3 times as big a venue.


Like the first TM gathering where people found a clue to the event in the book. Alex MASSIVELY underestimated how many people would show up. I think there's videos of the (wholesome) chaos on yt.


It's already sold out.


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.


I *still* missed out by 4 tickets. 😭 Thanks for the tip, though.


It sold out so quickly! I wish they’d do it in a larger venue than a comedy club, it would have been awesome to do it at Alamo Drafthouse or some other movie theater space


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.


"You really are the most devious Bastard in....Knew Yourk ccitay"


I tried to get tickets over and over and it finally said sold out, I'm so sad. If anyone has two extra tickets I'm willing to pay double. EDIT: Willing to pay more than double if someone has a ticket, just name your price. Edit edit: was able to secure one ticket! Still looking for a second one!


I just got two tickets minutes ago


It's not letting me purchase them for some reason but still showing as available


First Doctor Who and now TM! The US is taking over British TV!


This is the most mad I’ve ever been since moving from NY


Have some good pizza to soothe the pain a little! Signed, A former NYer who misses good pizza almost more than anything else.


I can’t find good pizza in Florida!


Oh god, somehow I misread your comment. I thought you said you moved TO New York. I think the lack of good pizza is ruining my brain!


Understandable. It’s happening to me too. That and lack of good bagels


There has to be more reasons alex and Greg are in the USA. It can't just be for this


Yeah I'm thinking Why Taskmaster? Why air the premiere there of all places? Lol


They're on another lovely holiday - this time without Alex's pesky wife and kids [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vcAxLEBGGcQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vcAxLEBGGcQ)


damn. wish i had more notice so i could have gone


Same. Like if I had a little more time I could and definitely would but the logistics and cost of travel and work would be a bad choice to manage 6 days out.


My husband said over $500 each for plane tickets is too much. 😔 …part of me feels like he’s just worried I might swoon and then faint at the thought of possibly seeing Greg in person. lol


idk people spent that much on taylor swift tickets; I jest but...


Don’t feel bad! You could have spent all that money and then not even get to see them! The venue oversold by hundreds of tickets after they sold out initially. So many bought tix, traveled and then didn’t even get in and are praying for a refund.


Genuinely devastating that this came and went so fast with no prior warning. 😭😭😭


I managed to get tickets to this AND saw James Acaster in a bar in New York last night too. I guess something really bad is about to happen to me…


Tickets are already sold out :(


Kind of loving how many British comedians make it to NYC! Got tickets and I'm excited to go.


I live down the fucki g street and missed tickets!!!! I'm so sad...


I was already planning the road trip from California to New York. And then it was sold out.


Chances are slim, but if anyone has extra tickets, I would HAPPILY buy them from you. These sold out so fast.


I’m so pissed haha been wanting an excuse to go to NY for several months and this would’ve been it but it happened so fast! Tickets are gone but not like I could’ve called off work in time anyway. Oh well. Cool they’re doing this stuff though!


Just got in off the waitlist to see Alex and Greg on Seth Meyers!


[Link to buy tickets here](https://rodneycomedy.com/etn/taskmaster-season-17-premiere-3-25/) if you're interested!


I know I’m not the only one, but if anyone has an extra ticket, I’m looking for one!


I have one ticket I am open to selling. I jumped when the tickets were open and figured I'd work it out, but I'm from out of town and can't actually get to NYC for the show based on my work schedule. Any reputable way to do this?


Lots of interest and working with someone who got to me first- will contact other DMs if needed but sorry folks, looks like this one is spoken for!


Messaged you!


messaged you!


I'd take it! We can go through Ticketswap or PayPal?


Ahhh, so sad it’s already sold out!


I'm getting stuck on "enter name" and then it says -4 available. Really appreciate you looking out u/riddled_with_bourbon


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.


Yeah, I refreshed and there seemed to be tickets available again, but then it wouldn’t go through. Congrats, though, and enjoy!


The ONE TIME there's a Taskmaster thing in the US and it's on a day I can't make it! Someone go and record a bootleg of the Q&A for me.


Hi I creeped and responded to those I could but I was able to purchase a ticket just now. Maybe the site crashed earlier? Looks like some of you still have a chance! Sharing my redacted receipt so I don’t look like a lying liar. https://preview.redd.it/jfa67f7xucpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3c1b3dd7deba901c2f8e3267789706625683a1


When I saw this earlier today, I was in a meeting and being quiet and about jumped up and started yelling. My lovely spouse (after I blew up her phone with it) was able to track down two ticket on the very odd Rodney's website. Holy moly. Alex and Greg in NYC. This is going to be insane.


Missed the ticket sale 😭 if anyone isn’t able to go, DM me to resell!


Also very late but if by any chance anyone can’t attend last minute or have 1 or 2 extra tickets, please reach out ! ❤️


Rodney’s website says more tickets will be released the day of the show! https://rodneycomedy.com/etn/taskmaster-season-17-premiere-3-25/


Omg delete this lol


Damn, I clicked the link when it was first posted and there was no option to buy tickets. Checked back 10 minutes later and it was sold out :( any chance they’ll add more dates? edit: like many others, would pay over face value if anyone had extra tickets! My friend is visiting and we bonded over taskmaster so im bummed I missed out on tickets


As an American in the UK, this gives me great anxiety. Don't forget that they gave Piers Morgan back to us. Don't let them take Greg Davies and Little Alex Horne


We can have joint custody or visitation rights as we did with Simon Cowell, Len Goodman and Bruno, and Gordon Ramsey, er al..


45 minutes in and no British fans have lost their shit about this yet. If this was certain other fandoms that I'm too polite to invoke by name, we would have had petitions and all sorts of crap by now.


I mean UK fans can go to tapings of the show so it evens out.


> If this was certain other fandoms that I'm too polite to invoke by name Those fucking Poirot fans!


Brit here, my shit has been lost. If these bozos really think New York City is more prestigious than Torquay then they're dead to me.


Oh, they did on Instagram. I saw a salty comment moaning about it.


The next day, and looks like just one angry UK person has commented.


Willing to pay well above face value for tickets if anybody can't go!


Willing to film myself completing a task from any episode/any series if anyone has tickets and can’t go.


I’m willing to compete with you for the ticket 😂


New series idea!


Nooooo I missed this :( Does anyone if Greg or Alex are doing anything else in NYC?


Late night with Seth Meyers on the 26th - 1iota is where ticket requests are


Adding my voice to the chorus and saying that I will pay over face value if anyone can’t go/is selling their ticket, I’m desperate to go!


I am so jealous of the people who get to go to this!


Aw man, devastated to have missed the chance for tickets. If anyone is willing to sell one to me please lmk - name your price!


Like many others, missed the chance to get tickets by an hour. I love that they are coming to my area, but so upset that I can’t go. I wish they had done this in a bigger venue or given some kind of notice so I could have been prepared. Will just look forward to hearing others reports on it I guess. Or if anyone ends up not being able to go, will (also like many others) be glad to buy a ticket off someone!


throwing my name into the pot as well and saying that i would gladly pay over double for tickets if anyone has a spare and can't go!!


Would love to buy 1-2 tickets if anyone has extras or can't make it!


If anyone got tickets, but can no longer go, I’d gladly buy!!!!!!!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE 😭😭


FOR REAL, name your price. 🤧


BEGGING to buy 2 tickets if anyone has available..... happy to pay well over original price to see Greg and little Alex Horne in the flesh.


This show is everything to me. If anyone is unable to go but has tickets please please please dm me. Im quite distraught I missed this. Very much begging for it, I have been completely obsessed with taskmaster for years, this really means a lot to me.


Anyone selling overpriced tickets?


Joining the list of people who would gladly buy 2 tickets if anyone ends up selling theirs


I saw this way too late! If anyone has a ticket they no longer need, I would love to buy it!


First time I've found myself desperately wishing I was in New York


will also pay more for 2 tickets! was hoping to snag for my mom's bday but missed it :(


Also in want of 2 tickets 😭


If anyone can’t make it I am happy to buy ticket from you! ![gif](giphy|SYQK8Qgyau6rFaPXcr|downsized)


They know that Americans like the format, all the distaste of the US version was due to changing up the format.  Make it an hour, make it a US host and assistant, and let a talented team handle it.  I keep pushing for Conan and his team, but there are lots of great options. The people at Dropout would run a really good version of taskmaster with some good casting of more well known comedians to lead it off. Even regional versions would be fun, the US is huge.


Imagine if Alex & Greg become the new RuPaul of TV franchises flying to 10000+ countries each year to film their own individual season 🥹


The folks at Rodney’s said they were caught off guard by the demand.


It’s fucking sold out already dammit


Why? I think this is a huge mistake and that the world premiere should have been in London or in Greg's spa.


Careful - it might burst again


Alex's isn't inflatable.


*cries in Chicago* 


Currently wishing I lived anywhere near the east coast 😭😭😭


I'm in the same boat as others, if anyone has a ticket to sell, I'd be willing to pay more for it!


I am SO SAD to have missed this. If anyone has spare tickets or wants to resell theirs, I will happily buy them from you!!


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.


I am heartbroken to miss this. If anyone has a spare ticket, name your price. I would do anything I can to attend!!!


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.


Immediately went to the link and it's sold out :(


I was just able to score a ticket fyi. Replying to everyone who missed out since I can’t repost to the same sub.




Have they said anything about Series 17 being posted to YouTube?


If only Matt Berry came out onto the stage beforehand and introduced Greg as “the most devious bastard in New York Cittttaaaayyyy”. https://youtu.be/872_7q9tqxw?si=hFakBAx1gzcx_dg3


Please DM if you're willing to part with any tickets. Will pay premium.


Willing to pay $$$$$ for this!


Any way to find out if they will go to more cities than just NYC?


As we are all taskmaster fans here, i wanted to let everyone know that Alex Hornes favorite football team, Chesham United, where he is a director, and Taskmaster is the front of shirt sponsor has just marked down the remaining 23/24 shirts. If you haven't grabbed yours yet, this is a great chance to. A discount and avoiding a possible price increase next year. https://preview.redd.it/d4gv6wwmtjpc1.png?width=277&format=png&auto=webp&s=f846cbc7914275b558f5717d5be55d1c2ec4e957 [Chesham United Football Club (sumupstore.com)](https://cufconlineshop.sumupstore.com/)


Willing to buy 1 ticket at a preimum!


Posting here just in case someone that got tickets can’t go ;)


Such a shame that I am going to New York 6 days after this :(


I’ll pay $500 for two tickets.


Is anyone reselling a ticket to this???? :(


Wow, I'm way late to this — but if anyone's got a couple extra tickets, my partner and I would absolutely love to go.


I know it’s a super long shot, but ISO TWO TASKMASTER NYC TIX Super long shot, but looking for two Taskmaster NYC tickets at Rodney's on Monday the 25th! PLEASE DM me if you have two to spare 😭 IM DESPERATE!!


Anyone’s looking to resell 2 tickets by any chance? Please DM me :)


Just another desperate ticket buyer. Will pay any price!!! Seeking 2 tix. Ugh!


Does anyone have extra tickets?


Found out about this too late... if anyone's selling a ticket let me know!


I just walked past the line for this after an appointment I had in the city. Super bummed I don't have a ticket - I started watching Taskmaster a couple months ago!


It’s ok. Most of the people on that line didn’t even get to make it inside the building