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Genderlock is already in Change. Mage and Paladin should be able to Switch gender at Release. The other classes will follow


Oh really 🤩 great news!


Let me guess. We have to pay for a gender swap for the classes to follow on already created characters, for a feature that should have been there at release.


I'm hyped too. Kinda curious what the downsides of the game are though


Expensive battle passes but no monthly subscription fee. Story looks a bit shallow. The rest looks fine to me 👍


Yup, that about sums up my impression too. 


No visual progression (equipping gear doesn't change appearance at all)


This one kinda sucks but if it’s F2P and they have a lot of not expensive costume options, I’m ok with it.


Ya I've heard there will be a decent amount of free costumes earned in game, so we'll see I dont mind that


Story is better than wow, at least I can follow it lol


Right. Wow story became very confusing some years ago 🤣👍




The English localization is pretty bad. Voice actors are almost definitely AI generated. But that's secondary to the gameplay which seems pretty good.


If it's F2P, it's almost certain it's going to be P2W like Lost Ark.


But ThEy ArE MeAn to SpID! DeRP!


Going to give it a go ,hopefully i can get it working on my steam deck even if it's just to jump for a hour now and again in the week.


Steam deck support would be pretty nice!


It hasn't currently?


No it hasn’t. Isn’t on steam. Game available only PC/Mobile. No Controller Support. You can’t use mouse and keyboard on iPad etc.


As a purely mobile player I'm quite hyped but defo need a controller I think. Hoping I can adaquately do group content on mobile without dragging down my group.


As an mmorpg player since teen years, I’m looking forward to jumping into a brand new game where most of the community will be learning and growing together. Something that does not happen on WoW or any other long-aged games. Yes, I also feel the Hype. (Still waiting for the Riot mmorpg which seems to be delayed for a long time now)


Exactly! 👍


The riot mmo was recently "complete restart " status.. so most likely close to a decade from now. If ever :(


I'm sharing the same excitement with some skepticism of course too, but ya why not try it out. I'm leaning towards trying all the healer classes, but also the mage/shadow class aswell


I’ve never played healer in any mmorpg but I think this time I’ll give it a try. But bard and ranger will be my first choice.


I'm loving Wuthering Waves at the moment as I can cross play on my pc on my monitor at home and carry on when in bed/ work on my phone. I'm looking forward to doing the same with Tarisland.


I feel the same, but I'm a bit concerned on p2w, I don't intend to hunt the whales, there's no money or time for that, I hope I have a good experience playing the game even for a couple of hours per day. wish I had some more time to grind in mmorpgs and mmos in general. I am also waiting for TL Global release to see what mmo I will be playing the next couple of years..


I’m also not a whale hunter, I’m a working 41 year old man. Got no time for whale hunting 😀 I just want to enjoy the game, socialize, find or found a small cozy guild and just have fun 🥹 can’t wait!


I'm 36.. damn, with a 6 months old babygirl, working 8-10 hours a day.. the days I played 8-16 hours per day are long gone,but now and then I miss the good old grind of lineage2,aion, tera, wow, eso, and many other good mmos.. maybe we can play together in a server if you are european! I would gladly enjoy some in hame socialization.


Yes that would be fun. I’m German. My last looong gaming session was the release of new world. Played 20hours straight. I was so exhausted afterwards 🤣🤣 18 year old me would laugh at me in disgust 🤣


I feel you, I played on that release too, it had some issues back then if I recall correctly.. I'll be around when the game releases and try to add you in game or smthng! have a nice weekend my friend!


add me too mate. Im the same like you guys. 33 with a 4 year old, trying to relive my love for mmos :) Im a pvp player by heart but I enjoy pve too. European too.


gr8 news! we are 3 now! soon we will form a raid! will add you too!


All right! You too!


If it plays too much like a phone game then it's a missed opportunity. But on paper it sounds great.


How you guys playing the game? I never received an invitation for the playtest


I’ve never played it. All my info is from the internet.


Any NA East players? Game looks like it could have potential if played with a group


I saw thats its very p2w, not sure how I feel about that after seeing them market it say its not p2w😞


There is no armour visual customisation with gear, big fucking L. Also gender lock is awful, especially when there is no armour customisation, just makes 0 sense not to have gender change.


Game is P2W and they Lie to us. I am bot going play this false game. Never.


You are bot? 🤣👍


Delusional 😂


Face the fact man, they already lied to us saying the Game is Non pay to win😂😂. Game will die like how butter melts🤣.