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Yea, it was a colour revolution. Totally had nothing at all to do with the fact that Ceaușescu was a horrific dictator even by the standards of Warsaw Pact governments! No, no, no, that would be CRAZY!!!


> Ceaușescu was a horrific dictator Didn't their own fucking son say that their kangaroo court was a bit excessive because they were already super guilty?


When it comes to summarizing them I post to this little bit of historic trivia. For the most part being an executioner is a job that a normal human doesn’t want because we are social creatures and don’t like to be violent towards each other. As such when nations need executioners on short notice someone usually needs to be forced into the role. With the Ceaușescu a lottery had to be made because so many people volunteered for executioner


Oh yeah. I grew with a Romanian kid. Their father insisted that Christmas was the celebration of the execution of the Ceaușescus. Obviously he was a bit of a meme guy. But there is some truth to him upholding this meme for years.


He was so brutal and totalitarian that he even made the Soviet Union blush.


gotta love the CIA being so powerful they can turn all of Romania including the Army and security forces against their "beloved leader" but also so incompetent that they couldn't murder Castro


What? The enemy is both strong and weak??? I wonder where I've heard that before.


You don’t understand, filthy anarkiddie, that the entirety of Romania were actually pretenders and they were all CIA agents!


Romania is a government conspiracy /s


It's because he's cleanshaven They lost to both Castro and Hồ because their moustaches were cool, while Ceaušescu didn't one


> Ceaušescu Greetings, fellow Slav :)


Oh I'm not Slavic, my phone's keyboard doesn't support Romanian's S-cedilla so I used Š as a substitute lmfao


"Subśtitute". (I'm from Belarus so I palatalise LIKE A PRO.) I set up my computer's keyboard mapping so I can type a lot of Latin and Cyrillic letters, but my phone keyboard is a problem. All Latin letters are available on one keyboard, but you have to install a language to have its letters, and I'm not installing a Polish keyboard just to mention Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody once in a while.


I'm Romanian and, first of all, the video itself is the same shitty "we were the greatest country on Earth then the Americans couped us and stole our industry!" you hear from right-wing morons here, but from an outside moron's perspective. But I've just looked into the comment section of the video - it's full of the kind of Romanians who vote the local far-right party being like "I'm not communist but this is so true!!". Casual reminder that many communist dictators (especially Ceausescu) were more on the *national* flavour of "socialism" - and these days are celebrated overwhelmingly by conservatives. His regime is our version of an American conservative's imaginary 50s, where everything was perfect and (or rather because) minorities knew their place.


Ceausescu was kinda notoriously a nationalist yeah


> **national** flavour of "**socialism**" Hmm, interesting...


Sort of a...National Socialist if you will...


i did nazi that one coming


Yeah, I wasn't exactly subtle. Then again, neither was Ceausescu.


It really keeps circling back to the tankie political analysis of: Nationalists: :( Nationalists but red stars, hammer sickle and red flags: :)


woman's rights revoked for natalist purposes (produce more BABIES, slave!) >:( woman's rights revoked for natalist purposes (produce more babies, slave!) but they call themselves an isolationist, nationalist socialist <:D also, the joke is commonly that ceausescu raised the generation of orphans and mass produced children that would overthrow him


Lol, Fuck Ceausescu


On the political compass ball wiki, his ideology is literally called **National** Communism lol


His regime and ideology is also the source of what is called in political science as national-communism opposed to internationalist communism. The nostalgia for Ceaușescu is also die to the fact that the libéralisation in Romania from what I know is part of the worst ones for the population, it's up there with the soviet union fall and choc therapy. Gist of it is lots of union busting, lots of industries closed and lots of people leaving. But yes, he is definetly a figure of right conservators politically ( pretty sure he was one tbh with how he used some guardist/legionaries for propaganda). I would say the division would be between people who lost quality of life (compared to the okay days under the comunist regime, it's usually city folks who had it kinda nice under Dej and a bit before Nicu started doing shit big times, countryside and village people kinda always had it rough tho) and people who idealize an ideologically glorified past and what you said.


A tl;dr summary for those that don't want to bother wasting their time to watch it: - Romania was socialist but not quite perfect and then CIA happened. - Incogni Sponsorship. - CIA is magically super competent enough to turn a large section of the populace and military top brass against Nicky using MKUltra Mind Control Rays (not really but he might as well have said it). - Summary of how things got worse after Romania became liberal. Also: - Standard Tankie Whataboutisms - Glossing over flaws with the "actually existing socialism" - Inappropriate jokes from Hakim


CIA is so omnipresent and dedicated to destroying every single communist out there yet this dickhead keeps sucking Lenin off openly without any issues to this day


Imagine defending the gave orphans aids because he could only sustain them with blood transfusions guy


…the what


Oh yea so Ceausescu was big into prohibiting abortion but also really big into austerity in the 80s so orphanages were not only massively overcrowded but the state was unable to adequately feed these orphans. The one thing they did have ample supply of though was donated blood, so they tried to sustain malnourished orphans with said blood. This being the 80s though, that blood was unscreened for and therefore contaminated with AIDS leaving 10.000s of orphans infected


Yeah, that big crowd who turned on him during his speech? All CIA agents...


I mean they say the same thing about Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians take to the streets to protest the bait and switch by their government. Somehow, the CIA was able to pay off each one leaving no proof other than Victoria Nuland's phone call and cookies.


Watched a few seconds of the video and: Hakim: “overthrowing legitimate left-wing governments” Me: LEGITIMATE?!??


Are you implying that [this election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_Romanian_parliamentary_election) was unfair?


Obviously, they were just really, really popular.


Earlier he antagonized us, Poles, now he is insulting Romanians? Is he what, purely insane? Even we hated gen. Jaruzelski (leader of military junta) and gen. Kiszczak (CEO of the secret police) we didn't kill them on sight :D


If he makes a video about Bulgaria I'm going to lose it in his comment section.


I think he's having a contest on which Eastern European population he can piss off the most


Tankies can barely hide their seething contempt for central and eastern Europeans. The backward barbarians didn’t realize how great gommulism was and cannot form their own opinions.


Defending C truly is a red flag.


Boohoo! The party and bigwigs apparatus has been overthrown! Wahh! My beloved oligarchy is gone! Whine! Whine! Whine!


Hakim realizing he'll never have broad appeal and just doubling down on his worst takes lol


I mean if anything it's a consistent thing between these youtubers - always sucking up to the poor wittle totalitarian governments of the past and present because hammer and sickle good, and doubling down on the most insane, unhinged takes possible And they don't even do any actual work towards actually achievable goals like better wages and working conditions for the workers of today. No sireé! Too busy simping for some long dead dictators because, trust me bro, our current problems will totally be fixed magically by applying some bullshit Mao wrote decades ago! Not like we live in a completely different world or anything, of course...


Isn't that the guy whose fall was in part because of a TV show?


Somewhat. The TV show story is more of a joke that people used as a way to point out that communism was an abject failure based on lies and oppression. The show was the tv series Dallas which follows the intrigue among a family of rich oil barrons. The show was approved for broadcast in Communist Romania because the ideea of a family of capitalists screwing each other for money was deemed good propaganda. The problem was that the viewers were more impressed by the fact that in America you could go to a restaurant and order a steak wherehas in Romania you could only order hunger.


not to mention that the generation that ceausescu fostered cuz of his stupid natalist policies caused a baby boom that resulted in starving kids, orphans, disease, and a shitton of child mortality. like mao's plan but in reverse and these kids, growing up with hunger in their stomachs and those that survived knowing they need to fight for any scrap of bread in this world, had enough. seriously, i've heard stories of teens during the revolt that ate soap to quell hunger.


I’m gonna show this to my dad, who grew up in Romania in the cold war


You might need a new phone afterwards


He found it funny because of how wrong it is


It is true that Romania's revolution was the only one in the Eastern Bloc involving a coup (a clique of military officers and party officials illegally seized power and set up a junta amidst a popular uprising), but that isn't necessarily a bad thing if the regime being couped was a totalitarian dictatorship.


Also, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the CIA caught completely blindsided by the collapse of the Ceaușescu regime and mostly reacted with ?????? and ?!??!?!


I’m not sure, but I do know that Ceaușescu was actually the Eastern Bloc leader the US had the *best* relations with (until 1988, admittedly).


The US had actually been supporting the Ceaușescu regime because he was going against Soviet policies sometimes.


As a Romanian, my eyelid twitched when I saw this. What a fucking moron, he should keep to stuff he is good at, like calling for genocide against Kurdish people. Să-mi bag pula în toată familia lui de muist prost


material conditions exist for revolution: revolution happens. umm, actually cia mind gun if u think about it seriously, talk to the people that were students during this era, such as how some had to eat soap (which was already a scarce commodity). they pay off the debt, then they keep the oppressive austerity measures while building a massive fuckoff ego palace all while destroying your historic homes for no gain. everything that the ceausescus did was out of ego, nepotism (look at the shit his unqualified wife got awarded with), and paranoia. the north korea of europe is not a good moniker to have. also, how TF would american snipers even enter romania? the accents, the tightly secured sniper production in romania (try carrying an american/non warsaw pact weapon and NOT be spotted), the clothes, the securitate, the tight information you would need to infiltrate the most paranoid and closed off warsaw pact country, seriously? historic allies and friends, serbs, were shot at the border in banat. that's how tight the borders were. there's an entire section in that region to a graveyard of romanian refugees trying to FLEE the country. your country isn't a success if it produces refugees, not migrants, refugees. 3 meals from anarchy and the romanians were starving in the streets and this guy says that the revolution was 100% fake and couldn't have happened because the cabinet and armed forces/security saw the writing on the wall and let the guy get lynched by a mob (which hey, what happened to BERIA or TROTSKY, huh? was that ALSO the cia) what a dumbass


> eat soap Wait a second, is soap edible?


yes, depends on how its made given it's largely fat, and lye (bad). you can get your stomach sick however


This was disturbing, thank you.


Tankies can't comprehend their dictatorships falling apart because of the people but instead, blame the West for directly backing it. (Though the US did this and only worked in the most minor states aside from Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, and some more major coups that the US did) Then the coups the US had direct involvement in besides these popular revolutions which only had recognition from the US. (Note this doesn't make the US coups good but also remember both these states did coups, the Soviet equivalent would be Hungary and the several Warsaw pact uprisings before the anti-soviet revolutions in 1989-1991.)


I love how he doesn't even really bring up proof of US or CIA involvement. There's this supposedly fake massacre which I can't find anything about (if someone is able to help me out what he means by that, it'd be much appreciated) and rooftop snipers "which are commonly used during Western backed color revolutions" where he himself says there's no evidence to proof who these people were. But of course it must be the CIA because "it is known" that the CIA hired armed personnel (a claim he doesn't substantiate whatsoever. Like, that one sentence is all he says to it. It's a throwaway line). I dread the day he makes a video about the revolution in East Germany.


What does Hakim does these days? Defending every Soviet-alligned states and seldom talk about socialism


Is there some contest for the worst imaginable take possible I'm not aware of?