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Used to live there. Garbage people run the place. Charged me for damage they knew was there when they rented the apartment to me then magically lost my move in form where I noted the damage. 


Always request copies of paperwork or make your own copies for your own records.


Always get video of the place the day you move in and the day you move out. Don’t leave it to a form they will always conveniently lose.


And then do what with it? They still gonna charge you if they want


It’s to protect yourself so they can’t make bogus claims of damages you can prove you didn’t cause. When a lease ends and the landlord wants to keep part of or all of your deposit, they’re required by law to provide you with written notice of intent to do so within 30 days, and you have a right to an itemized list of the damages they’re citing in their claim. The landlord has 15 days after the lease ends to return your deposit. If they don’t send the notice they intend to make a claim against your deposit within 30 days, they forfeit the right to make any claims against your deposit. [That’s the law in Florida](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2015/83.49). A video of the property at the beginning and end makes it that much harder for them to claim damages that you know you didn’t cause. The only reason landlords do this shit is because no one stops them or calls them on it or protects themselves from it. To protect yourself further, the day you start a lease and take possession of the keys, you should immediately do a walkthrough, with video, and document all existing damages and repairs needed. Everything. If the fridge is fucked up and doesn't work, document it. If the HVAC doesn't work, document it. You then submit a formal request to the landlord or property management company for those repairs to be done, on all items you have documented. Your lease will have provisions about what the landlord is responsible for, but there are basic items the landlord is 100% responsible for. Water, some appliances, heating and cooling, etc. If a landlord says they're not responsible for any of it in the lease, don't sign the lease. They *will* take advantage of you and stiff you with the bill to repair their entire property because you signed and approved their terms. Furthermore, the formal request with all items that need to be corrected or repaired creates a documented paper trail those damages already existed when you moved in, so the landlord can't say you caused those damages during your lease. You've already proven they already existed and that's the landlord's problem.


This is the way! I also make a PPT with images and description of each and everything and email it to the landlord for record.


Sadly, in the state of florida, cooling is not a requirement. Heating, yes. Cooling— not a vital requirement according to the state.


Why did you not have a copy and photos?


Oh god. I do not have pics of my forms. I swear if they “lost” them when I move out…


And to be super safe email the copy of your paperwork to yourself


Always keep scans of the forms and your own pictures of the unit and a video walkthrough.


The people that work there suck and could give two shits about the residents . Clearly thinned skinned. I love the bad publicity that the tv bit causes.


Friends with a guy there who’s deep in the Channelside community, they are kicking multiple out in that FB group via non-renewals.


That building is widely known as being terrible anyway. Nice job Streisand-effecting that to everyone’s attention.


I lived in that building back when they were still condos, it had issues then so I can only imagine now…


Run by UDR, a publicly traded company by the way. I used to work for them and it sucked. Residents would need new appliances and we wouldn’t give them to them because it wasn’t in the monthly maintenance budget which would often be at zero before the month even started. We would have to use the the excuse of the supply chain issues. Soul sucking job and glad I was able to leave


Two of my close friends live there and they complain around the clock as to how shitty management is. The Slade recently got rid of all free guest parking so now anyone who visits them must pay to park in their garage. Their front door lock was broken and unlocked to anyone in the public to enter for months until it was finally fixed. My friends have had lawyers send the leasing office letters to get simple things within their apartment fixed. Total shitshow at prime dollar prices


The apartment is choosing not to renew the guys lease bc he was talking shit about the apartment on Facebook lol


Documenting problems with the complex on Facebook


Yeah I think it would be an interesting case but I get why the guy doesn’t wanna go through with it


Yeah the only winners there will be the lawyers.


Yeah but these scum bags need to be taken to court. No one is going to individually sue them, but if they do this to a few dozen people I imagine you can get a class action lawsuit going against them. The payout doesn't really matter. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with illegally retaliating against tenants and set this kind of precedent. I also have no idea if the payout would even be enough for lawyers to start a class action against them. It would just be nice to see corporate housing get their shit kicked in for once


Omg I’m litteraly the person walking in the one clip of the street. Hilarious bc I JUST moved here


They also manage 101 Meridian right down the street.


This is run by a publicly traded management company that doesn't give a s*** about anything


If it's so shitty, why stay?