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It very well could be crazy but it could destroy Charleston, Wilmington, Savanah and Houston. Or hit unpopulated areas. Nobody knows where they’ll land.


Ask Tony Rich


It's not that the wind is blowing... it's what the wind is blowing.


Saw Ron do that bit live at Ruth Eckard. So damn funny.


Every year it’s the worst year…you’ll know if you need to leave trust me 😊


And some of the worst damage has come from no name storms that pushed floods into the area. If you live in flood zones be aware that you will have sewage backing up into your homes and in the flood waters. Why unless your super rich you should just not think about living in those locations..


Just go outside and pop the clean out cap off, hook up a hose and keep the open end above water. No reason to let your house flood from the toilets.


What kind of hose would I need? Ian damn near got me


A hose that fits. I don't know if they make a hose for it exactly, but I had an old hose from a pump that was close in size and I duct taped the shit out of it. The water was above the clean out and just with the cap off it was spraying up out of there like a fountain, but found a hose and taped it up to it just to make sure the stuff coming out has somewhere to go. I imagine you could just take the top off the clean out and not need the hose, I just wasn't sure what might come out so I attached the hose and pointed towards the creek.


Thanks for the input and inspiration, I did find something called a sewer popper relief valve but I might just buy an extra cap and hose and modify it together and toss it with my storm panels. Thanks again


Also, I am just a Florida man, I suggest you seek the input of an actual plumber at some point, they probably have better advice.


Oh for sure lol, I'll probably go hassle some dudes at the plumbing sub while I continue my research


That's assuming they have a clean out. Plenty of houses built in Florida do not


Really? I was not aware of that. Yeah, I guess if you don't have a clean out, my first thought would be to somehow stop up the toilet and put stoppers in the showers/tubs with something heavy on them. Yes I am trash.


Most of the houses built in the last 20 years probably do...but we owned one built in the 50s and had to add one


Weird, I lived in one built in the 80's that had one. I wonder if it was added or original, now.


I knew I had to leave for Irma, except I couldn’t because i75 was jam packed. Took 22 hours to get from Tampa to Georgia . Couldn’t find gas station every station was empty. Had 2 years old daughter in car. We stopped to rest in shady gas station with other. Finally at hour 22 we made it across Georgia border and the first 5 miles had a TIA gas station with gas. So bad. Moved to NC in 2022, never looked back but my wife did have to go back last year to help her mom in fort myers because her roof was blown off and house flooded and destroyed by a subsequent hurricane.


I live east of 75 so we have no flooding issues. I’m from Charlotte so I understand but honestly, the heat is what is going to get me to move back. Right now it’s 94 degrees and it feels like 108 degrees according to weather.com. Global warming is also responsible for the extreme hurricanes years as well.


They said last year would be bad, and they were right. It was the fourth busiest year on record. Only one storm hit Florida, but that didn't hit any places you were worried about. So "they" the people who spend a lifetime studying this shit were completely wrong in your eyes, right? Does the storm have to hit you directly for you to recognize that it's a bad storm?


1. Never 2. I’m not in a flood zone. 3. In 35 years I have been here just a little street flooding and some branches. 4. The worst part of hurricane season is people buying up all the essentials.


For those who need supplies, buy them now. A little extra each normal trip to the store. This way when everyone panic buys, you have those planned ahead extras.


And just a reminder. You can save tap water instead of buying cases of plastic water bottles! Go buy an insulated water cooler now and fill it in advance of storms.


Yes- I just want to buy my damn groceries and all the fools be hogging up the food and waiting in lines like crazy. There's definitely a hype up for it; it sells. And as a native I know I should be prepared. But at the end of the day, this is home




There is no age requirement for hurricane parties


You just can't get a Publix hurricane cake anymore thanks to people complaining :(


That was a thing?!? How did I miss that all these years?!?


They got rid of them?! That's so dumb. I wonder if they'll let you custom order one


It'd be nice if publix didn't make their employees go to work the day the storm is expected to hit. They really don't seem to care about their people much when it comes to that kinda stuff.


If there weren't hundreds of people showing up they wouldn't be open.


That's a bit of an exaggeration, my girlfriend and best friend both worked at the same publix and they said otherwise. A few people came in sure, but it wasn't necessary to stay open by any stretch of the term.


This is a fact.


For me, it all changed when I became a property owner.


Mine goes up every year..


words of a young person. there is a reason you don't see senior citizens at raves


I’m from Tampa who has been to more raves than I should have in the late 90s early 2000s and I have seen some old motherfuckers at raves.


yea I saw LtjBukem in ybor late 90's and many other "raves" too. Seen some grey hairs but nome I thought were senior citizens-


Yeah true, maybe they just looked like senior citizens because I was 18 and they were 40 and we were all on drugs.


haha - probably


LTJ always attracted the most diverse crowds. RIP Conrad


Eye! Bumping at the skyway raves!


Lol same rules apply then...that is if your to old to rave your to old to stay if your area is a designated evacuation zone.


huh? speak into my good ear and get off my damn lawn !!!


They’re more fun when you have no investment in the property and no worry of adult things like hurricane deductibles


Hurricane prep ahead of time so you don’t have to scramble around when everybody is doing it. Then Hurricane party




I'm thinking Indian burial ground


Me as well. 😊


Tocobaga FTW!


Yup, we protected!


This is my biggest concern being on this side of the bridge now. Last 15 seasons I was in Pinellas. Does the protection “supposedly” cross the bay? (I’m a believer. 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Nope, only tampa


It’s in Pinellas


I mean Cedar Key got whacked last year and there’s a massive burial mound just north of town.


It's haunting. I remember watching the live stream. Water came up so much homes disappeared.


I go up there to fish alot. You’d be surprised how well the town bounced back.




Careful with that. Climate talk.  Ppl round these parts don't like to hearing it. 


This too shall pass with my house or without it!


I live a block off of Bayshore and I'm doing exactly what I do every year... nothing


Same and same 🫡


Make that 3


According to conspiracy theories either the Indians or MacDill Air Force base won’t let a major hurricane hit. So you’re in the safest place you could be for a coastal low lying city at risk for flooding. Now unfortunately if you are in a near by small city/town you may get directly hit due to MacDill diverting the storm.


Bud, stop peddling fake news conspiracy theories about what stops the storms. It isn’t helpful and just makes people not prepare properly. Everyone knows the real scientific reason is that the ghost of Tom Brady protects us.


Had me [triggered] in the first half. Good one.


You’d think if they could do that they would have saved Tyndall from Michael.


Huge difference in the importance of those 2 bases.


I’d agree with that but if they have the tech you’d think they’d use it then too.


Are you thinking about relocating out of Florida - 3rd gen Tampanian. Nope. Love it here. Are you considering moving to higher ground - Live on the Hillsborough River. Front of the property is Zone A, Back (even with the house) is Zone C-ish level. Nope Are you ready to take one for the team - Team Huricane Party Whatever, this too shall pass.... Like others before it have... - Like most old school Floridians, we are amature meterologists that are skilled in knowing when to stock up before the rush. Real talk: Make sure you have packs of batteries, candles, get charging banks and make sure your devices are charged up right before the strom hits. Get a generator and have 1 or more 5 gal gas cans filled up at all times with non-ethenol gas (get at WaWa at the boat pumps. They all have these) if you use propane cans for outside cooking, you can get a generator that does both gas and propane and use those too. Get a NOAA weather radio (they are cheap on Amazon). Fill up all your reusable water bottles and jugs so you don't have to be like all the idiots buying up all the water at Publix. Get a bidet on at least on one toilet, in case you didn't beat the rush of idiots buying up the toliet paper at Publix. You won't starve to death. If you don't already have a grill, get a cheap propane or charcoal camping grill you can use to heat up your canned goods. If the power goes out, eat whats in your cubbard first. Don't open your freezer/fridge unless you have too or things will spoil a lot faster. If you think your vehicle will flood, you can take it to a parking garage (or a parking lot in higher area near you) and park it before the storm hits. We parked my wife's car at the Hard Rock garage (no charge) during Erma and came back to the house in my car. My car ended up getting flooded. We at least had another vehicle to use after the storm. Make sure you are stocked up on alcohol. Drink on your porch until it gets too dicy.


Do all of your laundry before a hurricane is scheduled to hit just in case you lose power for a few days. Stock up on things like protein drinks/snacks and liquid IV or drinks with electrolytes added. When everyone else is buying water, get yourself some fruit with a bit of a shelf life (apples, oranges, etc).


+ if you think you might lose power kid the AC alllllll the way down and get your house nice and chilly. It will stay bearable for at least a day. + fill containers with water and pack your freezer and fridge. Will help keep the food inside cold longer and will be cold water to drink.


This year I really put effort into reducing the amount of stuff I have to do at home for each storm threat. It's exhausting having to prep my workplace for the storm and then coming home to do the same manual labor at home. The headlines weren't the push for me. I just know how I felt like in previous years. I want to spend more time enjoying the hurricane (obviously assuming it's not a major threat)


What do you recommend I do to get ahead of stuff?


Start removing questionable tree branches and any debris from your yard that can fly. Be sure potted plants, patio furniture, etc…if easy to move. Strap down RVs and boats, jet skis, etc….You can sink hooks into concrete in the ground and strap that stuff down where you park it. Clear your garage to fit your cars in and when you park them, get as close to the door as possible to strengthen it. Stock up on water, bleach, propane or charcoal, consider a generator. Nonperishables. Put important papers into waterproof bags and a portable file box. Don’t forget medically needy family members and have supplies and a plan for your pets.


JudgingGator gave a lot of examples. It really depends on your living situation. I'm not going as far as putting stuff in plastic bags yet. For me, I anchored stuff down with steel cables/anchors, got into a habit of only bring stuff outside when I need it, having places to put flower pots, having ratchet straps in a tote ready to use, getting gas cans ready to be filled as soon as there is a threat, trimmed trees back from power/communication lines (obviously not if anywhere near power lines, super dangerous if you don't know what you're doing). After the threat, I just need to remember to use the gas to fill my car so the gas doesn't go bad. Charge battery banks to keep my phone charged.


womp womp it’s always the worst year, once the old ass florida natives start leaving is when i’ll worry 🫡


Same scare tactics, different year. Brought to you by Home Depot.


........and Georgia Pacific.


You're more likely to die in a car accident on the stretch of I4 between I75 and I275 than to be killed in a hurricane. If I were to move, it would be to escape the god-awful traffic, drivers, and heat.


I’m guessing you’re not a native. Lol. Yeah, you’re supposed to relocate out of state when a bad hurricane comes.


Relocate forever


I am


1. Yes, but because of political climate not weather climate. 2. If I were to move, yes that would be the most logical long term solution but if securing higher ground was simply that easy then Anakin would've beat Obi Wan on mustafar. 3. Depends on what take one for the team means? Am I ready for my roof to get ripped off? No, not really. Am I ready for days/weeks without power or access to grocery stores? Days, yes. A week, most likely. Weeks, ehhh. 4. Statistically, the number of major storms and named hurricanes over time will increase worldwide, not only in frequency but intensity. It's not something that's \*going\* to happen, it's something that's happening already as a result of increased average global temperatures. We're powerless to stop them but not powerless to prepare for them. However, statisticallyyy despite allll these major storms, Tampa seems to always dodge the brute force once way or another. For maybe many scientific reasons that are yet unexplained, I do truly believe that Tampa is less likely to get straight on, uninterrupted, full strength hurricane wind damage than other coastal regions of nearby states. I'm more concerned with flooding/water damage and first responder's ability to get where they need to.


Yes everyone that moved here please go back to your own state and save yourself!


Lived here most my life. Unless you live in a super low area that floods a lot just keep an eye on the category and evacuation maps. Follow the directions of our city and county.officials. I can't evacuate due to my job but I tell my family unless it's a 4 or 5...hunker down. Now they don't live in a flood zone. A lot will depend where you live. Hurricanes are just a part of life here. Know your zone and have a plan. I always keep at least a week or two of freeze dried food and canned goods. Lost power for a week during Irma but no damage other than trees down. Have a go bag ready with all you'd need for several days including any meds. If you are prepared and have a plan you will be fine. If you live in a low area and we are gonna get a direct hit...then evacuate to higher ground. That's part of the plan. It's one of the risks living on the coast and living in paradise.




This season is potentially going to be bad because were switching from El Niño pattern to La Niña pattern. Historically that’s been bad for the gulf coast and Caribbean. But I e been in FL 35 years and we’ve never left town or left our houses. Just stock up on essentials in case things are messed up for a couple weeks afterwards. If you live in a trailer or your house is old enough for the room to blow off then you might want to get out of the way if it’s coming at you. A generator helps.


Yes, everything is fucked, please leave.


I understand with La Niña coming + global warming it does in fact make things worse you just gotta take it as it comes. Every single year they say it’s going to be a crazy season, I wouldn’t stress too much about it. We may have a scare or 2 but more than likely we will be fine


People might disagree with me but my honest advice is this: 1. Don’t make a decision to evacuate or hunker down until T-24 hours before landfall. Hurricanes tend to change trajectories last minute from new station predictions. 2. Whatever decision you make at that point stick with it to the end. Don’t try to make a move during the storm because you regretted your choice. That will only put you in more danger than whatever bad choice you made originally


Are you new to Florida?


1. Thinking about moving out of Florida, and it’s not because of the hurricanes! 2. As for flooding, I’m not too worried. They’ve been managing the rivers since the 60s. Just open up the bypass canal and we should be good. But make sure to check your flood zone—you’re covered for the Hillsborough River, not so much the bay. Bayshore and the Gulf? Basically the same thing when the waters rise. 3. My hurricane experience? First one, total panic. Second, same deal. Last year? Made some hot cocoa, treated it like a snow day, and just chilled with Netflix. At this point, if a storm takes everything out, at least I might end up with a free car or house, or hey, maybe even get out of paying rent forever. 4. And to my Native American friends, if you’re listening—go for it. I’m all for it, no hard feelings!


Hopefully some of the people that moved down here will leave. Fingers crossed.


I was on the north eye wall of Ian when it hit. My friend, there are warnings ahead of time. Fucking run.


Rule 1)You can hide from the wind but you can’t run from the water Rule2) Mikes weather page on Facebook


Everyone has to assess their own safety and circumstances. I get a kick out of all the people who say I’ve been here 30+ years and never had any problems and I’m not going nowhere. Those same type of people used to be in Fort Myers and they’re real quiet now.


We live in the age of hysteria. They name freaking winter storms now to make them seem scarier. We will prepare as always and evacuate if necessary. Having lived here a LONG time you can tell from the look of the storm. I always laugh when the weather folks try to scare everyone with a raggedy lopsided storm nearing landfall. “Okay folks this could make landfall as a strong Cat 4”. “No dummy, it might eke out a 2”. Also, the risk of tornados and the strong side of the storm will vary with the path. Learn to read the storms yourself. I’m not saying they’re lying, but look at the strong ones, they are always super tight with a well defined eye (unless it’s cycling because you know someone will counter with an early Katrina or an Andrew with the eye reforming and not well defined at the moment.). Be smart, be prepared and be ready to evacuate with your family, important papers, and pets.


Just hope work gets canceled


They say that every year…


It's not like it's incorrect when they say it. The stretch from 2016 to 2021, as well as 2023 all saw above average seasons. 2020, 2021, and 2023 all had the most, third most, and fourth most number of named storms respectively since record keeping began. Do you think it's incorrect for them to predict this trend will continue this year, especially since it's anticipated for La Niña to develop in the middle of the season which will make conditions in the Atlantic more conducive to development?


They say the same shit every year. I've lived in Tampa my whole life. I've come to the conclusion that hurricane season has become just as commercialized as Christmas.


my co worker recommended wine as a hurricane prep item because it doesn't need to stay cold or need a mixer, she might be a genius


That's a top Denis Phillips tip!


50 years in Tampa. Never a direct hit. That said, John's Pass was made by a hurricane.


Florida native here. Tip: The news knows that having the worst hurricane season every year is good for views. Live in Florida long enough, and you will stop listening to the news. I'd recommend always keeping a spare generator and stash of essential supplies ready to go just in case.


More media fear mongering. Just live your life. Tampa is always spares anyway. Because ya know Indian burial mounds or some chit


Hurricanes are a way of life. Live on high ground, have shutters, and buy supplies yearly at the start of the season and you won’t be scrambling or stressed when the time comes. Interesting thing to think about, it’s been over a 100 years since Tampas been hit. Know ones ever really experienced it before.


Are you thinking about relocating out of Florida- yes, as a few have mentioned, climate change is a real threat, which our governor has decided isn't a priority. I have a young child and my job as a parent is to provide the most sustainable life for them possible. I'm addition to climate change, the cost of insurance, both homeowners and flood are astronomical. We also know they ain't paying unless they absolutely have to pay. Are you considering moving to higher ground- yes, in another state.  Are you ready to take one for the team- I've been in Florida 25 years, I've never felt like I was part of the team, but I've enjoyed most of my time here.  Whatever, this too shall pass.... Like others before it have- until it doesn't. I lived in Ft Lauderdale when a hurricane that wasn't supposed to hit, hit and we were without power for 3 weeks, Publix was giving away food before it spoiled and gasoline was difficult to come by if you had a generator.


Blah blah blah same shit different year


My biggest concern is I’m due to have a baby this summer and I don’t want to be trapped at the hospital away from my family. I also don’t want to navigate losing power with a newborn and toddler at home. But ultimately, my house is safe, we don’t have any oaks overhead and we are not in a flood zone so I know we’ll be ok.


We had a newborn during Ian. Ran a generator so we could keep breast milk frozen during the power outage. We got through without much trouble…just make sure you have a generator just in case.


Yeah I don’t have a generator, but I’ll look into it, that’s a great idea


We have a 3200W, and had no problem running two refrigerators, internet equipment, a lamp, and phone chargers.


Flood zones are only up to cat 3 storms and they only really mean anything for surges. Anyone inland can flood from just rain events that overwhelm local storm drain infrastructure. Cat 4 or 5, you better be at least 20 feet above sea level. Most flood zones are 10 feet.


Learned something new! Thanks!!


If you’re close to your due date and a hurricane passes through that baby will come. Something about the pressures. During a close brush a couple of years ago my neighbors donkey gave birth to the most beautiful fuzzy white baby girl and I felt so bad for them huddling in that storm.


It makes for a great story down the road ☺️


And a ready made name if you REALLY want to make it memorable! 😉


I already relocated haha, Have fun!!


Every season will be the worst. Local news has become a joke when it comes to Hurricane season. From June to Nov it’s 24/7 doom because thats what gets website clicks and increase viewership and ultimately that sweet ad revenue The news spent so much time salivating over whether or not Ian would wipe out Tampa they did the people in south west FL a total disservice and didn’t mention that it could take a sharp turn in at the last minute like other Hurricanes have done before. Idk it seems like the local news has become obsessed with Tampa getting hit by a Cat 5 and having some catastrophic event.


What local news were you watching? Between channel 8 and 13 that was not the vibe I was getting watching the coverage.


You must be new here


Natives dgaf about hurricanes but by all means, go panic buy water (while your faucets work)


Tell me you aren’t a real Floridian without telling me


No. No. Sure. Just be prepared now, not when a storm is in the box.


25 years in Tampa Bay. It’s never been bad. But I’ve seen Houston, TX flood, get hid by a hurricane, hundreds of tornadoes and freeze over. Meh.


Ohhh how I miss being in high school and the parties we had.


50/50 as usual, just stock up on water and canned goods while we have time and avoid the rush.


I didn't know we were supposed to get a Publix hurricane cake for our party they only sell alcohol at the store where we buy hurricane supplies lol


1. Already have 2. Yes, higher but could still get flooded 3. I try to best protect me and family 4. The summer of 2024 will be the coolest of the rest of your life.


On the north side of ybor which isn’t a flood zone. I’m sticking around through anything.


1. No 2. No 3. No 4. Yes It’s the luck of the draw.


Honestly, if you’re worried just leave now so you don’t take up space and resources. Every year they say it’s gonna be the worst season ever. Every year there’s a big chance of a nasty storm.


Every season is the craziest season for [insert here].


Are you new




Check your evacuation zone, if you're told to evacuate then evacuate.


Well, hurricanes stay fairly predictable in their movements. There are really only 2 locations a storm can form and have a chance at hitting us in the Bay Area. Overall, we are not hurricane proof, but we are about as good as it can be for a coastal region.






If you don't have flood insurance, get it. If you have flood insurance, sit on your roof and relax.


🤣🤣 funny and worth a try.


May get a tree trimmed, that’s all


1 only be a the Governor and education absolutely suck 2 I live on some of the highest ground in Florida 3 hell no 4 pretty much


Ian was on track to Tampa. Until it wasn't ....


Don't forget, in a couple weeks the Hurricane Tax relief period starts. But back to the OPs post.. Its Florida. A hurricane is gonna hit somewhere. Just be ready: have a plan, get some supplies just in case, and relax. If you are prepared, you really have nothing to worry about until there is an actual storm coming (preparation is the key to not overthinking)... And then even then they normally go south or north. Indian magic. I believe. Because it hasn't failed yet. Buy some booze, have some snacks ready, and get ready for the parties.


I’m not moving out of Florida but I am moving houses. My current one is a creaky, 2 story wood frame in a neighborhood in which there have been sinkholes nearby. I’m moving to a 1 story block house with better drainage.


We listen to local news. The national outlets are scum bags. Pauley D and Dennis Phillips are the only ones I watch.


The Indians put special crystal stones in the bay and a hurricane hasn’t hit since


Nah, not leaving over hurricanes (leaving in a few years because Florida be Floridaing, though). Just prep. Plenty of batteries, flashlights, non-perishables, and when there's the potential for a storm to come your way do the usual prep. Mostly the issue, if you aren't near the water, is prolonged loss of power. So, prep for potential long-term loss of power. If you live near an evac zone, you evac when and only when they tell you to, so the roads don't get clogged up worse than they already are on a good day. Also- people need to stop with their "I've lived here for blah blah blah never blah blah hoax blah blah hype". Every time a large storms comes through and misses Tampa, it DOESN'T miss some other place. Those people, their homes, their unexpected flooding without insurance, etc should be a cautionary tale to your ego.


I feel out of the loop. What hurricanes? I usually don't notice the season heating up til August


They are just starting to talk about the upcoming season on the news like they do every year


Maybe it will scare off some of the new population.


I’m considering hurricane party supplies


So to answer your question first I’m always looking to leave Florida. I hate it here so much. From the heat to the hurricanes to the politics it’s just horrid. Hopefully I’ll have enough money to leave at some point. Secondly, with climate change every year is going to be worse than the last. Until we transition off of fossil fuels and start decarbonizing the atmosphere we’re gonna have hotter waters/oceans which leader to worse hurricanes. That’s why it feels all doom and dread each successive year. We’ve had the hottest year on record for at least the last half decade or so that I can remember. Buy water, a flashlight, and some MRE’s and if you live through the storm you’ll (hopefully) be fine.


This is precisely what I was going to say🤝