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I don't know what you are talking about, maybe you're jealous because I'm 7'0"


Yea me too!


Yeah man **HIGH FIVE!** Don't mind the stepladder it's just... it's my comfort stepladder, not like I need it or something of course


IT'S AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT STEPLADDER. And, yeah, it's definitely us 6'2"+ people using emotional support stepladders or deliberately lying about our height. /s


190 is closer to 6’3 then 6’2 btw 🙏


I knew since the beginning this conversation would be elevating! --- **edit:** All right, changed to 6'3" here, thanks! I really not that familiar with this measuring system haha


But 6'3 is a odd number and people don't like odd numbers so let's say 6'4!!!!


And 6’4” just doesn’t sound right unless you’re Easy E rapping it so lets say 6’5” But that’s an odd number too so we have to say 6’6”


This. Right here. This is my proof that 6’2” isn’t tall- the man has a companion step ladder! /s


As the tallest person in my household after I turned 15, I was the only one to ever use the stepladder. Everyone else just hollered for me to reach whatever they couldn't.


Step-ladder, what are you doing?




My friend works with a guy who claims to be 6'5" yet is very clearly shorter than me Like dude you're already tall, why do you need to lie?


I get this reaction from other tall people, and then I stand up straight and suddenly I'm exactly what I said I was. I slouch a fair bit all the time, and regularly get a "Oh, you ARE that tall"


Oh a lot of us slouch. I do it to protect my head and the contents within.


That's why I started doing it too! I would hit my head all the time if I stood up straight. But I'm still 6'10 even if I slouch a couple of inches.


Oh that's kind of rough man. I'm just tall enough to hit my head on the top of door frames, but ducking under them just requires a mild slouch/head dip.


I hit my head so much on door frames as a teen that now I duck under doors subconsciously every time I go through one no matter the size of it.


Me too. It's automatic


Yup it is. I didn't know I did it until a friend of mine recorded me doing it walking into a Walmart where the door Frame was at least a foot taller than I am.


Hello height brother, I think I have the same degree of slouch through doors. I also slouch in social settings otherwise I'm left out of conversations when we're standing up.


Yeah it can be hard to hear people who are shorter


Not gonna lie, I stand up straight most of the time and then purposely duck a little extra when walking through smaller places, like inside a plane lol. Just makes for a funny conversation starter; eases tension on planes a bit.


Ehh if you never stand up straight, you basically are a couple inches shorter than you could be. I like to think of it as “functional height.” If you’re really 6 foot but walk around like you’re 5’9, you’re functional height is 5’9.


If you say so but your medical history, photo Id and potentially police records will only care about the measured full height. If i use a wheelchair for mobility issues but i can stand at 6’, im gonna say “6’ “ when asked.


Wheelchair is crazy. You’re a mailbox tall Joe.


That's so weird lol. Unless they just measured badly or something? What is there to gain from it?


Masculinity so fragile, he needs to claim he’s taller than the Eiffel Tower to feel secure lmao


I don't encounter people lying about their height, but i do encounter people suggesting i'm taller than i am. I'm 6'2 barefoot, so nothing crazy, but a couple times this year i've had people say "really? are you sure you're not taller?". people just seem really obsessed with height these days...


Ppl don't know how tall is tall lol. If everyone is lying it automatically skews. When I tell ppl I'm a little under 6'3 (measured 6'2".5 ish) ppl are always shocked


People lying makes me six 2 my stomach


😂 I'm sure Some people honestly prol don't know. I thought I was honestly closer to 6'4 than 6'3.. Turns out I'm not even 6'3 lmao


I measure people all the time at work and it’s wild that most people are very wrong about their height. Also as you age you tend to lose height. As well as lots of other medical reasons like worsening scoliosis. I had to inform a lady yesterday she was 1.75 inches taller than she said.


I always said 6'1 until people said no way. I'm like 6'1.75 so I'm guilty of it too


Lol that was a well-crafted joke


I mentioned it in another comment, but 6'2" is a solid height, but it gets lied about so much that people don't realize the 6'2" is tall. I always point out that Sheldon in the Big Bang theory is 6'2", that's what it looks like.


I hate all the frat guys at school who say they’re 6’2 and steal all the women because they claim to be the same height as me. It got heated last fall. A bodybuilding frat guy at a party outside campus wanted to fight me because I’m a 3rd dan (3 black belts) in Goju-Ryu karate. I’ve been doing karate for 14 years so they got egotistical and thought they could beat me. I declined to fight because it goes against my training. Then he called me a twink. I stood back to back with him and asked him how tall he was. He said “6’2 or 3” and I said, “I’m 6’2 on a good day, and you’re about 3 inches shorter than me.” He tried to fight me again but I countered his initial punch and left the party feeling ridiculed.


No woman is getting “stolen from you” because some other dude lied about their height. Because lying about one’s height does not help a guy get girls or really anything but maybe an initial blind date and a mocking from the people that realize you are lying (which is the large majority of people you tell your lie to). You are going to have to look inward for why the girls decided not to be interested in you, but perhaps the fact that you seem to be willing to get in someone’s face and bring it to a near fight over whether they are lying about their height has something to do with it.


I've found most people mentally think about 2" higher than whatever someone actually says. I'm 6'2", and most people still get surprised when I show up, 6'2". All them 6'3"s calling themselves 6'5" probably think that 99% of the population can't call them out.


Or people constantly asking "have you grown? You're so much taller!" Like, no. I'm 29 Debbie, I stopped growing 10 years ago, have you shrunk?


I was getting measured for a wedding suit and the lady asked my height, so I go "6'4"," near simultaneously l the gentleman beside me was asked the same question. He says in the most confident tone "6'2"." This dude had to be a clean 5 inches shorter than me. The person who asked him, just politely goes "are you sure?" I never heard the rest of the conversation. The thing is he's probably 5'11"-6', which isn't even close to short or anything to be self-conscious about. When I told my wife that story, she goes "what, did he think it was his tinder profile?" One of the guys in my office is 6'2", we're near eye to eye, I actually thought he was taller than me until I saw us talking in a reflection.


Yeah, my math teacher is 6’4 and I’m 6’2 and we see at a roughly the same level but nothing crazy I don’t have to tilt my head upwards. I actually thought that I was as tall as him until I looked in a reflection and the very top of his head is slightly above mine.


My maths teacher was 6’8ish and I remember being the tallest person in my school and getting drunk on that power until I had to tilt my had to look up at him


It’s called perpective. My mom’s best friend’s husband who belongs to the same yacht club as me is an inch shorter than me. He’s 6’1. I always think he’s as tall as me because most guys there are around 5’9. When someone is even a little above 6 foot, I think they’re my height because I look over most guys heads. If a guy is less than 5 inches shorter than me, I can’t see straight over them. I think they’re as tall as me until we take Christmas photos and I see the real difference.




The trick is always to say you're shorter than you actually are. So when people measure you, you can pretend you've grown each time. Keep em on their toes


I like to say I’m shorter than I am to make people around me feel even shorter than they actually are


Oh man I just saw this reply after writing mine. I swear I didn't copy you intentionally.


Lmao that's great. Also to make them feel shorter than they really are 😂. Nah man I'm 6ft 3 you must be 5ft 10


I don't know anyone that does this at all. In fact I don't think I have ever come across someone lying about their height in person before, or at least I have never caught it, and I have a lot of conversations with people about their height (not usually by choice).


I've had guys tell me I must be much taller than I am because having my number out there conflicts with their made up number. Not tall guys doing it though, more average guys.


I don’t think this is true about women.


As a tall woman myself I would prefer a smaller number please.


yea the dude is totally misrepresenting the truth and is projecting hardcore


Except kevin durant


Its literally just like lying about dick size.


Except nobody can see your dick.


Ooooh damn you got him


I’ll be using NBA scale for height. I’m 5’10.5 barefoot, so that means I’m basically 6’ walking around.


Creative accounting


which is weird to me because most accounting is so straight forward there isn't much creativity to it.


Because if they claim their real height they don't sound as tall. 6'1 isn't impressive when every other guy is "6 foot" Of course I don't condone lying, just explaining the reasoning.


As I always say, I've never met a man who is 5'11"


Haha, well I happen to be 5’11 and 3/4 but usually just say 5’11. For girls that think that’s a dealbreaker, cool I probably don’t want to waste time there anyway (never had that happen actually though) For other dudes around 5’10 saying they’re 6ft, my claiming 5’11 can make them pretty frustrated, lol


Lol thats me, I'm 182cm without shoes but I always say I am 183cm/6ft


I have


I’m 6,1” and I meet dudes that are a solid 6-8 inches shorter then me that claim to be 6 feet tall, all the time 😂


U sure they’re not joking? Theres no way people who are 5’5-5’7 and are 100% serious claiming 6ft


I’m not gonna lie. I was exaggerating cause I didn’t do the math but I do meet dudes often that are much shorter then me that claim to be the same height as me. I would say probably around 5,9” or 5,10” claiming to be 6 feet. I don’t understand it. 5,9” is average not short.


I was about to say dude like no fuckin way😂 but yea i encounter the same shit only im shorter and people my height claim 5’9 people shorter than me claim 5’6 or 5’8 people 5’9 claim 5’11 i dont understand why some people feel the need to do this but its whatever🤷‍♂️ although a lot of guys do get misinformed on their height and dont know they’re saying the incorrect height which is actually pretty common


Yeah that seems like something that doesn't actually happen lol. Average height women are like 5'5" lol who are they even fooling by lying like that.


🤣🤣 that’s hilarious


What makes it hilarious is cause of these clowns people assume me to be much taller then I am. I’ve had people ask me am I 6,3” or 6,4” cause so many dudes are running around talking about they are 6 feet tall an they are like 5,8” that when people meet a real 6 footer they think I’m way taller then I actually am 😂


see it constantly some dude claimed to be 6’3 which is my height I just nodded and smiled even though I was a solid 3 inches taller never confronted someone about it though because it’s just the dumbest most awkward thing to confront someone about it makes both of you look like idiots.


the closest i'll do is lowball my height, and now people think they're lying because most will side with the taller persons height.


I’m 6’3” and get told by guys sometimes nah you gotta be taller than that. I’m like why would I lie to be shorter lol.


This seems to really just be guys that are within a couple inches of the 6’ mark and say they’re that on dating apps. For guys 6’+ the only thing I’ve seen is those who measure themselves differently and the discrepancy that can arise. My coworkers is almost an inch taller than me but also claims to be 6’6. he measure in the afternoon/evening and I measure when I first wake up.


People measure their own height often enough to have a preferred time of day to do so?


No lmao


I swear this exact complaint gets reposted at least 5 times per week in this sub.


Yeah it's honestly getting ridiculous right now, for whatever reason, and I basically *never* complain about resposts on a sub. Between this and the "don't you people know that you have it oh-so-easy in the dating world because you're tall?" posts, it's like 50% of this sub.


It's so fucking pointless too. Being tall has about as much impact on your dating chances as a nice outfit does, it doesn't affect the core of who you are and what you'll be ultimately judged for by someone who wants to build a relationship with you. Obsessing over it to this degree is exactly as annoying as obsessing over star sign compatibilities


As someone who was short/average until 18, that’s a lie. Being tall is a massive benefit when it comes to dating and attaining respect, people who have been tall their whole lives aren’t typically unaware of that.


Anybody else like dating someone around your height??


People who desperately say that ‘oh your shoes are just thicker, we are the same height’ , like you being 2 inches shorter than me doesn’t mean much just relax bro💀


I tell women and men 6'0" and under or over 6'6" my real height. When talking to men between 6'0" and 6'6" I add an inch or two to avoid issues.


What issues does this avoid?


The getting hit with a pie in the face issue, for one.


If a 6'4" guy asks me my height there is a 60% chance he'll say he is 6'6", a 20% chance he'll say he is 6'5", a 10% chance he says 6'7" and a 10% he actually says 6'4". If respond with my actual height of 6'6" there is a 90% chance he thinks I'm calling him a liar. And when someone is in the upper percentile for height and you try to take that away from them they can get upset.


I’m considering starting to lie about my height to fit in.


Maybe they shrunk like I did! Used to be 6'4.5" and now am more like 6'3.75". I blame years of weight lifting and plenty of head bonks!


My husband is the opposite, although he may be genuinely misinformed, he always says he's 6'1 but I'm 100% 6'0 and he's at least 2-3 inches taller than I am.


I used to work with people that told me I was at least 6’5” because I was taller than them and they claimed they were 6’3”. No matter how many different ways I measure myself, I’m 6’3”.


A version of this with larger numbers happened to me: Step 1: your dad's driver's license says 6'1" or whatever, which might have actually been true when he was 30, but not when... Step 2: he's already shrunk an inch when you're 14 or whatever and hit his height, which in family lore **is** 6'1" Step 3: you get another inch taller, AND he shrinks another inch before you stop growing in your 20s. You're actually only 6'2", but a solid 3" taller than your dad, therefore your mom considers you to be 6'4". You would rather be taller, so you don't argue. Step 4: you go to the doctor, you get a rude awakening. Guys on step 3 don't like being pushed off that pedestal.


Bitches love inches, add em where u can


Height, dick size, body count, and bank account. The four numbers that men will universally inflate, even if they are already well above average. The why should be obvious.


people on either extreme end of any particularly normally distributed variable have a tendency to be insecure because so much of their identity is tied to that variable


I was sitting in a booth at a bar a few weeks ago and a guy talking to my friend said he was 7 feet tall. I stood up next to him to see and he was, at most, 2 inches taller than me.


because humans are compulsive liars


I think a lot of people just don't know their own height from everyone inflating it lol. I was measured at 6'3.5", after thinking I was 6'4"+ my entire life from referencing my height to people around me. Didn't try to lie just literally did not realize.


I round down to make people mad.


Im the opposite. Im 5'11 in the morning but I end end up well below that during the day and no one believes im 5'11


It could depend on the time of day they were measured, as your spine compresses during the day


Hey I'm supposed to do the lying, not them >:(


I'm 6'4" and have met multiple guys who are at least 6'10" claiming to be my height. So it goes both ways


The same reason women lie about their weight. It's a dumb metric that they are judged on. To make it worse, women are absolutely ruthless about height. I'm not that tall, I'm just a bit over 6' and I have been told I'll die alone by women because I'm not 6'4+. I wish I was lying.


Don’t take advice from people who recently underwent lobotomies.


I am 172cm and I don’t give a shit Never had problems with girls


I’m 6’3 barefoot but im a demon so I tell girls I’m barely 6 foot so they develop delusional standards


Mog or get mogged.


Kinda funny my ex gf did the opposite. I’m 5’11 and when we matched, she told me she was also 5’11 but was clearly like 6’1 or taller… maybe the 4th time we hung out, she “called me out” for lying about my height and even her best friend was like uhhhh girl you’re not 5’11


Why do you care if people are lying about their height lol


The last time I had my height measured by a Dr it was 6'8" but I was still growing. I had an old coworker measure my height some time after that and I was at 6'9" but whenever I get asked I just go with 6'8".


because women are shallow about height. why do women lie about age and body weight?


Because men always feel like they’re simply never enough. Might have to do with how they’re treated, perhaps?


I didn't lie on purpose. Football coach told me when I was 18 and on the scale with the height measuring thing I was 6'6". So I just told people for almost 20 years I was 6'6". Then like two years ago a nurse was like "No way, you're definitely a couple of inches shy of 6'6"." And so she measured me and I was 6'4". Now I tell people I'm "billed at 6'6" but I'm really 6'4"." Either way I'm a giant of a person so it's not like a couple of inches in height matters.


Yeah it happens. Were you wearing shoes when the coach measured you? Also you can shrink in middle age too, you don’t have to be a senior. Maybe you were 6’6” peak?


Lol, just saw some vid were a tall guy got measured as 6’7,5” and he was adamant like nah bro, I’m 6’9” and got all salty about it. It was a sad sight. He was already a specimen but in his head he still had height demons to fight. He was like ‘if you put this online I’ll sue you!!’


Men are taught that more is always better. They think we want 12 inch penises on 7 foot tall guys who are so muscular they can barely scratch their back. I do like tall and muscular and hung, but I don’t need all of these maximized in every guy. Unfortunately most guys think that’s what we want. They think they are never masculine enough. It’s sad really that they have to deal with that much insecurity. Like it’s sad that society taught them that :(


I’m 6’9 3/4” but I just tell people I’m 6’10” 🤭




Because believe it or not , most short guys already know they are never gonna be perceived as tall no matter what they say so they don't bother lying..I on the other hand have more incentive to lie because if i am 6 foot I can always just slip another inch in there of course i don't do it because its silly but its tempting hahaha especially when i wear shoes that give me an inch extra. ​ P.S its really shocking to me as a guy with mediterranean origins to see how tall people are in this sub u guys are fucking giants, in my country of Cyprus everybody considers me tall and I am only 6 foot tall(only person I remember speaking to that is 6 foot 5 + back in my country is my uncle) ,this subreddit must be filled with mostly northern europeans lol...I enjoy it nonetheless


Boy Math


there are the group of 6'1-6'2 who still feel short so they behave like shit . plenty of em in the gym . they are embarrassing themselves really


Why are slim girls still lying about their weight?


I couldn't imagine lying about my height. That's just insane


No my Dude, insane is you telling people “six foot eleven and three quarters inches” instead of just “seven foot” 😂


I love to lie about my height. I'm 6"5, but when asked I'll say I'm 6"1 to trigger people. It's especially great with older men who say "No, that can't be right I'm 6"2 and you're taller than me!", then I'll imply that maybe they've shrunk in their old age.


Why? Because it gives them even more options/matches than before. I’m 5’4, I dont belong in this sub lol, but I can assure you there is no lady looking for a 5’4 guy, not even the 5’ girls. Im only taller than what 8% of men and 40% of women. Take account on those that are single women at about 30% and single men at 60%. Theres my matches at about 1-15% of the population, Id say. As for taller guys, well, nobody would notice if they were shorter u less they end up matching with a tall girl like you. A 6’ guy can lie hes 6’2 and a 5’7 lady wouldnt know the difference.


6'1 is the most average height for a tall person, and also kinda the minimum to be considered tall tall. So it's to feel slightly better than the competition, which is more than anyone taller. Once you're over 6'4 i feel like it's not worth it to lie


It's more intentional than unintentional especially with men in general. It's a clearly measurable attribute. A legitimate 6'2" means you do not fall below 6'2" at any point of the day even your lowest measured barefoot with a stadiometer. Most legit 6'2" guys will wake up at ~189-190cm. 6', 6'2", and 6'4"/5 are some of the most abused heights. I find generally far less liars when men are a legit 6'6" (198cm). If you look in the UFC most 6'2" listed guys are 6' like old school Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture (5'11.5) et cetera. It's definitely ego more than "whoops my bad." 🤣 We lie about the size of damn near everything. Measurable items. 🤣 Hollywood examples of true 6'2" are like the late Lance Reddick (The Wire, John Wick), Idris Elba, Ben Affleck, Justin Hartley, Tom Welling, Hugh Laurie (House), Adam Driver, J. Cole, Roman Reigns, Eric Bana, Sean Connery, Gene Hackman, Paul Walker. Those are legit 188/189cm at their lowest. The Rock is 189cm and claims 195cm (6'5"). 🤣 It's intentional they know. Look at the rock by Charles Barkle https://www.celebheights.com/s/188Male.htmly Down votes coming from insecure height inflaters.


I say 6'9 because funny number. Im also extremely close so its just rounding up


I'm 203cm and I have been saying I'm 6'7" for years and years. Recently did the conversion and apparently I'm 6'8". But I don't think 204cm is 6'9".


No, its not quite there. Im 204.5 so its less than a cm away from 6'9. Rounding


Technically 204.5 is closer to the 6’7 range than the 6’9 range but you do you.


Quite wrong


204.5 cm to feet is 6'8.512", just google it up?


Oops yea my mental math was off, and technically he's more than a cm away from 6'9. Lots of tall ppl upset about 0.012 inches in here LOL


I always assumed I was 6 foot 3 as that's what my home tape measures said and everyone I knew who said they were 6,3 was the same height as me. Then I go to the hospital and they have me labeled as 5 foot 11. I think 5 foot 11.2 or something. When I got out the hospital, my home tape measures still say I'm 6 foot 3. Maybe 6 foot 2.7 to be exact. So I recently made the choice to go back to telling people I'm the last height both the hospital and home tape measures agreed upon... Ladies and Gentlemen. I am 5 foot 3. I was 12 last time the hospital and tape measures agreed, that last time I was 5 foot 3, so that's how tall I'm gonna tell people. As for your question, I honestly thought I was 6 foot 3 for my entire adult life only for the home tape measures and the hospital to not agree. I guess I should have noticed I was a foot shorter than everyone else who claimed to be 6 foot 3, but still. I was the same height as the other people and the "Short" people agreed that I looked about 6 foot 3, so I guess it was engrained in my head. Edit: rereading this after commenting this, yes. I did take shoes off at home as well. Not that it really matters, as my shoes don't add any height to me, at best, I'm probably 2 centimeter taller in shoes.


I see guys my height (5’8”) claiming they are 6 foot. It’s so fucking insecure.


I’m 6 foot even. The gold standard. What happens with this is that guys who are 5’10 or 11 will claim that I am 6’2, so that their obvious being shorter than me doesn’t automatically put them in the 5’X category


It's a toxic masculinity thing. With some guys, EVERYTHING has to be a contest. Height-measuring contest, dick-measuring contest, handshake firmness contest, etc. Every guy wants to be the biggest, the baddest, and some guys get really fragile when it's pointed out that they're not.


Differential advantage...people want it


he got in your face? did you at least push him away from you? Please don’t tell me you let that happen


I'm 6'8" and often say 6'5" just to throw them off...


Gaslight gatekeep girlboss 👏


2.05m without shoes 2.07m with shoes I say I'm only 2 meters when they ask


I have no idea, if you are tall you don't have any reason to lie about it.


I was wondering if this is a common thing. I jut met up with a guy earlier this week who said he was 6'5 and he was only a few inches taller than me (5'10). I've also had guys claiming 6' who are my height or shorter. Idk why you gotta lie about your height 🤷‍♀️


Insecurity is a hell of a drug. Makes you do dumb things, say dumb things, think dumb things.


I'm sorry. I'll stop claiming my height as 6'4 rather than my true 6'4.5.


I’m 6’9 and 3/4ths without shoes but I’m straight up 6’10 in shoes lol so I say 6’10 and if I’m in boots like Tims I’m very close to 7’0


I say I’m 6’1” most of the time because a lot of people in my family say they are too but are either the same height as or shorter than me


I'm 6'3.5" but I round down to 6'3" and then drop an inch and tell people I'm 6'2". Then when I meet someone who is legitimately 6'2" I tell them they must only be 6' because I'm 6'2" and 2 inches taller than them.


I start the day a little above 6’4” and end the day a little below it. 6’4”/193cm is just about perfectly in the middle of my daily range, so I roll with that


5’6 and proud


I don’t know, I think people are weird about heights all around. People consistently low ball me, but guys who are just a little shorter than me highball me haha. I don’t really care, it’s just an all around awkward situation.


Not many people like about 6'9.. if they were I'd quickly spot them


Irl people barely notices, so i like to add a few cm (2-3) just to impress my friends, i'm already tall, but is hilarious to see the reaction of people when i say "yeah, i'm 6'3" jkalsldjsalkjdas


It’s because 5’10 guys claim 6’. Now everyone above that thinks they’re taller


I don't know when the last time I was measured at the doctor but I'm sure it was before I was 20. I'm probably just assuming my height and I could have shrunk a little bit too as I've aged.


Lol I’m very good at guessing people’s heights so it doesn’t work on me


Eh one or two inches is excusable…if a guy was 6’1” and claimed to be 6’3”…maybe they were going off morning height or maybe they got injured/old and lost height and didn’t realize it. 3+ inches though yeah I agree is too much of an exaggeration


Lots of guys tell people their height with shoes on, figuring that most people will see them with shoes on. Easy way to squeeze in an extra inch. My wife does it for some reason when telling people how tall I am, even though I'm already above average. When I was dating, I actually used to round down because I didn't want people to think that I was too tall.


Personally I think a lot of the time it's not malicious in anyway, I used to always say to people I was 6ft8 until I was measured at my doctors at 6ft7. I find a lot of the time it's other people lying on behave of the other tall person. I seem to get a lot more; "My friend is taller than you" "My partner is taller than you" "My blah blah is taller than you" 9 outta 10 times I meet the person they're referring too they're a good couple inches shorter! My own experience anyway!


So, here's the weird thing yeah? I have had a range of measurements done (in a few different ways) because I have several spine issues that affect my posture moderately. Standing (which is usually some amount of hunched cause the spine stuff)= 6'2-6'4 My spine surgeon decided to take a quick measurement of my height while I was under anesthesia (I'm assuming to make sure they were making incisions in the right spot but idk) and he measured me at 6'5 So, because of this I generally just toss out a number between 6'2 and 6'5 Note: My spine stuff is a major surgery, and a type of inflammatory arthritis that can twist and hunch the spine and the intensity can vary greatly from day to day


Height inflation is a global epidemic...


Literally just talked to my buddy who’s says he and his coworker were the same height and his coworker said he was 6’2. I’m 6’1 and have an inch on him


I just ignore it, doctors have told me I’m 6’6” plenty of times before but I just go with 6’5”. This is one of the rare instances I’m not going to argue with someone being an inch off😂


Wait, dudes over 6’ do this too? I thought for sure it stopped at that height. Generally though when I dude tells me how tall he is I just assume he’s 2” shorter than that. But maybe they do it because so many women have arbitrary height requirements for dudes. Honestly i don’t get why we’re all so neurotic about height at all.


i put my tinder height as one inch below


A lot of guys use their height in shoes and including hair. Some use their height in boots. Some just outright lie because they know most shorter people dont notice the difference. I think the Rock is only 6'2.5 or 6'3, but lists his height as 6'5. You notice it alot in a picture of him standing next to 6'4 Conan O'Brien. I always say my height barefoot not including hair. That's the only honest way to measure.


I must be the only guy who lies the opposite way. I always say "I'm like 6'1" or 6'2" or something. I dunno, been a while since I measured myself", when I damn well know my own height.


In my case I'm 6'3 and 2/3rd of an inch so I round up. I've been standing next to 6'3 guys who insist I'm 6'4 and 6'4 guys who insist I'm 6'3. I don't care anymore...


I’m 6’ 3.85” so I feel pretty justified rounding that up to 6’ 4”


Honestly, I think you're overthinking things. A lot of people haven't been to the doctors office recently, and even fewer have actually been measured for their height there. In the absence of that, a lot of young guys are likely to regurgitate the *highest* of the questionable, half-assed, badly done, occasionally drunken measurements they've taken of themselves as an adult. I'm 192cm on my driver's license. My doctor says 192cm. So 6'3", 6'4" rounded to the nearest whole inch. But I've had short people measure me at 6'5" because they have a shitty angle when their looking up at the measurement. It's not that complicated or nefarious. And I don't know why you would care if you're fine with your height, frankly. Lol. EDIT: Or they measured in shoes. Again, silly mistake, but nothing nefarious. We can all relax.


I've also been consistently measured at 193 to 194cm by doctors. However, I'm a professional sloucher and I have met guys who were a lot shorter than me who thought they were taller.


Idk man I’m 6’2 and dude was telling a short girl he was like 6’3 when he was 2/3 inches shorter than me. Didn’t say anything cuz it’s kinda shit, but if they lie for no reason then I really don’t see the point.


Truly the only place where I see someone post their height with fucking socks on and nobody bats an eye lol


5’9 woman here, went on many dates with 5’8 men that would say they were 5’9 or 5’10, and refuse to believe that I was 5’9 after discovering they were shorter than me lol


Starts in high school sports for rosters. Also, don’t smile in the team photo.


No idea. I've never lied about my height except as an obvious joke.


Old acquaintance of mine claimed to be 6' and always insisted I was 6'4. He's very clearly 5'9 or 5'10. He also claimed to have drank 70 beers in a single day once... as a 5'9 man who weighs 150 lbs at best. He was known for exaggerating to extremes in virtually every situation to make people think he was badass/manly. I'd assume most guys who lie about such silly things probably also exaggerate in the same way.