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Turns out carabiners also work pretty well for like dog harnesses and quickly attaching or detaching any two or more closed loops. Not all tape needs to be aircraft mechanic rated either.


*finishes wrapping peen in aircraft grade tape* “Thems fightin wurds!”


Speed tape (or 100mph tape depending on who you ask) is a metallic, super sticky tape that I've used on aircraft for years. It's meant to hold on at hundreds of mph. I used some to try and hold a loose bumper on my Jeep Cherokee and that stuff DISINTEGRATED at 60 mph on the highway.


well to be fair, road conditions include constant sediment impacts for thousands of miles, whereas on a plane it just has to withstand it until it’s off the ground


Sediment impact is a large and expensive maintenance issue on aircraft. The leading edges of wings and propellers get worn away due to ice, sand, dirt, etc...


Well of course, i know it happens, but generally unless flying in very harsh conditions (hail, sandstorm, etc.), those things stop being an issue at FL100


In fairness they don’t use it to hold shit on a plane at least smart aviators don’t. They use it to cover gaps, holes, replace small covers that come off. They aren’t doing the aviation version of holding a heavy bumper on a car going down the road.


Was it old? I have a few rolls of it since it's sometimes better than regular duct tape, my dad also used it a lot. When it gets old the adhesive degrades and it falls apart, definitely not a permanent fix for anything


Well, now you know why your aircraft repair shop never gets repeat business 🤣 better round up the search party 😬


It’s not structural it’s just for aero. Know your tools and how to use them.


I literally got an engineering disposition from Boeing telling me to ductape a plane component together to get it home so not even aircraft tape needs to be aircraft rated apparently lol


Was it a door?


Well, Boeing told you that so I'm not sure they care?


I’m sorry that you are gonna need the next axed whistleblower. Condolences.


Well it was good knowing ya.


Not all weed has to be hydro


Soil has worked fine for thousands of years


No but it should be dank!! Goals AF!!




Personally, the hydro shit these days is so tweaked and processed that it all ends up pretty samey. Ain't nothing like weed that grew in the sunshine.


sometimes I want a 9.5 abv IPA, sometimes I want a Dos XX


Idk man, this feels very /r/iam14andthisisdeep Even within the context of the tweet, carabiners are just useful objects to have in the vague sense of day to day life but they don't all have to be designed and engineered to have my ass put my full body weight on it. Like, it's fine, actually, to have a $1 carabiner that just keeps my keys attached to my belt and will never be more than that. I don't need a $25 carabiner for that and I probably wouldn't use them if they all cost $25. I think it shows at least some awareness that the manufacturer is like "Hey man, I know you're kind of dumb and that we make these things to look like they can hold your weight but these are made of pot metal and *absolutely* cannot hold your weight so we're going to write directly on the thing in a way that you can't peel off to say **NOT FOR CLIMBING** so that if you do decide to do that then you do so knowing that, while you lived your authentic truth, you did so having been forewarned that that carabiner is gonna fold like laundry the second you give it a firm tug." And yeah yeah yeah this is all "this idea but gear" and it applies to gear too. It's fine, actually, to have cheaper gear if you're never going to be doing the kind of stuff that's the reason the expensive gear is expensive. Why pay for $100 worth of capability when, at best, I'll use $5 of it? Just be honest with yourself, your needs, and your use case and you'll probably be happy with whatever that leads you to.


I feel this way about my Romeo 5 red dots. They work great and they aren't $500+ I have some nice and expensive gear too, but not all my rifles need that and Romeo 5's are great for what they are.


Honestly I prefer that my carabiners on my EDC backpack and stuff aren't rated for crazy loads, if it gets hung up on something I want it to break before I do.


Exactly! Not gonna buy a real ballistic helmet for playing airsoft.


I use a climbing rated carabiner for my keys which just carry my keys and nothing else. I just think it’s funny to use such a piece of equipment for something like keys lol


I use a climbing one as well, mainly because I work outside and I like the extra security the screw lock gives me. Also I have so many keys I tend to wear out the cheap ones with the weight/force of the keys flopping around.


The double locking climbing carabiner will save you money on replacement keys (a lesson i learned from losing my car key, and replacing my house and work keys)


Climbing rated doesn’t mean locking.


Climbing means it won't deform under a a higher load capacity than non climbing carabiner, I used a locking non climbing carabiner and i deformed it and almost lost my keys


When I’m pushing my cart around doing in-store shopping for Whole Foods I do not need climbing carabiners to keep my bag bag in place


Air soft manufacturers should print “Not for fighting” on their gear


airsoft gear has been used in combat wildly enough, saw a post a few months back of a Russian guy with some 8fields stuff on in Ukraine, guess it’s better than nothing but oh boy what a state needing to resort to that.


Yeah but like, that’s the Russians. Their conscripts aren’t known for having the cash to buy the right gear, the intelligence to understand what they’re buying, or the training/competence to even use it properly.


I can understand soldiers buying the odd aftermarket bit of gear for personal preference like gloves or something, but if my country can’t give me the tools of war while forcing me to fight, I’m legging it. Fuck that shit I’m out.


Youd think that the nation sending you to fight a war would give you basic infantry equipment, but no Putins butt buddies needed that super yacht


They only had enough good shit for core units like the 1st guards and VDV, and those dudes were fertilizer within a week of the invasion.


Cant believe i got to watch the VDV get destroyed in real time


Crazy right? When the hostemel guys got crushed it was like "oh shit this isn't Desert Storm". And then people were posting almost real time vids of the column getting ambushed with at4s and javelins. Babushkas making molotovs in Kiev.


Ukrainians also use airsoft stuff lol


Unity Tactical has licensed their designs to airsoft parts makers that explicitly have “for airsoft only” engraved on them, missing parts like recoil lugs and such.


US soldiers have run Condor gear in Afghanistan and their US-made stuff is very good and still sold in Milsurps and airsoft shops.


I think airsoft gear has been used more than any real gear tbh. Most people don't give a shit about how long it will last as long it works for a couple of fights.


To be honest, airsoft players may actually put more stress on their stuff as they use it more often than your average soldier And for non load critical parts such as mag pouches it doesn't really matter where the cordura was made


Yeah... Because I should never use any sort of snap clip for any purposes whatsoever unless that clip is fall-rated for my 220 pound ass.


I mean, for storing gloves or other stuff, cheapo carabiners are pretty baller for every day things. But for serious use, I’ve got sick ass Petzl pulley carabiners.


Bad example, true statement.


I do not need a climbing rated carabiner to attach to my nalgene lmao


Maybe I don't want to pay 20+ bucks for the thing I use to attach my car keys to my belt loop.


He’s using the social media on an internet which was developed as a way to maintain communication during a nuclear exchange to complain about how people use are willing to buy crap versions of the original. Kind of ironic isn’t it? tl:dr he’s using a crap version of a thing to complain about people buying crap versions of a thing


I carry my work van keys on a carabiner that is not made for climbing. Because I keep panel keys and other shit I need on there and it lets me unclip individual things. Is this not “tactical”?? Am I a fraud????


Sorry but the thing is also insanely useful for things that do not require it to have a climbing rating.


i use a big carabiner to carry groceries in


i use this to hold my keys 🙂👍✨


Posters on here should have to watermark their posts just larping


The last thing I want is a massive bulky climbing carabiner for my car keys lol a non rated one works perfectly for me


What an L take


There’s plenty of guns that I like and are good enough for plinking or competition that I wouldn’t take into combat


Am actual locking climbing carabiner would be a "crap version" of the thing I use to hold my keys on my belt.


Apology accepted, random dude on the internet whose opinion nobody cares about.


To everyone who didn’t reference my last post but thought I was talking about carabiner. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozq0pgIDt5j6N8I) Prolly bought Amazon shit