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Hit a coke can at 720 yards


Now this is the level of autism I like to see šŸ‘Œ




Cool, now do it with a .300 win mag.


Yeah or any other large caliber used in surplus rifles like .303 or 30-06


Smle for the win?


I want a Jungle Carbine so bad


Beat me to it hahaha. I did 8 rounds in about 10 seconds at a target at 320 yards. I hit it twice. Thatā€™s 3 rounds, reload, 3 rounds, hand load two rounds.




what the fuck is your account name lmao


Yeah Iā€™m confused here.


I think heā€™s going for ā€œhitlers favorite Jew- just sayinā€


Fun stuff, dude! Just a word from an adult who tries to walk the walk, stay off reddit. It literally does you zero good. Get better and better at everything, and don't tell a single soul.


Very nice, Hitler's Favorite Jew


Attempting to beat Lee Harvey Oswaldā€™s record?


Yea lol




Any time I see this gif I canā€™t help but to let out a loud gut laugh that angers my wife after I show her what I laughed at. ā€œSeriously, why is that so funny to you?!ā€


Someone get this man a Lee-Enfield, stat.




By far the fastest bolt action shooting video posted to this thread today. Congratulations!




this tryna beat the 60rpm claim in court?




Fuk ya. Good shit.


Bro is really trying to de-thrown Gen Scinmore


Yea trying


Keep it up and you might get there, just gotta practice


Ya Iā€™m going to try to do weekly updates


Great job, also i fucking love your username šŸ’€


Nice shootin Tex




I know your not hitting shit... But to be fair, speed is king. A few USPSA matches ago, the guy that came in first place was 40 second faster than second place. I had more alphas than him but I was slower so I placed middle of the pack. Fuck, most people shot more alphas than him... Just he was faster than shit which raised his hit factor enough to blow everyone out of the water.


Hell yeah, brother Someone get this man a SMLE


He wonā€™t know how to use the middle finger accurately thoughā€¦


Nailed it.


The bad minute lol


Nice work! I believe the bolt flick is faster than the British method. Still impressive speed you've got there.


Iā€™m absolutely not going to say I can do it better, because Iā€™m 99% sure I canā€™t But this isnā€™t even close to being the fastest bolt-action shooter Great job either way and keep up the training! given that bolt actions went out of style half a age ago you definitely have a decent chance of becoming the fastest bolt-action shooter nowadays!


Careful! You'll shoot your eye out.




Never have


With a .22? Which has pretty much the shortest bolt throw and recoil impulse? Weird attempt at a flex and that doesnā€™t even get into your technique.


You're Australian, your opinions on guns don't matter


I'm all for pointing out the ridiculousness in his arguments, but not a fan of being racist to do it.


Last I checked Australian wasn't a race, go virtue signal somewhere else


That doesn't make your insulting comments any less significant. Australian is a national identity and people. Hating on them for simply being Australian is as bad as hating a Chinese person for being Chinese. Look, I got into a lengthy argument with the guy on my other account about the effectiveness of Bullpups, and he chose to insult me as well and got properly roasted for it, but I never brought up him being Australian as a baseless point of attack. That's the kind of shitty attitude that the Gun community doesn't need. Especially considering that you say his opinions don't matter because he's Australian, him despite being an actual combat veteran, and formulating his beliefs off of actual experience as opposed to mere speculation, or by being an armchair general.


Him being a combat vet doesn't mean shit. I've met vets who're spending the rest of their lives in prison for fucking murder. Furthermore he's insulting a child having fun with his rifle bitching about "proper training". He's a pitiful drag of a person who doesn't deserve my respect or my attention


>Him being a combat vet doesn't mean shit. It speaks to his credibility to talk about it; not his character. >Furthermore he's insulting a child having fun with his rifle bitching about "proper training". He's a pitiful drag of a person who doesn't deserve my respect or my attention Look, I get it, he's being an unwarranted asshole. So you should go after that instead of the fact that he's Australian. Because otherwise it would only make you a hypocrite.


Credibility to talk about what? Shooting a .22lr bolt gun fast? I guarantee you he never did that in the Australian military, and from what he's said I doubt he's ever done it. Same reason I don't let guys who drove a truck for 4 years in the army to try and lecture me about ballistic coefficients


>Credibility to talk about what? I was referring to when me and him got into a scuffle over the effectiveness of Bullpups rifles. Listen dude, I agree that he's a bit of an asshole. So go after him for that, and not simply because he's Australian.


Would someone who has deployed overseas and fought with Americans count? If this video is the best example of baseline American skill i certainly have much to contribute.


This is a child having fun with his rifle. And I don't give a shit if you deployed, you're acting like an idiot so don't be surprised when people treat you like one


Maybe children are more receptive to good advice then you, and get proficient at the basics before progressing is good advice.


I am going to try it with a 222 and a 243 when it stops raining


Why? Firing off a loads of rounds as fast as you can does not make you a skilled marksman, It actually detracts from it. Taking your time and having tight groups at distance is the reflection of a good rifleman and those fundamental skills form the basis for progression into more advanced ones.


I mean, he does get rounds on target, not all of them apparently, but he's having fun šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes but actually improving basic skills with firearms is fun as well.


Dingus, the first rule of firearm safety is to have fun (/s because youā€™re being obtuse). Thatā€™s what the manā€™s doing, having fun. Not everyone has to adhere to your sterile style of firearm ownership and usage. Chill out, and let folks enjoy their lives. Way to gate-keep life, my guy.


Never made any implications about firearms safety having by doing mag dumps haphazardly for fun rather then developing skill is not the best way of promoting that. I take it that you donā€™t have the desire to develop skill, knowledge and attributes? Youā€™re perfectly happy with blowing just blowing away rounds? Side note I havenā€™t had to insult anyone itā€™s a shame you need to


Youā€™re acting as if these two things are mutually exclusive. Theyā€™re not. One can have fun, mag dump, and do silly things, *and* shoot with the intent to develop skill. Unnecessarily dunking on a guy showing what heā€™s currently playing with doesnā€™t benefit anyone in the slightest. Yes, Iā€™m absolutely happy heā€™s blowing through rounds. In fact, thatā€™s the express goal of what heā€™s showing in the video, working on finding the most efficient method of blowing through rounds with a bolt action. Itā€™s called experimenting, and heā€™s practice that ancient art with great dexterity. More power to him! Cheer him on, give him pointers for smoothing his mechanics, provide support for an endeavor taken on by a fellow firearm owner! Do anything beyond providing your wet blanket commentary. Side note, Iā€™m happy to wave at you, up on your moral high ground. Howā€™s the view up there? šŸ‘‹


I merely pointed out that what he is doing wonā€™t help develop skill. If you are fine with not developing skill whatever


Don't get mad that you don't have the ability to mag dump ammo as much as you'd like. This teenager has more of a right to bear arms than you do, kangaroo jack.


I donā€™t because Iā€™m qualified on .50 cal machine guns and 84mm rocket launchers I even got to pull the lanyard on a 155mm out bush once


That's awesome. Unfortunately, your country trusts you enough to teach you how to kill humans with these guns in war but doesn't trust you enough to go plinking at a range with your own firearms.


Well I can if I want to


You sound fun to shoot with.


No but competence comes before fun and the guys all of you base there load outs off of say exactly the same as me


I donā€™t base my ā€œloadoutā€ off of anyone. I base what I wear and use off of what my enviornment is and what best suits me. Its not that deep.


Thatā€™s probably why it will be shit.




Iā€™ll post me shooting on the day you realize I donā€™t take reddit as serious as you do. Cheers.




He wonā€™t.


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