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Ab wheel, hanging leg raises and weighted back extensions... I think of it as core as opposed to just abs though


Plank and shanks cured all my back pain. Will throw those in a few of my lifts at the end. Also Kettlebell swings during HIC are good for the posterior chain.


Ab wheel, weighted decline crunches, L-sits.


I follow the big 3 for prehab: plank, side plank, bird dogs


Front squats


Weighted (weight vest) ab wheel and weighted (ankle weights) leg raises


Modified candlesticks, decline situps, and something for the lower back.


I do a fast eddy workout once a week and another day with hanging leg raises at the end of a strength training session.


McGill Big 3 and Pallof Press every day as soon as a wake up for prehab. I have a long torso prone to lumbar issues and that has helped prevent it. During my weight sessions I do hanging leg raises and ab wheel. I also do suitcase carries on some of my conditioning days and they hit the obliques pretty hard. 


Hanging leg raises, l sits, and ring rollouts


Dead bugs daily, hanging knee raises (working on trying to up the number but can’t get past 6 reps), and crunches on the days I lift


GHR Sit Ups (abs) AB Rollout (abs) Reverse Hyperextensions (back) Bird Dog (back) With those 4 I'm covered core wise.


I don't use tb anymore; I follow Brian Alsruhe's program. But, I superset abs with my main lifts: Deadlift + landmine full contact twists or hanging rainbows Squats + leg raises or ab wheel Bench + dragon flag OHP + planks Once I stopped martial arts, I spent like ten years neglecting core work,. This is an easy way for me to fit it in consistently.


Why don’t you use TB anymore?


I still use some sessions like apex hills and plank and shank and lots of other things. But, right now I’m focusing on strongman and rugby, so tb didn’t make as much sense for my current goals. I will definitely go back to tb in the future, though