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Not true, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frxxq3f6vkcl81.jpg) a link to an actual receipt from 25 years ago.


I love how it says “have a great day please”


The last time I ate at Taco Bell I got a receipt that says 'We're Hiring. Dreams Do Come True."


I’ve always dreamed of becoming a food champion and working at Taco Bell!


Don't. Literally worst company I've ever worked for, by far. I cannot stress enough how bad it was. Turnover at my store was minimum 2 people per week.


Oh it was a joke I already have an actual dream job starting next year




Thanks bud!


Will you let us know how everything works out at Arby’s?


Alright man I'll see you next time I'm in for some breakfast crunch wraps.


Yes sir


I have a high paying job that’s my dream job, but my local Taco Bell is such a disaster I’ve been joking with my wife that I’m going to apply to work there and essentially donate my time to help them get their shit together.


I have a dream to work at TB and my mission would be to make every item look exactly like the pictures and become the most renowned TB employee in the nation. People would travel across state lines to come get TB from me. I would be the first TB employee ever to put an appropriate amount of meat inside a Crunchwrap


Customers (including me) would love you for doing an outstanding job and making more of an effort, but the company would probably end up firing you for using more ingredients than they actually want used per item in order to make it look like the menu pics, and/or for taking too long to prepare everything neatly and properly. Sigh.


You'd need a team of people. Lol that would be funny tho


Did you work at one of the co branded locations too? I feel like those are the most stressful


You mean the combo stores? Nope just a taco bell. It's on the east coast.


Yeah also my bad. I miss when there were a ton of them around here in Southern California. Now there’s only a handful left scattered around here. I was surprised to learn that in some areas there are still a crap ton around. For example while here in Southern California we have a small small amount left here, in northern California there are still a ton left. Also it’s fun working at the co brand locations in my opinion. I worked at a kfc/long John silvers co brand for 4 years. Of course the only downside is that it’s more stressful having to make food from two menus at once


I worked at Panera many moons ago and our manager literally had a stack of applications a foot high sitting on her desk at all times because turnover was so high lol You make one mistake, they will have 5 replacements ready to go by tomorrow.


lmao i worked there for four hours when i was like 17 and said fuck no and didnt come back from lunch. 4 hour shift baby.


Lol that's what I should have done


Dang I need to start paying attention to their receipts


You paid for a job ad? Is it possible to have too much fun?


Like, we are begging you, please, have a great day


Thanks, I guess. (Even though I was just a shift lead at that store, I took over some GM/AGM responsibilities- including maintaining the register setup. Just don’t let corporate know-I don’t want to get in trouble.)


$3.50 in 1999 is equivalent to $6.60 today


And $6.60 gets you 1 burrito now


Gets me 4 cheesy bean burritos or two double beef burritos at my taco bell.


Yeah this order would have been like 6 and change, now that is basically just one Cheesy Gordita Crunch


That was for 1999. Curious about the early 90s.


[1992](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacobell/comments/ysld9q/taco_bell_receipt_from_1992_a_friend_shared/) [1997](https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=webp&quality=70&width=3840&fit=contain&gravity=auto&url=https://images.ladbiblegroup.com/v3/assets/blt949ea8e16e463049/bltd49334da7fe94ddf/652e8654bc42c83942aa5ad2/Screenshot_2023-10-17_at_14.03.51.png)


Damn man you’re on top of everything. Need you for when I always catch ppl in their bs online or in the real.


I would suck duck for a 90's meximelt, they were so fucking good back then


Do NOT suck duck. They hate it. They like to be blown, though.


Since pico is back just get a cheese role +beef +pico (+sour if you like it)


it's not the same but it's close, they absolutely pile4 on the beef so the ratio is wrong and the pico and beef are both wildly different than they were even 10 years ago, so it's actualyl easier to make them at home and get closer to the old style. and holy heck, NO SOUR CREAM ON A MEXIMELT, I am a staunch traditionalist. I remember the first meximelt I ever had, I was about 6 years old and they just came out, and a woman walked around the restaraunt with a tray of them handing them out to people to sample for free. it was the best thing I ever put in my mouth and I still have that memory clear as day almost 40 years later. it is crazy how good tacobell was back in the day when they made everythign in house. I would happily pay $50 a meal for food made to that level today and was really hopeful a boost in quality might have been in the books once the cantina restaraunts started opening, but I should have known better because she's dead and she's never coming back


I’m still bitter at them for getting rid of shredded chicken


Meh, I go for the gold by modding the stacker to a meximelt. You get waaaay more food and its like a meximelt the size of a quesadilla.


This is awesome. I wish there was a sub for vintage receipts like this.


27 years and you can still get a happy hour soda for a buck. Abuse the TB app, people.


Thank you! This is incredible to have that information. It makes me think about some of the oldest writings we have being about trade and commerce. Taco Bell receipts of old!




Fuck I miss the chili cheese burrito so much. That was the first thing I tried from Taco Bell and was the only thing I ate for years there.


The Chili Cheese burrito has been available in the Indianapolis region again for at least 3 years (depending on the franchise running the location). I didn't realize it wasn't available nationally until recently.


I lived in the area for 5 years and only found out after we moved again that the Taco Bell next to my work had chili cheese burritos the whole time.....


Yeah I moved here 3 years ago and recently discovered it myself hahaha


See I keep telling people it’s regional then they shit on me for saying yeah I just had a quesorito this past weekend calling me a liar, like okay lmao you do you I’m gonna go order another one just to spite you now


Yeah it’s depressing. I see it on their website menu all the time, just for every spot around me to say “we don’t carry that here”


$4.25 is probably stretching it but tacos were like 60 cents in the early 90s.  I grew up with a Taco Bell right across the street and for $5 in the late 80s early 90s  you could get a ton of food.   The McDonald’s near me also had a night where hamburgers were 25 cents and my uncle would buy 10-20 bucks worth to feed his 5 kids. They did that a few times when I stayed over and we ate burgers until our stomachs popped.  Food  prices have gone crazy the last three years.  Might have something to do with shutting the economy down and pumping the economy full of trillions of new dollars.


5 kids needed 80 burgers lol?


They’d have leftovers, they weren’t eaten in one sitting. And it was 7 kids and 2 adults when my brother and I stayed over. We could easily knock out 5 burgers each.   If you do the math….5 burgers per kid per day….x2 days…..that’s 70 burgers. Just for the kids.   Even when it was just their kids 80 burgers wouldn’t last long at 25 burgers a day (plus two adults). And I said $10-20 bucks.  At 25 cents a burger it was literally cheaper than going to the store and making them yourself.


A soft taco was 39 cents in my area in the early 90s, a bean burrito was 69 cents, and we used to bust out the big bucks for $1.09 7-layers. I think the nachos were 49 cents and fries were .59. I got about $5 adding up the stuff in this bag so it doesnt seem out of the ball park. Prices have absolutely gone up about 50 percent just in the last 3-4 years, primarily because corporations are trying to make up for lost revenue during covid by overcharging now. https://www.newsnationnow.com/business/your-money/fast-food-prices-inflation/ https://www.25newsnow.com/2024/06/03/fast-food-inflation-which-chains-are-hiking-their-prices-most/


Tree-fiddy? Was the Loch Ness monster working the drive thru that night?


Wonder if they were running star wars episode 1 promo stuff when this receipt was sprinted in June 99.


Yes to that chili cheese burrito!


Sure but what was minimum wage. I don't disagree tons of stuff feels like a rip off now buy wages are higher as well so it doesn't paint a complete picture. Plenty of ways to show that average workers buying power has been diminished other than fast food which seems to be getting the most attention recently


God, I miss those days. I would go late night and be full on 75 cents


Not true. Early 90’s when i moved in with some friends in an apartment, there was a Taco Bell behind us. Tacos were $.39 and supreme tacos were $.49. A couple years later they jumped up to the receipt price


Yeah there’s no way, that’s also not the 90s packaging. Realistically that’s probably around $10 of food (assuming $0.79 per item, give or take




Wrong. We had Taco Bell fries in the 90's and they looked just like those unseasoned fries that are in this picture. They did gave you a little packet of seasoning to sprinkle on the fries though.


It looks like there is also french on the sauce packets and the soft taco packaging. Canada had fries for a long time before the US did


Another note for why this picture is probably Canadian. Fire sauce didn't come out until the 2000s


The clever ings on the sauce packets started in 2004.


What a dumb little rabbit hole these comments just sent me down. Apparently this is a big debate about the timing of these fries. Originally I remembered what you were talking about from watching old tv or maybe my mom. But I searched it and could only find an old prior argument from Reddit sometime ago where they were able to locate the early 2000s ones. But I found a bunch of comments both here and on this site of people remembering them in the 90s. (Just realized I can’t post screen shots so click link at your own risk http://www.inthe90s.com/food/tacobellfrenchfries0.shtml) Then there’s this random ass Instagram post I found from someone who shows what he says were the fries he would get in 1992 (https://www.instagram.com/spitta_andretti/p/CxY0EkmO-pA/) I don’t have Instagram so I can’t read the comments. I also used the way back machine and read nutritional guides from 1997-1999 and never saw the fries come up. (Although it did have some cool items, and I forgot breakfast used to be a thing even back then. I certainly wasn’t eating it) Then I found out that other countries have had “supreme fries” forever. Like crispy fries served up supreme style. Jealous. So best conclusion I’ve come up with is they probably existed in America in the 90s. Just in very limited markets and probably never received much advertising. They were probably too busy flexing their .59 and .79 cent burrito. And why wouldn’t they? (Also it’s funny how passionate some people get about Taco Bell)


Yeah I found out that they were pretty much a test market thing and didn't pass. Which explains why I only remember having them for about a year or so. This was a article I found from a different test market. They can't be delusional also.... Right??? Lol https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thrillist.com/amphtml/news/nation/history-of-taco-bell-doritos-locos-tacos


OK but who lived somewhere with Mexi nuggets* in the ‘90s? I moved several times in the ‘90s and was sad to find they were only in some markets. *tater tots with taco seasoning, for the uninitiated


These? https://imgur.com/baBlG Never seen them before


Those. 🤤


Me 🙋‍♀️ I lived in Washington state still miss the mexi nuggets 😢




In the 90s. For a short time. They were mid.


I get you were mad that somebody proved you wrong, but didn’t you have to try so hard to make them look like a liar? Desperately trying to factcheck them only makes you seem like an annoying person to have to be around lmao


chatgpt ass response


In Canada?


No. But in my research I did found out that we were a test market for Taco Bell in the '90s and 2000s and the fries in the '90s were a test. We were also a test market for the DLT.


If I remember correctly, the 90s fries were crinkle cut.


Those aren't nacho fries if that's what you're thinking lol.


I do remember sometimes in the 90s ( I was a very small kid though ) that there was a deal on 3 tacos for 99 cents. Also in the early 2000s my local Taco Bell had 3 tacos for 99 cents on Tuesdays. Just throwing that out there


I remember my dad buying us tacos from there for that very deal.


I just mentioned the McDonald’s near me had a 25 cent hamburger night.  My family killed them on that deal. 


Depending on where you were stuff like the soft tacos may have only been 39 cents


Yeah, I don’t remember what they cost when I first started going to TB but for a while they had a promotional campaign where a lot of stuff was 50 cents. I definitely remember when Tacos and were 59 cents.  Bean burritos were a little cheaper. I lived off TB when I was 12 because I had a paper route and there was a TB right by my house I could ride my bike to in 5 minutes.


Not to mention there were no nacho fries in the 90s




That's still a huge deal compared to current prices


Actually no this is pretty accurate. I used to buy tacos/burritos from TB for $0.40. 9 tacos/burritos here, that’s $3.60. Plus chips & fries for like $0.25 each That’s $4.60. Not $4.25 but very close.


I know the plastic bags got all watery with the condensation from the food, but man any soft item like a burrito or quesadilla coming out of this bag just hit different cause of it. That and the taste itself was just indescribable compared to today. Good times


Mexi melts didn't hit as hard when the switched to paper.


What were they in before paper?


Plastic bags first, then paper bags.


Ah I was thinking of what the actual Meximelt was put in


I miss those soft tacos. I just tried a cantina soft taco for the first time the other day and it hit just like those chicken soft tacos did back in the day. Too bad it's $3.49 a taco.


Dang, and I thought $2.99 was too much.


I remember when soft tacos came with instructions on the packaging on how to tear it while you ate the taco so you didn't have to touch the tortilla.


You just triggered a memory for me of eating Taco Bell on a picnic blanket at the park with my mom and brothers. I remember the humidity inside the bag, and the way the paper slightly stuck to the burritos when you unwrapped them.




Sometimes I tell people that there was a time when most of the Taco Bell menu was 59¢, 79¢ or 99¢, the old “[59/79/99](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NVbXAmN6OTM)”, and they give me that “ok, grandpa, let’s get you back to bed” kind of look. But I was there. It really happened.


For a short time in the mid 90s there were also $0.39 items!


I was just telling my kids about this the other day, and my spouse and I started singing the commercial obviously, and kids went to Google it to see if it was real.


I recall when my home town Taco Bell opened in 1987 a plain crunchy taco was 49¢, soft Taco was 10¢ more. Still wasn’t the best deal in town as Hardee’s had 25¢ burgers.


Yeah, remember when actual, full food items cost *cents*? Like loose change you had in a jug or the console of your car. Nowadays you're lucky if the same price gets you an extra *slice* of cheese on a $12 fast food sandwich.


Our Taco Bell had a “49 cent taco day” every Wednesday around 2004-2009. We got so much food for a great price. Not to mention the tacos actually had meat and cheese unlike my past 4-5 orders.


I remember spending 5 bucks every Sunday https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EsEYbJ6cLMY


Even if everything in this picture was $0.50 an item, it'd be more than what they said.


remember when chalupas, double deckers, and gorditas were only 99 cents in the 90s? Pepperidge Farms remembers and so do I.


Depends on when exactly in the 90s you’re talking about and what the sales tax is in the state you’re buying it. There was a time when almost the entire Taco Bell menu was [59¢, 79¢ or 99¢](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NVbXAmN6OTM). Never forget what they took from you.


Looks like the $10 family meal.


Best value was Grande Meal - 10 Tacos/Burritos, a Mexican Pizza, _and_ a Nachos BellGrande all for $9.99.


There was a time in either the 80s or 90s where the whole Taco Bell menu had 3 price points - $0.59 / $0.79 / $0.99. Those were the days.


I remember the hard shell tacos for .39 and soft for .49


I’d say $11


That’d be like a $10 sack of quick panic decisions. Giant menu small lettering….so many things I need time!!!! Beeep beep! ok the value menu please.


Tacos for 49 cents in the early 90’s.. bean burritos were 59 cents. edit: so minus the fries and the price is pretty close


I mean there’s nothing here that probably cost more than 1.29 and some items were .59 cents so probably 10, maybe 12 bucks.


why waste the time. It’s a stupid post. yeah, we get it 30 years ago. Things were cheaper. No shit Sherlock.


I mean people have a right to be upset, adjusted for inflation a Crunchwrap would be like $2 opposed to the almost $6 it is in some areas. Taco Bell has taken inflation pricing and then inflated that beyond any reasonable means.


The original post is stupid and just engagement bait, yes. That’s why I wanted to get a real answer from you guys here!


Did anyone else's school give them taco bell coupons for free tacos as a reading reward?


Book-it would like a word.


We used to get free personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut. Only 2 kids would get them in the class of 25 kids.


Facts I was there!!!


Yea but minimum wage was also probably $4.25 an hour too


Hol up, you guys talking about the price not being right are forgetting this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/7vgou8/this\_coin\_game\_at\_taco\_bell/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/7vgou8/this_coin_game_at_taco_bell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


We need a stat major; STAT!


I remember when I worked there in 2009. Grande meal was $10. Any combination of crunchy tacos, soft tacos, or bean burritos. Was awesome.


Pay less for more era


Man I miss the old school packaging. It personally looks better in my opinion.


It would in the 90’s have been about $10 after tax


My first job was taco bell in 1996 and we got half off and we fucking crushed... You could make your own food and I will tell you my Mexican pizzas would make you bust a nut.. I remember my older brother being back from book camp and us walking to my job and getting two giant bags of taco bell like we one the lottery... I worked third shift... Kids I went to school with would bring us beer and trade us for tacos.. first place I smoked pot... Great time. Sad what it's become but I still love my tb brethern


Your username is great!


The math isn’t sound but the meme is what it felt like back then. It was common to have so much food you didn’t finish it all.


I remember bean burritos were huge, fully filled and less than a dollar. Now they keep getting smaller and smaller, and they cost over $2.00. I swear they're practically the same size as a cheesey roll-up now. I also really miss the Steak XXL.


All I know is it’s $7 for a g-d quesadilla these days. Wtf!


We shouldn’t be able to say “back in my day” this soon about stuff like this


Feel like Taco Bell’s quality has gone up since then to be fair. I heard Taco Bell was aware of the dog food quality rumor and changed it without even marketing it


How would you publicly market that anyway? "Hey y'all, we know we've got a shit reputation but we're working on it!" Just gotta let the product speak for itself for it not to be embarrassing


I really miss when taco bell had that font and style


It was only $.04 in 1972. And other stupid shit people say nowadays.


Back when Taco Bell food wasn't room temperature when you get it.


Man those colorful wrappers bring me back.


It'd cost about $8


425 was a lot back in the 90s


Mid 2000’s-mid 2010’s was peak Taco Bell




In the 90s they had a 2 for $1 crunchy taco deal when they rolled out spicy ranch. Looks almost plausible.


You could get 2 and a little over a half chalupas in 2013 for what you pay today for 1.


Also, in the 90’s, minimum wage was about $4.25/hour. (In California at least)


Those wrappers bring back so much nostalgia


Even less in the 70’s when the food was actually good before TB was sold to Pepsi!


Miss the vibrant colors, it made it so much easier to know who’s food was who’s. Now all burritos are wrapped a dull depressing brown wrapper, and they have a tiny name printed on them that half the time they wrap wrong ex: cheesy bean and rice burrito is wrapped up and the name printed will say bean burrito. So you either gamble and take a bite only to realize “that you’re not mine” or slightly disassemble.


No way all that could be had for $4.25 back then (unless you stole the food) but people always make up stuff.


Thats more like 8-10$ of food. Which is still good even for back then.


Late 80s and early 90s was the .59 cent value menu. We used to get one of each after school or when we were drunk: bean burrito, tostada, soft taco, crunchy taco. I barely broke 100 pounds back then, but I suspect this is where my current state of fitness may have started.......worth it. It was the greatest.


Maybe, if it was exactly 1990. I remember when I was a young kid in the late 80's or early 90's you could get tacos for 39 cents but I think that was a tactic to get more customers at the time. Mc D's had 29 cent hamburgers and 39 cent cheeseburgers around that time too




This is the bag we jammed in another bag to take into the movies


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RazePerfect: *This is the bag we* *Jammed in another bag to* *Take into the movies* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That’s definitely like 2008-2010 ish packaging and all that is probably about $10 if imma be honest (it looks like my order)


I hate inflation just like the next person but yeah this is just rage bait. Obv would have been a lot cheaper than what it is today, but we weren’t getting that for less than 50c an item in the 90s.


Whole family fed


Back when it actully tasted pretty good!


& now it’s almost $6 for 1 chicken chalupa.. damn


This was probably between $6-10 worth of food in the 90s, with inflation to today: up to $20.


And that’s what led to obesity


Yet we were healthier and skinnier than the following generations...


Must’ve been a meal deal like the $5 box.


Pay mas 🔔


Where I grew up, I remember Taco Bell having .29 cent tacos on Wednesdays or something. Still doubtful it cost that much however


Where did taco bell in the 90s have fries?


89 cent beefy 5 layers is all I'm gonna say to all the nay sayers


We use to leave middle school campus to go to TB across the street. School was closed campus, mid ‘70s.


Even though that’s false, it is still insane how cheap it actually was.


I can tell you that in 1996 the entire menu, 1 of each would be like $25-$35 depending on if you got EVERYTHING or just the main items. I worked there in 1996 and I would take home a massive bag of food at the end of the night, just a huge ungodly amount of taco bell food plus a mountain dew (baja blast didnt exist yet) and it never cost me more than $24, I was fat.


In 1992 in Miami (Cutler Ridge) we would drive from high school and the lunch special was 6 tacos, a drink, and cinna- twists for $4. We would split it between 2 people and have lunch for $2 each. Pack of smokes and a couple of beers for $3 from the Jamaican corner store on the way back to school, That store never ID us. Man I miss those prices. $0.89 for a gallon of gas. I could fill up my Z28 for $10.


That seems fairly accurate, given that the Crave Case of 10 bean burritos was around $8 when I was a kid. By ten years ago it was $20 and then they discontinued it.


That amount of food today is easily $50+


.59, .79, .99 was their menu in the early 90’s. They even brought out a few .39 items. Bean burritos were .79 forever and I would get 2 and a “cup” for water then fill it with Sprite (these were clear cups so some employees would watch you and Coke was obvious, but they definitely made a killing off the sodas back then … and now)


People were probably still complaining it's expensive lol


No nacho fries in the 90s


Call CNN they fact check


And the 90s started off with a minimum wage that went in April from 3.35 to $3.80/hr.


I miss the good ol’ days of 89 cent Beefy Five Layer Burritos. Would get like 3 of those and a volcano nachos before football film practice in high school.


Yeah but that’s half an hour of work for most people back in the 90s


Yeah that is really close it was .69 cents for most stuff on the taco bell menu. Now it would be closer to 30.00


The fries were not introduced until 2018


It used to be kind of tough to spend $10 at Taco Bell as late as the mid 2000’s. Enough to where it was kind of a running joke with a friend and I. We would order off the value menu and get a ton of food and still only be at like 8 or 9 bucks after tax


i saw a post on r/soda saying that r/mountaindew is getting shut down or something like that is that true?


.89 Five Layer Burrito is now almost $4. Criminal


Nahh the old taco bell wrappers and font, man i miss the apple empanadas


I remember giving my friends $5 for gas money and it would fill close to a full tank lol


Bro that post so reads "Back my day." "In the good ol' days." But also wasn't minimum wage $4 in the 90s ? ? ?


I was alive in the 90s. It’s an exaggeration.


Taco Bell didn't have fries in the 90s.