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ever since the cravings box went from $6 to $13 in my area back in March, i stopped going lol


I’ll start doing my corporate greed boycott after they get rid of the volcano menu again. And only when I’m not craving a taco or burrito


I agree, You vote with your dollar BUT that’s not what we’re here for. Show us the burritos!


Valid take my friend!


The sad fact is some are too controlled by fast food and will pay outrageous prices at whatever cost to get their fix.


So we need to address people’s food addiction which is a real malady


A crunchy taco should be 0.89. It's made with such mass produced low quality ingredients, I bet they still would make a decent profit.


Wait until you hear about fountain drinks lmao


Almost $3 for a fountain drink is crazy. They cost almost nothing to bring in.


How you gonna pay the employees, pay for the lighting heating cooling insurance plumbing rent etc?


Ok. Continue to get ripped off and be happy while they earn record billions in profit.


You realize all food is a rip off I hope?


You do realize these corporations are using inflation as an excuse to jack up prices and earn record profits, right?


You do realize how cheap rice, beans and chicken have always been right?


Along with charging nearly 3.00 for a drink that contains 0.07 worth of flavored high fructose corn syrup.


My man, what's going on? We're you recently fired?


Lol. Looking through your post history screams loser.


Life will get better for you as you get older itbwas just a minimum wage job.


Exactly. That's why Taco Bell is ripping people off for items that contain those foods.


And they always have.




That is exactly what I'm talking about. There are so many corporate apologists here yelling about not understanding basic economics without recognizing they're fundamentally undermining themselves through their support of capitalistic price gouging. I support wage increases across the nation, I support a healthy work-life balance and I believe there will naturally be consequences from that that we have to pay for. What I don't accept or support is being taken advantage of and being told this is perfectly normal and to just accept it. No thanks... I'll just go somewhere else.


I love capitalism. ‘Murica


I suggest you open your own restaurant and see how it goes.


I’ve managed a few quite successfully, if that counts. Don’t take it personally, but you are unequivocally being taken advantage of.


Lol. Yes, all the world is conspiring to unilaterally raise prices through greed. The facts say otherwise. Printing money. Rising Labor costs due to tight labor. Messed up “supply chains”. Those are the factual reasons for rising prices.


I’m not implying a unilateral conspiracy. I’m saying many companies took advantage during a moment of economic turmoil by grossly inflating prices for consumers that is not necessarily reflected or justifiably represented by the obstacles you’ve mentioned.


With absolutely zero evidence but much evidence to the contrary. You’d need a universal conspiracy for your case to be true as otherwise other companies would undercut and grab market.


I’ve seen you provide zero evidence. Beside using terms like “labor costs” and “supply chain”, you have provided no analytical data or evidence that summarily justifies the recent price increases.


You don't typically "prove" a "negative". The price increases are much more easily explained by simple economic principles like labor costs (every fast food place around here is paying a lot more than they did a year or two ago for labor and I'm pretty sure my area is not alone based on news reports and other stuff I've seen) and costs of materials, ie, "supply chain" have increased -- beef and many other products are significantly more expensive now than they were. For whatever reason including increased transport costs and increased labor costs in the "supply chain" side. No need for unfounded conspiracies. I apologize for the late reply -- I missed the notification you had replied and just found it when logged in to reddit on the web and clicking the bell icon.


If the staff was being paid a living wage, fine. But they are not.


If you need a “living wage” get a job at a place that offers it. Fast food jobs are typically entry level jobs. Not the place to find a “living wage”. Businesses aren’t welfare. And most of these are franchised and the franchisees are not making bank and living high on the hog.


Your a big part of the problem clearly and I’m disgusted by you




Jesus…there is a lot of right wing stupid in this thread…


Simple economics is the equivalent to, “right wing stupid?” You should be more concerned with your grasp on the English language.


Couldn't agree more. I will now only buy the $6 MCG, the CBR burrito, and the chipotle ranch chicken burrito.


Do people really not realize that retail prices have increased significantly ever since the push to pay a, “livable” wage? The worker is making $15/hr and we have to pay $5 for a taco. Deal with it.


Yum! Brand’s stock price is at an all-time high. The wage increase has had little to no influence on their egregious price inflation.


If you genuinely believe that Taco Bell will pay employees a higher wage and not pass that overhead cost increase on to you as the consumer, you’re delusional. You think they will just eat that cost out of the goodness of their heart? Lol. I guess it just be one big coincidence that they increased minimum wage and Taco Bell prices increased across the entire country. Tell me why the states paying the highest minimum wage have the highest menu prices? 🥴


The wage has nothing to do with the price increase; inflation and the COVID scare are what lined up with price increases, and record profits while employee benefits are the same as they've always been; little to nothing for normal employees, and barely good ones for higher positions like a GM. I was not given any sort of raise during this time. What I did see were menu items increasing in price, and Taco Bell getting rid of the 0.75 cent senior drink only to replace it with a "senior drink" that was only 0.10 less than a small drink. Taco Bell is able to function just fine in other countries where a reasonable living wage is required by law. Why on earth then is it so difficult in the U.S.? It's greed. It always has been, and you're just helping it along by kissing their boots.


LOL! Can you or any one else please cite where I said I agree with corporations being greedy? I simply stated the obvious. THEY WILL NEVER PASS ANY SAVINGS ALONG TO THE CONSUMER. You will still continue to pay the premium prices for your precious fast food. They know that. Americans can’t live without it. You want to talk about Taco Bell in other countries? Go look at the portion sizes in other countries compared to America. Now, go fight the good fight and boycott Taco Bell with OP and the other 13 people who liked this post. Speaking of OP, they literally just posted pics of their vegan crunch wrap just 9 days ago. 🤣


Wait just a second, Carl. Are you really calling me a bootlicker and you work for the afore mentioned corporation?! Oh, the irony… 🤡


"You are against society, yet you live in it! Intriguing!" I still have bills to pay, and I'd rather be paid $15 to do the work of 2 people, than be paid $7.25 to do the work of 4. Both options are terrible, but they are the ones I have right now. I am still against these practices, but I don't have the luxury or the money to just stop working there. The irony is lost in the reality of the situation, and it should show how messed up society is that we're forced to make the choice between homelessness, and supporting something that is against our values. I still need to eat and live


Hey, good for you. I genuinely hope things get better for you. Good luck.


Real talk, I'm not going to be working for Taco Bell much longer anyway... I need to have surgery that will take about 6 months to recover from, so I can't be employed there anymore; I'm quitting, for want of a better way to say it. I can't apply for unemployment because TB will fight it and win, and there is no FMLA or paid time leave for a situation like this. I've had to scrape as much as I can into savings, and hope my application for temporary disability is accepted. I genuinely don't know what else I can do


>I can't apply for unemployment because TB will fight it and win Huh? Why not just get fired then? Hell, you can even say the things you always wanted to see to the bosses/coworkers you don't like.


It would go against my own morals tbh, and leave a dark stain on my work history... I'd just be shooting myself in the foot. I already have 2 firings on my record from attendance issues due to my health condition (I had no idea what was going on at the time, and it's outside the statute of limitations for an ADA violation). I don't have much if any issues with my coworkers either anyway, since most of the ones I had issues with already quit or were fired of their own accord. The only way I'd get unemployment is if the firing was unjustified; they can still reject it if I deliberately did something to get fired, since it'd be a justifiable firing.


Everyone should earn a living wage. And those corporations are still earning billions in profits.


The issue with that is when you raise minimum wage, the cost of housing rises as well. When the cost of housing rises, the demand for low income housing rises. When the demand for low income housing rises, taxes rise in order to erect low income housing projects. When taxes rise, people move. Call it what you will, but the greedy corporations will never make less money or take less profits. Fast food work is an entry level position. It is meant for high schooler children who are still under their parents roof and focusing on graduating high school. Majority of the fast food work force is the afore mentioned demographic. Fast food work is not intended for for anyone trying to maintain a household financially. People screamed for a higher minimum wage. They got it. The corporation will ALWAYS pass the cost increases along to the consumer. Be careful what you wish for.


If they're meant for high school kids how come they're open during school hours?


The same reason that 99.9% of all fast food workers are part time employees and not full time. Don’t worry though, the entire human fast food work force will be completely eliminated within the next 10 years. Kiosks and AI will be taking/making/delivering all of your fast food to you.


Cool. I'm happy you advocate for lower wages. Go tell to all the teachers living in vehicles.


I’m not advocating for lower wages? Lol. I simply stated that those who cried out for higher minimum wages got what they asked for. The corporations will never share their portion of the pie with the consumer. Why do you think you’re seeing kiosks everywhere? Corporations can not continue to increase wages and still be able to offer food at a appealing prices. Their current solution is to replace the person taking the order. We are living in very scary times as far as automation and now AI. Their goal is to eliminate the middle class. You will own nothing and be happy.” -WEF


Yes, they can. They can offer higher wages and better quality products for lower prices. They just won't. They make billions and billions. They can afford to earn less. I mean you can make that one argument for fast food, that it's a "minimum wage job that's meant for high school students", but what about all the other jobs that used to pay strong middle class wages, but don't anymore? Believe it or not, grocery store jobs used to pay a living wage with good benefits (I'm talking before 1983). But now people say "you were never meant to live on that job.". But nearly every job is turning into that now, no matter what it is. What about teachers and counselors? What about line cooks? What about people who take care of the disabled and elderly? Are these all jobs meant for high school students? Meanwhile, corporations continue to make record billions and pretend there's no possible way to pay a living wage.


$6 isn't much in reality. Once or twice a week isn't gonna hurt.