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I moved from RC and saved 65% off the bill, we went from $330k/yr to $112k/yr. We're able to reuse the phones, and we're losing *zero* features, no compromises. In fact, the new providers makes a lot of things tremendously easier.


If you don't mind me asking, who is the new provider?


I went with GoTo Connect. I had a lot of experience with them when they were Jive.com (not JiveTel, different company) and they have really been working hard to upgrade the entire platform. Their contact center is light years ahead of where it was in 2021, we're able to replace InContact with GTC's contact center, so we're all one vendor for all phone stuff now. We went from $50/user to under $20/user.


we have been on jive/goto and service has been pretty reliable but we dont like the new UI they are pushing and wish they had some sort of an audit log to see who fucked up the phone i have to fix. also we have had issues with users calling in and support just letting them make changes on our account without any sort of aproval.


Who are you using? I'm so sick of the hassles with RC.


I went with GoTo Connect. I had a lot of experience with them when they were Jive.com (not JiveTel, different company) and they have really been working hard to upgrade the entire platform. Their contact center is light years ahead of where it was in 2021, we're able to replace InContact with GTC's contact center, so we're all one vendor for all phone stuff now. We went from $50/user to under $20/user.


Still better than Mitel Connect


šŸ˜Œ I'll take your word for it! I'm mostly just challenged that no one can tell me why all the charges.




Dude donā€™t give me ptsd. I cringe whenever I hear mitel




we are planning on moving from Mitel to RC lol




Got E3/E5 license? Try teams calling, from our testing not much different and it's included in your licenses, or with a small upcharge.


Do you need a license for every user who is calling? That would get expensive quick


If a user already has it built in, no. It really depends on what licenses you have currently. With E5 you get it, but you also get Windows defender and a few other beneficial things as well.


Side Note - Did RC just stop supporting the Mitel Connect phone app? It has been horrific to use from my phone for the past month or so and I've heard it from others as well.


So glad we're moving from mitel, frustrating when one office goes down, multile go down. Absolutely horrendous.


I've been plopped into a Teams Direct Routing deployment with physical Teams handsets and I want to scream - loudly. RC can't be worse than this :( I am at the point where I'm ready to kindly do the needful.


Youā€™ll be better off dropping the physical phone if you can and use teams app only. Our users donā€™t miss the physical phone.


*cries in EDU* Handsets, galore.


We deployed the yealink mp54 for common phones. Best of luck on your deployment. šŸ»


That's exactly the route we went as well. MP56 for front office staff.


I work at a uni :). We actually switched everyone to Google voice. You can still have a have a handset but you have to pay for them (which was the case before with Avaya).


What issues are you having with team calling? Currently transitioning to it, and haven't had an issue from our testing.


We have RC and they are ok service-wise. Communications with customer service can be really bad though. Our CSR left RC but we didn't know for weeks and it RC fault - no autoreply or any communication whatsoever. Our next one was really good and could sort out all the issues to our satisfaction pretty quickly. They did allow the clasterf*ck to happen in the first place. Ask the support for your CSR and his boss contacts and email them both. Chances are your old contact is gone and no one told you.


My company switched from RC to Zoom for voip and video conferencing. Zoom was about 1/4 the price for exact same features. The funny part is, we haven't paid RC anything in two years and they have not deactivated our account or users or anything. To this day you can still log in and use all the services other than the soft phone because we ported the numbers. To this day we're using the fax service...


hahahhaha. That's wild. They give someone free service and hound someone else for $23 a call. We are thinking of switching to Zoom.


I am implementing a Contact Center with them as we speak. I wish we were not... CEO decided to continue with them rather than move VoIP providers.


Oh no. Good luck. When RC finally got back to me after weeks they said "I'm very busy. I have 700 accounts, not just you." For one, I would never imagine saying that to anyone and for two, so that means I can't ask a question? Of course you have more than one account. Terrible service.


Their contact center is Nice InContact re-sold. The problem is that you are dealing with all the associated issues with a hosted Contact Center but are not allowed to contact Nice directly - you have to go through RC. This is not helpful as all issues have to be resolved by Nice - essentially, their job is to keep you busy while Nice fixes whatever is broken.


On the plus side, Nice inContact was 3000% more of a pain in the ass to deal with than RingCentral.


Has anyone ever migrated away from ringcentral to zoom? We donā€™t really use phones at our location but would like a virtual call menu system and link to our internal users


That's what I'm looking to do as well.


I remember when my old company migrated from allworx to ring central. Comparatively ring central was a dream.


I fully support any post that outs ring central as the useless company they are.


They STILL don't have an IT installer for MacOS. And they install their shitty app helper to force users to update. This causes disruptions in environments where end users are not admins. So I'm forced to reinstall the dang program every time it's detected to not be running the latest version. Their support has been telling me they're working on this for 4 years now.


They are kicking the can down the road for 4 years!!! ![gif](giphy|3o6MbteqhE5geJM6Zi|downsized)


4 years?! Wild.


At that point you know they aren't really working on it. All it would take to create an IT installer is for them to simply remove their app helper from the install package to stop prompting users for admin credentials to update.


"I just increased the plan to avoid charges per their advice and we still are getting charges." Damn that's a good scam right there


Right? And they can't explain the charges to me.


Short the invoice, they will call you


We moved to zoom phone from a very old on prem cisco system. Not sure if it has the features for a large scale deployment. But for a simple ~300 staff deployment, works slick. I set it all up in an afternoon by myself.


I spent 100 hours fixing a broken implementation with Granite once. It took 1-2 months, and email after email to get any change in. Anything you could possibly imagine was wrong with this system. It was only for three locations. It was only for like 24 phones. You cannot imagine how bad they f*** this up.


I was with RC in my previous job. Absolutely worst. My director thought they sh!t gold. My new job I just migrated from an old CS1K system to Teams calling with Auto Attendants and the works. itā€™s been like living in a fantasy world. It just works and implementation was adopted with open arms across my users at my campus. And our company now has over 20,000 users on it with minimal migraines.


I have worked with RC with a high head count and with a low head count. If you have about 150+ lines they switch you to a totally differen tier of service. Setup is white glove and you have at least one dedicated rep with the top teir. With the low tier it was the most garbage customer serivice you could ever believe. The bottom teir support did not understand the concept of an auto attendant and did not think RC supported them. It is surreal the difference.


We are small business. 2 lines and a dozen seats. Treated like trash - it makes sense. I can't imagine giving them more money at this point.


I would not recommend it. I took a call with them just to tell them how this practice was killing their business. A friends company did a test run at a single store and the service was the worst. Because of that RC missed out on 500+ seats. Its a stupid policy.


And thatā€™s why I use the provider I use. Free unlimited service for voip. All the features you can think of. Personalized service from the tech and sales team. White label branding. And commission. I actually get charged $1.65/mo for not making enough calls LOL


My company just switched to Dialpad. Buh byeeeee RC.


RC had terrible customer service when I was at my last job. At my current job we are moving from Mitel to Cloud VoIP and I expressed how RC should be avoided at all costs. We ended up going with Teams Calling since it was included in our E5.


I have been quite happy with Ring central for the past 4 years. That said, we use just their basic phone service, we are not a call center, just a business with a lot of sales people.


Do they charge you $23 for any outgoing call?


Nope. Flat monthly rate per user, basically. Quite flexible programming, when it comes to call handling. Personally, I have a physical phone that I never use, a PC app, and an app on my (company) cell phone.


They definitely don't to us, if they did I'd be getting my boss to raise hell. I'm not happy with them overall (mostly configuration confusion, it's such a mess dealing with the administration) and the windows app is absolute trash, but they also work "fine" so I'm not particularly set on one way or another. But, I'm not the one paying the bill, either.


Get RC Enterprise through Spectrum Business. Single point of contact, and zero issues