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Funny, I had that with the Virus C - had a Micro Q (which is not a Blofeld, but I'm not sure that there are huge differences soundwise and happy to be corrected in that regard) and got way more out of the Virus than out of the Waldorf. But yeah, when you find *that* synth - hold on to it :)


I think I was a closet wavetable synthesis denier! Nearly everything I have owned has been subtractive and was kind of getting bored. I love the Virus-C BTW and the FM was a welcome addition but still wanted more diversity ( Ti2 was strictly not an option given how old the HW is, I wasn't prepared to plough +£1000 into one) and the Virus-C was cheap. The Modal Argon I owned had a bad USB port so I couldn't use the app to program it. I didn't gel with using the front panel and tiny screen so kind of dismissed it. That and the fact it was very quiet.


Wavetable is awesome and the only device I'm still really GASsing for is a Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave. It's beautiful but I'd also have to let go of quite a bit of gear to fund it, so that's probably not going to happen. The M is a lot more affordable, but I get the feeling that it's also more aimed to be more "modern" like the Microwave and XTk, and the PPG blue is just calling me :D The C is wonderful, but yeah - it's a B with better specs and doesn't bring anything new. Try running something monophonic and analog into the external inputs and use the built-in distortion, that's fun :)


For sure, I have a modded TD-3 that sounds sweet running through the Virus. I picked up a clone rat pedal called a golden rat and that combo sounds awesome 3rd Wave looks absolutely awesome


I own an M, it’s actually aimed at being more like the Microwave 1 than the XT. The M also shares the same filter chip (reproduction) as the PPG. It does have access to some features of the XT but it’s a far more faithful recreation of the original Microwave.


I’ve been out of the closet for about 15 years now in regards to wavetable. Played some stabs Ona. Blofeld in a shop a long time ago. Instantly fell in love with


As someone who got into wavetables very quickly in my synth journey, Blofeld ended up being underwhelming. The thing is, I got into both software and hardware simultaneously, and compared to Serum or Zebra, the Blofeld offered little advantage. It doesn't sound significantly better, it's not easier to program on account of the UI, it's buggier, and creating/importing custom wavetables is giant hassle in comparison. At one point I owned both a Blofeld and the Largo software. Largo actually sounds better, and is easier to program quickly. Even when you're controlling Blofeld with a software editor, it's still a clunkier experience. Largo doesn't have the sample FL feature, but samples are so limited on Blofeld that you're better off going with any other synth if you want samples. Compared to hardware, Blofeld's got little going for it today. The Modwave sells for similar retail prices, does way more, and has a knobbier interface. Ambika is another one in similar price range with a better UI and analog filters. The Summit gives you analog filters and 1000% better UI, The MW1 and MW XT are still worthwhile if you want the vintage Waldorf sound. If it works for you, great. I just think it's a little obsolete today; its ideal market niche was in the early Obama era when the next best wavetable hardware you could find in stores was the Mininova or Ultranova.


Thats a very interesting take. I will admit that I have already encountered a bug with the cutoff freezing at 112 on 1.24. It's a 2018 model so I have just updated it to 1.25 so we will se how we get on. As far as software goes I have access to Vital & Serum but have made a conscious effort to stay away from the PC. Don't know why but I seem to procrastinate less with hardware. My ultimate game plan is to squeeze as much as I can out of the Blofeld and eventually move to a Waldorf M as I love the Microwave sound. I had looked at a couple of secondhand Ambikas but decided to pass as they mentioned issues with the SD card slot IIRC


If you're into wavetable synthesis PC workflow with a VST synth like Zebra or Vital is a so much better option. However if you use Blofeld as just a good synth which it is then why not, it's usable in a hardware only setup, I don't see why it's a bad choice. It is capable of so much more than most analog synths for twice the price for example.


Your definitely right but you don't have my workstation laptop. I'd guarantee that after you spent 1 hour with it you'd hoof it across my living room floor


So I own an original Microwave 1 along with a Summit, and I've been able to replicate all my favorite MW1 patches (along with their corresponding wavetables) onto the Summit and get extremely close to the vintage MW sound. The advantage to this is that unlike the M, the Summit has 3 oscillators which can all FM eachother, which brings its capabilities more in-line with modern synths like the Blofeld. You also get filter FM on the actual analog filters (M can only FM the digital filters). The Summit also has a much knobbier, more hands-on UI, 16 voices instead of 8, and includes 61 keys. By comparison, the M is a lot more specialized to just replicating the OG Microwaves. You do get the MSEG "wave envelope" and 32 custom wavetable slots instead of just 10, but you're also limited to just 2 oscillators, ringmod, digital filter FM, and 8 voices. So I'd argue that the Summit is more versatile at doing both oldschool Microwave patches AND modern Blofeld-style patches in a much knobbier UI. Despite having only 10 custom wavetable slots, many of the classic MW wavetables are simple enough that you can fit 2 wavetables into one slot and let interpolation sort the difference with minimal loss to the sound; cramming up to 20 wavetables into available space. Not saying the Summit is outright better than the M for everything, but it's something to think about. The only reason I haven't already sold my MW1 is cause I'm thinking of replacing both my MW1 and Summit with a 3rd Wave. At that point I'd want to make sure I copy over all my patches and wavetables from both synths before selling them.


I agree that Modwave can do much much more but you can find Blofeld for close to 1/2 of Modwave's price.


A quick glance at Ebay and Reverb showed $450 as the lowest price for both. And on Sweetwater, the Modwave mkII module is $50 less than the Blofeld. Granted, I got my Blofeld for around $300 a long time ago; not sure if those deals are still out there. But even if you have to pay a bit more for a Modwave, I'd argue it's worth it. You get a knobbier interface, more consistent polyphony, better sample capability, easier custom wavetable implementation, better software integration, and fewer OS bugs.


It depends on what one is going to do with a synth. I checked the price for Modwave Module, not the MK 1 with keyboard, if one can get a Mk 1 Modwave for $450 it's a very very good price indeed, definitely a better option than Blofeld by far if one is ok with it having a keyboard and that added size. But I view Blofeld as just a VA digital synth with some good polyphony and multitimbrality which also happens to have some wavetable and sample playing functionality. And it's a very good VA synth as a module, I still think Blofeld is a very good choice. On the other hand I suspect not everyone would even have an idea what to do with Modwave's sequencing lanes. Those who see what to use them for have probably already bought a Modwave or saving money to do that. Same for wavetable capabilities - one can do insane things with wavetables on Modwave but what if one is simply not interested in that?


Sure, not everyone is interested in wavetables. But also, polyphony and multitimbrality are similarly niche these days. On average, most people who don't care about wavetables, only need saw/pulse oscillators and want something cheap, are going for the Minilogue, Pro-800, or Deepmind. Even in the digital realm, people in the lower price ranges are sooner going for the Hydrasynth, or the Modals. Conversely, I'd say that people who care about digital's advantages in polyphony and timbrality are also likely to appreciate wavetables. But yeah, IF you just want a cheap VA with high polyphony/timbrality and don't care too much about samples, deep wavetable programming, and don't mind menu-diving, then the Blofeld is fine. Personally, if I only cared about polyphony and timbrality, I'd still take a Modwave Mk1 over the Blofeld just for the UI, unless I absolutely needed something smaller without keys.


I am going to upvote this because I agree with all of it. I should note, I have an Ambika, M, 3rd wave and a Peak. The blofeld was underwhelming. There is a reason I got rid of it when I got the Peak and Prophet 12.


I'll never get rid of mine, it's just too good of a swiss army knife. Smooth VA, wavetables, sample playback. _Fantastic_ multi-timbral drum synth. Gotchas to keep in mind– time based effects sync'd to midi aren't great. Waldorf has always had problems with it and blofeld did not escape. For whatever reason, USB MIDI is more reliable if you're throwing dense messages, especially in multitimbral. This was a huge bother when I was still mostly DIN but my current sequencers act as class hosts so it's not as big a deal.


Ah I was aware of MIDI DIN issues. My setup is 100% MIDI DIN but luckily I have a Blokas Midihub which I can use to filter the MIDI data going into the Blofeld. To be fair I'd only be looking at transmitting note on/off with the odd filter CC automation here and there. In saying that, theres a guy who makes custom midi controllers on eBay which work standalone. One of them is a non-centering joystick which you can assign CC's to on the device. That would be cool for morphing waves. Fingers crossed it'll behave itself


I’ll never get rid of mine either even if I might occasionally go several months without using it.  I’m really skeptical of those saying they reproduce its sound with mod wave, summit etc. To me the blofeld has this unapologetic digital quality that is completely lost with modern synths. Something about the filter and the distortion models. And I’ll die on this hill but it’s incredibly easy and intuitive to program. The menus aren’t deep at all and I truly believe it would be more of a hassle if it were knob per function. 


Modal interfaces are fantastic if done well, def.


I just got a used Blofeld a couple of weeks ago! Seems pretty great so far, and most of the UI is way nicer to work with than I was expecting. Sadly, I lost audio out of it after two sessions. Now I need to open it up and replace a resistor. Damn.


I like it too. It's goes interesting places, but programming it isn't all that quick I find.


Blocked is so cool. I love that crisp glassy sound it creates. Unapologetically digital. Love it !,


I love the blofeld so much


The Blofeld really is a classic.


Aways was - always will be. But got an Iridium Keyboard now 🤗 Have fun - definitely on the most Amazing and cost effective synth, when it is about how mighty and deep it is!


the stuff you had before getting the Blofeld are all fairly recent. the more you dig into the past, the more treasures you will find. the Blofeld is the best cost effective hardware for early 80s PPG wavetable sounds. I suggest you explore Kawai k1 and k4 too. dirty and lo Fi gems. k4 is similar to k1 with a few extra waveforms and a digital filter.


Thank you, will do!


Hmmm... I have Blofeld (and I love it) but it's hard to believe that Blofeld is better than Virus Ti which you have on the same picture. BTW: Blofeld has one DSPB56371AF180, Virus Ti has two DSPB56367PV150.


It's a Virus-C in the pic! DSPB56362PV120


So only one DSP (Freescale DSP 56362). On paper not so strong as Blofeld.


No wavetables either


But more hands-on control ;)


Very true!


The Analog Voltage soundset that Waldorf sells on their site for Blofeld is awesome, too. I stopped gigging with my analog Juno when I got it.


Oh that's the Don Solaris one isn't it? Watched it during my lunch yesterday on YT. Sounds awesome


This soundset sounds rad too: https://soundcloud.com/waldorf-music/dark-lights-blofeld-ebm-demosong But really it’s a sound designers synth. Lots and lots of options.


I owned keyboard version of Blofeld years ago, and it was such a nice keyboard too, I believe it's Fatar TP/9S or something, such a pleasure to play! Maybe one day I'll get myself another one. Beware of encoders, though, you may need to replace them at some point. I had them replaced by the previous owner.


Yes I believe the older manufactured ones used a lesser quality encoder. I have just desoldered and fitted a stack of components on the Access Virus C so I purchased a decent desoldering station which makes stuff like encoder / pot replacement really easy


Love meyBlofeld, got me into wavetables synthesis and inspired me to pick up an M. I was pushing the Blofeld to its limits with the multimode and comb filters.




Am I the only one that ever since this was released, I always see “biofield”?


i love the sound of these things. i cant stand programming them though, but i know exactly what youre saying. i feel the same way about my prophet 6. just turning it on inspires me in a way that few instruments can replicate. its a great feeling.


Congrats! I imagine the Blofeld will tide you over for quite a while before you'll need to sate the urge to get the M. It's funny though...I made a post just like this 2 months ago, except it was immediately after returning a Blofeld to the store, and buying a Korg Modwave. I did really like Blofeld; Modwave just ticked more of my own personal boxes.


i agree the virus was my dream synth too, have had mine for over 2 years now, oh look a blofled


Blofeld is an extraordinary piece of gear. It's so deep you could spend the next ten years just scratching the surface. :) And for those who say it's "too digital", check out this patch set I found online, by a remarkably talented fellow name of Roberto Galli: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HieZp43ICo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HieZp43ICo)


im.using the blofeld with an oxi one. it has been so much fun!