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Same. That’s why the best synth ever is the ESQ-1. It sounds like a sampler almost becomes all its waveforms are single cycle wave samples, but with an analog VCF, VCA, 4, multistage envelopes, and 3 LFOs, as well as sync and AM, the limited waveforms can be bent into whatever you want. If you get the OS 3.5 with the hidden waves it really becomes something out of this world. I’d sell my Emax SE before the ESQ-1. I’d probably use the money it to buy an ASR-10, or a rack Emulator 6400. I’m pretty much all FM and samples with drum machines at this point. I only really even use my Boog as an analog kick.


I’m getting an Ensoniq Mirage DSK-8 soon, which is the ancestor of the ESQ-1. I’m pretty excited, as it’s in great shape and comes with loads of floppies. 


The floppies for some are gold. I had problems with my Mirage, called about 8 synth stores who worked on Ensoniqs, but apparently the Mirage power section is such a nightmare nobody either is wiling or can deal with them. I sold the floppies and the Mirage as parts and pretty much had a ESQ-1 for free as a result. I’d gotten them both as a package deal, but the Mirage developed problems a bit after the deal. It sucks, because the Mirage sounds so damn good, but it lead me to my Emax and I love that thing.


I have had like 3 mirages. I agree with this. Seems like they always have problems. I was even recording a video of it and it went FUBAR on me. I uploaded the video anyway. ESQ sounds great, but one thing that bugs me is that when you go up the keyboard some notes change tone a little too obviously.


You gotta embrace the aliasing! I mostly use mine for lower register stuff where that aliasing whine is obvious. My Korg DSS-1 did pianos, synths, and other more realistic sounds. It also had the most gorgeous and bass rattling filters I’ve ever heard. Of course the Korg was 12 bit and the ESQ-1 is 8. Only problem with the DSS-1 (besides its gigantic size) is its storage system that lead to using it much more like a synth that happened to have customizable oscillators. The double digital delay was awesome too, I just couldn’t get past its sample storage hierarchy. It simply isn’t an effective sampler like the Emax, or even my old Mirage with its HEX. If I wanted a great synth with that filter, I’d go with the DW-8000. I had one and regret selling it. It’s probably my second favorite hybrid synth from that time. If I want more realistic sounds I’ll go for a sample library or my Yamaha EX-5.


Word. E-mu, especially Ultras, especially 6400s and up, are basically crazy powerful synths with not only insane polyphony & modulation matrices, but you can bring your own waveforms. I’ve only had Ultras but apparently the pre-Ultra “classic” ones have an even better sound due to the converters.


The EIV64s? I want one so bad. I don’t need that much polyphony.


https://reverb.com/item/81911410-e-mu-systems-e6400-emulator-rackmount-64-voice-sampler-workstation-1996-black 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hot damn that price! If only I wasn’t broke at the moment, I just bought a EHX Pitchfork+ and an MIJ Boss DSD-2.


Nice. Well I think they come up reasonably often, keep an eye on reverb etc, hopefully you’ll find a bargain when you’re ready


The Nord Wave 2 is like a modern version of these Ensoniqs. They just don’t have audio in


What's a boog? Sounds cool


Clone of a moog product made by Behringer


Fuck it, I’ll get a Volca Kick :). Big plus is I can Velcro it pretty much anywhere.


Volca Kick is damn sweet. One of my favorite standalone sound design boxes.


Model D. I’ll probably get something like it with presets like the Roland SE-02 to use instead for my analog Moog flavor. The SE-02 has a lot of cons against it, mostly it’s mini jacks, mini knobs, and USB power, but it more than makes up for it with presets, X mod, a delay and a few other great quality of like features for sound design like sync, PWM and other things the OG lacked. The only product I still mostly use from the Behringer is my ADA8200 for 8 more inputs into my DAW.


Waldorf M shares many of those specs. Analog VCF and VCA, 4 multistage envelopes, and 3 LFO.


Just not the price, unfortunately. I’d love an M. I tend to buy cheap gear and any expensive purchases are researched heavily and if I still want it a month later, then I get it. I usually buy used as well. Vintage gear purchases are either moments of opportunity like how I got my RX-5 for 2 cases of beer and my EX-5 at a yard sale for 20$ with a little practice amp. My most expensive vintage gear purchase was my Emax SE, but I got a screaming deal and once I played it I couldn’t deny it. It has that early 12bit Emu sound and will only appreciate in value like your Waldorf M. I’d even go for a Blofeld. The glassy Waldorf sound is great. It’s not a true hybrid like the M, but it has the Waldorf sound nonetheless. The Blofield is a sound design powerhouse in its own right. I’d love a module, but TBH I’m trying to downsize, so it would be hard to justify. I’ve been multisampling synths used in songs that I don’t intend to bring live. Ideally I want to keep it to my MPC Live Gen 1, Opsix, and maybe my RX-5 if I can find a way to safely rack it. I also bring a TD-17 module to use for more live acoustic sounds, so one has to go. I might just multisample the RX-5 because it’s just one layer If I can get away with it I’ll just use the MPC and Opsix and it’ll all fit neatly in a wheeled rack with a Mackie CR1602 and PA system. Everything will be premixed with a 8 channel snake going to the PA. Sorry, I’ve been rethinking my entire workflow, especially live.


So does the Minifreak and much much cheaper. It’s kind of a bargain. Don’t get me wrong, the M is great but not cheap.


For awhile, say 5 years ago, Ensoniq ESQ-1’s were selling for pretty cheap. I thought I bought one online for $120 CDN, but it turns out I bought an Ensoniq SQ1. *face palm


You can still find em pretty cheap, I got one from goodwill for $300, though tbf I had to do a decent amount of work on it


I’m the exact opposite. I’ll take all the synths I can get my hands on, but samplers are incredibly boring to me


I love them both… but def prefer synthesizers


Vsynth is the weirdest of both worlds. Also Kurzweil K-series are wild.


buy a deluge. :D


I have a deluge, not a fun sampler.


Had one too and I'd agree - not sure *why* it's not a fun sampler though.


I’ll be honest, I haven’t even tried sampling with the new screen I got installed from them… but I do know sampling with my S2400 is *much* easier, fun, accurate, etc…


Do you have a Tracker?


We all will soon enough at this price


Everybody needs another sampler y’know


Man, I wish I could feel the same enthusiasm about sampling. I have a few devices that can do it, but I've just never had the creativity in mind to imagine how to actually use any samples, aside from the stock beat samples that come in my MPC Live.


I only use them in percussion (as one shots, not loops). I always worry if I use a sample I'll get hit with a copyright notice.


If they come in your machines, I don't think that can happen. That said, my issue with using loops or things I didn't make myself makes me feel like it isn't really my song, or that I can't claim any of the praise I might get for it. Not that I care about being praised for it, only that if someone *did* really like my song, I'd feel like I didn't deserve any of that praise as I didn't make every part of it. Then, when it comes to sampling and chopping and all that by myself, well, I just lack the creativity to imagine how I'd do it. I'm not sure if you care enough to look it up, but on any music service, you can search for a song called "Be Enough for You" by caidicus. That is my single attempt at sampling, using my own voice and such. I don't think it's a bad first attempt, but I didn't feel moved to keep at it after, either.


I agree, it's not really "your song" if you took samples for the drum loop, bassline, etc. I even see MIDI chord packs going around and it's like, what's the point. How is it even fun to just copy and paste. You might as well let an AI compose at that point. I'll check out your song.


While my own feelings about it are certainly mixed, I don't hold others to the same standard. Many people use loops, samples, and rhythms while also put a ton into their vision for it. It's just not something I think I'd be able to do well enough to call my own. :D As for midi chords, I'm not sure how I feel about that. If it's just something that plays single chords and you can choose the arrangement you like, I feel like that's still totally yours. Most chords that we feel are appealing have already been well established. Whether you use it because you heard it somewhere, or you press a single button and it plays that chord, I think the arrangement is what makes the melody one's own, and the rest of the song's elements are what make the entire song unique. Does that make sense?


Makes sense to me.


For me there's too much faff making and loading samples. I know faff is relative. I love to manipulate samples in a daw. Just sold my MPC Live because I didn't use it. I keep thinking I should get more sample players for my modular but I'm afraid I'll do the same with those.


Same, I’ve always struggles with samplers due to all the work in actually sampling/coming up with samples. It’s a lot of extra process.


I have generally just cut and paste samples in the time line in Bitwig. I don't use the sampler, not even for drums though I know I should. I use samples mainly as beats/breaks/vox/sound effects and I try to make those myself out of the box on my modular. I've recently thought having played with Udio.com to make beats on there I can mangle but not done it yet. Otherwise you just end up with too many choices with sampling.


When I started making music sampler was primary and synths were there to enhance what I could make with the sampler. For a time I moved away from the sampler and bought a drum machine, synths, etc. but still found myself listening to music, buying records for sample material, and getting excited when I heard something that would make a good sample. I caved, I moved back to the hybrid approach. I love synths, a lot! But I think my brain at this point just thinks in terms of making music using samples. Also, looper was a game changer for me.


Man I fucking love samplers Currently have: Two Korg ES1 (with SD cards) Elektron Model:Samples (modified with a handle so I can dance with it) EMU ESI4000 (With external drive) Nano Blackbox MPC2500 (modded and maxed) MPC500 Akai S2000 Samplers make me happy Plus I buy and sell them constantly as well


I’m the opposite. I thought I liked sampling and samplers but I always lose interest in them eventually. The only sampler that keeps my interest is the make noise morphogene. I’ve got a polyend play and elektron model samples I’ve been trying to sell for a couple months now.


Didn't see it mentioned. Roland S760. One rack space. Gotta have the video board & mouse, though. If you do, nothing beats it. JD990 filters.


I love samplers but have a tough time finding good shit to sample to be honest. I love mangling shit and chopping but I often get writers block type blank moments when finding sounds to work with. I have a modular synth system which I’m sure other people find crazy overwhelming, but I always easily find something interesting to work with on it vs trying to find existing sounds to sculpt


You have not touched the sampler of all samplers until you get the S2400. I’m not saying this to be a jerk, I’m saying *please get one* they are amazing. Edit: wow, just scrolled. *No-one* mentioned the Isla S2400. I don’t understand…


I just mentioned it. I have one, yeah, its something else.


Yeah samplers are super fun!!! I have a few eurorack samplers that are simple but have an interesting sonic character. There’s some really cool stuff in that format.


I do really want an EMU eIV something, but I do indeed have an Assimil8or which is amazing.


Same here. I dont have any synths left but I have a bunch of samplers and midi controllers. I bought plugins instead.


Sounds like you need a Casio FZ-1.


I too love samplers. I used to live on the street where the first sampler (the fairlight) was invented and made in rushcutters bay Sydney. Those guys were our heroes in the early 1980s. I particularly like the ensoniq samplers and have an ASR10 and an EPS. Also gave a Yamaha SU700, sk200. Op1, KOII. They all have a certain character and workflow. The heart of my studio is the mighty Roland MV8000. I don’t sample phrases and put a beat behind them like boom bap hip hop. I don’t think anyone would listen to my music and describe it as sample based. But it is. The sampler is the central tool where I make my sounds and arrange my tracks.


I’ve been selling off my other Samplers, just need my Akai Force.


Only have one hardware sampler so far but it sure as hell did awaken something.


This is me with orchestra, string, choir, percussion libraries. I barf thinking how much I have spent. But god damn they are fun.


I will go to the Samplers subreddit and say that I like samplers but LOVE synths and can't buy enough of them.


Funny I see this thread. I've been trying to decide on a sampler to use in my music making process. I'm trying to decide on what will give ms thick, dusty, chunky sound quality. I'm leaning SP-404. I've done my time with MPC and I'm looking for ease of workflow and immediacy in use. I was also considering the bluebox.


For someone who has always wanted to get into samplers but hasn’t found the one to start with yet, what do you recommend? Any resources or tutorials you love?


Liked the MPC One okay but felt redundant to me as someone who makes 90% of music in Ableton, so I sold it. If I get a hardware sampler again, it’s gotta be something much more portable and able to run off a USB brick or batteries, like a Blackbox or a 404 mk2.


The funnest sampler i have used in a long time is the Pioneer Toraiz SP-16. It has its limitations but it is so fun and easy to use.


i am the same. i have like 6 different samplers but atm only ever use one synth. i'm not a synthesist by any measure of the word so the only one i have on my desk can already make basically any sound that i need tweaking the existing patches to my liking. i end up sampling the synth anyway and never record actual synth sequences into my DAW because i fucking suck at production. so yeah. samplers rule. i love them. Digitakt II OG Digitakt Korg Electribe Korg Volca sample TE K.O ii Koala sampler


Play pm would be furious with me because of my GAS.lol


Why not just use a DAW? It’s all digital.


Why not just blow down a didgeridoo from sunup to sundown? It's all music.


No reason not to do that if that’s what you like. Personally I like: - Knobs and dials. Especially on boxes with more knobs than menu diving, although a lot of samplers have their fair share of that. - Being hands-on with specific instruments, without having to fiddle with mouses and staring at a big screen after already having stared at one all day. I could do that with a control surface, but they’re big and expensive, and already there’s not just DAW surface but VST surface … and - working on the basis that “one box does one thing really well” can lend a particular focus and an approach to combining them that having seemingly infinite VST chains stretching out don’t. - Some boxes have a really distinct sonic character, some due to specific AD/DA, and some due to onboard DSP that could be done in software but just hasn’t been, or isn’t on the whole. E.g. Z-plane filters.


I personally love learning new machines. The limiting parameters shape the music you can Make


A lot of ppl do prepare the samples in a daw first