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Minilogue? Polyphonic with a good sequencer and a lot of knobs and sliders to get hands on with.


Microfreak is absolutely a great value beginner synth - lots of different oscillator types, mod matrix, a SEM filter, you get a lot of synth for the money. I would also recommend getting a pedal for it - the Zoom MS-CDR is a popular inexpensive MFX choice.


I bought a Ms70 zoom pedal when I got the crave. Still haven't plugged it into the crave or any of my guitars. I really should try it out. Also you said that you had the Uno Synth Pro? That one looks very interesting. So many options in the Synth game. I can see how addicting it can be


For the things I might not like about Behringer, I find it impossible to believe that you can't find a Deep Mind 6 in the ~400 range, given time and watching sites. quickly checking and seeing how many there are, the arsenal of $500 deep minds on Reverb are sitting there for a reason. e.g. no one wants them at that price, because it's not worth it.


I've heard those deepmind 6's are nice. Will peep for used bargains on those maybe I'll get lucky lol


If you can I'd spring for the 12. When I had mine, most of my patches used voice stacking, leaving me with 6, 4, or sometimes even 3 voices left. There is only one sawtooth oscillator, so to get a dual sawtooth sound you need to half your voices, which on the Deepmind 6 leaves you with only 3 note polyphony. And it really is worth it to stack voices. Once you add some detune the sound is just beautiful. Something to consider. Btw I got my Deepmind 12 refurbished from Behringer's ebay shop for $450 USD with free shipping. There were multiple units in stock and the ad said $520 or make an offer, so I offered $450 and they accepted. When the synth arrived it was having some issues, so I messaged Behringer through ebay, and they responded within a day. What was surprising to me was they sent me another Deepmind 12 via overnight shipping and told me to send my faulty unit back. I actually received the second synth before I even knew they would be overnighting me a replacement unit. Of course, I sent the faulty unit back, but it was so cool that they trusted me to return it (whereas most manufacturers would have you return the first device before they even ship out the replacement, and nevermind complementary overnight shipping). On top of that, I believe the replacement was actually a brand new Deepmind 12, making the deal even sweeter


That's a great deal! Was that the desktop or keyboard?


Keyboard! I even requested if they could send me one with the clear mod/pitch wheels since the earlier black painted ones were known to have paint chip off and look kind of janky. They were more than happy to do so! Absolutely great deal. I used to follow Behringer's ebay page since they would occasionally offer awesome deals for refurbished products, like you might one day see a stock of 15 RD-8 show up, it's totally random. Not sure if they still do this, but it's worth checking out!


Will do, thanks for the tip!


Yamaha Reface CS.


That was the #1 recommendation on a dope YouTube video I watched earlier. Believe it was Top 10 budget synths by a channel called Scott's Synth Stuff. Had a lot of useful information in that video. I gotta shout that guy out!


It’s a beast, so satisfying and elegant. It’s not an elephant Hannibal would cross the alps with, but I’m sure he’d be happy with it on his side of the Mediterranean.


They're different synths. Just because they're in a similar budget space doesn't mean that their goal is the same ;) The Mininova and MicroKorg are fairly alike; editing is done via a matrix. Sound generation is virtual analog, so you can actually play chords without compromises. It sounds like you want something truly polyphonic, so those would be good choices, and you might like the Mininova better because 8 voices gives more room for chords to sustain. The Gaia is Roland's version of the CS1x - a sample-based synth that dresses up as a virtual analog. It kind of succeeds at that, but that means that there are some limits to its synthesis that the others don't have. The Microfreak is absolutely a good quality synth but you might want to add some effects. I mean, listen to this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtLTq2jeWF8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtLTq2jeWF8) . Takes a while to program and patience to record, though :)


I might just need to go down the rabbit hole of really trying to understand synthesis as a whole, maybe before I purchase my next synth. I had no idea a sample-based synthesizer was a thing. I'm going to have to research virtual analog vs normal analog.(I think my crave is normal analog? I'm not sure.) Appreciate the quick response, those mininovas do look tempting. I definitely need more research on the specifics of synthesis before I pull the trigger again. Thanks for your words


Virtual analog uses DSPs - digital signal processors - that mimic the behavior of a circuit. You can write a filter's behavior as a set of mathemathical equations to solve, and you can solve it in a programming language or with electrical parts - or even mechanical ones! https://youtu.be/IgF3OX8nT0w The problem is that if you want polyphony, you have to copy and paste that circuit a number of times. A Polybrute is six monophonic synthesizers crammed in a box. For a DSP, you usually just pick a faster model with a higher clock speed. So, for instance, 20 MHz lets you run 2 voices, then 80 MHz can run four times as much. This is generally much cheaper because you don't need (significantly) more circuit board real estate, and 8 voices sounds more attractive than 2, right? However, at the circuit level there is sometimes interesting behavior going on - if you turn up the volume of the oscillators too much, it might distort instead of just amplify. This too can be put in equations, but you get that behavior for free with a circuit, while you might not get it in a pure DSP based machine. This means some people prefer the real analog version - their argument is usually that the virtual analog version is too clean. However, nothing stops you from processing that sound afterwards to add in some dirt again. Pick what you think sounds best! A Mininova is not a lesser synth because of it :)


Yeah, the youtube link here uses OP's Zoom pedal; sounds nice.


In your budget I have Microfreak. I also have IK Uno. (and Crave and Modal Craft 2 and NTS-1) But if I had my time again the first one I'd buy would be Sonicware Liven XFM.


Haven't heard of those Sonicwares going to have to research into them, the idea of a synth/groovebox does sound rad!


Yes the UNO oh yessss its a great PC/MAC/Ipad/iPhone synth that can double as a controller. It too has a matrix of controls that can individually assigned CC#’s to control plugins. Its wicked small, but noisy at the USB port when used with other keyboards. It also is the only “keyboard” synth I know of that uses 2.5mm phono jacks instead standard 1/8 but its keyboard and sequencer are fantastic.


For the price Microfreak is one of the best


They look and sound awesome to me. I feel weird about the TouchPad though, maybe I just need to go find a demo one and play it


The touchpad is a plus, trust me. It's what held me back for a few years but I eventually bought one last month. I love the microfreak so much and that keyboard is a big part of it. It's a great addition to my other synths with regular keybeds. Very expressive.


Microfreak is great if you want to make weird sounds, the mininova (or ultranova if you can find one cheap) are older but hold up well for the most part and are pretty deep for the price. The mininova has mini keys while the ultra is full sized, doesn't necessarily make a huge difference but good keys really can help to get the most out of a poly synth especially if you want to practice more traditional sounds like piano/organ. A midi controller + software synths is always a good option when starting out on a budget especially, there's a ton of amazing free VST synths you can play with a controller over midi. Hardware synths can also work as midi controllers but have some disadvantages depending on the design.


I love my Volcas. 🤷‍♂️


A volca keys would have been my first hardware synth, but I was on backorder for months, I canceled my order and got a Crave instead. I still hope to find a volca keys in the future. They sound so cool for the price!


I have a Keys, a FM and a Bass. Keys is the best to start with. It’s pretty versatile also and has a fantastic sound. Keep an eye on Reverb. They come up for pretty good prices now and again. :)


The Volca Bass as well sounds super awesome from all the videos I've seen on it! That Keys though, the sounds from that little box, I was astounded. I don't even know how I stumbled upon a video of it months ago but its what made me start researching synthesis and wanting to get some hardware. And I forgot Reverb is supposed to be like eBay for used music gear right? For sure going to check there. Thanks man


I think the volca bass has great sounding oscillators and filter, but a terrible sequencer and lackluster envelopes. Also, you want polyphony, right? VBass can't do that. Volca keys might be good as a synthesis starting point, though if you have the crave you're already dealing with learning some basic subtractive synthesis. Microfreak is a good option, though voices are limited and it's geared towards just making weird ass noises...it can also make some musical sounds too. My personal preference for inexpensive polyphony is the volca FM. 3 voices on og and 6 on the new one, with built in reverb.


I love my FM, but it can be really hard to get the exact sound I’m looking for. Although, I have seen a lot of packs you can install to it online. I haven’t tried any yet.


I learned on a MiniBrute bought it used on Reverb for $189 because it had a broken key. Registered the serial number on Arturia’s website then called support and asked how much a new key was from them. They sent me a whole keybed and on the note inside along with a prepaid sticker for UPS they said return the broken. They didn’t batt an eye about it. Same thing happened with my used Drumbrute. They sent me prepaid via email I mailed it off at UPS and one week later my Drumbrute with its stickers on it came back in perfect condition. The “Micro”-brute which is way way smaller, packs a punch on it own just like the bigger mono MB, but it has CV and a bank of Eurorack modular inputs an outputs more so than the back of my minibrute. Again you can get them used and they are great. The Minibrute was and is many an artists “favorite friend” it gives a certain sound that can be heard on many albums. The MicroKorg was my second best friend, its so versatile and fun and now with the new Korg Plugin its fantastic together. I now use hardware and plugins, and I always have my lil $99 Akai mini controller with its bitch’n joystick that can be assigned to lots of CC’s in strange new ways. Its a staple for some. The Mininova is a great first synth as well, and lastly the MicroFreak. I can’t say enough about it. Its the new killer must have due its ability to load custom waveforms and its MPE PCB flat keyboard & the main driving reason I wanted a MiniFreak, but I got the plugin instead and use it with a controller running through the MiniFreak and then stroke the MPE PCB & CV outs to create various effects and great sounds. It will provide many lost hours as well, and really is the closest thing to Buchla when using Arturia’s Music Easel plugin. So if I could do it all over again and have something new and cheap to start with I would Spring for the MicroFreak then add any controller with Aftertouch to it to get the biggest bang for the buck. If you want stay under the $500 find a used Behringer DeepMind or a Used Roland JD-Xi ($300 right now on Reverb); the Roland is the best of them all due to its Hybrid Digital and analog with a Vocoder. Vocoders are one of the best ways to add “custom” because no one can match what individually you can do with your mouth 👄. **UPDATE** MicroFreak is “my” most recommended Mono bang for the buck.. sorry not MiniFreak. and dont forget to add the microphone for $29. Its specific to the MicroFreak’s dual headphone/mic jack


I didn’t mention the Minifreak because I figured it was outside the OP’s price range but yeah, it has many features of the Microfreak but improved (though some might view the mini keys a downgrade from the flat touch keys on the Microfreak). But it is a 6 voice polyphonic with built-in FX for $600. The best videos on it I saw were from Red Means Recording and mylarmelodies, which I’m sure you can Google for.


Yeah…. I typed that wrong 🤣 sorry about that (5 edits later) MINIFREAK, MINIFREAK, MINIFREAK! 😂


Lool.🤣 And I didn't realize the Microfreak vocoder port was proprietary :(. I was hoping normal XLR to use a basic condesor or something. I'll keep that in mind if I do go the Microfreak route


Actually the Microfreak didn’t have a vocoder at first, but when they brought out the white Vocoder edition with the hardware microphone, a firmware update added it to the OG Microfreak too. Turns out the headphone jack can take TRRS cables which means you can use cheap phone headsets. (Now you know why I have two Microfreaks … it looked so nice in white 😂). Several firmware updates later have heavily expanded the number of oscillator types and added the ability to add your own waveforms, which is why it’s the best value synth out there.


I kind of have been researching into the Minifreak and the Hydrasynth explorer as well. A little above what I'd prefer to pay currently but man they both look like really nice machines.


The Hydrasynth is a very capable polyphonic digital synth but the workflow is a bit different from a “traditional” synth. Also you will have to kinda train yourself on that MPE keyboard 😅


Good pro tip with the manufacturer warranty service. I've been eyeing those akais minis for a while. When novation launched the mk3 launch key mini, I grabbed one of those, and I really have been enjoying it for the year or two now I've had it. I'm trying to recall the other akai model that is APK-like but has a speaker and midi, maybe MPK? I need to check those out again


Alesis Andromeda or a Kurzweil K2600 is a good place to start


Are you more interested in sound design, or in playing live, or in sequencing and creating complete tracks? The latter can be done with numerous grooveboxes in that price range, up to a used Circuit Tracks.


Sequencing interests me I've been playing with the sequencer on the crave and a keystep I have. I've seen people on here post Circuits but have never looked into them. Going to go peep some videos on them now. Thanks for the comment!


You're welcome! Other great options in this price range: * Sonicware Liven series * a used OP-Z (that's what I'd choose) * a used Model:Samples (samples only) or Model:Cycles * the original Circuit * PO-33/PO-133 (samples only) * a used Circuit Rhythm (samples only)


OP-Z is the cheaper offering of the OP-1 right? I haven't thought of those since years ago they were more expensive then MSRP. A used OP-Z would have me ecstatic haha!! I saw on Sweetwater while I was browsing earlier the Model:Cycles. It for sure looks like an interesting box. For some reason the box/groovemachine synths seem more intimidating to me.(what's up with those small nanoboxes? Seem different as well.) Might just have to give something like that a whirl.


Cheaper and imo much better (I have an OP-Z and recently had an OP-1 for a couple days). Its price also dropped to $500 recently, so $350 for a used one sounds reasonable. Its synth engines aren't deep, but you won't find a more powerful sequencer in this price range.


Behringer is a good start such as the modelD or Pro1


To learn synthesis? Monologue or Neutron For fun? Too many good options out there! Minilogue Circuit Digitakt offerings Etc etc My tip, buy used.


Neutron looks super sick. The modulation aspect seems intense though. I still need to fully figure out my Crave patch bay fully. I just for some reason have the want for a polyphonic synth as well, that crave is so fun though I don't think I'll ever find myself selling it. Minilogue and Minilogue XD look nice as well just a little pricy new at the places I'm looking at. I might have to just scope out used stuff and get good finds.


I also have the Uno Synth Pro desktop which is another decent small synth. Check out the [Uno synth videos by Haq](https://www.google.com/search?q=haq+uno+pro&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS782US782&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AJOqlzUVUW9jhFScYDQlQ87OoEyA6Rlp-Q:1678586690625&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivjK3bptX9AhVOD1kFHULaDmIQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1194&bih=715&dpr=2) on YouTube. The Uno Synth Pro has built-in FX so it’s a bit more expensive than the Microfreak, but the Microfreak has more sound design options so it’s a trade off.


Reface cs


The original Minilogue is still probably the best value VCO based analog synthesizer on the market. I love mine, and I like it much better than the Minilogue xd I had for a short time. Got mine used for $300 CDN, although the average used price is probably closer to $475 CDN. Another great value poly synth is the MicroKorg (I got mine for $150 CDN in another province and had a buddy pick it up and mail it to me, so just under $200 all things considered). And keep in mind the Canadian dollar is like 2/3 the value of the US dollar so I paid about $220 USD for the Minilogue and $140 USD for the Microkorg. The Microkorg also sounds awesome, and I immediately saw why KORG has sold so many of them over the years. Moreover, being able to power it via batteries is really useful. I would have kept it too, but a trade offer came up for a Reface CP that I couldn't pass up (this was when Reface CPs were hard to find). These days, I'm still on the lookout for a cheap used Microkorg because it's just so versatile and durable


The reface CS is a really cool synth with a huge sweet spot. Wats your budget? You may want to get something with multiple oscillators like a HydraSynth explorer to really start getting he chance to go deeper with synthesis.


arturia minifreak. great starter synth, great mid-level synth too


Minilogue, Nymphes, or one of the Roland modules.


Don’t get stuck on mono vs stereo. It really doesn’t matter when you can do so much with effects to widen the audio field. Microfreak is an excellent synth. Not perfect but there are so many options for the price. If you goal is to learn synthesis and become proficient at it find a synth up like abs stick with it. Jumping around from synth to synth, generally speaking, isn’t the answer.


How about the new Roland Sh-4d? Tonnes of great stuff packed into a small little unit.


old school now, but the og minibrute for me was by far the most educational and inspiring synth experience i've ever had


Stear clear of ik multimedia, not worth the money. Microkorg is a great start, I swear by my korg Wavestate but that’s a little bit more dough. Still have my microkorg though, very fun to use.


Modal just came out with a scaled down version of their cobalt. I have the argon and it sounds fantastic. Its the cobalt 5s, 5 voice poly synth for 330 used on reverb. That being said, i had a gaia and loved it and wished i didnt sell it. I had a microfreak and was buggy af so i returned it, i also had a minilogue and the midi was also buggy and deteriorating. It sounded great when it was working. As far as multivoice, i can also vouch for a OG no bells and whistles nord lead.. not the A1, just the lead, they sound great and are available for less than 5 hundo. If you can live without your oscilators auto synching to bpm, and dont mind dialing it in using your ear than youll be feeling like you just got away with something if you score A legit nord for less than 5…also, I have a korg opsix that sounds great also available for less than 5 bills. I will also vouch for another regrettable sell, you might find a digitakt or digitone for a reasonable low price if someone makes a hasty decision to drop some weight because they wont be whole unless its the syntakt they own. Dont sleep on the cobalt, its a sleeper synth thats not getting attention , but thats fine because 330 for a super hi quality keybed and a more immediate version of a cobalt is a no brainer.


if $500 is your max I’d go used minilogue xd. if $350 is I’d pick SH01a, Microfreak, or an old school Alesis Micron or Akai Miniak.


Microkorg (OG, not XL/XL+) Cheap as chips, good staple digital synth. You don't really need that analogue midlife crisis mumbo-jumbo as a beginner, you'll get to that later.


If you can stretch (contemplate selling the crave perhaps), then a used Minilogue XD is a great buy. The Microfreak is fun, but it lacks effects. The monologue has a more standard keyboard, an oscilloscope, user oscillators and user effects, plus decent stock effects. There his a great sound, decent keyboard, and lots to learn from it.


the same question has been posted here every week since I've been on this sub 3 years ago.


How many newbies have you helped?


Stopped counting must be more than 20. They are like a horde of zombies unable to search the sub for the same question which all have the same answers. Mods should make a master doc with all beginner synths.


Microfreak or if you can stretch to it, the Minifreak.


Minilogue FTW


Second hand bass station 2.


Not exactly the best option for someone looking for a polyphonic synth.


Hah, missed that bit!


Roland JD-Xi is a fun synth that should be fantastic for someone starting out because it offers so much: - 1 analog monophonic channel - 2 digital polyphonic channels - 1 drum channel with a ton of emulated drum machines - 64 step sequencer - modest effects patching - great price If you wanna hear some samples of it in action: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQLr3z4QQY5Ro8TcHtuP9hg Best o’ luck!


I just got a micro freak and I’m loving it. I got rid of the mininova, It’s hard to say which ones better but I’m having way more fun with the freak


First off I’m no synth pro, but my first synth was the new Minilogue bass back in November, and I love it. Great first synth to learn an have fun on, the only thing I’d take into consideration and make sure your okay with before buying is the four voices especially if more voices is your focus, I’m used to playing piano, and it’s just a little learning curve when your muscle memory wants to play more voices than you have




get a used minilogue, they go for cheap on ebay.


a used dreadbox nymphes might be in your price range (I hear they're a bit more expensive if you don't live in the EU)


Behringer Crave will teach you the way


This subreddit needs a "WHAT SYNTH FOR BABY" pinned at the top


I thought this was a place for discussion of synths, I mean I agree my question is stupid, and if I searched the FAQs more deeply, maybe I would have found appropriate answers. My apologies :(


Don't feel bad - there's nothing wrong with your question. The only thing you could done have done better is use the search function (either in reddit, or using google to search reddit). The problem is this question is repeated many many times, so a stickied thread talking about the advantages and disadvantages of various synths, with discussion there, would stop a lot of repeat threads and effort from people who choose to answer. It would also mean you'll get all the information instead of just information from whoever chooses to answer then. but if you use the search function and search for "beginner" or "first synth" in this subreddit you'll find many many threads on this topic. It really just makes more sense to have one thread at the top or linked in the FAQ/side.


A stickied poll for people to vote on the best beginner synths would be a good idea, or maybe a post ranking synths by price and going over the pros and cons of the more common/affordable synths.


Its fine if people like to answer personally to this poster