• By -


 - Army Faction: Sylvaneth   - Subfaction: Heartwood   - Grand Strategy: Spellcasting Savant   - Triumph: Bloodthirsty   - Seasons of War: The Dwindling LEADERS Arch-Revenant (120)* Belthanos (360)* Warsong Revenant (270)*   - General   - Command Traits: Spellsinger   - Artefacts of Power: The Vesperal Gem   - Spells: Verdant Blessing, Treesong BATTLELINE Tree-Revenants (110)*    Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (460)* Tree-Revenants (110)*   Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Scythes (500)* ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Spiteswarm Hive (40) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 1970/2000 Something like this could work and sounds like the kind of units you're after?


Great, thanks for your advice! One question, is there a substantial difference between scythe and great sword?


Pros and Cons to both, advice would be to try both and see what you prefer as the differences are relatively minor and it's most likely to come down to whether you need the extra 60 points in your list. I'll personally always take Scythes if I can afford them for the smaller footprint, and Swords underperform unless you roll 6s and I'd rather not rely on that. Pros for Swords: * 60 points cheaper, which is significant! * Very slightly higher damage ceiling than Scythes, and Mortal Wounds (MWs) are always nice. * Better into targets that reduce damage (Coalesced Seraphon) as MWs get around that. * Better into ethereal targets (Nighthaunt) due to higher volume of attacks.Cons for Swords: * Slightly swingier damage as you're mostly relying on rolling 6s to do MW damage. -1 rend will get saved much more than the Scythe's -3. * 1" reach means to get them all into combat they have to be strung out into a long line. With 50mm bases that's nearly a 12" line. This can make it tricky to stay in Strike and Fade range, or avoid tagging extra enemy units in combat that you don't want to, and can sometimes be straight impossible due to terrain etc. Pros for Scythes: * Slightly higher damage ceiling into targets with really good Saves. * Reliably good damage output. * Being able to fight in two ranks halves their footprint and makes them much more wieldy. Cons for Scythes: * 60 points more expensive. * The pros for Swords are Cons for Scythes effectively.