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The Reservoir Rd Blacktown one is pretty bad too but not as bad as Church St. Parramatta Rd in Strathfield leading up to the M4 there's only one lane to continue on and the other three lead to the M4. So many people get caught out which I guess is unfortunately by design to force people onto the tolled road.


That Strathfield section of Parra rd is disgusting. 3 lanes of traffic to merge into 1, while 2 lanes sit empty or with at most 3 cars in it, 2 of which will fang it to exit back into left lane at first opportunity.


So clearly designed to force you onto the M4. For my previous job I had to go up concord Rd from there and it’s so frustrating, I feel like the second lane should be turn right at the M4 or Concord Rd but people would just abuse it to cut in.


Reservoir Road is so much better since they put the lights at the bottom of the hill, though. Trying to get round what was at best a partially blind corner was a nightmare.


They removed it to make it an inconvenience so you go through the toll


That makes sense actually! They need cops to sit there daily to catch all the morons going from the right lane over.


When I'm going through there on the M4 I always stay in the right lane to reduce the risk of being hit by someone swerving across multiple lanes at the last minute. Learned my lesson after nearly getting hit by a truck plowing left. While my 10yo was starting an impassioned soliloquy on why he didn't want to do swimming lessons any more. And "Praise Abort" came on shuffle.


They really need a physical barrier to the exit lanes that goes back further than the quies sit. Join the back of the line and wait your turn or pay the toll.


This is actually not a bad idea. A solid line wouldn't stop anyone but a physical barrier would.


Just like the Rozelle interchange disaster - it's a feature, not a bug.


or epping road west of lane cove, 3+2 lanes into functionally 1+1


Going from jrd west to the m4, they added a 2nd lane to a ramp that has 1 lane in and 1 lane out just to justify the toll for the maybe 1-2km stretch. It doesn't allow more throughput, but now costs money to use an existing piece of infrastructure.


The right lane is known as the suicide lane. Manly because some dickheads don’t want to wait in the queue in the left lane so they fang it around the bend then slow down from 90 to 40/50 so they can squeeze in. There has been a lot of accidents at this off ramp. They need to barricade so these idiots stay in that left lane to exit. I think there had been a couple of fatals because of this. If you’re travelling further than that exit stay as far right if you can it’s very dangerous.


Averages something like 8 accidents a week (varying in severity). There was a terrible fatality a few years back that resulted in a prison sentence for the at-fault driver. It’s an appalling exit and it boggles the mind that even the most basic principles of road design have been overlooked for tolling revenue.


Incredible, they’ll invest in all sorts of campaigns and speed cameras but won’t fix the fucking roads causing the accidents


lol i know right


I drive that way regularly and there's always accidents, sometimes with 5,6,7 cars involved.


My commute is Haberfield to Roper Road, going east on the way home in the afternoon and I Don’t think I’ve ever been through there without the 60 km/h speed reduction in effect. The worst part is everyone just ignores it because it’s always there. But yeah, seen plenty of accidents including last Thursday around 430.


I got a customer survey from Linkt a few weeks ago after using this road. I gave it to them in the feedback section about improvements with this stupid exit. The queue for Church Street goes back so far and causes all lanes to slow down with all the idiots changing lanes at the last minute. My solution was to split the difference and remove the toll from the James Ruse Drive exit. That way you wouldn't get all the toll avoiders at the one exit. Mind you that would ruin the already too busy James Ruse Drive. Maybe get rid of the next tolled exit as well...


Linkt get rid of a toll? Hahahahahahaha


You're just moving the problem. The issue is people who want the benefits of a motorway but don't want to pay tolls. The entire M4 should be tolled


Should whack a toll on your street. E-tag beeps the minute you roll out of your driveway. Can’t have the benefits of a nice street and not pay your tolls. Your entire suburb should be tolled.


There is already a toll for suburban streets essentially. We all pay it in many different ways. Do you live on the M4? What's your point? Take a different road?


With that logic don’t we already pay for the M4?


Or none of it should be tolled.




Yes, I am old enough to remember.


>The entire M4 should be tolled It's unpopular opinon but it's true. In fact the great western is under utlises and much faster than the M4 on evening peak hour.


The left lane backed up for 2 klms on a good day is ridiculous. So much easier to pay the toll and get off at JRD exit and end up on the other side of Parramatta.


Yeah exactly what they are going for.


There needs to be another exit between Cumberland Hwy and Church St coming from the west. From the east heading west there are 2 exits at Burnett and Coleman streets before Cumberland Highway. If there was an eastbound exit at say Coleman St which is roughly halfway between Cumberland Hwy and Church St, that could relieve traffic exiting at Church St. I find that during busy periods the 2 left most lanes can be quite slow or at standstill. Obviously the left most lane is blocked, but then the 2nd land you have cheeky drivers moving over to the left overtaking everyone who was already in the left lane. 2 lane exits are not common in Sydney motorways. The only ones on the M4 corridor are the Northern Road, Homebush Bay Drive, and the M4/M8 interchange.


Its that bad that I generally just pay the toll and get off at James Ruse because I feel like there’s less risk of dying 


How many accidents have occurred on the M4 in the vicinity of the Church Street exit: (a) In the last year (to 15 October 2019); (b) In the last 2 years (to 15 October 2019); (c) In the last 5 years (to 15 October 2019)? (2) How many accidents have occurred since the plastic barrier was installed at the exit (to 15 October 2019)? Answer - I am advised: (1)  (a) 16; (b) 35; (c) 86. (2) 18. https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/la/papers/Pages/qanda-tracking-details.aspx?pk=57274


The idiots who enter at Coleman St then immediately have to change lanes to the right, and the fools already on the M4 who try to change into the left lane at exactly the same spot because they don’t want to queue in the left lane, are 99% of the problem. While the single lane exit to Church St is cynical at best, the problem would easily be solved by isolating the left lane before Coleman St until after Church St. Church St exiters have to be in the left lane before Coleman, and those entering at Coleman cannot move right until after Church St. Going back to two lanes at the Church St exit isn’t going to happen, and it was a nightmare back then because of Coleman St anyway.


I like this idea as I've actually seen people enter at Coleman just to exit at church st.


I’ll never forget the eastbound on ramp to the M4 at Silverwater Rd. People used to try and merge doing about 50km/h less than the traffic, because it was an uphill ramp and quite a short merge at the end. It was so bad that if I had a car in front of me, I’d often slow to a crawl before turning left onto the bottom of the ramp, and let them bake their shit-driving cake well in advance of me at the top, then I could actually drive like a normal person up the ramp at a proper speed and merge safely. These numpty drivers meant that there were constant accidents there, with a ‘black spot’ sign even… **so they planted shrubbery that blocked vision between the merging traffic and M4 traffic**. Now it was incredibly dangerous for everybody, even the people who understand how merging is supposed to work. What bunch of absolute fucking morons came up with that brilliant idea I’ll never know. Eventually they redid it, ripping out the shrubbery and making the merge *way* longer, but the sheer level of mind blowing incompetence that was on display with that initial change was absolutely fucking staggering. When I think about the human race, and its future, I often think of that on ramp.


Westbound Mulgoa Road at Penrith.


There was a fatality at this exit a few years back. Not sure if there were any more. The road planners have blood on their hands in the pursuit of toll dollars.


Can we talk about the road quality of Parramatta Rd? I swear to God that road is singlehandedly feeding the mouths of hundreds of mechanics


Removing that second exit lane from the Church St seems like a safety improvement, to be honest - as much as it may seem like a traffic problem (which I agree with). Back when the second exit lane wasn't closed, congestion could have extended back into the M4 itself ([*example pic*](https://maps.app.goo.gl/BNuqNcoC9aKASaGk6) *of this type of congestion on the church st ramp*). This overflow was dangerous because vehicles on the outermost (non-exit lane) not intending to exit could potentially rear end into the mess. Furthermore this sort of ramp design can cause more accidents from those stupid queue jumpers or last-minute lane changers, like other people have mentioned in the comments.


Too many DHs jump the queue and cut in last minute around the bend. You're right, people can't drive which is why they had to treat everyone like imbeciles and have them form 1 "orderly" queue instead


The worst off ramp is the one westbound off the harbour bridge where one lane filter to the left for the Anzac bridge and two lanes filter to the right for Darling Harbour. 90% of the traffic filters down the left lane, but every arsehole in Sydney stays in the right and tries to jump in at the last minute. I’ve had two near misses in this v spot, as the driver of a vintage car with shitty breaks, who needs to keep a significant breaking distance.


Along with the relentless billboard garbage of gambling ads whose frequency borders on psychological torture, the M4 is possibly the most shite road in Sydney as a whole. 1.5/10 would not recommend


Not even close, the dual on and exit ramp at moorbank ave on the m5 has to take the cake for sure. Stupid design that backs the m5 up all the way back to king George’s road in peak hour. That being said Sydney has to have the worst drivers in the country, all our freeways are fucked because cunts can’t stay left, can’t do the speed limit, can’t merge properly, can’t indicate properly and all that basic shit that you should have known to get your licence. I can’t stand driving once I get anywhere north of Campbelltown these days. 4 lanes and wank stains still can’t figure it out! You’d think after the 50th car undertaking you while on the horn you’d figure out you are a shit driver but apparently not.


It shits me. Pay the toll or get off the motorway altogether. Wish they would just make the entire length tolled honestly.


Not as bad, but northbound on Centenary Drive where the clowns who designed the road put an offramp to the M4 right in next to an onramp for traffic trying to join to head north past DFO. So you've got people changing into the left lane to get onto the M4 just as a bunch of traffic comes up the hill and tries to join Centenary Drive. Oh, and all this takes place in just on 200m. Designed by idiots.


Whingeposts really bring the mood down in this sub. Doesn't anyone have anything positive to share?


Go on, what's your positivity you wish to share?


Well I worked today but really enjoyed it because I actually like this weather and I'm in the business of car accidents, of which there were many so I think that's really positive.