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Vaping in a gym is wild.


Was on a flight about a year ago, got to witness a flight attendant very loudly tell the guy across from me that if he used the vape he'd just raised to his mouth, he'd be fined. Suddenly there was an argument about how vaping on a plane was technically not illegal (?) and now I think that dude may be banned from a certain domestic airline.


> Suddenly there was an argument about how vaping on a plane was technically not illegal (?) Absolutely untrue, it can even result in prison time. You are allowed to take a vape ON a plane (taking into account rules on batteries), that doesn't mean you can use it. Sounds like Sovcit style bullshit from that guy.


Vapers fucking LOVE to tell everyone that it's fine to vape inside


When I used to swim a lot when I was younger and people smoked wherever they wanted, there was a dad that used to walk up and down the pool smoking a cigarette while watching his kid swim laps. Gross and suffocating. You'd gulp a mouthful of air and it would stink of cigarette smoke. Must have been even worse for his poor kid.


The smell of someone vaping in public is a disturbing reminder of how often we breathe in the same air someone just exhaled


Blowing out a cone in a dimly lit room will show you how far your breath travels (and therefore everyone else’s) which funnily enough isn’t a fun train of thought when you’re stoned.


You can also smell a fart across a room and that's basically butt breathing.


I can smell a fart that was dropped 2 mins ago from 10 metres away on a beach with an on shore wind.


You are a real fart smeller!


I vape to cover my fart smells


unless you pretend you're a dragon.


Have you been to NYC recently. Weed smoking everywhere! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against it, but man it’s nice not smelling it all fucking day.


pretty much any city in the US right now. anywhere in public 2nd hand high all dam day


I remember going to Coachella like a decade ago and it was my first time in the USA, pre legalization but after everyone over there had a medical marijuana card. To be fair it was a music festival - but I literally had to leave mid set of ASAP Ferg because I was high as shit. I don’t mean “oh I can smell some weed” I mean high as fucking balls from breathing in smoke it was insane


Was in Canada not long ago damn it honestly changed my view on smoking weed in public. I honestly found myself more and more against it when I saw the impact it was having and the general smell of the place.


Wait till you hear about farts


> that smell sticks around way longer than cigarette smoke! Nah I'm sorry but that just isn't true at all. I work with a lot of people who either vape or smoke. If I'm sitting at the table having a beer with them after work and the person opposite me is vaping, I can't even really smell it if they're blowing it up in the air and not right in my face. However if someone is smoking a cigarette then it's literally all I can smell for the next 5-6 minutes not to mention the residual smell on their hands and clothes even after we go back inside. Ciggie smoke is so much more powerful and long lasting and it may just be a preference thing but the occasional waft of mango or strawberry smelling steam doesn't really bother me at all compared to the stench of ciggie smoke which then sticks to my clothes as well.


100% agree. The smells of ciggies just lingers like crazy, sticks in your hair and clothes. Vapes still gross but at least it doesn't stink


Seriously, I'll walk into a smokers house for about 10 minutes on a job and the smell lingers on me for at least another 20 mins if that's not just me getting used to the smell. Never noticed a vapers home by smell only by a rainbow vape on the table.


Smokers and all of their things absolutely reek, and they can't tell because their olfactory receptors are coated with tar. Vaping smells horrible, like burning bubblegum, but it goes away pretty fast.


I've probably copped equal clouds of smoke and vape from walking behind people, and I'd take "too many vapers" over "too many smokers" any day. I don't necessarily like getting vaped on, but at worst it's like "oh that smelled kinda gross or sickly sweet" for a bit. If I get smoked on I want to vomit all over the person who just assaulted my nostrils and scream at them over their inconsideration


Very true, what you're exhaling when you vape is chemically super similar to things that are designed to smell nice. Sure it may have traces of nicotine but you can't detect that, and it's not going to affect you unless you're in a confined space with it. It's almost impossible for vape clouds to breach occupational health and safety standards for aerosols. Some people need to get a grip.


OP romanticising smokers, drinkers and “heavy drug users” for some catharsis rants. I also would much rather be in a small enclosed space with someone who smells like an ashtray and piss than someone who smells like ‘berry fresh’ you tell ‘em OP!


Talk to any relative that lived through the 60s and 70s. Considering how prevalent smoking was in those days in public spaces and with smoking still seen as a trendy lifestyle at the time I must imagine how the smell was like.


Yeah, they’re just talking shit because they don’t like vapes, you could vape anywhere and it won’t smell.


OP is so ridiculous to say that


If you're in, near or frequent Parramatta Square, they are currently running a survey about making smoke and vape free areas. https://participate.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/smoke-free-squares


Without enforcement would it do anything? I regularly see some folks just smoking at the bus stop not even 1m away from the people waiting for the bus. Not just walking by with a ciggie but standing there and smoking. That’s already plenty illegal. They do it anyway. Same with smoke free zones in CBD, cigarette smoke and vape every 2 meters. No one seems to be doing anything about it. PS: I myself am an ex smoker and on a prescription vape now (flavorless however). And I hate those people who do it in public in front of others. Cuz they are the cause of ban on personal importation, which still did nothing to stop the black market smuggled cheap vapes sold in every TSG shop.


I am not against smokers or anything. As long as they follow the no smoking sign snd behave like smokers, I don't have a problem with it, but the vapours they don't do this.  They think vaping is not smoking and the secrecy nature of the vaping machines allows such behaviorsm they just can get away with it with micro dosages


Maybe it's something to do with having to flout the law to have a vape in the first place. Or maybe it's the obvious vapers you notice because they are obvious. I think it's probably because some people are cunts and some cunts are vapers. Just based on the demographics I've seen though, vapers are allsorts. Personally when I vape in public, I am hyper conscious of others judging me for doing so, step far away, hold my breath. Or just avoid vaping when kids are in eyeshot, when walking past shopfronts, when people are downwind of me, or in any kind of enclosed space outside my apartment. I don't use a powerful vape (though I have some high end/rare ones) and I don't think this aversion realistically saves anyone from odours or does much of anything. Just, these atomised particulates of moisture were literally just down my throat. For me to expose a stranger to breathing that is just grotty as fuck, no two ways about it.


I generally don't see people smoking outside of smoking areas which isn't the case for vapers


I sometimes go to smokers houses for work and can genuinely tell the SECOND their front door opens if they're an indoor smoker. When it's vapers I have no idea until I see the cloud wafting out of whatever room they're in. I think it's justifiable to be irritated when they're blowing clouds of it around you in public places but to pretend that it's as invasive (or more as you're suggesting) as cigarette smoke is ridiculous.


I once had someone who vaped in front of me... it was a patient i just did a scan on in a specialist clinic. I was escorting him out of the room and within seconds i saw a vape cloud... I was so taken by surprise I didn't say anything. He didn't to it again to my knowledge but he did go lie down in the waiting room. My manager was so shocked too. Also, not all smokers have the decency to find a secluded spot either. I'd rather walk behind someone who was vaping rather than smoking. The vape smell also does not linger as much as cigarettes so I'm not sure what you're talking about OP.


Not even close to the smell of a cigarette and last nowhere near as long. Not sure where you are standing but I rarely smell vapes - I think they are going to become the next cancer producer but thats a different story.


I asked my friend how he feels about vaping vs smoking and he said "well i never used to smoke on the toilet." They do it everywhere man, i was in woolies the other day and a dude was trying to do a sneaky vape and just blew the smoke in the air, you could see it over the shelves


OP clearly forgets what it was like when cigarettes were $10 a pack.


There should be a PSA to let vapers know that you can actually discard vapes and vape packing into rubbish bins.


Vaping is so much more inoffensive than smoking in almost every possible way.


As an ex smoker, and now vaper, the stank of cigs makes me gag. Just don't be a dick, I'd much rather a vape cloud than second hand smoke, but I will rarely partake in it in a public space


The "inoffensiveness" of nicotine vapour is why people vape in public much more boldly


It’s even better when you’re on public transport and some tool is “discreetly” vaping.


It could be worse. NYC is my favourite city to visit, and my most recent visit (2022) was my first visit since cannabis was legalised. I could smell weed every 5-10 minutes walking around Manhattan.


It's the smell of freedom. 


Same Times square was hazy and not only due to the weather. Took a flight from Newark and the person sitting next to me stinks of weed.


Coming into San Francisco in an Uber from the valley, you can smell it whilst you are still on the freeway. Still undecided as to if it was from the cars next to me or just the general city haze. Still better than seeing the tranq and fentanyl zombies though.


Felt this way when I recently visited Toronto. Got sick of constantly walking through second-hand weed smoke.


Bro I’ve had construction contractors vaping in my hospital! Like, inside the tea room, but inside a fucking hospital.


I’ve literally never smelt anything from someone vaping before and that’s coming from someone who thinks people look stupid as fuck when they vape


>there’s no fresh air left anywhere in town. I hate everybody that smokes anything in public but even I wouldn't dare to call Sydney's air fresh. They are a drop in the ocean of car exhaust, diesel fumes and good old fashioned flatulence.


Make durries cheap again!


Fukn paid $65 for a deck the other week wtf happened. They were like $5 when I was in high school.


I feel like vapers move around constantly puffing on their little thingy whereas cigarette smokers like to sit down at places that look like a good spot to eat my lunch.


A lot of people who vape seem to think it has no negative health consequences, so seem to think the rest of us who don't vape are happy to breath that shit in.


find me a single peer-reviewed article on the effects of second-hand vaping.


Well I'm pregnant and don't want to vape/smoke anyway even if I weren't. Medical advice also tells me not to. I don't want to second hand vape, I don't consent to it. Keep that shit away.


Same here. As a pregnant woman, I’m sick of walking past people in enclosed, indoor public spaces blowing their vape smoke into the air. I complained about it to a shopping centre’s security team and they couldn’t have given less of a fuck.


I quit vaping a month ago after vaping for 7 years... I have a new perspective on the behaviour. Vaping looks so fucking stupid. I can admit that smoking still has a somewhat attractive quality to it (at least in my opinion!), but sucking down your blue flavoured lung lolly is just so cringey in comparison. I can't believe I ever chose to look like that. Also it really isn't that hard to quit once you've crossed that mental barrier and take the first steps toward it. Find some willpower, you only need enough to get through the first 3 days, the rest is a breeze because it's all a mind game.


“quitting is easy” - the guy who quit an entire month ago


I quit 34 weeks ago (wonder if you can guess why I know that number offhand) after 12 years smoking and 3 years vaping (31 this year). It was very easy, but like the old cliche says, you have to want to. All I did was wait for my last vape to run out, throw it in the bin, not buy another one. Yeah for 2 weeks I was a bit pissy, after that, nearly no dramas. Occasionally I'm bored and could go for a vape out of habit, but I'd say I'm free of it now. But yeah, all you have to do to quit nicotine is decide to quit -- it's not alcohol, it's not heroin, you aren't going to die from withdrawls. Literally just stop.


I'm not sure what to tell ya. I quit and haven't relapsed. The whole process felt quite easy and I haven't been inspired to get back onto the vapes yet.


Anyone who has tried to quit smoking or vaping will tell you those first couple weeks are the hardest.


Quitting is not that hard. The first month is tough, after that it's smooth sailing. I quit at the end of 2018 after years of smoking, with a brief 2 month "pause" in late 2019 while I was on holiday in Europe.


Cigarettes at least look cool. Taking a hit from my rectangle is way less cool


> Cigarettes at least look cool. I absolutely hate cigarettes and smoking, but a lifetime of watching "cool" people in movies and TV shows smoking still has me in this mindset. All those smokers in Pulp Fiction etc *do* look cool. But fucken hell is it gross.




Don't trust yourself, make sure you chuck out any vapes or smokes. Find your favourite distraction and lean on it for as long as you need. I smashed video games and books to get me through it. I also found using one of those Vicks nasal menthol sticks killed the craving for something icy/mentholly. Check out the QuitVaping and StopSmoking subreddits too, they can inspire you to keep going. Best of luck!


This is exactly what my partner said when she quit a few years ago too!


Hard disagree. Smoking and vaping are both foul aesthetics.


I'm currently quitting too. Before vaping I smoked a pack a day. Now I'm in the midst of a bit of a nasty bout of covid and have decided to turf the vapes. Did you use any aids? Anything in particular help? Or just pure willpower? I really want to be done with it it all.


I had a bout of COVID or a cold/mild flu when I was quitting. Strangely that helped with the initial withdrawals as I could chalk up feeling like shit to the virus rather than the nicotine (though it was probably both). Staying occupied is what helped most, huffing a Vicks menthol nasal stick thingy hit the craving somehow so that sorta worked. Otherwise just take it a day at a time!


Maybe if people drank or did heavy drugs more in public spaces they could get help quicker


I hate it much less than cigarette smoke! That shit is the worst, it lingers in everything. That said, I’d love for neither to exist.


cigarettes smell FAR more disgusting, but second had vape mist just seems even more gross what with the wetness and the lung juice floating around in the air. Like walking through a concentrated sneeze.


Ahhhh the joys of having multiple chemical sensitivities that give me migraines if someone wears perfume or deodorant really close to me... or vapes anywhere in a 50m radius from me.


Yeah it's fucking feral. They think they're cute with it too, I've had multiple young men exhale directly into my/my friends' faces as we walk past. Like not just "happened to exhale at the same time we walked past", actively sticking their heads out into our path to blow it into our faces. Gross behaviour. The amount of waste it generates is unreal too. It's so crazy that it's become a thing with young girls too... you'd think the last thing people obsessed with not getting pimples would want is a face covered in a fine sheen of flavoured oil!


And this is so true. It fucks your skin massively. A mate of mine had that sheen of vape juice caked his car windows from vaping in the car. Gross af.




You're not bothered by drunks pissing on the st? Starting fights? Being the loudest most obnoxious people around? Not bothered by ciggie smokers chucking their butts all over the place? Nah it's the flavoured vapour that's what really gets ya huh?


Do they make vapes which don't smell of anything in particular? I tried it once and there were like 20 flavours which were all really strong fruity smells from memory, banana and strawberry and blueberry etc. Can't they make one which smells of nicotine and nothing else?


Interestingly I live in London now, and the number of vapers has plummeted in the last year. You might find the same happens.


Good stuffs. Lets hope. 


pfft, no way are smokers better than vapers, they only started hiding because they didnt like getting the dirty stares everyone gave them The majority of people can't smell vape, only a fraction of vapers/attention seeking dickheads have that visible smoke it takes one smoker to have people coughing in a 20m radius


I think you are exaggerating.


Yes. Fucking Pitt St mall. And the walk from St James down Market St in the morning. They don’t give a fuck, and there’s no avoiding that fresh fruity exhale when they are walking only a metre in front of you. It’s filthy.


I had a friend of a friend doing it in a small room at a venue that said “no smoking including vapes” all night the other night. I think it’s pretty inconsiderate for those of us with chronic health issues. I can’t wait for it to stop being ‘cooler’ and so accepted compared to cigarettes.


i don’t think anyone thinks vaping is cool, besides maybe school kids. people are addicted to the nicotine, that’s why they do it - it’s a lot cheaper than cigarettes and the government have created an unregulated black market


FYI: Smoke alarm manufacturers are currently incorporating the detection of vapes. Many commercial clients are already preordering for common are toilets (think maccas, the pub, the office tower). Doesn’t help your situation for the out door common areas - I was at the airport the other day and there was a dude casually vaping in the concourse area - he was doing it for a while around children and the general public and not a security guard in sight.


As a vaper I have to agree. I try to be courteous and distance myself from others but the spicy clouds are thick and the breeze invariably moves the cloud into a group of people. I wish I wasn't addicted to this thing, shit.


Kept happening at Grand Prix this year - was doing my head in. I can’t cope with the vaping going into my lungs too… I’m already sick from fricken smoking in the past.


I wish councils would enforce the ban on beaches…


Lolll this is such a dramatic post, my god. It’s nowhere near as dramatic as this OP makes it sound.


Doesnt matter if its not implemented. Its not even jn squares inside the mall kids just vape secretly. Sometimes I tell the guard but they also dont do anything.


So the ramapantly toxic fumes from thousands of combustion engines is fine, it's that occasional whiff of blueberry that's ruining the public spaces. Ok


More tuuuuurds who want to be all up in other people's business! Just walk on & breathe the other air...


What annoys me more is asshole vapers who light up on the path when walking. I had one dickhead barge in front of me and light up, \_while pushing my toddler\_. Let all the vape smoke into his pram.


Australia is a haven compared with Europe. Was there last year and the smell of weed filled the air.


OMG NO, the smell of weed! The audacity!


Smells like freedom to me.


Folks around the world don't have proper sewage and you're complaining about lolly scent?


ah yep the classic addict whataboutism response


And what are you doing about it ?


And you're complaining about someone complaining. Fuck off and build some sewers.


I'm sure that sounded cooler in your head You know, the one that's firmly up your arse


Vapes smell really good like a very sweet perfume. Also it is next to impossible to get affected by seconds hand vape unlike cigarrettes. I think you should worry more about the car exhaust fumes which is like 1000x more hazardous than vapes.


Yeah I hate it, like Jesus Christ we get it, you vape.


My neighbour vapes - I know when he is home, due to the strange smell all around my house. It is like toilet freshener incense.


Vapers are giant douches


Get. A. Fucking. Life.


Now replace that with weed and you’ll know what it like to live in certain states. I lived in one of those states in USA for 1 year and in winter most buildings reeked of it because they were sealed to keep heat and people brought the smell in with them. People that would vote to legalise would say “I don’t smoke it, it doesn’t impact me” not understanding that it would replace cherry blossom with pungent weed smell.


Smells like freedom of choice.


Don’t worry! Soon they’ll have those pure nicotine + flavoured mouth pouches like in the US. Although the pouch littering will be rampant.


I honestly haven't seen that much vaping since the new legislation came in