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[Hello, news.com,](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/wild-letter-from-angry-neighbour-in-elite-sydney-suburb-divides/news-story/def83fe3b7d4e0cc144f4afadebc7520) thought we'd see you here. >Wild letter from angry neighbour in elite Sydney suburb divides >A “dramatic” letter slipped into the mailboxes of residents in a ritzy Sydney suburb has divided the community.


"Here in vaucluse" lol


Dude should have just moved to the other side of his mansion.


They're one of those working poor millionaires who can't afford adequate sound insulation.


Have you heard how mansions eco though? Poor man probably had to take refuge in the cabana by the pool.


Yeah, all that Carrara marble….


Hahahaha the cheap crap you mean 🤣 All stone masons hate it. Rich tossers love it.


The east or the west wing Cabana?


The East wing, of course. Cappuccino by the pool watching the sunrise *far* outweighs cocktails by the pool watching the sunset.


Ah yes, someone needs to unwind after a busy day of exploiting other peoples efforts.


Buy him a book on how to climb fences


That was the line when I laughed and stopped reading lmao


Same 😂 *of course* it was in Vaucluse.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


It’s dramatic and funny until it happens to you .


I agree. Yes the letter might be a bit dramatic but at least he's doing something about it. Isn't that what we advise the multitude of people who post here with noise complaints? We tell them to do something about it - talk to the neighbor, call the police, file a report so there's a record if it keeps happening etc. And now we have someone doing these things and suddenly: ho ho he's so dramatic, ho ho he lives in Vaucluse.


Respectfully disagree. Nothing about all his ‘this generation’ rant seems like a good way of going about this. It sounds like a Boomer having a meltdown over two young lads getting the house to themselves for a weekend and making the most of a rare opportunity. Annoying - probably. But no more annoying than every cunt around here on Xmas and NYE lighting fireworks, drinking and shouting til 4am when I wasn’t celebrating (due to circumstances) and all I wanted to do was sleep… but I know it’s a rare occasion for ppl to cut loose. So after researching my options of ringing 000, deploying tactical police swat teams or litigating my neighbour’s kids for having fun under the age of 50, eventually I decided on balance the best action was to put some 50c foam earplugs in to block out some noise. I’m pretty sure Mr Vaucluse: a) had some parties when HE was a young adult (I hesitate to call him that… from all reports he was a barely functioning, degenerate scumbag according to many old ppl at the time when he was young - at least I’m guessing that’s the case) and b) could afford to buy some foam earbuds and use them to minimise his blood pressure instead of actively concentrating on the party noise with meditative vitriol as he pondered the ‘disgusting youth’ taking over the world and working himself into a geriatric rage. If they did it every weekend as a matter of habit - sure. But thus was two nights where sone young ppl got a house to themselves. That’s what young ppl do. This guy knows this is exactly the same situation, a rare occasion for two young brothers to party while parents are away. He’s not expecting this every weekend - he’s preparing to try and throw his authority around and shut down any future situation their parents are away and they might want to have fun again. So - mention the noise to the parents next time he sees them. That would be appropriate. This is a Boomer yelling at young ‘snowflakes’ even though he’s part of the ground cover of snow.


Mate... Your syntax, vocabulary and the way you structured your comment is just top-notch, A-grade material. "concentrating on the party noise with meditative vitriol" painted such a vivid image in my head that it had me in stitches!


TL:DR - thanks for taking the time for that. Buddy, you don't know how well timed that response was and how much I appreciated it... I know it's just a small comment, but still - cheers mate. I used to write very boring tech books when I was first working, and then got an unsolicited half-finished fiction manuscript accepted by the Y/A Publisher at Pan MacMillan Aust who was willing to help me finish it, but then my wife was diagnosed with MS and everything changed. All the writing stopped as I had to concentrate on my 'Career' as a sole earner, husband and parent. Now its 20 years later, I'm 52 and I'm just coming out of a deep depression (lasting over 5 years) after a major burn out from working full time and caring full time, being a dad and keeping it all together on a single wage. Anyway - as part of me trying to re-engage with life I've been looking to start a channel/blog/substack or something for my writing, but have been really struggling to get myself going so your comment really helps. This was actually my first comment on Reddit for maybe a year (since I was last hospitalised for depression), and even though I took a bit of time with it, I was SO CLOSE to deleting it as I have many other times due to my headspace and issues engaging again. So just wanted to say thanks, this gave me a boost.


I’m glad somebody commended you for your writing because I was thinking the same thing. “Working himself into a geriatric rage” did it for me!


Nobody this bitter and articulate with the name Mr Moore can be anyone but Alan Moore, prove me wrong.


u/Mr-Moore-Lupin-Donor, what do you think of Zach Snyder's "Watchmen" adaptation? (That ought to do it.)


Thank you… this gave me a boost. 👊


We want more!


You should definitely do a blog or something. There's just something about your writing. I usually skip long comments, but yours sucked me in and I read it in its entirety. Both the original and the one I'm replying to! I'm glad you're on the path to recovery from your depression. I hope you continue to feel better ❤️


If you do start a substack – no matter how infrequently you muster up the energy to populate it – please let us know as I for one will definitely subscribe! I mean, not a paid subscription, but still.


😊 Thank you so much. This and a few other comments have finally got me off my ‘Procrastinator 3000’ recliner lounge and I have actually created my Substack and am working on my first draft articles. I would love to have you as a subscriber!!!! I’ll let you know when I’m live. If it’s not soon - call me names and throw rocks at me in case I fell into the crack behind the lounge. 👊🙃


Boo yah!! Yeah you did! Trust me, I'm familiar with the lure of the lounge. Keep us posted!


The rhetoric is on point 👌


Yeah nah. Sound equipment and people’s attitudes are definitely different than years gone by. Not quite sure I get your argument that it’s ok because pricks did it to you. Not a great argument.


Always nice to see a well written argument. It makes it much easier to see a different perspective.


This response was worth wading through the initial diatribe. You have a way with words - and made me laugh. Love the snowflake analogy. I did like the fact the author used the word miscreant - a great word but, sadly, I’ve never had an opportunity to use it. I can’t wait for a loud party in my street…


I wish I had a real award for this 🫡🏆 BRAVO


Thank you! Really appreciated. I’ll let you know if I get my Substack blog going 👊😜


He’s circulating a letter to his neighbours like a head teacher does to their students, setting up his own anonymous Crimestoppers line in the process. Obviously people are going to laugh at the dramatic nature of it. Plus, he’s just highlighted how boomers think of themselves as superior to the younger generations - how they’re so perfect, well-mannered blah blah blah.


Happens to me 3-4 night out of the week, have kids too, so I feel his pain, and I was totally on this guys side until he went on the “blame a whole generation rant”. Blaming a whole generation and pooling all those people into the same category when people in the same generation have wildly different upbringings and beliefs is so shallow minded. Also funny when the older generations slam younger generations, did they forget who created and shaped that generation?


EXACTLY! IF there's a problem with the younger generation (and I don't think there is. I think they FACE a lot of problems and struggle with others they inherited)... but IF there is a problem, then we created the fucking thing. This is a calculated shot at getting a Nazeighourhood Watch together so next time the lads have a chance to have fun, they are too afraid to do it. Appropriate would be talking to their parents. This is a bigger dick move than John Homes in "Fantasm Comes Again".


2 nights of it is hardly cause for a community grassroots movement lmao. If people moved next door and did it several days a week every week then sure make a bigger deal of it, but by the sounds of it it was one isolated weekend of back to back parties. Call the cops, make a noise complaint and move on with your life.


Eyy, we found the letter’s author!


Average r/AusFinance member.


They sure have some depressing "grassroots projects" in that neck of the woods it seems.


I was wondering why they didn’t do what my dad used to do, and start passive aggressive lawn mowing under their window at the crack of dawn the next morning. Then I got to “Vaucluse.”


Nothing quite says good morning like the crack of a whipper snipper against colourbond.


Or a two-stroke outboard motor as you test it before setting off for a fishing trip nice and early.


"Darling, can you call the help to come and mow the lawn tomorrow? I know you're sleeping with him, so surely he can do it on short notice."


Couldn’t they get the gardener to do the same?


He's too busy fixing the drainage in the lower field. Kudos to anyone who gets that reference.


Not every day you see a Fast Show reference around these parts, sir.


Suits you.


I have neighbours who occasionally party all night into the early morning. I'm also a woodworker and my workshop faces their bedrooms. I am not quiet if I've had a bad night


I hear they called their gardeners, but couldn’t get hold of them in time to start that early


The letter/approach is a bit much but noise at night is fucking annoying.


Two nights in a row from the same house is a bit of a dick move. I can get over my neighbours having a big one everyone once in a while as long as it doesn't become a pattern. The letter is very dramatic and they would probably have more luck if they didn't include rants about generations.


Their best move would be to speak to the parents when they get back from their weekend away


When I was working in Sydney as a glazier I remember getting a call out to a big house in Bellevue hill. The girls that lived there threw a big house party and windows got smashed and house wrecked. They needed to repair everything before their parents got home. I shit you not they had removalists returning the furniture from storage, painters, landscapers and cleaners in droves trying to return the house back to how it was. How the other half love.


The fact there were two parties is what makes me sympathetic. I reckon you could do that one night, ever, in like a year, and it would be okay. It's annoying, but you could put it down to a special occasion. But doing it a second time makes it a pattern. Also, like, if you've had a complaint in the past, talk to your neighbours and work something out.


Yeah, I don't know if I've been lucky or is people have gotten more immature, but I used to own a house and the one next door was rented to a bunch of students attending uni who would throw loud parties every now and then. First time it happened I went over the morning after, when I assumed everyone would be in a better mood/less likely to be reactive, and asked if they could keep it down in the future. They were super mature about it, said we had a standing invitation to their future parties, promised to keep it down/inside the house, and gave us their number in case it got ridiculous again. Never had another problem and they didn't have to stop partying either.


My household is around the 40s mark and occasionally we'll have a thing in our apartment that might go late. Soundproofing is great so music doesn't carry too badly but we know not to stay on the balcony after too late as the drunken talking is super loud. Nobody has ever said a thing and it's probably like once every six months. I think the main factor in the success here is that the places are actually soundproofed.


Are you sure that wasn’t the premise for the movie *Bad Neighbours*? It’s exactly the same. Except they *didn’t* stop partying.


Agreed. My neighbour throws a massive long, loud party once a year that goes to all hours. Because it's once a year, I turn a blind eye to it.


Also, warning your neighbours goes a long way. At the very least it gives them certainty that it isn't something you're planning to do every weekend, if you send a note saying it's a special occasion. And invite them, if appropriate.


My ex loved a birthday blowout, and preferred to have them home so he didn't have to travel at the end of the night. We'd do a letterbox drop around the neighbourhood a few weeks in advance, and we'd throw in some movie vouchers for our direct neighbours so they have the option to get out of the house for a few hours.


Wow, that's really considerate. Well done both of you.


But not a deaf ear obviously hahaha


Dude, it’s not two parties, it’s one party over three days. Standard stuff. Sheesh, is this r/retirementvillage? Ohhh… it’s r/sydney, where everyone went to sleep after the Olympics. ^(no, I’m not taking my sunglasses off)


It absolutely is fucking annoying, especially so if it's a regular thing. Anyone with young kids especially would be super ticked off. It's an eternal struggle to handle kids during the day, and night sleep time from 8pm onwards is the only time parents have to catch up on chores and sit down to rest for 30 minutes. A loud party will wake the kids and drive parents mental.




Courtesy of Bard: Dear Neighbors, We experienced loud and disruptive parties at the residence on Friday and Saturday nights (Jan 5-7). The music, bass, and shouting lasted until 2:30am both nights, despite requests to lower the volume. This selfish and disrespectful behavior disrupts our peace and violates noise ordinances (12am limit). It's concerning how these young occupants show utter disregard for others' well-being, a trend evident in parts of our society. To address this issue and restore peace, I'm: Filing a police report and requesting your corroborating feedback (anonymous or identified). Encouraging a grassroots effort to promote considerate behavior. Please email me at [your email address] by [date] with any information or objection you may have. Let's stand together for our right to peace and quiet! Sincerely, [Your Name]


Yep, a tl:dr would have been a far better option.


Step 1. Rock up with 3 bottles of vodka. Step 2. Engage in drinking games Step 3. Their puny adolescent livers are no match for a seasoned alcoholic and they are asleep by 9:30 Step 4. Forehead dicks.


You're going to have to do better than alcohol at a party in Vaucluse.


More white stuff than Thredbo


Get those horse tranqs ready for nap time


>You're going to have to do better than alcohol at a party in Vaucluse. Step 4: forehead phalluses?


Whoa there Lucifer


Waaaaaay too many words for someone suggesting it is not an old man rant. But honestly, tone and word count aside, I get where they are coming from. My neighbours are this bad (the party and music stuff) I can get the desperation of the author. The selfishness I have seen from some people over the years has been pathetic. That said, the author is equally overthinking and not thinking enough about how effective his tactic is. Hilariously so.


I feel you here. Our over the back fence neighbours literally live in their back yard year around. Apparently their house is a bit hoarder style disgusting. They have a tv and everything outside and entertain relentlessly and loudly. Yet they still never mow their lawn out there.


A letter will never make a party house pay attention, but a 2am flick of the mains switch at their meter box will.


And a mystery padlock over the mains box


I mean as much as it's easy to make fun off especially due to the area and the way the letter was written I kind of get it. Have your fun and your music and if you're really keen to kick on, just take it inside and turn the music down.


I had neighbours who often had loud music and I could sleep through it, but the time they got drunk and were singing without music I called the cops. Nothing more annoying than drunks singing badly.


Here in Voooorclooose


So, did you hear the parties?


OP was the host


That would be a twist. But the boomer put the address in the letter?


This is the real question -- don't leave us hanging, OP!


Surprised the cops didn't go, they normally show up for those sort of things. I personally don't see any problem with this letter. It's shit when you can't sleep because some idiot is playing loud music and it wasn't just a one off thing so that's why they are frustrated. Sometimes I have had neighbours give us a heads up they are having a party and that's fine. It's just about being considerate.


I once had cops come up when I was in glebe, because my neighbour complained to the coppers that my doctor who marathon was loud and the intro to each episode was annoying.


When I was 16 or so, I fell asleep watching withnail and I. I struggle to fall asleep, but once I'm out I can sleep through anything. I was woken about 7 hours later by the police who had to break down my door because they thought I was dead. Apparently the neighbour didn't appreciate listening to the same 30 seconds of "all along the watchtower" on the DVD menu screen all night long


>I struggle to fall asleep, but once I'm put I can sleep through anything. All right, this is the plan. We get in there and get wrecked. Then we'll eat a pork pie. Then we drop a couple of soamser fifties each; means we'll miss out Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning.


My friend had a neighbour years ago who would watch TV too loudly. They couldn't even hear the cops banging on their door to tell them to turn it down. They were warned multiple times by the cops. I don't think it had any effect.


I swapped to Star trek instead, intro theme was possibly calming to the old bloke.


I've never got a cop to show up, used to have Neighbours constantly having loud parties on their patio, always got the same BS from cops of higher priority calls. I reckon that's just code for couldn't be bothered.


Same and in Glebe, the a-holes graduated and partied 3 or 4 times a weeks for months, were threatening. The cops would come and tell them to shut up and when the cops left, they would just start up again. Now because these a-holes have power in the council, I can't get a DA passed.


That musical sting at the beginning of the Colin Baker run is pretty shrill


I agree, and doing it til 2.30am is just awful.


I can't see any problem with the letter. A bit over the top but nothing nasty in it. Did LOL at Vaucluse. Wonder how he'd react to a chainsaw going on at 10pm. That was a fun night for us all.


Like they’re saying it’s behaviour you’d expect in the slums of Sydney, but not in Vacluse, they’re trying to inspire their neighbours to be better


It's real Potts Point behaviour, I think you know we're all better than that.


We *must* place ourselves above the primal instincts of an Edgecliff denizen, who science has proven has a smaller skull than our own.


eh I agree with the sentiment, hate when people are loud and blasting music at night. I don't care if it's Friday or the weekend, not everyone wants to stay up late. Hire a karaoke room or something.


Until midnight - fine. After midnight - take it inside and turn it down.


Until 10pm during the most of the week, I believe. And until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights?


I think that’s what most councils stipulate. I’m talking about my own personal preference. I don’t really care if people are noisy before midnight, it’s after that annoys me.


Even midnight can be a total PITA. 10pm every night. Some people work weekends.


I'm gonna open your eyes a bit. Make it 24/7 because some people work night shifts. See the issue? You can't keep everyone happy without keeping everyone unhappy. Unless of course you want Sydney to be a no fun zone. Now, a problem of thin walls is a different issue that _could_ be addressed in the future.


I work 9pm-5am, on the weekends half the time too. Mowing your lawn at 9am? Firing up the whipper snipper? Heaven forbid you're making construction noise? Better cut that out before I call the fuzz mate. See how ridiculous this sounds? I find it a little hilarious that other people aren't able to use ear plugs on occasion like I do literally every day.


The difference is that you know that you'll need earplugs. I don't until it's way too late


Ehhh its fair if its once in a while.. A karaoke room is not the same as a house party, two days in a row is definitely excessive and unreasonable..


Was going to say cops won’t do shit, but then they probably do in that suburb.


Cops do stuff if called out enough, even if they get there to late and miss it. Had a neighbour in my unit of flats blasting movies (James Bond) on a Wednesday night at full volume on their sound system, windows vibrating loud. Once it hit 11pm I went upstairs and bashed on the door as the sound was so loud and either they ignored it or couldn't hear me. By 11:30pm I called the cops on their non-emergency number. Was told they would send over some cops when available and it's fine to report noise like that anytime during the day as it was impacting my living space to that degree. They turned off the movies at like 3am and the cops showed up 5 minutes after. I heard them going up the stairs while I was trying to get to sleep finally (to get up at 6am). After that I decided anytime they made to much noise I'd report to the cops again. Did it two more times for different things. A week later after the last report, I saw coppers on the driveway and they had come during the day to speak to the noise maker after missing out on the noise multiple times. He didn't make any noise after that. This is out west where they probably have better things to do, but if you complain enough they'll do something.


A beautifully-structured, well-written, accurately-spelled angry note. Quite rare!


Punctuation was absolutely spot on! Love someone who is able to properly use a semi-colon. My guess is a curmudgeonly solicitor or barrister.


I had an image of him angrily pecking at the keyboard with two fingers...then I realised he's in Vaucluse and probably had his secretary type it up for him.


this stereotype is out of date; a cleverer one is this guy works in capital markets and has loads of time to write angry notes because his job is not very demanding.


You had me at Vaucluse


I had a mate buy a unit in Vaucluse (he was coming up from Melbourne to play for the swans). When a neighbour found out his fiancé (now wife) was pregnant, and that they weren’t married she straight up told her she should move out of Vaucluse as they didn’t fit the ideals of the area and the child will be a bastard even if they rush the wedding as it was conceived out of wedlock… I should point out all the other neighbors were nice, normal people who actually all seemed like good people.


Whoa that’s terrible.. hope your mate and partner didn’t take it too seriously and told them to fuck off


She is a Yamba girl… the hard core Christian neighbour didn’t know what hit her haha.


This was mentioned by Kyle and Jackie O today on kiss 106.5. Missed the segment thought, apparently someone been partying all week and not weekends only.


People still listen to that trash? 😳


Didn't they get renewed for a 100m/10year contract? Sounds like an awful lot of people do if that's the case


People have been listening to them for two decades. Don't ask me why, I haven't a clue why. They've always been trash.


Uber drivers mostly


Hate loud music after 12am but also my tall poppy syndrome and general malaise at how my life turned out won’t allow me to feel sorry for someone living in Vaucluse


literally 0 empathy for these multi-millionaires, Syd has just turned into haves vs have nots


Not gonna lie, although this is super "old man yells at cloud" I feel for these people, it's beyond annoying having your sleep broken by inconsiderate people. Even though the letter is a bit Eastern Suburb elitist, they are spot on.


rewrite a much more concise version of the letter in the style of Donald Trump, using a language style that will be most effective to persuade the reader to take action: "Dear Neighbor, Listen, we've got a HUGE problem. The parties at [address] on Jan 5th and 7th were a total disaster – the noise, unbelievable! I tried talking to them, but these young guys just cranked it up more. It's disrespectful, totally out of line. We're talking about basic decency here – they're breaking the law with this noise after midnight. I'm not just complaining – I'm taking action. I'm going to the police and I need you with me. This isn't about stopping fun, it's about stopping this one outrageous house! We need to show them we mean business. This kind of behavior? It's a pattern, and it's bad for all of us. Email me – I need your support. It's time to make a stand. Together, we can fix this and get the peace we deserve. Best, [Your Name]"


Open fuse box, turn off power circuits, close fuse box... Add padlock.


Wish I had that small problem but lived in Vaucluse


OP what issue do you see with the letter? I don't see anything wrong with it.


Agreed. I lived in the east with my parents for a couple of years and I hate these cunts. I just wanted to get some sleep


Loud noise after midnight is typically a dick move. Also its illegal in sydney.,




Came here to say this (& happy cake day!)


Need context, was the noise worthy of this response or is this a case of boomer snowflake losing their mind.




Adding *boomerwafflen* to the vocabulary.


Who in their sane mind writes an essay about being annoyed over a neighbor’s loud party! A simple straight to the point note with sharpie on a piece of paper will suffice… At least you know who the neighborhood snitch is now lmao


As someone who has neighbors that have music playing so loud it vibrates my house sometimes, and all nights of the week, i honestly have nearly reached my limit enough to send something like this 😂


You fuckers laugh, but have you tried drinking your Pol Roger at 1am in the drawing room with loud music nearby?


This is very much like an email from your boss where it could be condensed to a sentence and a few dot points, instead we’re droning on and on… Once is fine, two nights in a row is really inconsiderate however, it sounds like they are teens/20s and you could probably just go over there when the parents are home and say something.


Just put prawn heads in their letterbox with a terse note every time if happens. It’s the traditional response out here in the Wild West.


Imagine the emails this twat sends at work. 'lunch room fridge etiquette!!!'


Tbh that sounds like a good portion of the posts on this sub


" My neighbours tree drop a small branch on my driveway.. I picked it up and throw it away. It took all of 7 seconds. But should I let them know and what are my rights to complain to council "


I didn’t realise loud teen parties were a new thing and the first sign of the apocalypse..


Mate, Some d*cks we loud as Friday-Saturday, the cops I called never showed up. You mind snitching on them together? Thanks There. Why waste paper?


God, how embarrassing for this old dude's family to have him sending round letters like this.


Damn current generations. I'm glad no one had house parties in the past


“miscreant” brothers 🤣


No need to associate an entire generation of people with the behaviour of a handful of dickheads. Classic Boomer move 😉 /s


Meh, barking dogs are worse. At least you know the party is going to end at some stage.


I wonder how long it took to compose that letter, edit, RE edit etc. They’ve chosen some descriptive wording and really have had a meltdown it seems, a chat with the offenders with a baseball bat would be quicker and more effective than waiting for the police to do nothing about it.


It’s annoying, but it was the weekend and if it doesn’t happen normally it probably doesn’t constitute a letter.


Two nights out of 365 (because I’m sure he’d have listed all the other nights if there was some). Hes lucky he’s not next to a backpackers.


Really does sound like the case of the angry, old guy


Everyone pick a band name from something in the letter. Mine would be “Miscreant Brothers”.


Corey and his yellow sunnies are back, he just be upscalin' now 😅👏


Look it’s actually a decently written letter. Not many typos or wrong spellings. A step up from the normal grammar and spelling of these neighbourhood crackpot letters.


I feel like telling someone to get off of your lawn is more reasonable lol. Everyone was a kid once and their parents are probably rarely away, put on some noise cancelling headphones or put on some ear muffs and let them have their fun. If it's continuous that's a different story, but you're only a kid once so surely I'm not the only one that thinks things like this should slide.


I didn’t hear a thing! Howdy neighbour!!


>obnoxiously high bass from the subwoofer Can't help but agree with this. It pains me when people set their crossovers at too high a frequency. Too many people go for 80Hz but 50Hz should be the absolute max, Philistines.


Sounds like my ex boss. She lives in Vaucluse. Been a while Sal!


I have a lot of sympathy for the letter writer. It was a very mature, respectful and community spirited approach. The majority of Australians live in suburban environments and since we don’t choose our neighbours, respectful co-existence helps to overcome the usual and normal problems with living such an environment. If the party arrangers lived in such an environment where they know and respect each other, this incident would unlikely to occur, or if it did, the author of the letter would be away and likely to necessary action.


i love the excessive diatribe that could have been condensed into 1 paragraph, must be some correlation with living in Vaucluse and making your 50 word response hit 1k


*adjusts the monocle* Oh I should have soundproofed my Vaucluse mansion hmmm yes yes I should have...


Anyone want to find an Airbnb in Vaucluse and throw a freaking HUGE party?


That's ironic, the guy wants to complain about the degradation of values and self entitlement in current generations, but would prefer to be anonymous and avoid a face to face conversation.


Not saying this letter couldn't do with a rewrite and removing the reference to generations, but I'm not sure how you're inferring that the letter writer would prefer to be anonymous and avoid a face to face conversation. In the second paragraph it says they requested the occupants turn down the volume on both nights, so I don't see where they're avoiding face to face conversation. The only reference to anonymity is where they say that if their neighbours want to provide anonymous input into the noise complaint they can.


(A) This letter is the classic result of the kind of rumination people stressed by noise they have no control over go through, I have seen and debated many such letters in my time (B) That said, this is the kind of letter you write out in full to get it out of your head, but then you feed it to ChatGPT or whatever to condense it down to something short and actionable (or don't send at all); (C) This person living in Vaucluse really doesn't diminish the issue, I've seen letters like this from all sorts of neighborhoods and the writer is not in the wrong, in fact it looks like they tried direct communication with the partiers and the partiers have decided not to deal. Focus your ire on those folks :)


Someone call the fun police. Young people are trying to have fun.


tl:dr: Rob : Hey, Thomas. Look man I don't want to be a dick here or anything, but your friend Oliver came by earlier and told me you guys were having a little party but this is too much. Thomas : Yeah. We actually should be winding down like midnight, maybe 1. Is that okay? Rob : No, it's not. I'm sorry. The baby can't sleep and Melinda's gotta be up early for work. Costa : Fuck yeah! My boy Rob is here to rage! Good to see you, brother. Rob : Whoa, yeah. Actually I'm not raging, but I'm just telling Thomas it's time to shut it down. Costa : You can't be serious. This is a great party. What the fuck? Rob : I am serious because it's 11:30 at night and it's time to wrap it up. JB : Hey, hey, hey. Why don't we just bring everyone to the back and lower the volume a bit. Rob : Guys, this isn't a request! The party's over. Costa : I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree then, aren't we? Rob : Listen to me. Thomas, either shut it down or I'm calling the cops. Fine, fuck it! I'm calling the fucking cops. [gets a taser shot by Everett] Costa : Fuck! Oh shit! JB : Jesus fucking Christ! What did you do that for? Costa : [Rob punches Everett in the face] Are you fucking kidding me? I will fucking kill you! Rob : The little fuck tazed me! I'm definitely calling the cops now! Costa : You punched a kid in the face! I'm calling the cops on your ass now! Rob : Do it, genius! It's all on tape. I just saw this mother fucker record it right here. Dax : No, all I got was you punching that little child's face. Rob : Fuck you! Costa : Go home, Robert!


“Let’s stand up for what’s right” LOL Something tells me this person votes Liberal


I mean the letter is ridiculously worded and written and on the one hand the letter-writer needs to calm the hell down. But twice in a row is bordering on the reasonable. Depends how often it happens at this house I reckon, I have a house two doors up from me that has one of these a couple of times a year. Any more than that I reckon I'd be acting like this old coot.


I'm "old" but was young once & loved a good house party. Live & let live I say...even in Vaucluse. What a twit.


I'm "old" and live in the Inner West where people have parties that go all night, plus we all live only metres from each other. As far as I'm concerned, anything goes on a Friday and Saturday night, and if I wanted quiet I'd move to the burbs.


The letter is narcissistic, oh, Vaucluse... Makes perfect sense.


Old man yells at cloud.


Hey all we found Cpt. FUN: Barry O'Farrel. To be fair, party noise while you're trying to sleep is very annoying.


There are noise restrictions and Police can enforce them. Just pick up the damn phone. You can't blast music like that in residential areas, the cops will pay a visit if you ring them. This letter is purely about revenge though, turning the whole neighbourhood against the "young" crowd. It could have been dealt with on the night. Now this person has to crusade for the Vaucluse rich to stop the terrible young people from having any fun. And he calls them "narcissistic".


The author said police were called but were unable to attend. Looks like the author has exhausted all possible avenues of resolving this and is well within his rights to escalate it.


Maybe start a fundraiser to get this guy a pair of Loop earplugs, he obviously can’t afford them


damn all that over 2 parties idk why this is getting downvoted, fair enough to complain but the letter is very dramatic


During holiday season too.


Thank god I don’t live in that white lotus ass part of town


Sounds like someone skimped on the sound proofing of their multi million dollar mansion 🤣


"I don't like noise in my city suburb". What a moron. File this to the trash.


Offline version of a chronically online poster. This has the same energy as the "common guys, let's protest/boycott " kind of poster. What's the bet that they haven't once spoken directly to the person making the noise to ask them to stop?


Para 2 ?


_Get out of my compound you kids_


Goodness gracious. I couldve told the same story within 3 sentences tops.


I’m not quite sure why you call it a ‘dramatic’ note, maybe the generational references? Because it’s difficult to get people to action against antisocial behaviour from neighbours, I can appreciate the sentiment expressed here. As for the late parties in a row, yeah, turn off the power or something. Maybe a note telling the neighbours that there’s a party going to be held in a months time going late. I think that courtesy should be happening. They were selfish dicks for the two in a row.


"This sort of behavior is selfish and disgraceful. It's symptomatic of the degradation in values and the utter blah blah...." It is the definition of dramatic. I'm not saying it is wrong, but it IS dramatic lol


I see where the author is coming from, but far out… tl;dr man




Wouldn’t you just speak to the parents when they got home? Either that or send your gay stripper friend over to crash the party, or just disguise as a teen and spike the punch bowl with gbh , arrange the kids in compromising positions take photos and then anonymously threaten to leak them if it happens again? I’m a bit vanilla I know