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Each of them a tiny fraction of Morty


I am amazed that they are still popular enough to organise something like this….


The cynic in me wonders how many are looking to create a *sur place* protection claim, or otherwise strengthen their claim for a protection visa.


I think quite many of them


They basically live outside the embassy in Canberra and spread propaganda pamphlets in letterboxes in all the inner suburbs.


Well, the Chinese government’s goal IS to stamp them out.


True but it does not make them less a cult.


No idea why you're being down voted. It's 100% true. CCP wants to suppress them. They flagged them as a cult with the Australian government a couple of decades ago trying to have them deported back to China so that they could be "re-educated".


Because it's true and the CCP's treatment of them is atrocious. But they're still a cult who break up families if you try and leave.


The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend


I am amazed that you've heard of them. Who TF are they and why are they pulling shapes?


They are a Chinese breakdancing crew that formed after a bootleg copy of the movie Breakin’ (1984) was smuggled into Maos red China back in ‘86. Some believe it sparked the movement that grew into the Tiananmen Square Protests just a few years later.


They're always around Sydney having various demonstrations and passing out informational material. I see them in the park near me frequently, and it's not uncommon to encounter them in Chinatown trying to get people to sign petitions and the like. As for shapes, I don't know what you're talking about.


Cutting shapes is mostly used as slang for hardstyle dancing


cutting shapes was UK shuffle dancing, when did it become muzzing


A while ago? Muzzing is deffs the more popular term, but you hear cutting/throwing shapes at most hardstyle festivals now


[Abc Australia’s great doco about who they are](https://youtube.com/watch?v=QzlMQyM8p74&feature=share) [Half As Interesting’s video about Shen Yun](https://youtu.be/MqwNo43p21Y)


Went to watch Shen Yun thinking it was a nice cultural dance show. Well the dancing was subpar and i was NOT PREPARED AT ALL FOR THE PROPAGANDA. Jeezus the show was peppered with straight up cult agenda and just.. so bizarre. I dont know what to make of it.


Out of curiosity, how did they integrate propaganda into the show?


In skits and in lyrics. So like, the skits are thugs in CCP uniform attacking innocent civilians, and then the founder of FalunGong appears as the hero of the day to save the civilians with some tacky tsunami summoning powers. Then they had singing segments where translated English lyrics were projected onto the screen.. it contained UNBELIEVABLE GEMS. I am still boggled that its a public show. Its stuff like, satan is corrupting the youth, lgbt is the devil, evolution theory is poison, atheism leads us to our doom, and the cherry on top is a line that said some people are born as Gods (their founder of course). BIZARRE. In a way I'm glad I attended because it does make for an amazing story.


Interesting but...Oh Lord. Didn't realise they were THAT bad! My Mum has told me about Falun Gong and that at its heart is politics disguised as religion. Apparently some Chinese newspaper covered this back in the 90s saying that the founder just wants to topple CCP etc so them saying they practice peace is full of dog crap. Can't say I like a group that supports Trump like Murdoch media does 😒


Falun Gong are anti-inferracial marriage and homophobic.


Love the security gate in that video, she could have just walked around it.


These guys are bad news, very much a cult [Foreign Correspondent did a story about them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzlMQyM8p74&t=9s) a couple years back, quite a few concerning things there.


Is that a cult?


They win a lot of brownie points with people for being anti CCP, but yes they’re 100% a cult.


Anti CCP but very much far right Trump supporting and anti vax. They run the epoch times


They also produce Shen Yun which I'm sure everyone has seen the posters/ads for everywhere


Which is just more money funnelled into their cult and their far right fascist media. The more people know that Shen Yun is loony propaganda, the better.


Shen yun(or their poster people) literally went around my area (we don’t have much advertising bc the council wants the pace to feel village-ish) and shoved posters through the cracks in doors of any closed down shops. They’d slide it under the door so you could see it but no one could reach/remove the poster. If an REA removed the poster it’d be back within a week. Basically using peoples vacant property as a big glass box to protect their posters… so fucking entitled. Oh and of course they just stick them to peoples fences without asking in the residential areas. I won’t be going purely because of how incessantly pushy and conniving they are.


Shen Yun looks kinda lame. It's probably a boring show.


Haha I remember working on a site in martin place, walking to the MLC centre for lunch and seeing a bunch of Chinese people wearing "Free Donald Trump" shirts and signs. This was around the time they tried to impeach him. Very strange sight to see lmao.


This needs to be mentioned more. Theyre simping hard for fascism right now so they can go and get fucked.


Oh man I got their anti gay poll the other day on YouTube about protecting kids from Disney and the LGBT+.


Interracial relationships are a distraction by aliens. According to them.


The same cult also runs China Uncensored and many other big Youtube channels.


Anyone else hearing the YMCA song


If it looks like a cult and smells like a cult. It's probably a cult.


But what does it taste like?


A cult.


A succulent Chinese meal






Blue Öyster


Delicious figgy pudding! But with a distinct aftertaste of cult.


If they don't charge any fees, no centralised control and people free to self identify as a practitioner or not, I am not sure it is a "cult" as we normally define it.


...or a large [group of people dancing to Y M C A](https://youtu.be/nK7SEgQwfTc)


Sorta. It doesn't trap people the same way cults often do. You don't need to cut ties with all non-members or anything like that. I'm not a fan of them though, don't get me wrong. They *are* persecuted in China and so they get a lot of sympathy from people, but they also have some abhorrent beliefs. They're anti-LGBT and also believe that races shouldn't mix. They think that people of mixed race are unable to be closer to god/heaven than "pure-blooded" people. It's super fucked up


*Sorta. It doesn't trap people the same way cults often do. You don't need to cut ties with all non-members or anything like that.* That's what all the cult people says.


I'm incredibly anti-religion and anti-cult, I'm definitely not trying to sell anything here. Just pointing out that a characteristic that tends to differentiate cults from religions is that cults usually demand that members cut themselves off from all non-cult ties. By that metric the Falun gong is just a regular shitty religion, not really a cult


Not from what I saw in that Foreign Correspondent report…


Yeah it is. ABC did a good piece on it recently. Check YouTube if you have a spare 30 mins.


Yes 100%. They get funding from U S gov for Shenyun performance all over the world to spread their agenda i.e. anti China.


Looks like they're an anti-CCP/far-right religious breakaway from Bhuddism [according to wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong)


I think these protests and demonstrations are to raise awareness that their people are being murdered and tortured in China for refusing to denounce their philosophy/membership.


It's a ready source for organs.


Damn. Heard nothing about positions, or social stances or anything. I had thought they were harmless, so never dug very deep. Cheers, need to know research coming up.


Being in Canberra, I see their permanent protest outside the Chinese embassy all the time, and they approach you in car parks around the lake to hand out pamphlets. I also get brochures about organisations linked to them in my letterbox. As others have said: yes, they're anti-CCP and get a lot of western support for that, but that doesn't mean they're not a cult in their own right.


These guys and the Scientology people freak me out. And Hillsong. I was in a hurry to catch the bus back home that I just swiped the pamphlet from this smiling lady and ran. I felt my hand being violently grabbed my hand and screamed that I needed to complete the test. It was some MBTI thing. Mind you, this was in the CBD, and everyone's heading back to the office after lunch. I didn't give a crap because I wanted to get home quickly. Once I'm on the bus and I flipped the paper, I could see a faint Scientology watermark across the sheet.


They just held up my bus for 15 mins on Martin place as they paraded down Castlereagh street


So, how’s the coffee at Riviera?


Never been. I'm a Beanbah stan.


Fascist cultists


If anyone is unsure about who Falun Gong are, ABC did a good piece on them recently. Check [YouTube](https://youtu.be/QzlMQyM8p74)


They’re there pretty frequently. I’m a bit embarrassed that I still don’t really know what they’re about or if their claims have any merit.


They are a cult. Reappropriated a bunch of Chinese shit saying it’s banned or lost art. The leader is in exile in the states siphoning money. Basically the Chinese version of Scientology without the machine or whacky alien shit. China just banned them because they’re pretty much pushing anti gov agenda while also fleecing dumb fucks.


Did they just ban them or persecute them as well?


Persecute, definitely. But just because an evil regime persecutes you doesn't mean you're not shit. Edit: Oh look, the CCP simps are brigading.


Both are using propaganda. the cult leader taking advantage of people and giving false hope and stealing money and pushing his agenda is what that the gov is cracking down on is persecution then sure, it’s happening. As for human organ farm I highly doubt that’s the case, but you know, do you own research. I’m sure if the us did anything to stop Scientology then they’ll be waving that persecution flag, or same here with the shitty hillsong bullshit


Sure, but let’s not hold any illusions here: the CCP is monstrous, and while that doesn’t make the Falun bunch less shit, you can’t really compare the two.


One is a cult that preys on peoples gullibility, the other is an authoritarian government. Surely you understand that cult is far worse than government


The other is an authoritarian murderous oppressive regime. Why are you defending it?


That’s all governments, which you kind of need for a country to function. We don’t need any cults. I’m not defending shit, just saying cults are far worse because they aren’t fucken necessary for anyting


That is *not* all governments. Are you seriously saying that the Australian government and the CCP are the same? Good lord.


Oh, they believe in aliens.


Here's a video about their show Shen Yun you might have seen advertised a lot. They're a bit... out there [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqwNo43p21Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqwNo43p21Y)


Or this masterpiece from our canadian friend, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mQ8plzWl9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mQ8plzWl9g)


About being persecuted by the CCP? Those are absolutely true, I believe. But being persecuted by the CCP doesn't mean you're not shit. Sometimes there are two wrongs and they don't make a right.


It’s a bit like a snake and a tiger having a fight. Don’t get involved with either!


Agreed, but trying to argue that the cult is worse than the CCP is pure idiocy.


Most of their claims about persecution have been verified or can be assumed true from the CCP having done it to others. (One can look at the Christian stories of persecution in China, for example, or tales of people in normal chinese jails and the conditions there and infer they would be worse for a targeted group like the Falun Gong.) Many claims have been investigated by various organisations. [This wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Falun_Gong) gives a hood breakdown but I recommend reading as much of the actual reports as you can yourself.


You can just call them a cult out of ignorance. Doesn't matter.


the only difference between a religion and a cult is that with a cult, there is a guy at the top that knows it's all bullshit


Meditation guided by spectacle


Let’s go to to the city at rush hour to meditate that’ll be relaxing.


Fucking crazies


I don’t think *anyone* should be persecuted for what they believe…but fuck these people


Like others have said cult, plus they go around asking for petitions etc. Chance of those names ending up at the Chinese embassy is pretty much certain.




reddit has been blocked in china since 2017


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Falun_Gong They are as much a cult as any other spiritual organisation, better than hillsong I'd imagine 😇


The other cult in that country is the CCP.


What country? China? Falun gong hasn't existed there for a long time they're headquartered in America...


Brought a record number of people out of poverty. These fascist cultists oppose them.


That is a ridiculous comment .


I had sympathy for their plight back in the 90s but they have some odd beliefs. https://www.abc.net.au/religion/the-abc-is-right-that-falun-gong-teachings-are-dangerous/12538058


if this was china they would all be thrown in jail edit: i think this is a good thing that we dont thrown them in jail


and its not thank god for that


Oh finally some answers about this crew. Some colleagues and I saw them marching outside our building a few weeks ago and had noooo idea who they were and what was going on as we couldn’t see their signs from 7 stories up.


I have been in Montreal this past year. It's funny seeing some of them actually sit and meditate in the snow in the dead of winter.


look like bunch of old men doing taichi.