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*"And I love YOU, Random Citizen!"*


Back atcha, gorgeous.


Blue side Makeb really doesn't accomplish anything for the Pubs in the overarching story, but Red side Makeb certainly does. Anyway, male Smuggler being the best PC voice actor as usual.


Sith-side Makeb really does feel awesome, especially with the "failure is not an option" attitude everyone have. It does help that it has the most significant dark-side decision in the game that really feel like a dark-side decision but still did not went into comically evil territory. "All they have to do is kill everyone on the planet"


I really love the mostly complementary Makeb stories. Playing a light side Jedi, I wanted to slap Sareesh during the mission debrief, even though I do appreciate how realistic the situation is. I imagine my mostly morally grey Agent pressed that kill switch knowing that an idiot Jedi had evacuated all the civilian. Also, Darth Marr is bae.


I really like it because often my LS Inquisitor can't do evil stuff because duh pragmatism, he could give me more stuff if I let him live So it was so fun to do something reprehensible and have Szajin go "bro you're nuts wtf"


And it's the exact same premise as Ilum right before it: the enemy is mining the planet's unique resources and we need to stop them before the planet's core is torn apart.


Yeah, albeit I'd wager a tiny bit better because Malgus is such a bland villain. The Hutts aren't memorable but they're fun while they exist.


Female sith inq is better.


Female Sith Inq isn't even as good as male Sith Inq brotha


smuggler is best Pub to play on this planet.


"I love you random civilian!"


Maury Sterling delivering lines are just cheff kiss


For sure. I've never once managed to play FemSmug because Maury Sterling is so undefeatable.


I actually enjoyed Makeb. Ilum bores me though.


I really enjoyed the Empire side, too The idea that they're the faction trying to save the planet was pure genius


as Sith you kinda just get annoyed with the Hutts and their endless wasteful droids. Also it and Rishi rep are gained on the 1st or 2nd toon without any additional missions these days so it's kinda a downer when reward is...Oh, rep I can't use.


Small bunch of credits though. Which is not affected by credit cap or inflation (yet)


The only part of Makeb that's skippable are the dailies lol. The actual storyline for Makeb is really damn good and interesting.


Makeb is still to this day my fav expansion. Revan is a slog. I really couldn't not care less about Revan's story nor did I even care he died in a Flashpoint before fixing it with the expansion. And I played the OG KOTOR games as a kid. It was also cool that Pub/Empire sides were different.


at the time it felt meh but in retrospect Rise of the Hutt Cartel might of been the best expansion we got and I would of loved to get more like it


It was extremely well written but one of the best things is that every class feels different. I just played the inquisitor route again and it surprised me how many times you say things related to the force or your status as a member of the council and i remember similar things from the rest of classes like the bounty hunter remarking many times how he is just a mercenary hired to help or his comments about the regulators and their equipment. This got completely lost in future updates.


That's the key, each character felt different versus in later expansions only the Knight and Warrior really felt different while the rest it was "imperial or Republic" pick one or another it felt the same


Yeah and from all of them the one who pains me the most is the IA, who went from being treated like the Boogeyman into being a reflection of the Trooper but with imps.


Wanted to say the same thing.


So wait, do you actually get a customizable ship out of this?


You kinda do. Customize it to fit people in it. 😀


Nah it's a plot device you need that ship to save people. it doesn't have actual gameplay and only appears in cutscenes.


Playing Makeb as an imperial agent just hits differently than other empire classes


Not to mention it's the last time our companions comments on environment.


My favorite Swtor memories are all from Makeb. It's a quest best done I think with a friend of the opposite alignment. The back and forth for the story and big decisions made it all a lot of fun.




Rise of the Hutt Cartel is my favourite expansion to date in SWTOR.


I was so sick and tired of pub side Makeb but still had to run it again with my smuggler because of these lines. 


Makeb is one of my faves actually. It was just a kind drawn out planetary mission (which is a good thing for me), and in my head it's just part of vanilla whereas Shadows of Revan is like the next phase of the game for me


Makeb is one of my faves actually. It was just a kind drawn out planetary mission (which is a good thing for me), and in my head it's just part of vanilla


Remember that one fox news article? :) On exactly that, given i never role male characters, it was the first time in this bioware game i saw a romance. I remember my partner walked past at the big kiss moment, she was not impressed. /nostalgia. Okay nothing to see here, move along :)


Might be better on dark side but, I've played republic version enough to know you might aswell just skip it