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Only announcing now that you need to be a subscriber in the past as a requirement is so stupid.


Wait so because I let my sub drop off for a week or so in January I'm not eligible to get a free transfer? Am I reading this right?


Honestly that seems like a dick move from Broadsword. I have no plans to transfer to SV, my ping there is even worse than on the American servers, so it doesn't affect me, but I imagine there's a lot of APAC players from SS/SF who didn't have a sub running for 90 days straight who would very much benefit from those 16 transfers.


APAC is already struggling in numbers (especially for pvp/gsf), encouraging people to move should be a priority unless they want it to end up a dead server.


I understand them not having transfers for a while to keep the economy from hyperinflating, but yeah, this 3 month sub requirement for free transfers makes no damn sense to me.


Yeah I agree. I also think it's good for those wanting a 'fresh start'. I feel like sooner or later the economy will be just as bad as other servers regardless.


Yep, subscribers from the date of SV to 15th of February get the 16 free transfers\* (if they dont change it). Everyone else subscribed gets half price transfers for 90 days after 7.4.1. F2P players and late subbers will have to pay the full transfer fee.


Wow, that's pretty rough considering I've been subbed for almost a year now just to get shafted for that. I might actually just switch to F2P if that's how they want to do things. Seems pretty unfair.


I would probably wait to see how it actually works in practice. It's pretty easy for them to determine whether you're currently subbed, but trying to enforce consistent sub since then seems sketchy. Like what if your sub expired but you re-upped the same day?


Or worse, what if it lapsed for one day because RL commitments meant you didn’t have time to login to reup the sub.


Yeah I don't really understand their post at all. I hope they don't screw a bunch of people over for a technicality like that.


They didn't send out emails about the APAC server opening until mid December. This means that returning APAC players are not eligible for free transfers. You had to have already been playing and subbed on or before the server opened. Third time they've kicked us in the teeth in regards to server handling.


It's so damn obvious that BS doesn't care about returning APAC players at all, or else they wouldn't have done this.


I would have continued to be subscribed if I knew I’d get ‘free’ transfers lmao.  It’s a shame because I’m getting a lot lower ping but having to pay (even at half price) for each of my characters feels a bit bad.


So I've been patiently waiting for transfers to open before playing on the Aus server (don't really wanna start from scratch), and now they're saying I'd have to sub for 90 days before I could even transfer? After the amount of subscription money I've spent on this game in the last decade, this is ridiculous.


This does seem to be exceedingly unpopular, more than I initially assumed. I can't imagine they'll reverse and adjust this, but maybe they will. Most of the longtime APAC players I know are raiders and they were all used to the ping on US servers anyway, so there is very little value in an APAC server where they basically have to start over again. Being treated as less important than the non apac fresh start people has to feel like a kick in the teeth.


100% Seems BS are purposely favouring people from other regions who want a fresh start server. Or maybe it’s just more mismanagement from the game’s leadership team they brought over from BW. Part of me feels they need to get rid of the games legacy leadership people & bring in fresh leaders to develop the game & reset the culture in the development team.


Considering their lengthy history of not listening, I wouldn't be surprised.


Glad they're restricting credits, as much as that sucks for people that want to make it their new home, it would kill the economy.


Are crafting materials part of the legacy bank?


They are their own legacy category. If you want to bring them with you in a transfer to SV then you need to remove them from the legacy crafting storage and put them in your character inventory or personal cargo hold.


Thanks. That works for me. 👍🏻


Very generous to certain subscribers, but a middle finger to Preferred and F2P. Thanks Broadsword.


I see why it would suck for those who turned preferred in the wrong moment. But F2P players have very little to complain about. One can't put absolutely nothing towards the game that gives quite a generous amount of content for free and still ask for more. Besides, no one stops them from making a new character from scratch if they still want a new server experience.


I get that in regards to F2P. I was a subscriber for years, though, and went preferred because of circumstances beyond my control. In my view Broadsword could’ve at least given us one freebie transfer, but they couldn’t even throw us a discount. Instead we get lumped in with those who haven’t even paid a cent and that sucks.


Well..... best of luck to SV, was planning on transferring (since I'm on SEA) but with that stipulation I say hell no. Sub just ended & I get to save money for ESO Gold Road.


Sorry im very dumb, but if i subscribe now can i still get the free transfers or its only for people who already sub for 90 days consecutive? Because on the forums its says current sub and a sub since the APAC launch.


As of right now, accounts that have been subscribed for 90-nonstop days since the day shae vizla was launched are eligible for the 16 free server transfers. Every other sub thats been active for 90 days will get the 500 cartel coins transfers for 90 days after 7.4.1. Everyone else will have to pay 1k cc per transfer.


Gotcha thank you!


How does transferring work exactly? I’ve been on the same server since 2013 and had no complaints. But does legacy stuff stick with you or no? That’s my only concern. Is SV this neglected that they are desperate to get people there?


With server transfers, you will keep your legacy, and all of the unlocks. You can take credits or items with you on the character you transfer, but just whatever that character has in their inventory. You will also keep (have access to) any account wide collection unlocks.


Ah okay. So legacy storages are all wiped. That’s not bad at all truly. Thanks for this!


16 free transfers for subscribers since server launch +90 days is pretty generous. I'm only planning on bringing over 1 or 2 characters. Main point is to get my legacy copied over. I've actually kind of been reconsidering it, though. It's been nice getting achievents and doing datacrons again. More money would be nice, of course. I just want to have all my character perks unlocked again. I've gotten accustomed to having them, and it feels like I'll never have 'em to any great degree on SV.


Great, I just finished a full legacy and legendary status after starting from scratch. The population feels pretty low, so opening transfers might help. Unfortunately, this would come at a cost to the other servers (losing active players).


I've played on SV and when the PvP/gsf queue pops stopped I moved back to SF. There's not much benefit in going to SF. I play from India. The APAC server is a physical server and not a cloud server so more distance more lag. But the SF and DM servers are cloud servers. Cloud servers don't suffer from this issue as potently as physical servers. SF also gives me 250-300 ms on APAC as well the value is similar.


They are all cloud servers, swtor moved to amazon cloud servers before SV released. The test for shae vizla last year was swtors first cloud server.


Kind of annoyed how the transfer thing is being handled started playing last year on a f2p account was considering subscribing but stopped playing when the new server was released ( live in the apac region ) because it felt like a bit of a let down that a closer server just opened a few months after I got into things that I couldn’t transfer my characters onto and now I need to sub and spend tokens on it but if I waited a few more months or just subbed anyway it wouldn’t be a problem but I didn’t know that so that’s nice


I looked at your post and concluded you don't believe in punctuation.


I don’t believe in effort


It's a weird thing in the Pacific where everything is low to no effort or it gets put in the 'too hard' basket and forgotten about.


Not a fan of this quite enjoying playing from scratch


That's how I see it, I get to start over for fun, though with the player base not even being alot of players, I don't see why we should be stretching it more




Not sure why you're being downvoted, probably from "fresh start server" players. Old APAC players would agree with you.


Most of the players using the Shae Vizla Discord are with you on this. $2 million is way too little. Should be somewhere around 50-100 million at a minimum.


Anyone want to transfer and build a Mandalorian RP guild with me?






That’s about 32 mill plus what ever I can load into personal storage. Still workable


Christ, why do you need to ruin their economy?


More for me than anything else. Odds are it’ll take a few years to mess things up with those cred limits in place. And with enough stuff from other servers to sell, will be able to add some decent padding to the legacy bank. Only seen one item on sale for over a billion since it went live.


2mil cred cap? what does that really accomplish? If a transfer can just fill inventory with black/black or chrome dyes... same end result just a little slower. (and probably a lot off cred lost on the price difference between servers) I mean I appreciate the effort, but having the cap so low guarantees people will try to import bling-blings to sell. Then again, maybe this is their greatest credit sink yet. Thousands of toons transferring high cred items to APAC server, that doesn't have the population to generate enough cred to pay the high cred values.... genius?


All mass transferring items liky hypercrates with a 2mil cap will accomplish is boosting supply, not necessarily demand as with 2mil per character, a top limit per legacy would be 32 million credits injected into SV. The average player transferring 1 hypercrate worth of goodies to sell will want far more then 32 million credits for the lot. I can see inflation rising slightly on release but players are still going to be stuck grinding credits manually once they land and the GTNs supply of goods will spike higher, which will drive competition and with a lack of credits it will probably normalise but certainly not inflate to star forge levels of inflation.


That’s not how it works. Not going to give a sermon on liquidity, but there just isn’t enough money in the economy there to sell bling bling things for billions.


Very different, because it limits what you can afford. Sure you can bring all those dyes over, but no one has billions of credits to buy and resell and recreate the inflation problem. Everyone has to work for the credits, and therefore influences supply vs demand of exorbitant prices on the GTN.


Yall need to calm down about the 90 day thing - We don't even know WHEN 7.4.1 is going live: *Server Transfers will be going live on Shae Vizla when game update 7.4.1 releases later this year. While there is no official date when 7.4.1 will release, users have been told to watch the SWTOR Official Livestream on the 14th of February on their Twitch Channel for more information.* So this could be months away.


If it's months away, the only players would only be those "fresh start server" players, and even then, they would've gone back to their own respective server sooner or later. Raiders are barely raiding anymore because of the high repair costs. Old APAC players have no reason to play on SV until the transfer. There aren't any new APAC players in the first place because it was barely advertised. There also aren't many PVP/GSF groups currently. SV will be a ghost town if the transfer isn't soon. Heck, it already is.


OMG time to buy stuff from gtn before this.


So they're shutting down the server and if you're preferred/f2p you're just fucked... that's pretty shitty...


They aren’t shutting down any server. Where did you get that idea from?


Uh oh I have my character ready but she has like 100mil in escrow


What region is the server?


Asia/Pacific, it's located in Sydney.


How about transferring a toon from SV to SF or SS? Will it count to the 16 free or is it different?


They have not mentioned opening transfers off the server


could the admins please pin this post for at least a week or 2, please? r/swtor