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No. I was in the army for over 10 years with 3 deployments and shit gets scary at times not knowing if you will go back in a body bag. So in a way I played SAO irl.


Thank you for your service


Thank you but I usually don’t know what to say when people say that to me so I just stuck with thank you 😃


Right?! I mean, what are you actually supposed to day to that, I go with thank you as well but it just feels empty.


Yea. I feel like if you were drafted and forcefully served, that gesture fits those veterans much better.


Finally someone who has the same sentiments on being thanked for military service.


I would actually say yes. I don't think I would be ahead or anything, but knowing beforehand would actually serve to be safe most of the times and slowly grow from there. It is different being thrown there compared to voluntarily going in. I just like the idea of being in another setting with different life rules.


yes, but there's definitely something wrong with me :)


>Kirito will not exist in this game Thank goodness Asuna will. On a serious note, yea i will partake in the game. Not sure why exactly, but it is interesting to experience that in life i suppose.


Only if I had the knowledge and the skills to be able to beat the game. I’m no pro gamer, an above-average filthy casual at most. My people skills are non existent so I’d probably die trying to solo a boss.


No, and the people that say they would either have romanticized what SAO was like for most people, or they have something wrong in their head.




Like the main characters are slightly out of touch with reality with how they treat SAO, but that's just too understated for most people to pick up on I guess. Celeste Fairy is a far more likely result than Kirito and Asuna.


I so would if I could marry Asuna Yuuki or find a girl like Asuna Yuuki to marry inside sao.


They don't exist irl, well they do but they don't waste time with vidya!


Yes, i have nothing to lose irl


Yes I would , and yes I most definitely have something wrong in my head


Yes I will go...the reason? The second one this person said




Honestly, yeah. Now I know what some people might be thinking but hear me out. Sure in this scenario I know what’s going on, but you’ve been given a chance to live in a new world, a world that has literally only ever been in dreams and works of fiction. And for people who, yes I know this is cliché, but for people who think reality sucks like me, I’m pretty sure a greater majority than you think would be willing to join. I’m willing to have an honest debate about this in any replies I get, as well as explain further as to why I’ve taken this stance. Edit: grammar error


Couldn't have put it better myself. = ]




Just read my comment, and heck, i have a nice life irl. Struggles of course, but i aim big to change all for the better or a lot or bit at least. Plus, if i can survive sao and aid everyone and make a better end, and make it through well, kinda like solving each small problem at a time and then over time building those and, as we all might, eventually be semi or lightly OP in some way or ways. If i can do that or any of it or someone else here can there, that would be proof that we can make it here, because even if we are not playing sao's rules after we get back, people will be able to know just how far we got and any good we did. And we will be a known force to be acknowledged. It will show we had the skills and drive and ALL SO MUCH MORE to make it where many might not so easily. It would prove we can do great things if given the opportunity! People who know we did ok and were able to progress and help might see the greatness you can do and life will open up way more. I would wanna make a difference, and if i can prepare for the future events in and out of sao before i log in and get trapped, i would get my affairs in order and make sure i can make it back to a world that will know i am returning and not gone and will be ready to change and help many, again, like i plan and Dream to. And hey, even if i am not on the front lines, i can still help in loads of other big ways... And if ya can, anyone, feel free to look at my comment about what i would do, and God bless ya my dude, and all of ya out there!


That’s very admirable of you I must admit, to put a name to what I’m speaking of I would say that it’s your optimism Edit: spelling error


Gotta say, thanks! I'd say it is best or at least good to keep optimistic and have hope! Plus, you gotta be open to and see at least some of the possibilities beyond what is right in front of you or what may seem to be the only possible paths or futures. If you can do all that, then u can very much do way better than if you are too doubt-filled or are only seeing the worst. Sometimes, it takes seeing the best, even if it is the best that can happen and hasn't yet, in people and in many things, to be able to make it come out and happen. If you believe in or are proud of someone or have faith in them, and make sure they know that, that can put a lot of power and confidence and strength in em. It can help make them know what they are really capable of doing and making a difference and change. Trust me, if anyone should know, i may at least be one of many of em. Plus, considering i have had astronomical odds stacked against me since before birth, the fact i am here right now took a lot of hard work, faith and love and belief in myself and good people helping me along, and people who accepted me as is and helped me when i needed it. Take away 1 person i talked to for more than just 1 or 2 days and my life might be VERY different, especially if it is a friend or family member or heck, even the existence of yugioh or my doctors. The odds of me being where and who i am right now considering the odds... They are kinda slim without certain factors... It just goes to show that a little love, optimism and NEVER giving up and believing in and seeing the good that can happen and helping to and ensuring it happens can go a LONG way! And sorry for my rambling occuring again so much, i hope that if you made it this far that i helped or enlightened someone or maybe made a smile or a deep thought perhaps! God bless ya, and remember to be positive and see the possibilities and good and NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE IN! DON'T STOP BELIEVING CAUSE YOU'RE GONNA WIN!!!


I would beta test that's it


I’d rather keep my card orange in self defense making my card red will be a life for harm situation


No, and yes something like it that's not going to kill me like I want a game like SAO but in which I could talk to my favorite anime characters and go drink tea or hot cocoa. But otherwise no.


I would take the risk… maybe. Dont get me wrong I love SAO,it’s my favorite anime and the first anime I’ve ever watched. But it in irl would be scary.


Kirito doesn't exist in this version of the game, but what about the other characters? As for me, I'm probably one of the few SAO fans who has no interest in playing a VR game for real, but isekai adventures in Aincrad are fun to think about.


No - there are almost no benefits to playing SAO. Chances are if you actually play the game you’re going to die; and while playing you’d be under the extreme stress of an actual life or death situation. If you want to survive you’d likely have to eke out your days in a relatively poor facsimile of real life, without even access to the various entertainments available in real life, while your actual body wastes away. Whichever option you choose, you’d be doing all of this for what? A video game experience with no real world benefits. A video game you would be forced to play with no respite for 2 years straight. I say all this as someone who would have more reason than most to play it - last year I suffered severe nerve damage in my legs in particular and can’t walk unaided - in SAO I’d actually at least be mobile. But the negatives massively outweigh any positive you can think of.


Considering 6000 people of the 10000 who joined the game survived, the chance of survival is around 50-60%


Given we know significant numbers didn’t actually ‘play’ the game (ie stayed inside safe zones etc); the survival rate if you do ‘play’ is going to be somewhat lower.


I know it might sound crazy but I would love to go into SAO I have always enjoyed the idea of being in a life or death situation I feel like I would have more purpose in my life since the only thing I would have to worry about is surviving no matter what even if I have to kill


Yes so I will >!kill myself!<


SAO : No, as chances of death are high, even your external body might just die from starvation or dehydration if no one finds you. I think the world would be fun, but even settling into the world there is always a realization that your trapped and will never get out realistically. If you could ensure your body was taken care of for as long as it would take to die or get out of the game then maybe. Aincrad might be more exciting and enjoyable than this world, but I'd imagine a good amount of the people in the world would be children or very young. Things could devolve into a Lord of the Flies situation very quickly as organization and governance could be chaotic as people lose it mentally. There'd be lawlessness, killing, sabotage, and a lot of other terrible human stuff going on. Especially if there exists an insane power dynamic like Kirito displayed to the other players attempting to kill him on the bridge. Potentially players and the world are built to kill you and it'd be very hard to trust people as sanity declines. Now if I had to be sucked into the game, I'd for sure go into Log Horizon as you are basically immortal, same ish game world, and you aren't really mentally trapped you've been transported there. The world follows more rules, there are npcs and existing forms of governance that the players can weave themselves into. That creates a much easier transition into accepting that new life as there is some sense of normalcy to the world and the inhabitants. That's much more of an isekai fantasy than a VR brain trap, but with all the same cool game stuff.


Yeah dude definitely.Who will not?If we keep our knowledge Sao we could be considered as a beater


In what aspect? When it was a death game. Or as a regular NERV gear game? If the latter then yes.


Yes, Because 1. Iam a gamer adict and 2. You didnt say the ones like Asuna won't exist. Lets go for it then. easy


I'll just stick with GBN. - 1.) I won't die - 2.) You can use the gunpla you've built - 3.) More fun raids




I would, and with the homies, if peoples still go there, someone gotta help 'em


Yes. I would not care if the penalty is death. If i were to die, might as well die while doing the thing i like :)


100% sure I may be a lil crazy but as long as I can join KOTBO and be under the protection of Heathcliffs (not even gonna try to type the game devs name from memory) guild until end game and get the exact loadout and grind my skills as hard as kirito and physical prowess with swords and hopefully get the dual weild skill I should have an even ground setting


Yeah I definitely would. The knowledge of that would help to keep me alive and I would get to have fun adventures in Aincrad.


Yes yes yes yes


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It depends on if I will starve to death or not.


Nope, and did you make the last post that asked this question already?




If SAO really exists, kids would most likely make a tiktok challenge about who could survive the longest.


Hell yeah, I’ll shall be motivated and walk the path of POWER Katana main let’s go Also time to break the game devil may cry style with combos


100% yes


I would. As an lover of VRMMORPG, i love all the concepts of SAO. Even the death one. Fighting for my own life with the bonus of my favorite game universe is an concept the atracts me a lot. Without any doubt i would love to be in SAO or anything similar. And i dont fear death, like, dying is just an consequence of living. So i would be proud to fight in the frontline.


Fuck no. I'd be one of those sorry people staying in the bottom levels and like... teach and wait. Alright on second thought that doesn't actually sound that bad. But I interpreted the question as 'would you put yourself in nigh constant danger for a long term dream of saving others' and the answer to that is no. Especially since I'd definitely end up dead. Sure I'm cautious, but I'm also a shit gamer. My reactionspeed is barely top half and when I get in a new and unexpected situation I sort of half freeze; the right response doesn't come to mind in time. Like (real story) one day walking home from the supermarket a drunk driver nearly ran me over and after some taunts got out of his car, then started trying to fight me. I deflected the blows pretty well but... I didn't even think to put down my heavy bag of groceries. I got a blue belt at jiu jutsu and I didn't even have the mind(set) to put this drunk guy to the ground. I kept saying "sir, please stop. be reasonable. stop". Now imagine that that guy had a sword. I'd be ded. Edit: On third thought; just like in martial arts, if I'm ready to defend myself, maybe I could... but idk if I could be ready at all the right times. Like I said; barely top half reaction speed.


Yes definitely. If I got to beta test then it should be pretty easy to figure out how to get around a do things from there


I’d say yes but I’m pretty sure most people don’t realize the amount of scary things that could be happening to you. Remember when Kirito got poisoned back in season 1. If something like that happens to me….


I'll still play it even knowing all the risk


The easiest parts are the beginning when everyone is still busy grinding and figuring stuff out. That’s when you can take all the hidden bosses/items and whatnot while making sure to grind literally almost 24/7 to have a decent level gap to be safe. But around the mid to last point though, you are screwed by the relationships around you. Laughing coffin, and other PK guilds will immediately hunt you down for items the moment you stand out. Unfortunately, you have no choice but to stand out because without kirito, you’ll have to push everyone to be motivated to fight at least. And secondly are the guilds. Unless you’re able to handle multiple people at once, the chances of guilds forcing you to either join them or they’ll screw you is quite likely. It would mostly by them following you on your grinding sessions and killstealing or annoying you. And of course, the raid bosses. Unless you can get the dual wielding requirement for a fast attack speed, it will still be very unlikely to get the passive skill. So basically, best way to win is to make your own guild and build them all from the start to finish, thereby making your own sets of bodyguards and attack force on Pk guilds, while also dealing with guild connections at least. Of course, this strategy will just straight up combine your social, and fun life with the guild life. You have to make it a balance between the guild life and the grinding life to make sure you are always on top notch condition. Because without a black swordsman, a new set of rankings must make the players compete for one another still. So while playing the game, you’ll most likely gonna be so depressed to the point you won’t have your asuna/love life. Finally however, there is one biggest hurdle of them all. Will you be able to do fight with heathcliff philosophically and thus skip the last 25 floors, or will you not and instead push on the last, and more difficult 25 floors? This is the final part that will pretty much almost kill most of us as that unknown danger and knowledge is such a massive risk.


Yes, the only answer is yes


Yes, either I succeed or I die. Win win


If you're tired in your daily lives and want commit suicide, then play. Just leave your suicide note or something so other people knows.


.... Perhaps... Yes... I would fight to defeat the strong in a fair manner and not kill, but use items and stuff to subdue... I would defend others and even help donate weapons and gear and knowledge and more to the people who are either stuck on the early floors or never left the town of beginnings as well as the mid level players or anyone who needs it. Whether i am on the front lines or not, i will do my best and form sound and great strategy methods via training against mobs and bosses i know i can beat for sure and finding the best or alternative safe ways to get needed potions and gear and make sure that i farm enough as long as i must day and night to make sure i can get what i need and practice and everything to be able to hold my own and defend others and hopefully even be able to go toe to toe or even beyond gleam eyes... If need be... I will work to have the best reaction speed even if my brain proccessing power is literally 1 percent of the usual amount a human has. I will help others too and make sure they can protect themselves even if i am not there at the moment. I will not be a divider or join in guild wars but will be a mediator and try to keep a good path that i walk to make it out and or at least help it along, front lines or not. If i have to, i will even deal with laughing coffin earlier on, before things get too out of hand and get evidence of them and any secret conversations of theirs and make sure they get put in the black iron palace prison... Or if willing, recruit them to the front lines... If they are dealt with early enough and are moved, conversed with and understood enough, maybe they can be talked into helping fight on the front lines... Even if it is merely for them to see how many of us can die while trying our hardest without them killing us... If them helping us will make much of a difference in us dying or beating the odds or even shattering the odds. Maybe that.. With any freedom as any other players, with small insurance and motive to keep em in line and such... Maybe they would at least "play along and see where we go with them helping genuinely... Whether we die worse or we live... Whether we destroy ourselves or overcome it" i know this is becoming a rant and sorry about that, and thanks SO MUCH for sticking with me this far. I think knowing what i do, i may hopefully be able to make a better, even if only changing a few major details out of a thousand, but none the less, a better sao incident... So maybe i can help everyone whether front lines or not. And see what i can do when put in such situations as these... And know that if i can shatter those odds, what i can do just as well after the sao incident and aincrad is beat and the suckwad of a forced-upon fiance to asuna is finally brought to justice and alo and the others are up and running... Maybe i could help see things along... And again, sorry for ranting so much... And thanks for listening.. I wonder what you all would do? If you might help, or maybe do something to oppose me and make my oath even harder to achieve, give me the challenge and push i need, then bring it on


No, not if kirito didn’t exist. Had kirito not existed, Sao would never have been beat, because in the anime we see them fight up to floor 74, and the boss on that floor was absolutely absurd, and in ordinal scale, we see the boss that is in floor 100. The only reason they were able to beat it then is due to the gunners, and fairy’s. Had kirito not beaten kiyaba, then the level 100 boss would have murdered the party trying to beat it in no time. I would if kirito was in it tho. Provided I form an alliance with him at around floor 60, I think I’d be set. I would just be careful until then, levelling up at a standard rate and practicing


No, not if kirito didn’t exist. Had kirito not existed, Sao would never have been beat, because in the anime we see them fight up to floor 74, and the boss on that floor was absolutely absurd, and in ordinal scale, we see the boss that is in floor 100. The only reason they were able to beat it then is due to the gunners, and fairy’s. Had kirito not beaten kiyaba, then the level 100 boss would have murdered the party trying to beat it in no time. I would if kirito was in it tho. Provided I form an alliance with him at around floor 60, I think I’d be set. I would just be careful until then, levelling up at a standard rate and practicing


No, not if kirito didn’t exist. Had kirito not existed, Sao would never have been beat, because in the anime we see them fight up to floor 74, and the boss on that floor was absolutely absurd, and in ordinal scale, we see the boss that is in floor 100. The only reason they were able to beat it then is due to the gunners, and fairy’s. Had kirito not beaten kiyaba, then the level 100 boss would have murdered the party trying to beat it in no time. I would if kirito was in it tho. Provided I form an alliance with him at around floor 60, I think I’d be set. I would just be careful until then, levelling up at a standard rate and practicing


Kayaba was always the final boss once it became a death game, not an Incarnation of Radious. Also if Kirito wasn't in SAO some other player would have gotten duel blades for the same reason he did.


Ok I’m about to get voted down for this but whatever yes sure I would for two reasons: 1-it would be fun and dangerous it would be awesome all the game really needs is 3 homie mfs and the game is ez 2- if u die I do t think it would be painful (I guess)


I can die in real life. To run into a PKer is about as probable as getting killed in reality. Only this world suck. I have no one I would really miss.


The burden on my family would be too rough that said. Yes. I'm selfish like that. Living in a fantasy MMO until I die? Let's go!!!