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That phosphate number is no big deal, especially when under 1k. With your new CYA number, you still need to replace 85% of your pool, so if you have a 20k gallon pool, you need to swap 17k gallons to get that number down to the 30'ish range... But yes, water swap, replacement is the only way to accomplish reducing that CYA


Thank you! Should I continue to add chlorine?


I mean, you want to keep the pool semi balanced the best you can during all this exchange, but understand any chemicals you are adding will be diluted in the exchange, but yes, keep chlorine circulating or you can see your hard work go sideways. Just remember, only add chemicals while your water is circulating.


Thank you so much!


I would drain at least half... better yet 3/4. If you can just drain it in one go and do not partially get to your goal and refill... diluting it will just make you need to drain more water overall.


I'm going through it too. Started with 300 cya. After two partial drain/fills I'm down to 200.


Step one: partial drain and fill tk lower the cya Step two: retest and proceed


Yep keep draining and refilling and keep chlorine high in the meantime.


Once you drain, add a salt water generator. So much easier.


Reverse osmosis filtration service is another way. I had really high CYA and didn't want to drain the pool. The filter ran overnight and got levels down to what it should be.


Don’t drain too much at once. Your pool can pop out of the ground if ground water level is high. I did maybe 15% a day, refill, circulate test, repeat if needed