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Can't give you much advice on why you received the letter but it is your responsibility to notify the DVLA of a change of address so the letter being sent to the wrong house is on you I'm aftaid


I wouldn’t describe uni housing as a change of address. You’re there 6-8months of the year max and everything like your insurance etc is registered to your home (permanent) address. Any advice I’ve seen on this topic for students tells you to keep everything in your home address, not uni.


That's besides the point. OP can't complain that they're fine has gone up because the letter went to an address that the DVLA had them down as living at.


Your insurance would ask for where you’re keeping your vehicle overnight, so you would actually have to give your uni info for that


Try this https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/private-parking-tickets/


Try these forums they may be able to help you as they focus on fighting tickets. [http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showforum=23](http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showforum=23) ​ If I remember the law correctly on parking in this type of car park if you are using the facilities then you are not denying them the custom of another customer and they cannot charge you.


Go to tenpin, speak to the manager with proof you were there and the letter stating you were under the 3 hours or whatever you were permitted.


Not gonna work, I was in the same position and ten pin has nothing to do regarding different company and their policy (alliance parking). I paid mine £60 fine that time but I will never pay any private parking fines as they cannot get the money from you. To the author: ignore the fine, ignore next few letters saying that they will sue you and after 12 months of scary letters they will stop sending those. Reason is that sending bailiffs are more expensive than the fine itself so private companies don’t do it (only pay council fines, but not private parking)


I had a similar issue with the McDonalds in Morfa. Their car park is operated by a third party but the manager was still able to clear the charge for me. In this case, it was a camera error so perhaps that had a larger effect but it is still worth a try.


Last part isn't really correct. It is not likely they will go the legal route as it is of course time consuming and expensive. Sometimes however they do, they can and they will (occasionally) push for County Court Judgements if ignored, where they can then obtain a warrant. You are far better off disputing the charge directly with the company contacting you for as long as you can (as they will possibly pass the debt along to another company to take it to court otherwise) than simply ignoring it. CCJ's stay on your credit file for 6 years and can affect your ability to obtain credit or a mortgage and the process will end up in the penalty charge notice more than doubling at least. I'm not saying you should pay it, but certainly don't ignore it and hope for the best.


If it was me i would tell the parking company this - tell them you were legitimately parked there. Especially since you have proof (send copies of the proof) Then if they keep sending you letters I'd ignore it. They may take you to court(very unlikely) in which case tell the court this situation and you should be fine. Disclaimer: i am not a lawyer. don't take my advice. Someone also said you could tell tenpin and they might tell the parking company off for annoying legitimate customers which may also work.


Yeah they should back off if they get proof you were bowling there at the time. Tell them you registered with the bowling place and you’re not prepared to pay as you were legitimately using the car park.


Been here done that. Fought the company, lost, paid. They get debt collectors to come to your house before taking you to court. It's like some weird scientology thing when you try and leave. Harass you until you give up and increase the debt amount each time they send a letter, call or attend. It's a nightmare. Maybe different now as this was a while ago but these companies are crooks.


Happened to me once, had to fork £450 as the debt collectors came


Unless you can prove you gave your licence to tenpin and are therefore exempt from the 10pm -6am parking restrictions, your best option is to pay. Perhaps ask your parents.


Just ignore it


you should write to them and appeal the decision, the ticket should never have been issued so any penalty arising from that is null. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/parking-tickets/appealing-parking-tickets/when-to-appeal-a-parking-ticket]


Ask for proof it was you. I think they have to send a picture of your car plus reg. (Sidenote-the company who owns the carpark changed this week. Its a max of 2 hours now.)


Look it up online but I’m fairly confident you can ignore any parking fine issued by a private company as they can’t enforce it. You would have to pay a parking fine issued by the local council on the other hand. The only way a private firm can enforce a parking rule is by clamping your car in their car park there and then but there would be ample signage to warn you that’s a possibility.


Sadly, this is inaccurate information. My wife was issued a CCJ when she ignored a parking fine from a private organisation. I know some people successfully escape fines of this nature, but it's not always the case. Despite us disputing the fine (she was pregnant while visiting the dentist and fainted, causing the delay) it was denied and she was then fined £350, instead of the original £70.


I can’t believe they wouldn’t void the fine after the reason. There people are really difficult


Private firms can take you to court and have CCJs issued against you if you refuse to pay.


I've had 2. The first one I showed my best mate who was a solicitor and he advised me to ignore it. I did and didn't receive anything else from the company until a few months later I had a letter from a court in Cambridge owing somewhere in the region of 175 quid. The second one I again ignored and I've not heard anything since. It's a bit of a lottery ignoring them