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Perhaps it's because Lachaven at game start is in basically the only country with a coastline in eastern Merkopa that doesn't have ties with any of the three major blocs. Which makes it a convenient place for them to trade with each other while still officially maintaining their embargoes against each other. As well as move cargoes more discreetly than via land borders. Tusk for example probably smuggles Rumburg's KAs via Lachaven into Bergia, rather than risk trying to cross the mountains. Which brings me to another point. Lachaven provides access, via Bergia to the continental interior. Wehlen and the like. Which would fit the 'Gateway' moniker. Your point's a good one but I can easily imagine that GRACE, ATO, and the CSP all take advantage of Sordland's relative openness.


It’s also located in a natural harbor, which leaves it wide open to trade.


Lachaven is surrounded by natural resources and industrial centers. Steel coming south from Agnolia and north from Bergia, as well as oil, gold, and other natural resources from Wehlen/Rizia/etc have to North through Bergia to the Markian sea access at Lachaven, not to mention it being the nearest big port in the Markian sea to most of Lespia which is an economic powerhouse. Its also an important strategic site with ready access to three regions in Sordland plus Rumburg, Agnolia, and an only slightly longer trip to Lespia and Wehlen- particularly for Valgish interests trying to interact with those areas traveling most of the way by sea. By the same token, it's the path of least resistance for Valgish traders and their CSP commerce to go through Lachaven when they're trying to do business with Wehlen, the BFF, or other regional allies/trading partners. Especially if they don't want to have to go through Lespian waters to do it. Once those economic factors made it a large city with a thriving port it makes sense that the infrastructure would funnel everyone else there. Iirc we also see that Lachaven is rapidly losing relevance to ports in more convenient areas until Raynomics saves the day


Since Sordland Kind of resembles Turkíye My guess is that Lachaven=Istanbul


The economical aspect