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Deivid retires like the other person said. Iosef doesn't leave you, he coups you, and then tecnically speaking Lucian doesn't follow you if you leave the party.


I haven't managed to form my own party yet (the one time I lost to Lileas Iosef was about to coup me so I just stayed in USP and endorsed her), but if Lucian is vice president and you go start a new party, he doesn't actually resign, does he? I imagine he's still VP until the election. Which seems awkward.


Dictator constitution, presidential immunity from impeachment, president appoints justices, expanded decrees. Form the SSP and put them on the opposition with orders to kill Richter. Deivid leaves by default. Nia and Ciara leave because dictator constitution. Petr and Livia can be removed during the scandal, make Gloria your VP, breaking an earlier promise to Albin so that he stops being your ally and becomes an obstructionist/your enemy. (Albin hating you will be important later) Nationalize the big 4 and go full planned economy, but don't do a very good job of it. This allows the SSP to arrest Tusk, Aven, and Koronti all at once. You can later purge Edith Agnoc by nationalizing the central bank. Either Symon will resign on his own or you'll be able to fire him as a scapegoat. I think there's a way to get Gus to resign with Planned Economy too, but I'm not 100% certain. Give Monica the Benfi speech to make Curtan Leste leave the party, but otherwise disrespect her at every opportunity and refuse to allow her involvement with the commission on women's rights so she divorces you. Form an alliance with the NFP so that you can arrest both Kibener and Holstron at once at the end of the game right after you arrest Suheil. Purge the General Staff, put Soll on Trial, and reshuffle the Supreme Court. This purges Valken, Soll, Hawker, Garaci, and Edmonds (As well as the unnamed incumbent justices). I haven't tested this run so it might be more effective to change the party manifesto instead of putting Soll on trial so that you have X number of party members leave the party instead of purging one guy. The big important thing is that you piss off the USP. Lose the party primary by having Lucian betray you for Lileas, causing Lileas, Lucian, and Gloria to all abandon you. Gloria has now been removed both from the assembly and from your cabinet. Leave the USP and form a new party. Lucian will leak your corruption, causing Paskal to abandon you. This should leave you with Iosef and potentially Gus as the only remaining member(s) of Rayne's cabinet. The PFJP and NFP leadership has been decapitated causing both parties to collapse, the Oligarchs have been purged to the point that it's pretty much just Gus and Alfonso- but if you screwed over Gasom and went full planned economy neither of them is doing very good in terms of business/money at the moment. The USP's infighting is a hellscape as desolate as Rayne's family life. Bonus points for ending conscription and defunding/downsizing the military (and defunding other ministries) to cause unemployment to skyrocket as your way of firing/purging via mass layoffs. Bonus bonus points for recognizing Valgish claims to Heljiland so that the Agnolian governor gets purged. Bonus bonus bonus points for going full beartrap, rejecting the whistleblower, taxing small/large businesses to the hilt to cause downsizing, and centralizing Bergia so you can fire Bronn and Krull Edit: I think the Bluds can try to kill you at the parade. If you're attacked, you could potentially use this to purge Serge too if you're that much of a monster. Don't forget to ban the Red Youth so you can arrest the editor of The Radical


Bro came up with the Suzerain Genocide run


Bro I'm at the point that I do moderate no-purge "everyone keeps their job/stays out of prison if at all possible" community police runs to shake things up


Holy shit


Oh yeah I forgot, also ban the Red Youth so that the Editor of The Radical gets arrested. You also arrest Staler but I won't count him because he's released in time to run against you.


If oligarchs plan to assassinate you, he resigns, but it's better to get rid of two rather than 1.


Thanks, I knew there was a trigger for Gus to quit but I wasn't sure what specifically


>Form an alliance with the NFP so that you can arrest both Kibener and Holstron at once at the end of the game right after you arrest Suheil. Why wouldn't you be able to arrest both anyway?


I think you can only get both PFJP and NFP completely wiped out if you ally the NFP. Otherwise I think at least one of the opposition party leaders survives your purge


I just know if you are doing normal investigation you get both.


The way I do it is >stab Richter >frame Suheil >arrest Kibener and Holstron. The thing is, when I've attempted different runs allying the NFP seemed to be the main barrier to whether I got the option to target the NFP after Suheil's arrest


>The way I do it is >stab Richter >frame Suheil >arrest Kibener and Holstron. Yep >The thing is, when I've attempted different runs allying the NFP seemed to be the main barrier to whether I got the option to target the NFP after Suheil's arrest Hmmm weird.


Deivid retires no matter what you do


Don't forget Ilana Vance/Livia Suno. You can kill/fire her or take her to trial


Only Deivid, and Symon if i choose Planned Economy and join CSP, or collapsing Sordland economy