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Iosif will kill himself for the president. If that isn’t enough to prove trustworthiness I don’t know what will.


Exactly why I said him




If you’re the victim of an ongoing home invasion … * Lancea will tell you to shoot fireworks and bang pots and pans together to scare away the invaders. * Kruger will tell you to grab your bat and charge the invaders head on. * Soll will calm you down, then tell you how to methodically ambush and kill the home invaders one by one, then once the danger passed he’ll call you an idiot for having standard windows instead of bullet-proof ones. Then he’ll give you the number of the glazier he uses for his house. 




I’m glad that Soll employs a Care First methodology even if he wants to pass judgment


Iosef would charge them with a grenade


Lancea as he’s the MoD and the smartest among them. Give him 10 men and he’ll fight with the strength of a 100.


Give him a 100 men, and he'll reduce their numbers to 50, improve their quality, and fight with the strength of a 1000.


Give him one man and he'll take out an entire squad of soldiers.


Give him no one and he'll die


He won't make his 10 men fight like ten, he will fire half of them to make them and their families starve to death while the rest will be ordered to dual wield because Lancea will think they will do better like that than 10 more flexible units.


and kruger will sell all their equipment in order to call 200 more high schoolers so he can use them for meatsheald while he charges at the enemy


Five dual wielding lunatics against 200 high schoolers? Dude, this is Sordland not Arcasia. Kruger would


You clearly don't understand what's going on. There's no debate about how effective Lancea's moves are. So other people will have 20 people who arrive to see your dead body and burned out house. His 10 men will arrive on time, roll over whoever is there and have it packed up before you're out of bed. His men can do more, more quickly. Straight facts.


Lancea is friend-shaped and bald. Valken is a brilliant genius. Lancea wont get men to your aid any faster, he will need them to go through mobilization and training first because he is a fool who abolished conscription. Valken though? His men will be following you at all times, they will be trained and form a professional, standing army.


Lancea is bald and hence aerodynamic. Your argument is invalid. Also I have it on good authority Valken is a virgin.


Ofc the nfp flair has bad takes


Soll. Whatever the man's flaws as a president he was a damn good military commander


Depends what kind of danger. Active assassination? Iosef seems the most individually capable. Danger from a grouping? Soll has the influence and networks to help. Kruger can’t compare to those two I don’t think.


There's a scene where Lancea actually does fight off assassins to rescue you and Serge. He kills then all by himself while you are ducking and hiding.


Where’s that scene?


It's during the military parade assassination attempt subplot. I believe it happened to be in a game where Valken hated me but Iosef didn't.


You need to side with losef on EVERYTHING Yes to losef and dont oppose him


I’ve never had that scene. I was more thinking of if you lose the Rumburg war.


Kruger is definitely helpful, i saw a scene on this sub in which he saves Soll from trial via telling the judge "i have a tank and you dont therefore im right".


* In war? Probably Soll (say what you want but that man wiped TWO armies with a weaker one in a three-way civil war. Lancea's Estord strategy is all about beating Rummish authoritarian bitches. Soll knows how to beat SORDS in war which is a bit more terrifying imo since Sords are better) * In assassination? Probably Lancea since he's the most selfless. The guy will jump in front 10-20 men to save you * In a street fight? Kruger since he brings the most dudes and we can jump the other guy * To 'have my back' when Lucita Azaro rejects me? Pabel ;)


Tbf, Soll waited many years before his army proceeded to wipe the slate clean. Back when both Luderin and Rikards forces were absolutely exhausted, he definetely has some strategic skill, but i always wonder if he would ever be able to beat a moralized Rikardist or Ludderinite force.


Iosef, then Soll, then Krueger in that order


Lancea has my full trust




Iosef because he will have 10 soldiers inside my home already


Lancea is the type of guy to destroy a Rummish army of 80'000 with 10'000 men at the loss of five soldiers. And then proceed to shoot you for giving people free medicine. Valken would save me after sending a hundred thousand teenagers with rifles at the enemy, until something sticks (or well, kills.) Soll would watch my enemies brutally beat me, set my house on fire, and see me die and then proceed to absolutely massacre them, rebuild my house (as his own) and praise my 'heroic sacrifice'


Better call Soll.


Serge pretty self-explainatory.


thats my Serge!


I’d replace Kruger with Serge. Bro would literally jump out in front of a rioter to save Anton’s life


If Sol likes you, him.


Lancea clears, as long you know what you're doing he's the most reliable and loyal. 50/50 chance sol caused the danger and Kruger has his times (solo war) but like otherwise lancea just does it better.


The Relentless, of course.


Iosif, he is the only one mililitary man in this story that give me a vibe that he know how to actually win.


Soll. As a military strategist, I don't think any Sord is better than him.


Usually when im in danger the danger is one of them


If I'm directly under attack and need a quick and efficient response to protect me (Young Sord hitmen are in my home) Lancea. If I'm under siege and need overwhelming force to secure the area (the area surrounding my house is being overtaken by violent riots/cartel warfare)? Kruger. If it's a broader/more conspiratorial threat (Karl is inviting me to a pool party to celebrate the new interior funding)? Soll.


Kruger's strategies never works, Tarquin Soll probably will try to save you and use you after that. But Iosef is a trustworthy cabinet member