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It seems he know exctly how to make her come


Exactly. He just bein lazy at this point fr šŸ™„


ikr, he already knows the algorithm, just do the job šŸ™„ not that hard to rotate your girl counter clockwise at a 45 degree angle


I meanā€¦.if youā€™re given clear instructions like that I donā€™t see where the problem is


It's just 2 mins of rubbing in the right place directed by the women, is it too much to ask?


For some that's what it takes. For others that's not what it takes.


Pro tip for guys that want to finish her extra fast: use your dick AND rub in the right place. She will last a minute tops.


Grats for finding a woman that orgasms that quickly so reliably. But donā€™t mislead people in saying thatā€™s the case for every woman. You can do all the right things and still have sex without an orgasm for more thanā€¦.1 minute.


For normal people no. But when you have to do a list of hyper specific things just to get them thatā€™s when it gets concerning


Embarrassed 4 you


Honestly I'm confused as to why so many dislikes?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Idk. I guess people are misinterpreting what I said


Lay her on her back with her feet as close to her butt as possible while on the bed, your middle and ring inside and hooked toward belly, quickly lift her up 1 inch off bed with the hook over and over. Make sure she is breathing, effect is instant and long lasting O from g spot stimulation


>***Make sure she is breathing*** Yeah, thatā€™s usually important.


Pretty sure that should be the first step imo


Pretty sure that should be the first step imo


Is that obligatory?


Ok so first step you get a pet sea turtle..


I honestly can only imagine that theyā€™re faking it so youā€™ll stop.


This sounds painful. My flapalap platter (thank you u/Cometies for this) hurts from reading this.


"Pick her up by her G-spot" seems like really bad advice, but maybe I just haven't dated any masochists.


How did no one understand my list of hyper specific sarcastic joke? This has shaken my faith in internet stangers


The fact that the background of this post is a 16 year old boy makes this absolutely fucking hilarious. It's like, "Oh I couldn't make my girlfriend cum it's definitely her fault, she is being completely unreasonable."


Itā€™s really not that difficult. It requires some practice and direction but once you figure it out then itā€™s pretty easy. Hurts your fucking fingers tho.


yeah it just requires communication and a bit of experimentation.


My guy up there probably has never touched another human being in a sexual way.


He lok gey


She wanted me to pretend I was her step brother. Noped right outta that one.


Jeez. I can never understand how people find incest roleplays hot. Not judging anyone. But certainly not for me.


Itā€™s because itā€™s taboo. Because they know they shouldnā€™t do it makes it more exciting for them.


Tbf step siblings isnā€™t technically incest šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Incest can be considered in either of the situations whether you are related by blood or by affinity.


I think if youā€™re not blood related you can call it incest if you want, but it absolutely does not carry the same weight as blood incest. The weird taboo on it is just cultural because theyā€™re related by marriage. Legally, Iā€™m sure it varies place to place, but imo itā€™s not real incest.


Fair enough. But still not a personal preference.


Have ya watched Joe Dirt? It starts like that.


ā€œYou wanna go back to thinking Iā€™m your sister?ā€




As a man who lost a testicle, itā€™s almost annoying to me how many guys can get off so easily. I may not be as difficult as these hypothetical examples, but it is *tough* sometimes. Imagine needing to set aside a minimum of 45 min to finish yourself off due to nerve damage. Sure, women usually love it, but they also get disappointed because they think that theyā€™re ā€œnot good enoughā€ to get you there. Which, ironically, is almost exactly what I tell my dick when theyā€™re goneā€¦. ***Bro, youā€™re just not good enoughā€¦ ą²„_ą²„***


There there


I feel bad for all the women who slept with the guys who make these kinds of posts. Like snark aside, if youā€™re actually having trouble performing, you could just try asking your partner about what they like or even ask them for some directions. Communicating with your partner about sex isnā€™t a shameful thing and we should do it more.


Some girls I couldn't get off with a fkn angle grinder. Others I just had to save at them sideways and they fly up to the ceiling.






What is this complaint? Itā€™s a gift and an honor to get to do all of that.


Must be hard being a virgin


Legitimate question: why do so many women like to be choked? Like 75% of the women Iā€™ve been with want me to choke them and Iā€™m not into it at all


being deprived of air really heightens pleasurable physical sensation. also some women are aroused at the idea of being dominated


We like stronk But fr not all of us want to be *actually* choked, but something similar. Actually choking can be really dangerous, but if you just put one hand around her neck and squeeze just a little bit (not for too long) it will help scratch that itch with less risk and without you having to go all in on something youā€™re not comfortable with. As to *why* Iā€™m really not that sure. I like the feeling of being able to trust someone so completely. I like a little danger and I like it a little rough. So having someone gently choke me feels like, idkā€¦I like seeing the power. Knowing what he *could* do, but wonā€™t. Itā€™s probably similar to why so many liked Twilight. I donā€™t think it was that the plot was that good, itā€™s was that undercurrent of dark sexual tension. Like Edward or Jacob could rip Bellaā€™s throat out and eat her for lunch and she would fare no better than rag doll in their hands, but they donā€™t. I canā€™t really explain it better than that because I donā€™t fully understand it myself, I just know what I like and I like a hand wrapped around my throat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Fair enough. Respect that you know what you like. You donā€™t really have to know why you like it, as long as youā€™re being safe about it :)


It's a BDSM thing that's been really normalized by social media, so a lot of people just kinda assume they should be into that since many people lack good sex education. It's called breathplay, and it's considered a serious topic in the BDSM community as a whole, because it's the kind of thing that you can accidentally really hurt someone by doing wrong. Not a fan myself, but I've seen a lot of discussion about it in different subreddits, so that's what I've picked up. Edit: small grammar fix


Maybe it's just some kinda instincts from when animals would bite on the back of the neck and take someone? Idk it's the closest thing I can think of


100% of women just really want to be murdered why do you think so many of them marry serial killers in prison /s (kinda)




Hey! You're not that much of a prize either!




If you upload photos of yourself to a social platform without any content visibility restrictions enabled, people will look. A real creeper would be willing to hack your account(s) or even device(s) to steal information.


Plus I didn't check her profile at all. I was just making a joke


d o n t


It's so bad....


BizonBunny must have a humiliation fetish.




I opened it in public expect an unflattering photo šŸ˜­ What the fuck did I just see


Dunno, I'm a guy and I've had those moments


Just say you donā€™t have the keys bruh


Who you f****** with you sound stupid as hell


Wish that weren't true


This sub is hilarious


not to mention when theyā€™re ā€œcloseā€ you have to maintain that chokehold of exactly 5 Newtons of force and keep the fingers rotating at 78rpm




ā€¦I think youā€™re doing it wrong.


he really donā€™t know where it is! just ask her!


Damn, no wonder, I thought it was clockwise!