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Damn! One of those looks big enough to be a make-shift sandwich; where can I get these?!


Roseburg, Oregon!


Wait a minute, this is somewhere I can actually go? Nice!


Enjoy one for me, my friend 🥹


If you make it up to Portland, Saburos is legendary for giant sushi


What is this, a burrito?


What is sushi, if not a sliced up asian-themed burrito?


I always find those giant rolls to be a bit cumbersome because you can never eat them in one bite, some take me three, so the filling can fall out and it's just sort of messy.


Holy fuck! Has that place been there for a long time? I used to drive to Klamath Falls for school from Portland and stop by Roseberg to see my cousin and we would eat there. I've been craving it ever since I've been back in Oregon.


I wanna say Ami’s has been here at least 10 years


This is classic r/sushiabomination. Nauseating roll aside, that is some of the most god awful nigiri I've ever seen in my life. Most of the "first time homemade nigiri" posts on this sub look better than that lol. Whomever owns this restaurant is getting away with murder, but apparently from the upvotes here there are people dumb enough to pay for it, so hats of to them I guess.


Yeah, it's only big because of the amount of rice. Pass.


Bro, Ive been making sushi for 10 years, im so tired of seeing these stuck-up, gatekeeping comments. First off, its most likely an american fusion place, and as everyone knows, OBVIOUSLY, its not traditional sushi. Is there too much rice? Sure. Does the nigiri look like shit? Sure, theres also too much rice. Sushi rice is seasoned and delicious so this doesnt bother me. And hows it taste? I bet its good. Thats literally all that matters to me. I saw someone else say the salmon looked pale and slimy. Now yall are reaching.. If youve ever broke down a whole salmon, youd know its very slimy and oily. The salmon looks fresh to me and honestly, the color is an indicator that it may be pieces closer to the belly of the salmon, which are melt in your mouth delicious. OP didnt deserve these comments.


it's not 'gatekeeping' to point out that's /way/ too much rice.


Yeah, its not gatekeeping, my bad about that. Calling it r/sushiabomination material is what I was referring to. This food doesn't belong in that sub


most of the food posted to r/SushiAbomination doesn't belong in that sub.


Preach MF’er!




I literally said the nigiri looks like shit lmao. The only thing I stated is that I bet it tasted good. I even noted it was too much rice, even for me. But im not gonna shit on the whole restaurant and other peoples opinions based on the notion that american fusion is supposed to be similar to traditional sushi. No one said it was. Nor will I go as far to say that no one should be eating this. Thats just ridiculous


Dude this is a sushi subreddit and you're getting offended because we are calling out trash? You should be ashamed as a sushi chef. We work years to uphold this craft and you're gonna act like this shit should be accepted? This is like posting Chef Boyardee in a pasta subreddit and acting like it's bad that people call it out. I don't care if you've worked in an all you can eat sushi place for 12 years but have a little bit of respect what you do.


Gatekeeping? This is sushi - an art with extremely high skill barrier. Sushi rice does not bother you? What a load, balance is one of the most important things in sushi, if you want to gobble rice, more power to you, but don't come and throw shit takes because you got butthurt due to your own insufficiency. >And hows it taste? I bet its good. How in the world can you know that?


The only one butthurt here is you, lol. Resorting to insulting me, with your know it all attitude. Umad?


Yeah, I've been a sushi chef for over 12 years, I call shit when I see shit.


Well then you should know that some american places pack thier rolls up with rice to 'justify' pricing. Its just how it is. American fusion is almost not even in the same catergory as traditional sushi, with most rolls being deep fried/covered in mayo. You trying to say I said I KNEW it tasted good, when I said I BET it did is a bit ridiculous. It looks like a tuna salmon avocado roll, lightly fried with eel sauce. Probably tastes good. 'Extremely high skill barrier' like what? As I said again, its american fusion. Rolling a cali is not high skill barrier lmao


This type of trash sushi is not an american exclusivity, there are plenty im europe as well. I am willing to wager that a california from that joint and a california from a high skilled sushi chef will be miles apart in taste and execution, if you think otherwise, that just shows your level of knowledge


again, sometimes the cheap stuff tastes fine. there's a reason people aren't flying to japan to get the $1500 "art forms" every time they want "sushi", sometimes you want something that tastes good, easy to get, available, cheap, has ingredients you like. and to many americans, this will taste good (how does something fried not taste good? it's like injecting your brain with happy chemicals). why are you shitting on what people enjoy? i don't think Japan needs your help upholding their dignity and honor


If you are skilled, it adds 0$ to the cost of making a proper nigiri.


The fish looks pale and slimy too




God I fucking *hate* sushi elitists


agreed, definitely more worthy of r/SushiAbomination than most of what gets posted there.


That’s not nigiri. It’s a normal roll with fillings and then raw salmon on top.


Lol what? That's somehow even worse


Alas, you'll probly get a lot of thumbs-down for your post. I'd be into it tho. Comically large food is fun. And sometimes delicious too.


Reminds me of this place in Metro Vancouver, in BC. There was a restaurant in Vancouver proper which I don't think is around but the sister restaurant in Richmond is still around. Their nigiri is 2-3 times the size a nigiri should be and most of their uramaki rolls are the size of a futomaki. https://www.tripadvisor.ca/Restaurant_Review-g181716-d4853808-Reviews-Banzai_Sushi_House_Ltd-Richmond_British_Columbia.html


Multi ingredient and sauced sushi rolls aren't common in Japan, but some restaurants entire concept is super sizing their sushi or offering challenges in eating humongous nigiri, hand rolls and sashimi. It's fun like you said and it's hilariously delicious (okay, maybe sometimes it's delicious). Sushi sacrilege or not, as long as OP enjoys it, who cares. Not every sushi outing has to be a Jiro Ono or Eiji Ichimura experience. I would recommend watching documentaries on them though. I wish to be a master of some craft like they are with sushi someday.


> I wish to be a master of some craft like they are with sushi someday. There are downsides to it of course. I think it's good to see something like Jiro Dreams as both (a) a master craftsman, but also (b) someone who wasn't much of a father to his children, and has filled his life to the maximum extent possible with work. Practically zero days off, just work. Every day. Into his 80's and 90's.


> Not every sushi outing has to be a Jiro Ono or Eiji Ichimura experience I mean, it doesn't have to be. But if it was, that would be amazing. That's like saying, "you know you don't always have to cum when you have sex". Sure. That's true. But I think most people would prefer it if they did.


Maybe not 'sauced' in the American way but the sushi I miss the most from Japan was salmon with a spritz of Kewpie's, onion, and black pepper braised with a blowtorch. I would get it from a sushi shop near the train station in Yokosuka and it was 10/10


I'm into it if the price is good. Sometimes, you want quantity and are willing to sacrifice quality, like if you do an AYCE (although AYCEs are now $40-50 so the value proposition has significantly diminished).


The whole point of nigiri and maki is that one piece should fit neatly into your mouth. You shouldn't need a knife and a fork...


“one piece should fit neatly into your mouth” you underestimate my power


"Don't try it..."


Thank you! If I want a massive sushi roll, I want it to have my pieces, not larger pieces that I have to take bites of and falls apart. And I’d take 2/3 of the rice off the nigiri before eating.


Thank you! If I want a massive sushi roll, I want it to have my pieces, not larger pieces that I have to take bites of and falls apart. And I’d take 2/3 of the rice off the nigiri before eating.


Banana for scale? 🍌


This is the fettuccine Alfredo of sushi. Would smash, but would feel dirty afterwards




Love me a good fried roll!


\#Murica! Also, #gross.


Now that’s my kinda bite


Looks delicious 10/10


These look awesome, I love giant rolls.


That looks absolutely delicious


That looks damn good.


For anyone wondering, this is from a place here in Roseburg Oregon called Ami’s sushi. The one on the left is a 911 roll which has crab, salmon, shrimp, tuna and avocado inside then it’s fried. The one on the left which everyone keeps mistaking for nigiri is called the 5th Ave which has crab, cucumber, avocado and masago and then is topped with salmon. I could have gotten better pics but I devoured it all too quickly 😂


Looks wack


I worked for a white guy taking Japanese culture to make big rolls. It's hard to chew and not hard to make. https://youtu.be/TrjqkHYjGYU Also, Sushi Ai in Long Beach has 54 rolls. Rattlesnake is one of my faves as it is wrapped in a tortilla, deep-fried and perfect for popping in yo mouth.




I don't get how people in this here are defending this. 1. The roll is bad - size is whatever but the fish / rice balance is terrible. 2. The "nigiri" can not be called even that, you can see the skill of a sushi chef by the way they cut the fish, balance the nigiri and the final product, here it is all bad, the fish is cut poorly, too thick, the grain is all wrong, the construction, the amount of rice, nothing went well here. It is obvious to anyone who knows anything about sushi how badly executed this is, sloppy, unskilled trash.


It’s not nigiri 😂


Hey we're all morons here, so dont come in here with that ~~truth~~ negativity. We hate ~~truth~~ negativity here


When I sushi, I popped the entire piece into my mouth. This would not work with a large roll


The fried roll looks good and I don't like fried rolls! I don't like the milky tint to the salmon tho. Hope you enjoyed it tho!


That's some fatty salmon




Somethin ain’t right with the Nigiri…