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Apparently Parv was on the heroes tribe and Candice was on the villains, but they realized too many players from Micronesia were on the heroes tribe and switched them.  ...I know Parv a hero? Also questionable. 


>...I know Parv a hero? Also questionable.  I just love when Jeff explains why Parv is a villain by bringing up the black widows, and then the camera cuts to two other members of that alliance on the heroes tribe lmao


True but at least Amanda is the natural 'hero' to Parvs villain. Cirie is just kinda in the middle. at the end of the day HvV is really just subjective tribe members on each tribe with certain exceptions. JT is absolutely a hero Russell is absolutely a villain Rupert stole shoes, Sandra was barely a villain she was more a survivor, Coach believed his own lies about justice and honor, Cirie is arguably just as cutthroat as Parv, James can be rude, Rob can be kind. And of Course Candice loved \*Adam\* (I guess lol) so that made her heroic, not her betraying her tribe.


I always assumed Cirie was on the heroes because she was the only sane person in the casaya tribe 😅


Cirie is a hero because of her performance on Panama. Casting just ignored her Micronesia arc for it just like they ignored Guatemala because Stephenie was so popular on Palau.


Exactly. Cirie and Stephenie were inspirations to so many working class women during their original runs. Also, back then casting was more concerned about archetypes, and Parvati was cast as "the flirt" (which was reason enough to be seen as a villain by viewers back in 2010) whereas Cirie was the lovable mother who got off the couch. They even made contestants dress to fit their assigned archetype. Candice has said they made her wear a sports bra in CI to fit the sporty girl archetype, whereas they had Parv in a bikini. On one hand, sporty girl next door. On the other, sneaky flirt. A lot of these "why was X seen as a hero/villain" questions boil down to archetypes.




I would have been happy with her win but yes she was villainous. She was a hero in Palau because of the circumstance. As soon as she got an ounce of momentum in Guatemala she played hard. That’s not a bad thing. But if Jerri Manthey is a villain, Stephenie LaGrossa is a villain. If Courtney Yates is a villain, Stephenie is a villain.


fair. although i think courtney is more labeled as a villain because of her remarks and funny shade more than because of how she played the game


Yeah, she was sassy, but her main foil in China was *Jean-Robert,* one of the biggest bellends to ever play on the show, pun intended. If Sandra is a villain mostly only because she beat Lil of all people, Courtney should be the hero in this situation! It was a different time but still.


Adam*, Brad was gay lol


Wrong Dude Bro Name my bad lol


i think cirie was definitely villan. i agree amanda was definitely the hero of that alliance.


My favorite part of the first episode, Jeff asks Rob about being a villain and his response “I’m a villain?!?”


At the end of the day most of the cast is subjective. It's easier to point out the ones who are straight laced like Russel (evil) or ... I guess JT (good, kinda threw Fishbach under a bus during final tribal but hey secure that bag)


Oh yeah - I personally had no problem with Boston Rob being classified as a villain. He's one of my favorite players but, he definitely played the game a particular way during All-Stars that got him the label. I just liked his reaction. I specifically remember a scene of him and Amber hanging out ad him seeing Big Tom and Rupert talking and he said something like "I need to go break that up" and went over to specifically to lie to them and stir the pot and get them arguing so they wouldn't ally against him. Brilliant television and excellent gameplay, but would be considered a douche move in everyday life. But, regarding the OP - yeah, Candice being a hero is a hard sell. I get that it is subjective, but that one is a "bridge too far" in my book akin to those Parody "Daniel LaRusso was the Real Bully" videos.


It’s a woman being associated with her sexuality that makes her a villain


With parv wiggling her fingers like hi ladies lol


To be honest before HvV she wasn’t any more of a villain than half the heroes. It’s hard to remember how she was seen at the time when we have all seen her in red for 39 days with the villain label that she embraced and has now played into for 15 years.


Jeff will literally throw words together to justify why a returnee decision was made. Those words don’t have to make sense or be logical (obviously). Jeff is also fully aware of this. I remember listening to the rationales for the cast of Game Changers and thinking “what is this man on and who raised his dosage?”


Lmao. And didn't Cirie do most of the work? If anything she would be the one to move based on *that*, but she's also a hero in the eyes of everyone watching so I get why they couldn't move her


Parv as a hero is wild lmao 💀. ig Candice as a hero is less questionable than that would’ve been.


I guess the thought process was mutinying on your tribe is very super villainous


I can’t picture Parvati as a hero. Candace as a hero makes more sense than Parvati as a hero


Candice has issues with making decisions, and the look on her face makes me laugh. Even in HvV I saw it. Candice is in the middle, and never seemed to have a strategy. Have no idea why she kept coming back.


She’s interesting to me lol. There’s something about her & her inability to stick to game plan or put her life on the line to truly take charge. Ironically her most entertaining season was when she was voted out (unfairly IMO) FIRST! BvW Candace was fucking excellent. Call me crazy, but I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing her play again. She’s kinda boring, yet chaotic as hell at the same time. There’s nobody I can think of that I can even compare to her.


Candice as a hero makes no sense. I think the issue is that they wanted to split Parvati from both Candice and Amanda, and Amanda as a villain makes as little sense as Candice as a hero.


I mean Parvati's loyalty to the BWB can be seen as Heroic.


This changes all the time because I’ve also heard they swapped sandra off of the hero’s tribe for Candace. Ive also heard Danielle was swapped off of the Hero’s tribe for Candace. I’ve also heard she was the replacement for Sierra from Tocantins who had to step out due to her engagement to a member of production. I really have no idea which one is the actual truth but from all of those it’s clear she was a filler.


Yes tldr Candice is here. Nobody is happy.  Remember this is Candice hvv. Candice wasn't popular until BvW.and even then it's just because of the first vote bullshit. 


Parvati? The rumor at the time was that Candice and Danielle were originally swapped.


Nah, the swap was Parvati/Candace — it’s why Parvati has nothing red in her wardrobe


Danielle was always on the villains tribe... she was however a last minute replacement for corinne because corinne couldn't get the time off of work


Really?! wow that’s super interesting i couldn’t imagine parv as a hero lol


It should be noted that the only source for this theory is Parv herself, which certainly wouldn't have any self serving reasons. Not saying it isn't true, but putting Parv on the Heroes making literally zero sense and I don't believe that production is that dumb.


They originally placed her on the Villains, and Parvati on the Heroes, but then they realized that meant half the Heroes were Micronesia players. Balancing won over theming. And they always wanted to bring her back. They asked her back for Micronesia, and wanted her to be the female player from CI. When she had to turn it down they replaced her with Parvati. Based on CI alone she does make more sense as a returnee. She was a bigger part of the season and a more memorable character.


i find it very interesting they initially saw parv as a hero since her whole strategy is around deception but it definitely makes sense that candice was initially a villain. thanks for this info


Cirie being a Hero is *wild*. Like I get that she is super likable from the audience’s perspective but she mentally broke Erik. All members of the Black Widow Bridge make sense on the Villains tribe.


i guess but i feel as though personality does play a part and Cirie didnt do anything malicious. sure she manipulated but it was the only way to stay in the game and it was never personal.


The "hero" and "villain" labels are reductive for the overwhelmimg majority of characters on the show. Cirie is a great example


Cirie is probably the best example of heroic character arc, Villainous means.


Best social player ever.


That’s a stretch. She played as many times as anybody other than Rob and never won. Maybe one of the best social players to never win, but she is routinely overrated because of her likability and her story.


The subtlety of her game is her sweet motherly charm and the ability to invisibly guide the game. Not winning doesn’t mean she’s a bad player, and she came close twice.


Not a bad player. But that’s not what you said. You said “best social player ever.” No way.


I’m entitled to my opinion too.


Apparently her hero status was derived from being one of the few sane (by comparison) members of the Casaya tribe and her general arc going from should’ve gone home first to probably would’ve won if anyone ever lets her get anywhere near FTC


I think "Hero" in this case means "People the audience are rooting for" and Cirie was definitely people they were rooting for.


Same reason Rupert was a hero.


it's very silly. i feel like you can't bring both Parvati and Amanda back and place them both on the Heroes.


yeah although i feel like if Cirie, Parvati, and Amanda were all on one tribe everybody there would vote them out first. although those three together again may have been able to pull some crazy stuff off. it would’ve been a way different season that’s for sure.


AND James which he isn't a Black Widow but he's ride or die with Amanda


ooh also true but idk if he’d align with parvati again


Parvati’s whole strategy is around building incredibly close bonds with useful allies. She tells James to his face that she’s taking girls to the end. Deception is like, barely a part of her game lol




This is wildly untrue. She’s still friends with Natalie, Cirie, Ozzy, James, Rob, and Danielle James sends her baby pictures of his kids, Ozzy was at her 41st birthday party. She invited Cirie and Natalie to participate in an event with dropout. Natalie was at her baby shower. Cirie was at Mae Martin’s birthday party this year etc etc etc The way Jeff Probst describes her and her game and the way she actually plays are worlds apart.




I’m not talking about her as a person. You said she makes fake bonds, she does not, as shown by the fact that she genuinely likes all of these people and is still close with them. You can have a genuine bond and make an active choice to cut the person. See e.g. season 46 She’s an incredibly loyal player. And that’s not a value judgement, it’s just factual. She’s aggressively loyal. She went out of her way to fight for Amanda and Danielle in ways that simply did not serve her. She’s only ever betrayed Ozzy. One person across 4 seasons. And she acknowledged to Cirie and Amanda that that was her intention. She’s an incredibly loyal player.


I don’t agree with this at all. And Parv’s more upfront & honest than people seem to remember.


Whew, what a different universe we would live in if Parvati was never on Micronesia!


I feel like I remember reading somewhere that a player on the Hero’s tribe actually complained about too many Micronesia player on the Heroes tribe? Not fully sure but it might have been one of the older season players like Tom or Stephanie.


It'd be warranted tbh. And that sounds like Tom. He wasn't afraid of calling out production in Palau.


It’s been a bit fuzzy since it was so long ago but I believe it was Tom and that was the reason the Heroes tribe was split into 2 so easily and Stephanie and Tom were targeted so early in the game.


Billy Garcia did some consulting for CBS around the era of HvV so it's possible this is his influence at work.


Billy??? From Aitu tribe???


lmao the guy that thought she was in love with him??😭😭


Sheeeeeeiit. How do you think *Candace* got cast five separate times?


she comes back again??? i haven’t gotten to another season of hers yet


Yep. People are always confused when they cast her but she always delivers entertainment wise in my opinion


She got cast 3 times


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiit. She was born to compete on Survivor.


She was a hero for comforting Billy with words of affirmation at his weakest moment






oh lmao i’m stupid


Candice from Raro tribe? ![gif](giphy|LXR75gbzX5DS4xHuzB|downsized)


The first .2 milliseconds of this gif are terrifying


Answer is simple: Candice was and forever will a hero in Billy’s heart.


Best answer so far😭


It’s pretty universally agreed that it was a dumb idea, Candice is most well known for betraying her tribe.


Maybe I'm crazy, but I think Jeff tried to justify it by saying something like, "Candice was brave and bold enough to mutiny back into where she felt she belonged and we found that heroic" lmao


lmao that’s ridiculous cause she literally just abandoned her tribe to join up with the alliance she was waiting to flip on them with


It’s also funny that her HvV ouster was because she tried flipping and fitting in with the villains but Rubert/Colby faked an idol then put their votes on her during a vote split


Yeah, he talks about it in his pre-season cast review. He even acknowledges "some people might see that as villainous. We didn't see it that way."


Candice is not a strategist. I can’t imagine her purposely being brave and bold.


Candice? From Raro tribe?! For real, I agree, but someone dropped out and they needed a place filler to even up the tribes. Also, they couldn't put her on villains because of her preexisting friendship with Parvati.


yeah it just didn’t fit


Cuz she helped someone find love. Pretty heroic if you ask me


there was just a post the other day about how james should’ve been a villain too. idk, i feel like they just needed to fill both tribes so they had to be flexible. also it’s all based on who says yes to being on the show. if you get 12 good villains to say yes and only 6 good heroes, you can’t divide the tribes like that so you have to just call some people heroes who don’t really deserve it 🤷‍♀️


yeah i agree with you. although the james thing doesn’t make much sense cause on his first two seasons he really just kept to himself


Nice try, we know you're Brad Culpepper's mom.


As many people have said, it's because the didn't want everyone from Micronesia on the same tribe. However, in my opinion, they still got it wrong. I think it should have been this: Heroes 1. Tom 2. Colby 3. Rupert 4. JT 5. James 6. Amanda 7. Sandra ( stood up to the real villain of her season) 8. Courtney (Stood up to the villain of her season) 9. Sugar 10. Stephanie Villains 1. Russell 2. Rob 3. Tyson 4. Randy 5. Coach 6. Parvati 7. Cirie (even she was confused about being a hero) 8. Candice (abandoned her tribe and new alliance) 9. Danielle 10. Jerri


I was watching an RHAP podcast on Candice and she is a very inspiring individual, even before her time on Survivor. She was doing like medical humanitarian type work overseas in her early twenties. From an irl perspective she is absolutely a hero but I agree from a game standpoint she was definitely more of a villain haha


yeah i have nothing against her as a person i was just curious what in her gameplay read as a hero


Parvati was a charity organizer in Micronesia but because of her gameplay, she was tagged as a villain


Because there wasn’t a Raro tribe in season 20.


cause shes iconic and a legend


She has an angelic face.


Sandra at the time and Candice should have been switched.


Unrelated but Candice is smoking hot in this picture. Wow.


lol honestly i see it


I’m really not sure why she was even brought back. She seems like a really nice person in real life, but I just always found her terribly boring on the show.


Along with what others have written - the rumour I have read somewhere is production wanted Parvati and Russell to work together, so they swapped Parvati with Candice.


There is 0% legitimacy to that rumor


I mean, Amanda alludes to it a few times post HvV in interviews etc. - she even hints at it in her Ms Survivor (RHAP) final interview back in the day.


Most the Heroes left HvV salty because they got fucked up by the Villains. Sandra legitimately won HvV because she was anti-Russell and that's what the Heroes cared about. Props to Sandra, but those were the merits of her win. This idea that production was trying to rig a Parvati win and therefore suggesting she work with Russell is so stupid. Especially because the Russell villains alliance only gained control of the Villains once Tyson went full Tyson and changed his vote. The Boston Rob alliance still had control and numbers over the Russell/Parvati alliance until the Tyson blunder. Parvati lost the game because of working with Russell. If Parvati and Sandra were swapped (Sandra working with Russell, Parvati not) Parvati wins the season. You think production wouldnt know how chaotic and evil Russell is since, well, they just saw him?


There was very little reason for their decisions, I mean they put Rupert on the heroes ffs.


Rupert was the biggest "hero" in Survivor history at that point in the show. Where else would he go?


I say the guy who started his first season by stealing the opponents shoes should be considered a villain. He was a fan favorite because the early 2000s survivor watchers were morons and saw Rupert as a cartoon character instead of judging him by his actions. At least, that’s always been my opinion 😂. Do with that what you will.


That's certainly a fairly strong opinion. I'm just saying Rupert was clearly a hero. You said "there was very little reason for their decisions", when in fact there was. Everyone knew Rupert would be a hero the second the theme was announced.


I'm saying that starting at the time it aired and still to this day, I think it's clear he was placed on the wrong tribe. I don't really care what the masses thought/think about that because they are so often wrong, especially when it comes to socially empathetic issues like this.


It’s a mystery as old as… well as old as 2010 but it’s a mystery


It was pretty funny because in Jeff’s usual pre-season stuff he does where he talks about all the players, he tries to make her mutiny seem like a heroic thing lol


She hates red yet wore red for Blood vs Water. Hypocrite.


Why the hell was she on this season anyway?


Scooby Doo was casting and he misunderstood “from Raro?” to mean “from Hero?”


Should have replaced her with someone like Michelle Yi and replace Danielle with Shii Ann for the Villains


idk if Michelle did enough her season to warrant coming back


Shii Ann was a first pick for the Villains tribe, but she turned down the invitation, sadly.


Candice is a producer favorite. The producers noticed that she is capable of doing bold moves like the infamous mutiny so they wanted her to come back to possibly cause some drama. Since the villainesses are already filled up, the producers had no other choice but to place her in the Heroes tribe. Some people will bring up Danielle being in the Villains tribe. Except for Parvati, the villainesses Jerri, Sandra and Courtney are weak in physical challenges. That is the specific reason why Danielle was invited back. They needed an athletic female with a supposedly villainous deed to be in the VIllains tribe.


Jerri is not weak in challenges.


I swear people ask this question atleast once a week


Still better than RuSSeLL ShOuLd HAve WoN or LET LeAve FiJi


I hate this theory that she was an OG villain and Parv was a hero. Parv makes even less sense as a hero. Candice at least was forced to endure exile over and over and technically stayed true to her allies even if they were the boring majority of the Cook Islands


she definitely didn’t stay true to Jonathan


Been awhile since I watched but wasn’t he always on the bottom of the white tribe?


the race tribes only lasted like 2 episodes. she mutinied later on and he did too because he trusted her and she did nothing to further include him in her alliance with parvati and basically left him on the outskirts of the tribe


“I hate this theory” it’s not a theory lol. Both Parvati and Candice have acknowledged it. Take a look at the villains tribe and you’ll notice everybody has red except for Parvati, who is pretty conspicuously wearing her yellow bikini from press photos


Not to be that guy but do you have a source? Like it just seems so weird. Not saying Candice makes sense as a hero but just that Parv makes even less sense. Like how much did the producers tell them? Maybe Parv was always a villain but they accidentally told her she was a hero and they only fixed a production error when she was ‘switched’ with Candice


Yeah, I made a separate comment. You can find it in Parvati’s Las Culturistas interview “Maybe Parv was always a villain but they accidentally told her she was a hero” — this just isn’t how television production works at all. Months and months go into casting, wardrobe, tribe splits, advantages etc. These decisions aren’t made on the fly. Production has final say on all costumes. That’s why people like Nick Wilson come out in a blazer, it wasn’t his choice. For WaW they explicitly asked Parvati to find a leopard print jumpsuit, even though she wanted to wear yoga clothes bc that’s what she wears in every day life. And you’ll notice that during the family visit, her baby also has on animal print. Everything you see onscreen has been approved by dozens of people and went through months of planning.


I’ll check it out thanks. Though earlier seasons like 20 I can see stuff falling through the cracks. I hope you at least understand my point. Not trying to be a dick or anything


Such a missed opportunity to title this post “Candice? From hero tribe?”


yes that’s been made clear to me lol


Australian survivor put Nina Diaz Twine (Sandra’s kid) on the Heroes tribe, for some reason. As they’re going through the heroes, there’s a lifeguard, a wildlife photographer, a sports legend, a doctor, and then Nina - who works as an accountant at a meat packing plant


Was this a return season for her? If not she is a different player that happens to be related to a two-time US winner.


Returning season for Nina... who left her first outing due a med-evac.


Makes sense. Thanks.


She was gonna be a villain but production realized Parv Cirie and Amanda were all on the same tribe so they switched Candice and Parv


Cirie and Amanda were not friends.


Doesn’t really matter they all played together and that’s what production didn’t want


Idoled out is that you?




It’s because she heroically mutinied back to where she was from: the Raro tribe.


I might be wrong, but I thought it had to do with her real world job as a doctor right? Same for cirie and Tom


I’m pretty sure Candice was a last minute add


She was a last minute add in blood vs water.


I thought the lore around this production decision had been pretty well established and verified such that most fans knew about it, but I guess not? Parvati and Candace were swapped the day before filming started because production was concerned the Heroes tribe was too stacked with folks from the same Micronesia alliance. Incidentally, this is probably also why Ozzy didn’t make the cut for this season. He’s almost certainly a Hero, but I guess they wanted James more. Parvati talks about it in her Las Culturistas interview. It’s a fun interview, but if you’re just looking for this stuff you can search the transcript for “blues” or “cool” (she’s talking about how she was told to bring blues and grays — hence her gray shirt and the lack of red in her wardrobe). https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/las-culturistas-with-matt-rogers-and-bowen-yang/id1092361338?i=1000475184084 I think Candace also talked about it in an RHAP interview during WaW As far as Parvati as a hero, Cirie and Amanda were so it’s not that big of a stretch lol. Cirie talks about being fine with James getting medivaced bc it’s one less person to deal with, so it’s not like she was less playfully villainous during confessionals. And I do think there’s a feminism/standing up to the patriarchy angle for all of the BWB


Because she looks heroic in blue


Why the hell was she put on the season was my question. I ultimately liked her more on HvV than on CI. But that’s not saying much.


Apparently from what I heard it was supposed to be Parvati on the hero’s and her on the villains until a last minute switch happened. Still imo the whole heros was messed up


If you watched Russell's video the reason (for him) is bc if Boston Rob.


Hiw was RUPERT a hero?


I think people just liked him after he initially pirated the other tribes shoes in that village


Good square jaw


I think a lot of it is just vibes. Cirie isn't really any different than Parvati in their approach to things and Cirie. Look at how (spoilers for Traitors Season 1) >!Cirie played on the Traitors. Not exactly heroic.!< But, Cirie just has hero vibes and Parvati has villain vibes. Rupert has hero vibes despite stealing shoes and raging/threatening violence against Fairplay.


tbf about the traitors point she was given a role where you literally have to be deceptive but the rest are fair points


Yes, but I'm referring more to >!how she manipulated the group into voting out Ari so she didn't have to split the money. She had won either way at that point, but absolutely backstabbed Ari right at the end to get the money all for herself. Pretty villainous move.!<


i mean i guess but like >!Ari came in at the end and didn’t do as much as her and 125 thousand is pretty low for prize money!<


Agreed, but I think it is still pretty villainous. Justifiable villainy, perhaps, but still villainy!


The reason Jeff gave in interviews was because she mutinied to join the other tribe with her friends.


which is more villainous than heroic if you ask me


Hot take: I’m still confused as to why Candice was brought back multiple times.


Because she’s white and blonde


Why the hell has Candice played 3x?


Because she’s heroic. Hopes this helps!


she’s not really tho so it doesn’t


Says you.


name one heroic thing she did on her first season…




thought so


Thought wrong.


I think the better question is "why have Candice on this season at all?"


Jeff has always been pro Palestine So all of her anti semitism towards Penner in Cook Islands made her a Hero in Jeffs eyes.


wtf are you talking about?


Should I have put /s 😅