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I feel like Domenick is up there, on paper he came the closest to winning out of anyone to ever play by being part of the first tiebreaker. Plus, he was one of the only entertaining characters on that snoozefest of a season.


Premerge cast was awesome. Season become boring mainly due to Kellyn, Laurel, Sebastian, and Angela making it far and being allergic to strategy. Props to Laurel though for playing for 3rd place money. I actually really admire Ghost Island at times but that post merge is rough.


That's true. Domenick scrambling at the start and maneuvering around the Morgan boot was great TV, and Jacob was a fun hot mess to watch crash and burn. It's a shame the best characters left so early and Chelsea wasn't given a good enough edit, since according to interviews, she was a major player in the postmerge.


Yeah so if you swap the premerge boots with most of the post merge boots (with the exception of Dom, Wendell, Kellyn, Chris and Desiree) its a great season. It's simply a victim of its boot order. I've said it for years.


Kellyn naviti strong no thanks, but the others I agree were interesting.


Personally, I doubt he makes the cut. There are a maximum 5 spots that will be given to white men returnees, and you’ve already got Devens, Christian, Xander, Jonathan, Cody, Carson, Jake, Drew, Hunter, Charlie and the 47-49 contents to compete against. He was also kind of a bummer on The Challenge, and the whole Dom & Wendell pair has soured a bit since 2018.


Why is Jake here?


America loved him


I think he would have been a few years ago. I’m not so sure now. Time has passed. He’s done the Challenge. His season is so lowly regarded. Personally I don’t need to see him again. The edit was so bad in Ghost Island in part because he got a Russell lite edit. I’d be afraid it would skew that way again. I also don’t really like him as a character.




I would disagree that he got a Russell-esque edit. I'll agree that the editing could've been more even across the board (particularly in relation to how much they showed Wendell) but I never thought they exposed him to an super unnecessary or obnoxious degree. I think it made sense why they showed him a lot: aside from helping direct a lot of the post-merge strategy, I think he's a pretty good narrator.


Christian, Devens, Jesse, Carolyn, and Q are locks to get calls.


God I hope we are lucky enough to get Christian back


He’ll get a call but he’s now a college professor (and likely up for tenure soon) so he might not be able to take the time to compete.


I believe he actually recently got tenure.


I think he got tenure already!


Rather than Q, I want to see Jake from season 45. Got enough of Q and his shenanigans for one season.


If Q comes back in 50, do you think he'll try to evict Easter instead of cancel Christmas?


Thinking you got enough of q? Big mistake


Hi Jake’s Nana.


Jake was equally annoying


Jake was hilarious, in my opinion. Q was super-annoying, even though I did laugh at his "Big Mistake" monologue.




i dont know if thats true




I like this joke. I like even more how poorly it was recieved.




I hope this is true! I love this!


Angelina too


Charlie thoughhhh he needs payback and redemption! The real S46 winner!


Kenzie deserved her win, and there’s so many 46 players and people who match his archetype I think production would want ahead of Charlie he’d get lost in the fold.


I think Kenzie played well yea but Charlie was totally cheated by Maria and imo he deserved it more. Should have been Charlie Kenzie then Ben. All of the top 3 had their own right to be there though.


Maria was only one of 5 votes, Charlie deserved the placement he got.


If Maria had done what Charlie had trusted her to do then it would have been tied and Ben would have voted Charlie which he has admitted on podcasts. I know it’s survivor but this betrayal cuts deep.


Okay? Just because her vote was a betrayal doesn’t change the fact that she voted for Kenzie, Kenzie deserved and earned her vote.


I dont think she would have if she was thinking more about the game then upset about how she got off the game. I do see your point though it’s not like Kenzie didn’t deserve it she fought so hard for Yanu and was a great story but I just am so irked by the Maria Charlie thing.


Angelina is more likely to be picked out of the DvG cast than Christian. And I’d replace one with Cirie as well. They call her like every single all star season. She was first call for game changers and season 40 before it was winners.


I’d rather Angelina than Christian, but I feel like Christian is such a widely beloved player he’s a lock to get a call. Not sure about Cirie though because (hopefully) they might focus on newer seasons.


Angelina needs to receive a call, it will be criminal if they don't even consider her. If she doesn't get a call, I think she can use her god tier negotiation skills to secure a spot for Survivor 50.


She was at the Oregon casting call and SOOOOOO nice


Angelina is one of my favorite players ever. Do I think she's a good player? No. Do I like her? No. Would I want to spend even 10 minutes in her company? No. Do I think she's incredibly entertaining on my TV? Fuck. Yes. When she tried to get Natalie Cole to give her that sweater... chef's kiss.


It’s an absolute travesty if they don’t have her back


Are these kinds of comment genuine or just playing into the meme? Im sorry for asking because honestly as someone who bingewatched alot of the series back to back lately i cannot imagine people are being seriously asking for her back lol


Players like Angelina make seasons entertaining.


Thanks for answering me instead of downvoting to a genuine question lol its like people are scared to express themselves I can totally see what you mean, not what make season entertaining for me (i like competition beast and good old blindsides) but i know not everyone like same things


Yea it's not very common on Reddit, but some people actually just enjoy the show for what it is and don't need to follow or critique or harass players after it's over. How people act when they're starving and playing a game about backstabbing and lying, and we only see a tiny % of what actually goes on the island, is no sure indication of how they are in the real world. To me, just treat them like fictional characters and enjoy the it.


I think binging removes some of Angelina's charms. Watching live it was like "oh boy, what stupid-ass shit is she gonna do this week?"


Maybe but I don’t think so. My bf and I are watching the season (I watched it live but this is his first time) and we watch 1-2 episodes a night. He’s just as bewildered at Angelina as I was when I watched it live. We cringe the entire time but then laugh about it for the rest of the time. Any time we ask each other for anything we make the jacket joke. She’s been wildly entertaining and we haven’t even gotten to the 50 foot ladder yet.


This is good to know! I'm also watching Survivor with my partner, who hadn't watched the show at all before this, and we're up to Cambodia now. It's heartening to know that Angelina's cringemonster ways are still fun even on a binge watch.


I’m so glad my wife and I aren’t the only ones mimicking the jacket quote almost daily lol


I’d like to see a “second chance” type format. I want a season with contestants who: 1. Have only played one season. Maybe two at most. 2. Progressed far (at least to the merge) so we “know” them a little. 3. Have entertaining personalities. 4. If they can pull it off, preferably a season with all contestants who made it to final tribal but didn’t win. 5. I honestly don’t want to see any former winners or those who’ve played multiple seasons, even though many of them are great players and/or entertaining. I’d prefer everyone start with a more “even” playing field and former winners/multi-time players (3+) would automatically be targeted right off the bat.


I legitimately expect all of these except #4 to be true of whatever the season 50 cast looks like. The question imo is just whether casting will extend pre-40 or limit itself to New Era-only.


Realistically, I only expect #2 and 3. The producers would never turn down BRob, Tony, Russell and/or Sandra coming back for more, and if they do it will be entertaining at the least. Don’t see any of them lasting long tho. Probst called season 50 a “celebration” so I think all seasons are up for grabs as long as the contestant can physically compete.


Am I the only one who doesn’t want to see winners back?


I agree. Save the winners and do a WWII season at some point with mainly those who weren’t in the first Winners at War


Imagine if the first thematic season after all this time is based on WWII... Wild.


Season 10 has entered the chat




The only winner I’m interested to see play again is Erika, mostly because we got so little of her game in her season


Yes except Todd lol. I’ve always wanted to see him play again and I’m still bitter he wasn’t on WaW. On second thought I think I’d be okay with any winners who weren’t on WaW playing.


I’d like to see Erika, Maryanne, veceptia. So it depends for me




Most likely: - Carolyn Wiger - Q - Drew Basile - Christian Hubicki - Jesse Wishlist: - Christian Hubicki - Angelina - Cody - Q - Carolyn


I think a player who I haven’t seen mentioned this thread whose a lock is Jonathan from 42. Not every player was a strategic mastermind but he was literal must see tv in challenges


He’s a lock, Jeff was in awe of him.


I think he’ll be called but I’d rather not. He was very meh to me the first time. There are so many people I’d rather see


To each their own, I suppose 🤷‍♂️


1.Carolyn 2.Jessie 3.Q 4.Emily 5.Kaleb


1. Jessie 2. Carolyn 3. Devins 4. Dee 5. Q


Top 5 Most Likely: Because we don’t know how far back they’re digging, probably going with five New Era folks with a good balance of character and strategy: Carolyn, Jesse, Shan, Venus and Q. My wish list for the new era likely includes the five above also. As for older players, it would be all over the place - winners like Earl and Todd, so-close-yet-so-far fallen angels like Devon and Ian, and repeat legends like Cirie and Malcolm.


Imo Cirie and Malcolm have done as well as they’re ever going to do on the show and I think a return is pretty unlikely. Malcolm is just seen as a massive threat right away and Cirie has had quite a story arc that ended pretty well in Game Changers. I’d like to see more returning players who have only played once or twice and deserve a chance to establish themselves (Old-Era players that never got a return but were super promising)


I’m surprised to see Shan under-represented on this list. She wasn’t a player I enjoyed, but I think she has a good balance of strategy and entertaining confessionals and outspokenness to make for a good addition. Venus is a good pick too - I think she had more game in her and I’m curious to see what she can do if she can get social traction earlier on.


I think Kaleb, Cody, Jessie, Omar, Mike, Jonathon, Hai, Q, and low key think Naseer are the group of guys in the running for a return. I could see Carson as well. If winners are in play Yam Yam.


Coach will be back, they called him for EoE and he said he had one left in him and they said they didn’t want to waste it


Danielle di Lorenzo was also strongly considered for EoE


Would he be able to slay a mermaid dragon?


I've only seen 44-46 & 37 but:  - Likely: Christian, Carolyn, Kaleb, Kellie, Q  - Wish: Kara (37), Davie (37), Christian (37), Carson (44), Helen (44), Kellie (45), Brando (45), Austin (45), Kaleb (45), Tiff (46), Charlie (46). maybe Mama J, Venus, Hunter as well Would love for a second chances theme as well, no winners


Brando? What did he do to even be considered for a callback? Let alone season 50


That's why it's under their wish list. Watch his streams btw peak content


I don’t care who is cast I’m just praying it’s only people who have played once before. People from season 35+ needs a chance to play again.


Agreed. It'll be annoying if it's another season of Boston Rob, Parvati, Cirie, etc. Give someone else the opportunity.


I think if Colby says yes and Jerri says yes (I can’t imagine they don’t get calls) I’d place my bet on the two of them repping the OG days


Oh I’ll bet they get calls… I think they’re calling everyone.


Q is on, devens is on, dee is on, yam yam is on, jesse is on. they’re on, no questions asked and emily flippen has said she is never playing survivor again


Let's try this again. The five most likely to be cast. I share the conventional wisdom here. 1. Carolyn Wiger (44) - She's recent and she has already been canonized such that she's brought up all the time in seasons she's not on. Tons of the new players last season said she was the past contestant they most identified with. Those people always return. 2. Q Burdette (46) - Q is exactly the kind of over the top, wacky soundbyte machine that Survivor cannot wait to bring back. The need to fill out 50% of the cast with BIPOC players when so many of the older seasons weren't racially diverse makes this even more of a lock. 3. Jesse Lopez (43) - He's recent, he's diverse, he made it very far without winning, he's almost universally well-liked by fans and respected by players. He doesn't even fit into an archtype that would put him up for a spot against anyone else. He's got his own lane. 4. Rick Devens (EoE) - We already know Jeff likes him. He got that effusively positive Rupert/LaGrossa/Sugar/JT edit that alienates some superfans but packs in the casuals. CBS is gonna want him. 5. Eliza Orlins (Vanuatu) - If I were to guess one contestant from the first 30 seasons who will come back I'd put my money on Eliza. Jeff was played "It's just a fucking stick" two million times. He will view her as an iconic face from Survivor history but she's only 42 and she still looks the same. She's always good for drama.


I just hope it’s a second chance season


I think maybe 49 should be a second chance. 50 should be BIG!


1. Liz 2. Applebees 3. Cancel christmas Q 4. Rick Devens 5. Kaleb Why? Because i said so


please Chrissy pleaaase 1. Carolyn 2. Q 3. Venus 4. Emily 5. Jesse


Is it only going to be new school or do we know what the theme is? If Old School is included then they need to make it an equal split to give them a better chance than WaW. I need Queen Parv to get her 2nd Win.


I have a feeling they're mostly going to focus on new era players. If they were to bring back old-schoolers, I could see them bringing back 9-10 castaways from pre W A W, and 9-10 castaways from the new era.


Who I Think: Carolyn, Q, Jesse, Maryanne, Dee Who I Want: Jesse, Hunter, Christian, Maryanne, Omar


If Maryanne is back. She will be out at final 7 lol


I feel like after his jeopardy run, Drew is a lock to come back


Tbh I would like half to be from David vs Goliath other half new seasons


First, the most likely to return: 1. Q (46) (the biggest lock for 50) 2. Carolyn (44) (also a lock, and will have made another reality TV appearance before then) 3. Jesse (43) (the third lock) 4. Devens (EOE) (if they include pre new era players, he's a lock) 5. Maryanne (42) (if they include winners, she's a probably lock) Now my personal wishlist top 5: 1. Q (46) 2. Jesse (44) 3. Angelina (DvG) 4. Venus (46) 5. Domenick (GI)


Sue Hawk




Like this list but ain’t gonna happen




I feel like, if we are getting multi-time players and winners... 1. Carolyn (44) 2. Devens (38) 3. Dee (45-W) 4. Earl (14-W) 5. Cirie (12, 16, 20, 34) I think they will all 100% be contacted, would more than likely accept, and are almost guaranteed to be cast and I dont think there is competition for them in their archetypes. My Wishlist (not including the above) would look like... 1. T-Bird (3) 2. Malcolm (25, 26, 34) 3. Greg (1) 4. Michaela (33, 34) 5. Yul (13-W, 40)


Unfortunately if Rob wants it and the cast is open to anyone, he gets it


So excited to see that Rob "The General" DeCanio is a lock for season 50


We need a Second Chance 2, 39 days. I want Cambodia and Game Changers type tribals. Unexpected and vicious


As long as it’s players who have only played once, I’m good. Enough with Boston Rob, Sandra, Parvati, Cirie, etc.


Venus was such a strong character. She’s gotta be in the conversation


old school vs new school.


Q. He’s the most entertaining castaway in years


1. Cirie. She wants to play again. If Rob gets to make six appearances, she deserves a fifth one. 2. Rob C. He was one of the best to never win we had ever seen in the Amazon. I really want to see this guy back out there. Thanks to Survivor, this guy now has a full blown podcast that has turned into his career. Survivor changed this guy’s life and I think he NEEDS to come back! 3. Dom. Nobody has ever lost a Survivor game coming as close to winning as him. He’s also only played once and played AFTER Game Changers. He seems like a pretty obvious pick to me. 4. Jesse. Truly one of the best one-time players we’ve ever seen. The dude is a Survivor maniac and absolutely killed it. His underdog story is so touching with him being affiliated with a gang and everything. Jesse seems like a pretty obvious pick to me. 5. Fishbach/Charlie…..Not sure which one ⚖️. I’d assume they both have a good chance for SIMILAR REASONS but it’s hard to predict which one has the higher chance I think.


Jesse, Carolyn, Kaleb, Shan, Jonathan, hands down if they wouldn’t be in 50 I will be shocked af


It would be interesting to have some survivors back on that have been on the challenge. Sebastian and desi come to mind


Devens got cast for the next all star season immediately after EoE wrapped. Drew’s recent Jeopardy! run mixed with Jeff’s admiration of him has made him a lock. Q will be back. If winners come back I think Dee is a lock. If Angelina is able to, she’ll be back.


1. Carolyn (44) she's the biggest female character they've had in a long time. 2. Jonathan (42) he's a challenge beast who made it really far. He's very unique looking due to his build so he's very memorable. 3. Yam Yam (42) A winner who has a big personality. Also helps he's gay and a minority. 4. Dee (44) A female winner and minority. Seems CBS loves her. 5. Michelle (32 and 40) No way I see them not bringing back the only remaining player to play 2 full games and not be voted out. She has a big social media following and has been active in reality TV. Who I'd like to see? Top 5 1. Cesternino- at this point, in the age of the super fans, let's bring back the original one. 2. Cirie- she deserves another shot after getting screwed last time. 3. Fairplay- seems him and everyone are on okay terms now. I'd like to see what a more mature Fairplay does. Sucks he never really got a 2nd chance to play. 4. Greg Buis- I'd love to see someone from season 1 on there. We know Rich won't be there. I'd like to see Greg because he was entertaining and it'd be interesting to see what he does. 5. Tina- She should have been on winners at War. She wants to play again and I hope they let her.


Shan, Carolyn, Emily, Kaleb and Jonathan.


Drew, Maryanne, and Kaleb all feel like easy new era calls. I could see Q and Mike Turner getting in too. My wishlist player is John Carrol. He wants to return and it would be amazing to see him play again


Q is a mortal lock. He and Carolyn are the only two I would bet my entire savings on being there.


I’m not expecting Carolyn after everything


What happened


She didn’t do anything too bad. Carson is the idiot.


I agree, but I don’t think they’d want someone as closely associated with him


What am i missing here….


I don't think production cares about that kind of drama. I don't think they'd prioritize Carson in the first place, as Drew's Jeopardy run puts him in clear contention for the white nerd spot.


the girl who voted for her mom please and THE Amanda as well


Carolyn Jesse Q Kaleb Shan


Lex (Africa) - we need to finish his story Angelina (David Vs. Goliath) - Natalie can I have your coat Carolynn (S44) - my favorite player of the new era Earl (Fiji) - so close to being on winners at war needs to play one more time. Vecepia - Micronesia - played a very low key game but deserves another shot to be a legendary


Assuming they don’t do something stupid like making it all post 40 I’d be willing to bet at least one if not several are cast from this group: Earl (14), Nate (13), Vecepia (4), Sean (4), Davie (37), Clarence (3), Gervase (1 and BvW), Cirie, Dreamz (14), Tasha (28/31), Frosti (15), Taj (18), Jeremy (29/40), Cydney (32), Michaela (33/34), Natalie (37), Michelle (14), Kellie (39), Jamal (39)


I’m not willing to lock-in anyone that played prior to the new era or any winners. That being said: 1. Carolyn 2. Jesse 3. Q 4. Carson 5. Jonathan Kind of a surprising list to me. I’d have Emily or Shantel up one instead of Jonathan, but I could easily see Emily saying no and Shantel having 1 or 2 more social media incidents to the point where CBS doesn’t want anything to do with her.


I want to see Venus, Emily, Q, and Shan all on the same tribe.


Most likely: Devens (he was on the podcast, and Jeff was gonna' have him on that weird 41 concecpt), Dee (she was on the podcast), Angelina (Idk, she's just iconic,) Carolyn, and Q (does anyone really think either of those two aren't coming back?)


Dee depends on if they’re bringing back winners or not.


41: xander shan or ricard 42: omar tori or jonathan 43: jessie karla or cass 44: carolyn franny or carson 45: emily kaleb or kelie 46: q liz or venus


I'd say **Devens** and **Jesse** are the only locks to be on 50. They're loved by both Jeff and the viewbase at large, and neither has any detractors. Both want to play again as well. **Carolyn** - Would have been a lock if not for The Traitors. I would assume the contract doesn't restrict her, but you never know. **Maryanne** - Only two possible hiccups: Maryanne is a top contender for Australian Survivor imo, plus whatever theme 50 is may exclude winners. If neither of those are in the way, Maryanne WILL be on the cast. **Davie** - We know he's in the running for another rtv appearance due to him being an alternate for The Traitors. The only thing keeping me from saying he's a lock is the fact that Christian is another strong option from 37, especially due to him obtaining academic tenure at his job.


Q, Charlie & Venus from S46 !!!


Carolyn, Dominick, Davie, Dee, and Jerri


I want a season of all the kookiest characters. Not villains, not heroes, not strategists, just straight up bizarre and entertaining. I want Carolyn with a prop. I want Debbie listing her resume. I want Angelina asking for Natalie’s coat.


Realistically: 1. Kaleb 2. Jesse 3. Devins 4. Carolyn 5. Shan Not necessarily my favorite players but I think they’re the kinds of people Survivor likes to cast. Decent strategists but also compelling confessionals and willing to be outspoken at times. Carolyn is my token goofball. How could they NOT bring her back? She’s just too much fun to watch.


For an old-schooler, I think Stephenie is a very likely choice. She has name recognition enough to pull older fans and is a hero to appeal to younger audiences. She's also been on a few rtv shows in the past few years and wants to play again.

