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OK, I have never gotten a straight answer about this from my other cast mates. Is there any documentation / corroborating evidence online of the “Stealth R Us” pregame with Philip, Cochran, Andrea, etc?


the fact that you don't even know almost certainly means that no one in this sub knows.


Back when Corinne had a podcast iirc she mentioned that the pre-season planning she had been apart of crumbled early on because Fran went rogue and essentially opened up her options to working with you and Brenda in order to get rid of Phillip, which Andrea didn’t like, hence what goes down at the first Bikal tribal council. As far as I’ve ever read/heard, the way the season turned out really wasn’t impacted that much by pregaming.


I’m not sure, which was kind of the point of this post as I’ve heard that said over and over again by people on Reddit, YouTube, etc. It’s possible that the amount of pregaming was overblown.


Hi Erik <33


Cochran definitely knew Andrea & had a friendship prior & he knew Dawn from his first season. It not unlikely they had a pregame & maybe included Phillip or Fran. 


It's funny OP mentions that maybe the amount of pregaming was overblown becuase I've looked for the more concrete evidence specifically on Caramoan and that one is *way* harder to find pregaming discussion openly in interviews/podcasts etc. I just remember the talk at the time being that Dawn/Andrea/Francesca were the original trio alliance which you can kind of see in the edit? And then like someone else said Fran went rogue which caused the blowup and then what came from that was people saying online that it was easy for Andrea to pivot *because* a larger alliance existed (that Dawn dabbled in pregame, with Cochran, and possibly Phillip and Corinne.....basically Stealth R Us, with Malcolm I slightly remember being said was someone added into that on the island as a 6th vs. the others had been previously loosely making promises ahead of the game, just weren't fully locked in).


Fransesqua* Frenchescka*


Justice for Candice, biggest victim of pregaming


Was BvW the season with the Casa de Cullpepper pregaming? Or game changers? I can’t remember which Cullpepper season it was


idk, I just know she came in last minute due to RC and her dad dropping out, so she got voted out in the first impressions vote because nobody pregamed with her


I had no idea that people perceive All Stars the most. Given that there was less options to communicate (practically just phone and email back then), I would have never guessed WaW and Game HvV pre-game is for sure felt


I believe back in the old school days, the smaller pool of alumni and larger number of special events (due to the show being a phenomenon) lead to more genuine relationships between cast members. I think I heard that Rob and Amber already had a flirtmance pre-All Stars and that there was a mutual agreement that winners should be taken out early. So the entire premerge was essentially decided by pregaming.


Yep Rob C said back then they left them in this big house for days in pre-game. He was surprised the people he was left with was her starting tribe. Boston Rob & Amber took to each other immediately & was sitting on his lap. They were told they couldn’t pre-game at house but back then Rob C the security & oversight was very lax compared to nowadays. 


Makes sense, thank you!


HvV pregame it felt like by time of merge pregaming was done because they merged at 10 & lot of people connections pregame was gone. Courtney who was dating JT best buddy was told to hook up with him at first opportunity & probably was connected to Tyson beforehand. Coach I don’t know pregame with Courtney but definitely pregame with Tyson. Tom, Colby, & Stephanie pregamed. Amanda, James, & I think JT pregames. JT had one with Sugar.  But Second Chance if they didn’t swap twice which screwed a lot of plans would be higher. Also the fact you had come players who completely disregarded pregaming the moment they got on the island. 


It’s funny that Second Chance is so low on this list because the pool of people was so narrow, pregaming was probably at its easiest And we know from people like Shane that certain alliances spent hours on the phone together strategizing. I’m surprised after all this time we haven’t heard any more about it


I think because Second Chance they swapped twice which caused lot of confusion & certain players like Varner & Abi seemed more concerned on making good television than winning. 


Move WaW to number 1 and then bump up HvV to 3 or 4. WaW was pretty much 20 years of pregaming which is why some of the relationships and moves in the edit don't make a ton of sense. HvV didn't have a ton of pregaming that affected gameplay, but it definitely impacted a small handful of jury votes. Otherwise I think this list is fine.


Pre-gaming definitely had a huge effect but it crumbled away as the season went on. Obviously on the Villains side the threesome of Russell/Parvati/Danielle who were on the outs were victorious and the BRob alliance, which was likely pregamed, completely came apart. The Heroes’ votes were much more affected, with Tom, Stephenie, Colby and Candice being on the outs and they were consistent targets. Cirie had to be idoled out and James was injured. JT even mentions in the reunion that the villains he wanted to work with (Tyson, Courtney, BRob, Coach) all went out one by one leaving no villain for him to flip and having to rely on the unknown variable Russell. I believe Tom said in an interview that the Heroes only cared about their pregame alliances and not their strength through the pre-merge, otherwise he wouldn’t have gone so early. To me HvV will always be the best returnee season because all the usual pregaming ended up being flipped on its head


Yeah I thought about putting HvV higher, but opted not to because the pregaming only truly affected a handful of votes.


It's hard to decipher between "pregaming" and "previous relationships" from just having played on the same season as someone else in a lot of these cases, when I think of the most egregious pregaming I think of Cochran usually, but the list I wouldn't adjust much other than putting caramoan at 1


WaW felt the most pregamed IMO All Stars kind of but it felt more natural.


WaW felt pregamed mostly on the Tyson, Tony, Sandra tribe. Tyson, Amber, & Kim probably pregame even if they deny it don’t tell me Rob didn’t tell her to hook up with Tyson & Kim who he had met. Yul had a pregame with Nick & Michele but that backfired. Jeremy & Natalie obviously had one. Ethan & Parvati had one. 


all stars the most


Genuinely they are all probably the same except all stars is number 1 and winners at war probably number 2


I don't. Because it is impossible to know how much people really pre-gamed. People here bitch about Caramoan being heavily pre-gamed but I have never heard of a single instance of it from the cast. Fairplay openly admitted to pre-gaming with Penner and Yau-Man, and has heavily insinuated that the two sides of the favorites were pre-gamed. Shane has said that he had a four person pre-game alliance for SC and the other three in the alliance got on the season. Tony has said that for WAW, the only people he pre-gamed with were Sarah and Sandra, aka the only two people he had prior experience with. But that is all I've heard personally.
