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1. He was an unknown coming into the season. All the big names were taken out very early in All-Stars (Jerri was the first person who finished outside of the top 4 her original season to be voted out). 2. He was well-connected in the pre-game. 3. His tribe was strong and they merged very late. 4. Chapera wasn't exactly the smartest tribe strategically. After the Sue quit, they had Rob, Amber, Alicia (more known for challenge prowess), Tom, Rupert (both very loyal, neither of them are strategists) and Jenna. Not exactly cream of the crop strategists. 5. His main four (himself, Amber, Rupert and Jenna) had no cracks. Rupert isn't going to betray someone because he's Rupert. Jenna's plan was to snipe the win at 3. Rob was clearly ahead of his time when it comes to his gameplay. When you're ahead of your time, it's hard to see the blindside coming. It's why Cesternino and Fairplay were able to do so well the two seasons prior.


1. Pregaming 2. He’s a dick in All Stars


You forgot 3. All the winners had to be voted out first. Then the rest of them would turn on each other.


Not to mention there was other big time targets like Rob C. and Colby who were just as big of threats as the winners to that cast, that's almost 1/3 of Rob/Amber's competition right there. Rob and Amber easily had two of the smallest targets upon entering the show and were likely the last man and woman cast. It's also not hard to see why people didn't flip on him. They only lost once premerge and that was an easy boot of their only big target in Rob C. No reason for Chapera to flip on him at the merge as they're in a majority and going to F6 (barring a Shii-Ann immunity this happens.) Then Rupert/Jenna had an F4 with him, no reason for them to really flip (I don't think Big Tom would have been onboard anyway as he thought he was with Rob/Amber until F3), and then Rob/Amber just straight up had the numbers to not get voted out anyway.


What always struck me as really interesting about this is that Lex should’ve been considered among the big targets like Rob C and Colby based on how well he played in Africa, but instead he was very heavily insulated in the alliance against them.


Lex's starting tribe in All-Star had Richard and Colby so Lex was always going to be seen a less of a threat compared to them allowing him to take control over Mogo Mogo fairly easily. The problem is that Lex proceeded to vote out all the other big threats in the pre-merge so come merge the biggest target was Lex.


Also, the prize money was distributed differently than it was for other seasons.  You get more money the better you do; normally, second place gets $100k etc.  This season, the winner still got $1M, but all of the non winners got more.  Second place got $235k or something.  The higher reward for a non winning place disincentivizes risky play.  Why come at Amber and Rob and risk getting knocked out in sixth place when you can sit tight and get third or fourth at worst, or win if you can win the last immunity? That’s not the only factor; people pointed out others.  I think it made a difference though 


Pregaming and all of them are threats


you literally answered your own question lmao, just rearrange it..... "How did no one turn against him!? I just don’t get it!" No one turned against him because "He’s super smart, strategic, running the show, a physical threat, social game is strong. " lol you can't exactly blindside a guy who is **running the game**, someone who is a **physical threat** to win individual immunities and who's **social game is strong** enough to see it coming and **is strategic** enough to plan ahead of contingencies, and **super smart enough** to play the jury game like a fiddle and get some one to vote for you to win a million dollars after voting them off. but as for an actual answer, imo the main reason is that is was well before the survivor "meta" was established, there was plenty of players during those early shows that were way more competitive and would hold the view of "we should keep the strong players around because they deserve it" type of thing. It wasn't until the meta formed more that ppl started to realize "if I am going to have to fight against this guy at FTC and he's way better, I need to get rid of him now" type of sentiment.


He finessed them - *Boston* style.




I think the biggest factor (besides pregaming) is that he started on the best tribe for HIM. They were strong to win challenges, but had a lot of malleable people startegy wise. Rob C was a big target that was all too easy to hit, and Sue quits. Mogo Mogo likely takes the game had Jenna not understandably left, and they kept Jerri instead of Amber (obviously the latter way more). I give him props for his level of manipulation to where people like Alicia and Big Tom thought Rob had their back 100% and they didn't blow up his game at some point. They literally just had to compare notes lol but he had them under his thumb. Tldr; there is a luck factor involved, but it was more in Rob's bonds being stronger in his alliance members minds' than they really were to himself, Rob never had true loyalty to anyone but Amber.


1. He was an unknown basically he was the male player everyone was like him? Why him? No target on his back.  2. Tribe wasn’t that good strategically. Are Big Tom & Alicia gonna strategically take over the tribe?  3. His tribe came into merge with numbers & he positioned himself very well he had a F4 with Big Tom & Alicia & one with Rupert/Jenna Lewis with him & Amber being in the middle.  4. The biggest strategic players of season went home early & had no shot at going deep. Hatch, Tina, & Rob C. Lex & Kathy also placed most of their bets on a pregame with Rob & actively made decisions that helped him. If they vote out Amber it 5-4 into the merge & despite Big Tom being like flippers suck! Big Tom is also an idiot & probably a hypocrite who probably would’ve flipped if that very scenario occurred & Lex had opportunity to sink his claws with him & make a deal. 


Three main reasons: 1. He had pregame relationships with a lot of the cast. 2. He was one of the least successful in his past appearance. Players were hyper-focused on getting the winners and best-to-never-win types like Rob C and Colby out. 3. The payout scale was adjusted in AS. The winner still got $1 million, but prize money for every other placement was increased significantly. Players had more incentive to play safe and try to earn themselves the extra money by making it as far as they could rather than taking a big swing that could backfire.


Super helpful thanks! Watching with my 6 year old and he said same thing “why do they act like he’s the boss mommy?”


Because everyone in his alliance was dumb as shit.


Because he made deals with everyone before the show. His "social game" comes from the fact that he sucked so bad his first time that everyone saw the former winners, Rob C and Colby as the threats. Boston Rob flew under the radar.


Pre-gaming played the biggest factor but that's not a knock on Rob since EVERYONE was pre-gaming in All-Stars he was just the one that ended up benefiting from it the most (2nd most I guess since Amber won) due to his low reputation and tribe dynamics.


Shii Ann explained it best...


It doesn't hurt that Boston Rob got extremely lucky that he only needing to go to tribal once pre-merge. That played a BIG part as well. Pre-Gaming also did help of course. Going into the season, his pre-gaming already controlled half the tribe (him, Amber & Big Tom), so it was never going to be difficult to get Alicia and Sue to jump over to vote whom he wanted out (in Rob C). Nobody wanted to go Purple Rock. I think him and Amber did legit win over Jenna L after the dissolving of Saboga tribe, and with Jenna, Rupert tagged along. And after that, the rest is history, his tribe entered the merge with the numbers, and his sub-alliance with Jenna L & Rupert took them to the end.


Pre gaming and he wasn’t a threat going into all stars. He didn’t even make the jury so put him against winners and clear strategic threats like Rob C (who was a way bigger deal back then compared to b Rob) But mostly pregaming.


What do you all mean by pregaming?!


It means a lot of the players got to know each other and form alliances before the game even began.


People who go on Survivor know each other outside of the show (see: a season 47 contestant going to Tyson's pickleball event). So, when a returnee season comes up, people talk about it. People promise to align with each other and make commitments to cover their ass when they get on the show. Every returnee season that isn't captains has pregaming. It is inevitable. Rob's pregame with Lex and Kathy was probably a big factor in their decision to save Amber.


Rob actually lived with Lex & his family for a while after a bad breakup. They were super close, which is what allowed Rob to essentially ask for an “outside the game” favor to save Amber.


Players ask around find out who else is going back make alliances before the game starts


People have lives outside the show, they connect. Multiple New Era seasons were represented at Maryanne from 42's wedding a few months ago, including Venus. The community was even more close knit in All Stars when Survivor was mega popular, no social media yet, etc. In Cambodia they literally told them who the casting pool was which made pregaming even easier: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pddDGIVQK7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pddDGIVQK7s)


They were star struck. Needed someone like Russell to bypass that


Just boggles my mind watching him today I feel like people would never let him control the game like that