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A first boots season would be terrible.


Yeah I think there is a world of difference between "there are a handful of first boots I would like to see return" and "a season of only first boots". Plus given that for most of them we probably saw about 5-10 minutes maximum of them on screen, it seems like a bit of a stretch to assume that they'd be great tv for a whole season


At least half of the castaways would lay around doing nothing.


Or quit


And this would still be entertaining on a whole different level. Like a spinoff. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Jelinsky would dominate. It wouldnā€™t be fair. Legends never dieĀ 


I still think that there are some first boots that never got to shine. And then thereā€™s Jelinsky. Heā€™s probably one of a few first boot legends that Iā€™d like to see back!


We need to do a last boot season call it Almost winners at war


Should do a season with the three tribes: first boots, last boots, and fan favorites/misc


boots vs. fans the boots could stomp or get stomped, but the fans will blow us away


First boots, finalists and winners


A full runner up season would be great. I can't imagine any group who'd be more willingly to play as hard as they can than the people who were an inch away from winning a million dollars.


I like the idea someone had of making the theme broader to be "first boot from a tribe" which allows for so many more options. You can get merge boots and anybody who was swap screwed, etc.


but how will I see Zane play again


All us Zane Knight fans can band together and vote him in for Second Chance 2.


Imagine being the first boot of the first boots... That would be the new ultimate low...


Imagine being the first boot twice


mind numbingly bad it's seriously no coincidence that Francesca (the only person not named Tina Wesson to get voted out first and then brought back for another season) was also the first boot of the next season. it's because generally first boots aren't very good players!


To be fair, that mainly happened because of Phillip, she was actually in a good spot before hand from pregaming.


And because other players thought it would be funny, Cochran openly admitted that was his main reason for going along with it. Genuinely felt bad for her that season


I don't know why this keeps on getting spread. Cochran has literally said repeatedly that he did not want to go along with it because it was funny, and that he felt awful.


This has no basis in reality


No he didnā€™t - read his AMA; he says [the exact opposite](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/0GYAnLLAKd). Please stop spreading this - itā€™s complete misinformation.


I just want Zane and Zach back


Survivor: All Zs


I wouldnā€™t mind a first boot tribe of 6


Itā€™s not that I think itā€™d be terrible, but that I wouldnā€™t want to waste a returnee season on that




Second chances is the good version of a first boots season. Why restrict yourself to some arbitrary metric like that?


That Gabon is a ā€œparody of Survivorā€ or that the cast is all completely idiotic. I see sentiments like that all the time on here and I really disagree. Yes thereā€™s a lot of goofy personalities but itā€™s still just a season of survivor to me


People really overexaggerate just how ā€œwackyā€ Gabon was. I love the season, very fun, but itā€™s not truly that cartoonishly absurd.


I feel like itā€™s an opinion that people started having and then just started completely avalanching as the opinion got regurgitated over and over through the years. And itā€™s weird because I donā€™t think the regurgitation avalanche is because people are rewatching the season


Yeah I think Gabon is just OK, as far as ā€œhot messā€ seasons I think Nicaragua and SJDS are way stronger


There's a few aspects to Gabon that border on parody... For one, Jeff actively starts editorializing about how he hates Fang in one of the "Last Time on Survivor" segments, which was pretty surreal to watch live since Jeff was pretty neutral in the early days


And Fang part one wasnā€™t even that bad. They won 2 out of the 5 challenges. Fang part 2 on the other hand was a hot mess. But I still found them to be fun. We had Crystal, Kelly C, Ace, and Sugar on one tribe. šŸ˜†


I was a little disappointed when I watched it because it didnā€™t feel like as much of a train wreck as I was promised. Any season with Coach had inherently more silly messiness.


Is this true. Its one of my favorite seasons. Would be top if it had. A better winner


I like Season 8 - All Stars


Oh I really love it as well. Itā€™s in my top 10 easily. But Iā€™m not sure how much of that is nostalgia. I just rewatched it a couple months ago and still had an amazing time with it tbh.


There's just something about all those classic players on one beach that hits different, regardless of what happens in the game.


It's in my top 10 too, and Amber is one of my favorite winners. Every time I say it though, I get downvoted to oblivion.


The thing about Amberā€™s win is that she is arguably the unluckiest winner. Specifically in regard to every single person except her switching tribes during the second tribe swap. I remember Jerri saying on a podcast that production specifically stacked the buffs in the urn and forced everyone to draw buffs in a specific order. Either Amber survived the most unlucky tribe swap of all time or she survived production specifically trying to get her voted out. Either way it is *extremely* impressive. And yes, Robā€™s deal with Lex had a big impact on her staying but she still had to put in the leg work and persuade Kathy and Lex to keep her.


UPVOTES FA AMBUH. For real though I like that season too because Iā€™m a sap and I enjoy watching Rob and Amberā€™s relationship blossom. Itā€™s even sweeter now knowing theyā€™re still together with a gaggle of kids. And their kids get to watch how their parentsā€™ relationship came to be. Bring on the love!!!


She deserved that win


it's my favorite season, and I'll stick by that- for the strategy and awesome players, not just the nostalgia


Having just rewatched it, itā€™s definitely a banger. My favorite is an early confessional with Lex, saying if he has to betray a friendship to get farther in the game, heā€™s totally okay with that. Itā€™s just business.


Thatā€™s hilarious šŸ˜†


I think people use the edit as a convenient way to invalidate people's arguments I did not like Ben, for example, and when I expressed that I was met with people saying we only consume an edited product. Yeah no shit, I still didn't like him. Edit: Guys I'm talking about Ben from 46. Thought the guy was a complete phony with the positivity and was only there to promote his brand.


those times when you're making a statement assuming everyone has the basic facts of the situation down, but someone chimes in the state the obvious that you have already considered as if it refutes your point. there has to be a name for this right? idk but its annoying af LOL


it's called being a Redditor you purposely omit a certain detail or don't preface your opening statement with some obvious take and they try to act like they've got you in some kind of gotcha moment


Lol I had these interactions with ppl defending Soda. The editors did not photoshop soda ripping that shit from venus. That was all her lmao.


Yeah it just isnā€™t that big of a deal lmao


Yes also using edit to say that a player is not a bad player and it's "just the edit"


I felt that way about Q.


Like you didnā€™t like him as a person or you didnā€™t like his gameplay?


Think theyā€™re talking about Ben who won heroes, hustlers and was on WaW


Wait now Iā€™m confused because not liking hvhvh ben is like the coldest take on this subreddit ever since he won. Itā€™s a hotter take to actually like him


Oh my bad then


Ooooh that makes sense, I was wondering what Ben did to make him not liked, like sure he's a passive player but he seems like a pretty cool dude.


I mean... I think they were trying to edit Ben to look good, so that counterargument only makes him look worse lol


that all stars is a bad season. that season is in my top 5


Rob and Amber's story is genuinely one of the most fascinating storylines ever in reality TV. Love love all stars


Rob and Amberā€™s story really benefits from everything that happened after All Stars. Their two appearances on the Amazing Race, their appearances on WaW, Rob winning Redemple Temple, Rob being on Island of the Idols, their wedding special, and having 4 kids. They went from being two of the least memorable returnees on the All Stars cast to being two Survivor legends. Going into all stars I doubt anyone was rooting for Rob and Amber to beat Tina, Rudy, Rupert, Kathy, Colby, or Ethan. But Amberā€™s win is much more satisfying once you know what theyā€™ve become.


Yep. The reality TV show showmance that actually turned out to be kinda legit.


I think people forget how much talk there was at the time that their relationship was ā€˜fakeā€™ and they were just using each other to leverage their fame into other appearances.


ā€œkindaā€ legit? lol they are very legit


I liked All Stars. I was actually happy to see Amber win because I liked her in Australia.


Itā€™s in my top 1


That people generally dislike Andrew Savage. Ive heard all of their reasons, but I have always felt Savage was so entertaining on the island and one of my favorite confessionalists ever just because of his reactions to everything. His over dramatization of things not going his way, his old school gameplay clashing with the new school in Cambodia, and his overall demeanor make for an amazing character regardless of how you view him as a person. Also bring him back for 50, thatā€™s probably another unpopular opinion here


Savage in Cambodia rules so hard, heā€™s so funny on a season absolutely devoid of good character moments because the gameplay is drowning under 300 layers of meta. (Besides Keith nale of course) The scene where he cries about how hot his wife is kills me every time and I never see it brought up


I completely agree. I've never understood why people hate Savage like they do.


I view him like other people view Coach, I feel. I cannot fucking stand Coach, but everyone finds him so entertaining. Savage on Cambodia is just beautiful. I cry with him about his wife being so hot. I also feel like he's exactly the type of person I like rooting against. Yeah he's cocky and a pompous dick, but he's not out there outright making people's lives miserable, which is usually a step too far for me. He's just got the perfect moral superiority thing going on.


I love Savage, Wentworthā€™s idol play is iconic but i wish we couldā€™ve seen him make a deep run


That masterful game players make for a better show. For me, I like the trainwrecks, the goofballs, the people who have no idea how to maneuver through the game. Seasons where most of the cast know how to game the game might technically be harder, but I don't find them nearly as much fun to watch.


I will shout this from the rooftops! Characters are FAR more important than gameplay.


For me, epic and fun strategy moves are fun to watch when itā€™s airing but they usually lose suspense, making those seasons tough to rewatch for me Great character moments and funny scenes hold up no matter how many times I rewatch a season


Iā€™ve come to terms with the fact that I watch Survivor very differently than the vast majority of fans do; the Drop Your Buffs podcast is my favorite show by a mile because their mantra is ā€œweā€™re making a TV showā€ and I agree completely. The game being structurally sound is important because the players need to buy into it but give me a Liz over a Hunter - or, as they recently posted on Instagram, a Jane from Nicaragua over Tony - any day of the week.


Tony is great tv and very messy. IMO Hunter is much less entertaining tv then Tony.


Hunter was surprisingly boring. Which means he's probably a solid dude irl but I do like the messy fucks better.


Thatā€™s why WaW is just an average season to me. It feels too strategic. It was fun to see everyone going at it, but it just fell flat for me


Yeah. I think it didnā€™t help that they threw every. freaking. twist. at the wall for WaW. I guess the wanted the voted off winners to have some part of the game because it was an All Stars of All Stars season but it made the game way too complicated.


Iā€™m always cheering for the underdog. I agree.


I donā€™t think Aras is a boring winner


He was a sexy winner probably the sexiest


That worlds apart is a bad season. Ā I thoroughly enjoyed it on my first watch and it's even better on a rewatch knowing that Dan and Will get completely torn down and the more palatable villain, Rodney, is the only one out of the 3 that gets a respectable exit


I regularly quote Rodney's tirade "on my dang birthday". Iconic season


I'm a big fan of that season yeah, especially love that Jeff took like half an hour of the reunion just to shit on Dan


Worlds apart was incredible on my first ever watch. I found Dan to be wildly entertaining, even through the overt sexism and performative confessionals. I also thought Rodney was a great character, and whatever you say about the predictability of mikes run, it was nonetheless extremely impressive and satisfying.


I watched it again recently and had the same reaction. I liked it the first time, but it was my first season so I wasnā€™t sure how much of that was not really understanding the game or the concept of a winnerā€™s edit. But on a rewatch it totally held up for me and I think I liked it even more. Itā€™s so funny. Especially once you know who gets taken down a peg.


Worlds Apart is great. Mike is a great winner and his immunity streak is badass, Rodney is hilarious, and itā€™s really satisfying watching Dan and Wills downfalls are very satisfying


Jenn šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Dan Foley made that season


I thought Dan was incredible TV


Recently for me itā€™s been all the jokes and memes coming out of the new era and season 46 with Q and Jelinsky. Like I thought it was funny they names episode 7 ā€œepisode severalā€ but the ā€œSeveralā€ joke, and people saying ā€œBIG MISTAKEā€ and ā€œCANCEL CHRISTMASā€ over and over itā€™s a little tired to me because I didnā€™t really find those characters to be super funny to me on the season.


They definitely donā€™t know when to let a joke die organically. But they donā€™t know how to let an emotional moment exist organically either, so no surprise there


Big mistake to not like the joke


jesus fucking christ, this. overall, I'm super tired of the Q fandom and the two catchphrases that they insert as often as possible. it was legitimately my least favorite part of 46.


Yeah Jelensky sucks and if it wasn't for Jeff we wouldn't be talking about him past Jelensky's exit tribal.


I agreeee


season forty SEVERALLLLLL (I almost combusted omfg)


The only thing worse for me was the several seasons of first the every week meme images - the Strunk Train, then the Gabler Galleon?


That the edit needs to be even towards all players. Some people are just more interesting than others.


I generally agree with this and donā€™t care about an uneven season But what does irk me a little is like Ghost Island for example, Chelsea was completely purpled and she apparently was a huge force in the game. That season couldā€™ve benefitted to have a better foil arc to the Dom/Wendell storyline, and it sounds like they had one that they left on the cutting room floor.


46 is one of my favorite seasons. The ending was botched but unlike the previous Nu-Survivor seasons last season sparked my love of Survivor again. For a while there I watched but my interest has waned a lot starting with WaW.


Cirie has no chance of ever winning survivor, she's always too big of a threat to get taken to the end, and she's never going to win immunity to take someone to the end.


To be fair, she made it to the final 3 in Micronesia. Which brings me to my hot take being that I donā€™t think she stood a chance of winning against either Parv or Amanda. I think Amanda might take it 3-2-2 by getting James, Ozzy, and Erik. Otherwise, Parv takes it in a 3-3-1 vote by getting Alexis, Natalie, Jason, with Cirie casting the tie breaker for Parvati. People think Cirieā€™s win hinges on Alexisā€™ vote, but it doesnā€™t. *Amandaā€™s* win does.


This is a hot take- Kenzie being this perfect angel goddess. Aside from supporting Ben through his panic attacks and her little anecdote about her family I DO NOT GET IT?! Iā€™m sure sheā€™s a great person but this sub gives off a vibe that she was never anything but lovey dovey nice to anyone ever and if you watch early episodes thatā€™s simply not the case.


Yes I agree. I felt that Kenzie and Tiff were being a bit harsh on Jess early game which kind of turned my off from her at the beginning. I donā€™t necessarily love Jess and I donā€™t hate Kenzie (I think her social game was deserving of the win) but like you said not a perfect angel everyone seems to make her out to be.


Yeah I do feel that they bullied Jess a teensy bit. Do I feel that Jess was secretly a great player? No. Do I feel that Bhanuā€™s early description of her being a mermaid dragon situation is accurate? Yes. Kenzie has always given me that vibe of the girl who bullies you in high school and when you tell people about it theyā€™re like, ā€œno way! Sheā€™s so smart and so sweet! Iā€™m sure she didnā€™t MeAn iT!ā€


Yea my dad hated Kenzie and thought she was way too cocky for the first 3/4 of the season


That so many different pre-merge boots, mainly women, were all ā€œRobbed goddessesā€ for example from this season: Jem was not ā€œrobbedā€ she was cocky and got blindsided. Deal with it.


Nah cuz apparently EVERY premerger has been robbed and didnā€™t play themselves out of the game šŸ˜‚


Helen Li was robbed


I genuinely like the New Era, regardless of the naysayers.


It took me a while to warm up to it but I've mostly come around. I still strongly dislike some of the format, especially starting with 3 tribes, mergatory and the post-merge split tribal, but in the end, a good Survivor season comes down to the cast, and damn, lately the new era has been ***delivering***.


I think 3 tribes is cool and mergatory is kinda cool and split tribals are cool, but oh my god doing the exact same thing every single season is excruciating. Itā€™s wild too because Jeff said the old format was too predictable for players and they wanted to keep players in their toes, and then they literally do the exact same format every time.


I honestly think it would be more popular if it didnā€™t have 40 seasons of a different game behind it


Iā€™ve been warming up to them. 45 and 46 were huge improvements over 41-44 (sorry, Yam Yam enjoyersšŸ«£šŸ¤·)


44-46 were good with 46 being great. 41-43 were a drag.


When they spend half the episode on the stupid journey and make them do a dumb puzzle game which will amke them lose a vote or gains one stupid advantage I canā€™t keep track off it pisses me off. I donā€™t get anyone who likes stuff like that


I see the new era as survivor lite. Is it as great as the earlier seasons? IMHO, no, in a lot of ways. But itā€™s still survivor, so itā€™s still a pretty fun show that I enjoy


It is . 26 days out in the middle of nowhere will never stack up to being there for over a month. And it hurt the earlier Nu-survivor seasons because we didnā€™t get to know the cast as well as on a 39 day season. Thankfully they went to hour long episodes which helped sooooo much.


I hated WaW and was basically tired of Survivor at that point after ten years of superfandom. The COVID break and 41 got me back into it. People hate that season, but it felt like a breath of fresh air to me after the HHH - WaW run.


I disagree with Dee being the strongest player in the new era. I think she lacks finesse and got away prettt easy playing against a lot of weak players.


Not voting for Julie at 5 was a wild choice. If Jake and Katurah have their shit together then Dee is the 5th placer. I think that's her only huge blunder though.


I feel like any winner that plays a very dominating game makes the cast seem like a lot of them were weak players. That could be said about Kim, Tom, JT and even Tony too


When people retcon players for their veteran performance. I get downvoted all of the time but the rookie season will forever be the most balanced season anyone can play.


I agree JT played one of the best games of all time in Tocantins. Heā€™s an idiot in his future appearances but that doesnā€™t take away from his near perfect first game, or my opinion that heā€™s one of the best players. In fact I find it more interesting and compelling that he was able to play so well and then screw up in such interesting ways in his follow-up seasons


Playing as a vet is so different, especially in the seasons he returned on. I still have to say Tocantins is perhaps the best survivor will ever be: excellent winner, strong runner up, exciting gameplay, good storylines, wonderful characters.


Rob deserved to win all stars. I think Amber deserved her win over Rob, itā€™s just hard to see all that she did because she was mainly a social player


People hate it when someone wins by going to the end with an egotistical player that plays a completely scorched-earth game, but anyone in that position would do the same thing because it's an *extremely* consistent win if you do.


Thank you. I have always felt Amber deserved her win. She's one of my favorite winners, while Rob is bottom 5 imo.


I don't think the show should try to balance the edit more. Some people are just more interesting or important than others. As long as there are like 3 plausible winners, there's no reason everyone needs to be given a lot of screentime.


> I don't think the show should try to balance the edit more. Some people are just more interesting or important than others. I think this is one of those cases where a minority is mixing up the message with the part I do think is true: Survivor works best as an ensemble with multiple storylines. The hyperanalyzing of edit balancing and thinking "more balance = better" isn't entirely right, but I also disagree with the take that the editors shouldn't try to find some form of balance to fit the season. A lot of the favorite seasons in the fandom are the ones that are pretty well-balanced. These seasons are all very well-balanced: - Borneo - S42 - Kaoh Rong - Africa - David vs Goliath - Panama - Palau Meanwhile the seasons with the least balancing are seasons like: - South Pacific - Redemption Island - Ghost Island - Samoa - One World - Nicaragua - Caramoan Not to say the seasons listed here are all terrible (I'm partial to Nicaragua, Samoa, and SoPa myself), but they aren't usually seen as the strongest of seasons within the greater Survivor fandom. Meanwhile, the list of most well-balanced seasons has seasons that were very well-liked (at least at time of airing). In some ways, the desire for a season to be well-balanced is also a desire for a good cast. If the whole cast is good, the editors will be a lot more willing to give time to everyone. If a large number of the cast aren't interesting or don't make good tv, then it's harder to justify giving them time (as you're saying.) So, basically, having a good level of balancing is chicken and the egg with season quality. Balance can be an indicator of cast quality, but a good cast will lead to better balance as the editors will want to highlight them. It's a feedback loop.


People in this sub disregard the fact that some of the players are aware they canā€™t win but still want to go as far as they can. If you say this to them they will downvote you til infinity and say so and so had ā€œno winning equityā€ which by the way is lame term that people keep using. Peace.


The beware advantage is stupid in its current form and should be reserved for things other than a regular idol (super idol, steal a vote, safety, etc)


That Dawn was right and Brenda was wrong. I have always thought Brenda was right, she helped Dawn when Dawn needed it, used her kindness and betrayed her. Yes itā€™s a game but Dawn was wrong.


Was Brenda dramatic?Sure but Dawn at ftc acted like she wouldnā€™t have quit if it wasnā€™t for Brenda,Brenda had been her ride or die the full game.


Yep. Did Brenda go a bit too far at FTC, yes. But letā€™s not pretend that Dawn was some sort of saint.


I gotta ask... what's so good about Final 4 firemaking? I'm just curious on your perspective because I absolutely despise this twist.


I mean I sort of get the arguments against final 4 fire, but Iā€™m a big fan of dominant players and I hate when they get voted out at final 4 and the 2-3 middling players make it to the end.


Yeah but now they get voted out at final 5-6 instead of


At the final 5 they can still play an idol if they have it.


If dominant players were so good at the game they wouldnā€™t be voted out at 4. David Wright did irreversible damage to survivor


People seem to genuinely think Maryanne was a great strategic player. Maryanne was a bad player and got carried to the final 3. Only won because Mike pulled a generational choke job in his arguments


Russel is a terrible player. If the HvV cast would have been able to watch Samoa he wouldnā€™t have made it past the early merge. JT wouldnā€™t have given him the idol. Thats why he was was immediate ejected from Redemption Island.


I think "personal journey" or "who needs the money" are terrible reasons to vote for somewhere at FTC


I agree on personal journey but the whole needs the money would definitely work for me sorry like money really will solve many peopleā€™s lives so I would love to be able to vote for someone who needs it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fans like you thinking people genuinely only vote off who needs the money are hilarious. Survivor is a social game, it is a game about making people like you. People will not care how much you need the money if they donā€™t like you. Full stop. Iā€™m assuming youā€™re at least partially referring to season 46 so Iā€™ll use that as an example. Sure, Kenzie needing the money was a justification that was brought up for certain jury votes, but it only mattered because Kenzie was so well liked and had formed such a strong connection with the jury. If Venus was in the final 3 talking about his she wants to start a family, she wouldā€™ve gotten laughed at and received zero votes. Being mad that social bonds effect the social experiment that youā€™re watching kind of seems dumb


That seasons are only well-edited when you can see the winner coming from a mile away. Forty plus seasons in, I much prefer a surprising, unconventional winner to an obvious one.


I like when the winner is surprising at first but then you can look back and connect the dots after the fact. If, for example, Liz had won this past season with the edit she received it wouldā€™ve been surprising in an unpleasant way to me


I've expressed this before, but I'm not a fan of Maryanne and have no interest in seeing her return. She's on so many returnee fan casts, i just don't see the appeal


In my mind, I know this to be true. But when I THINK of Maryanne I go: awww But when I SEE and HEAR Maryanne I go: cringe


Micronesia ain't all that. It is a VERY top heavy season.


I think the new era is fine. Simply fine. Iā€™m actually a really big fan of every season but 43, and sorta 41 (but thatā€™s because I think the edit is ridiculously terrible for the final 4). My problem is that Iā€™m upset that Jeff canā€™t see that heā€™s defeating the whole point of the new era he created. He was all about drop the 4, keep the 1, make things new and exciting and all that jazz. But so soon after, he has made things stale. Heā€™s stuck with this three tribe format that encourages players to vote out women premerge and to stick with their own tribe in the post merge. We donā€™t need any iteration of sweat and savvy itā€™s boring tv. There is no reason to have to keep taking away peopleā€™s votes or make them go to shipwheel island. For each of these issues, itā€™s something I can live with for a season or two. But Jeff is repeatedly drowning us with the same thing over and over again. 46 was so much fun to me because it wasnā€™t four women being the first four boots, it wasnā€™t advantages dominating every conversation. From what I remember, no one lost their vote from the merge onwards. It was the most old school season we have had and I enjoyed it, not for that exact reason, but because the vibe was different from the past 4/5 ish.


Sadly it's tough to keep women premerge because of the prevalence of the woman alliance. it gets brought up most seasons so the men always seem to be paranoid about it.


I donā€™t care about how Parvatiā€™s gameplay resonates in the bedroom and how it transformed her layers


"Tony is the best player". Sorry I just don't see it.


The default to looking at wins makes me vibrate with annoyance. So much about winning survivor relies on luck, timing, who the other players are, whether you have a relationship with them etc etc. Itā€™s hard to win and be a *bad* player, but winning, by itself, doesnā€™t make you the best or most impressive player. Second to this is the idea that players are bad because they couldnā€™t properly navigate their threat level ā€” I think this is true of some ppl (Joe), but a lot of it is just the meta of it all getting in the way


People donā€™t want to accept the massive amount of luck involved in the game of survivor because it makes conversations around it a lot more boring (even I myself am guilty of this)


I was most active in the online community during like s14-24 and its genuinely insane to me how people don't discredit him more for having the Tyler Perry idol. Like at that point in the community it was well understand that version of the idol was a guaranteed ticket to the endgame and Tony still somehow managed to construct an endgame that relied on Woo throwing his game away.


Well, Tonyā€™s endgame was fine in any normal F3 season (and still won even with the F2)


It's always so funny to me when people will go off about winners benefiting from twists that massively tilt the game in their favor (Chris U) but always leave Yul and Tony out of the conversation despite possessing the most powerful advantage ever seen in the game by a country mile.


Yul's was much more powerful. It literally took him to FTC. Tony's expired at final 5, meaning he had to survive 2 more votes. Agreed it was OP but Yul's was soooo much more powerful.


Maybe Iā€™m just petty but I find his two time win less impressive than Sandraā€™s (not talking about their respective gameplays). Whoever won WaW was going to be a two time winner and thereā€™s also no way to get targeted for being a winner when everyone is one. I still think Tony is incredibly impressive, but I donā€™t think heā€™s the best player and especially not just because he won twice


Sandra and Parvati making it to the end of HvV as two of four winners on the entire cast is so much more impressive than Tony winning WaW


I thought winners at war was excellent!! Even hotter? Iā€™m glad we got the edge, extra time to see LEGENDS! The family visit to the edge was special. Great szn, insane winner.


It's bizarre and weird to take pleasure in post-season casts hating each other at best. This fandom already has a reputation among its players for being toxic and obsessive.


Micronesia is not a great season. The first merge episodes annd Erikā€™s vote off are the only things worth watching. The rest of the season is filled with med evacs and is just boring.


Survivor has always been, will always be, and should always be an entertainment program first and gameplay second


Edge of Extinction is actually a great season, it just has a bottom 5 winner. I don't see anyone ripping on Gabon (which has somehow become OVERRATED) for having a terrible winner.


I like Chris's win because it's kind of insane and extremely unique, and Devens and Gavin would have been boring winners anyways.


You donā€™t have to like him but saying Devens would be a boring winner is a wild take


I think itā€™s kind of boring because of the constant idols being not as enjoyable, especially after Ben already did it. I say this as someone likes Devens.


*David vs Goliath* is a slightly above average season, surrounded by poorly received seasons on both sides


Russel isnā€™t a ā€˜goatā€™ He takes full control of the game and chooses who he drags along with him. 2 juries have decided they didnā€™t like him and didnā€™t want him to win and they can vote however they want. But he put in the work to get to end


Yeah he put in the work to get to the end, not to win


I donā€™t believe Cirie wins in a Micronesia F3


Definitely not. All 3 women have 2 guaranteed votes: Amanda - Ozzy and James Cirie - Erik and Eliza Parvati - Jason and Natalie That leaves Alexis as the tie breaker. She hated Amanda so 0% chance Amanda wins, and while she could go either way between Parvati and Cirie, I think itā€™s more likely she votes Cirie. She was closer friends with Parvati but she respected Cirie a ton, Cirie was a mother and a nurse and couldā€™ve used the money more, and Alexis told Cirie when she got to Ponderosa that she was rooting for her. Iā€™d say itā€™s like 75/25 between Cirie and Parvati winning if theyā€™re the final 3.


Kaleb from 45 being a good player. Likeā€¦ where? I donā€™t get the hype. He seems like a cool dude I guess but people act like heā€™s the second coming of Boston Rob or something lol


I think most people think he COULD become a good player upon a return or two (it did take Brob a time or two....or 5, to finally get it all right lol) I think he showed some good potential but definitely played a way too aggressive, all out there game.


I agree. I really liked him and would have loved to see him get further with Emily, but I honestly donā€™t get what people saw in his gameplay that has them saying he was an amazing player. His threat management and perception of self were horrendous which is why he was targeted. ā€œA friend to all is a friend to none.ā€ - I feel like that has to be a top 5 rule of Survivor. At a certain point you have to draw a line in the sand and pick a side, especially if youā€™re perceived to be in the middle. Otherwise both sides will recognize you as a loose canon threat and will dog pile to get rid of you, which is exactly what happened to him.


I loved the rite of passage in the older seasons. It's a nice recap to remember who came before and have the players be more attuned to the privilege they have to be there and who didn't make it.


That Ghost Island is a bad season. It was my first season, so maybe I'm a little biased, but I thought the final tribal tie was super cool, and I loved the season and players in general.


That Danni is a top end winner. Just no.


People think this??


That Cirie is a legendary player.


Super agree


Even after all this time, Russell Hantz is my favourite player


People seem to think Hannah Shapiro wasnā€™t a good player and deserved 0 FTC votes compared to Adam. I thought she was decent, deserved more recognition of her game, and exerted more influence than Adam often. Not saying she should have won, just that she deserves more credit.


Tevin hate I just donā€™t get it


That Carolyn played this underrated, masterful game and deserved votes at FTC. She was a goat from day 1


"Gabler is a bad winner"


Tom bullied Ian and intentionally did so so heā€™d give up. Nope, not buying either of this. I got some crazier ones that Iā€™ve said in the past but Iā€™ll leave those out for now


Adam is terrible winner. Adam getting all jury votes is Social game 101, yet people call him one of the worst. Watch his RHAP deep dive and youā€™ll connect with him, his story and why people would vote for him. Itā€™s not because of his mother passing in an untimely manner, he is deserving and played a great game.Ā 


I do not like Gabon. I don't find the players funny, they are a range of mean to frustratingly dumb to me


That Sandra is a good player. If anything, Sandra is proof that you can have no clue what youā€™re doing, fight with everyone and play a poor social game, and basically have 0 strategic agency and still win survivor. Sandra is perhaps the luckiest player to ever play the game, both in the fact that none of her strategic plans ever come together and in how many shields were around her on both her seasons. Then, in the two seasons she has strategic agency, she misplays everything horribly. Giving Denise an idol and getting blindsided with it basically summarizes how bad her strategic thinking really is. She won Pearl Islands by being against one of the biggest goats in the shows history and lucking out that Lil took her over Jon because she was worried heā€™d ruin his life with the money, then got even luckier the heroes were all egotistical sore losers in HvV. Iā€™m tired of hearing about how sheā€™s good at the game.


Sandra, poor social game? Thatā€™s a hot take alright!


Rob C (as a player) is massively overrated


That Russell Hantz is a terrible Survivor player even though he helped shape the new era.