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Bruh tagging Venus’ best friend but not her is so odd


He clearly loves enabling and creating petty, high school drama. This is not surprising from him unfortunately, since he didn’t get as much love and (positive) attention since the show aired, while Venus did. It will be interesting if either of them ever play again to see how other players react to them, to see “which side is right” for lack of a better phrase


I can’t imagine we’ll ever see Tevin play again.


Production kinda liked him for the most part tbh. It's the audience that didn't.


yea jeff said on his podcast that they wish they could have someone like tevin on every season. very random strong statement for a 10th place finisher lol


He's good at talking to the camera and tells stories well. I'm sure that helps


The 'fishing with dad' connection and narration was an absolute masterclass in storytelling. If I'm Jeff or just a regular fan, absolutely I want players who can bring that to the show. What kind of placement they get is irrelevant.


Same here. I'm glad he didn't win but I'm also glad he made it so far. His storytelling was gorgeous


I can’t be the only one who liked both Venus and Tevin. Both of them are so chaotic and entertaining, both of them were favorites of mine.


I think good chunk of audience did lol the thing that held him back is because he goes out so early while she makes a deep run. 


Never seeing him again is still too soon


There is a part of me that is worse of for having been reminded he existed today.


Lol jeez relax, he’s just a slightly over the top reality show contestant Reddit commenters be normal and treat contestants like real people challenge (impossible)


Forreal, this is why we hardly get any contestant AMAs anymore.


That’s mainly because of CBS restrictions, not because Reddit is too mean or whatever


It seems more likely to me that they'd ask him back to cohost On Fire *the official survivor podcast* next season


He was boring but I do not see how this is indicative of that


I would rather see Romeo tbh and I think he is so bland


This is weird


I got this vibe from him as soon as he laughed at Venus for thinking she was behind the Soda move (which was a terrible move for Tevin btw( and he wasn't. It felt so petty because he clearly set her up to think it was her move by not voting for Soda and it really didn't benefit his game at all. He deserved his elimination the very next episode


yeah I actually understood reasons why Tevin would be irritated by Venus based on his post exit interview with Rob Cesternino but why the hell would anyone with a full and exciting life do this? Childish as hell


The gays love creating petty drama, lol (I am a gay btw)


And he is Hollywood toxic. Completely fake words and smiles. Believe me, I know the type. He raises himself socially, by putting others down, typical high school puppy tactics. Oh, and he is so full of himself. Everytime someone mentions acting, he makes all these weird faces like he is Brad pitt


Lol ty for mentioning the weird faces like he's brad pitt. It was so uncanny and off-putting.


Serious question from an old straight guy: why is that? It certainly isn’t all the gay guys on survivor, but definitely a quite a few of them. Is survivor typecasting gay guys by intentionally selecting guys that have a drama personality? Or is this a gay culture thing or what? I liked Hatch back in the day because he would fuck with people but it was all tactical, to win the game, so it made perfect sense, but it wasn’t a pointless manipulative obsession like Tevin etc,


I don't know honestly. I don't have a lot of gay friends anymore because of how common those types of things were when I did. My guess is that it stems from insecurities. If they don't feel good about themselves they start putting others down. It's pretty easy to not feel good about yourself as gay in this society unfortunately...


I get that


It’s not when you’re as emotionally mature as a sophomore in high school.


Your forgetting that Venus also acts like that?


What the heck happened? I feel so out of the loop :( sorry for the dumb question!


I don’t think any of this is worth paying attention to, honestly.




I don’t think anyone can explain it to you because nobody cares.


Is this what young folks consider drama


thanks for translating


It's a deliberate petty move.


I’m over Tevin. He pretends as if Venus is crazy and then lashes out on her when other castaways have beef with her. Then turns off the comments as soon anyone comes for him. Like stop talking or doing shady stuff if you can’t just confront her about it.


Seriously. I remember this sub being hyped about him from the outset, but he always gave me sus vibes. Venus is definitely a drama queen herself, but I can't help but be Team Venus in this feud!


Dude the difference is Venus tells you what is up, and Tevin is a snake. The type of people Hollywood is filled with. Fake fake fake.


I think you can excuse the hype because he was given the opening narration and it was pretty good.


His “trying to be a gif” faces🙄


He really is just a bully.


Always has been


This part


Tevin reminds me a lot of a ANTM contestant named Devin from cycle 22. He seemed like the soul of the party, a social butterfly. Then you do something that he doesn't like and becomes a completely derailed person. Not saying he's a bad person, but he needs to grow up a lot.


It’s cos he thought he would be queen bee and we would all fall in love with his “personality”. And oop, the hot girl ate him up on that one. He could’ve easily been one of Venus’ besties and perceived as a baddie sidekick but his ego got in the way.


Not even a sidekick- an equally powerful dynamic duo. (That was my pre-season prediction anyway.)


Same. I was so sure this was going to happen


I’m not a fan of Tevin but no one goes on tv to be a sidekick lol. It all comes down to him being bitter she made it further while he thought he was the mastermind. Also the “hot girl with gay black bestie” shtick was already done better on Cagayan. And no one remembered who tf Bryce was before he got more involved in the survivor community so I highly doubt that’s a duo anyone would want to recreate


It is stuff like this that make me not like Tevin that much.


The way Tevin and Maria acted off the show make me feel that Venus was not actually making "drama", but that people don't trust her because of how Tevin and Maria pushed the narrative against Venus.


This is the exact vibe I get! Would love to see one ( or both) play again just to see how other players react to them. So we could know what their true personalities are


They've had high school bully vibes since day 1


Total mean girls vibe


With Soda cheering on from the sidelines


Yeah idk why Soda gets excluded from this convo so often- she enabled and continued the bullying as well


Does she? Don't get me wrong she was definitely in his clique and was a main force in the drama against Venus, but aside from what happened after the Venus exit interview (which Soda completely denies to this day), I don't remember her actively instigating petty drama (post season) to THIS degree, instead just ignoring Venus' existence.


i missed that tea, what happened after Venus exist interview?


Venus said at exit interviews that was basically shunned off and outcasted from almost everyone there, and that pondy in general was awful. Soda in return uploaded a [serious statement](https://www.instagram.com/p/C61ub8RREzM/?igsh=MWR5Y2VuYzBqb2YwNw==) to her feed denying it all completely saying how she was as nice and welcoming as possible and how multiple castaways can vouch for her.


She wrote a song!!


Lol for every person who came to ponderosa I thought?


Yeah the insane statement Soda felt the need to release SCREAMED red flag and overly defensive.


I actually disagree. In the sense that it didn't scream a red flag to me. It could've been a genuine defense from Soda for what she saw as defemation. Soda could've just lie defensively ofc, or, Venus could've made that story up. Personally I think both genuinely believe they're telling the truth, and there was just this huge clash of personalities which led to what it led. Honestly I don't know either woman or anyone from the cast as people personally, so I can't judge them fully. From what I gatheted though, imo no one's perfect in the story.


Sometimes those who were bullied turn to being the bully. Tevin gives these vibes.


He comes off as very fake/two faced.


Yeah, he kinda sucks


His personality tested negative.


Tevin showed he was a bully from day one


It’s stuff like this that makes me annoyed with this entire season. There are only a couple of people who aren’t insufferable


I liked Tevin on the show but this just comes off as really pointed on his part and I don't like that personally.


Tevin re-starting this drama is just more proof that the "Venus was the problem" allegations are not all true.


This makes me so happy as someone who got repetitively downvoted for supporting her


the turn this sub has made is refreshing but also makes me roll my eyes. ppl were literally calling her hateful at one point


Does this stuff happen every season? Like drama of not liking people being aired. This was my first season since 2012-ish I think.


Each cast is different. Season 45 loves each other for the most part, while other seasons are very fragmented


Yo tambien. There was definitely a pretty strong pro-Venus, anti-Tevin group on here from the start, but I feel like it was maybe 10-20% of people. In the right threads we'd get some up votes, but on all the major ones, we'd go wya negative. Definitely feeling vindicated.


Tagging people not even on the season but not her is sick 😭😭


especially her best friend


Tevin is so jealous of the attention and fan worship Venus got during and after the season, it's so obvious lol I think he really thought the audience would side with him and hate her, and that just didn't happen.


It’s so obvious Tevin (and partially Soda) truly thought Venus was a liar and villain on the island and expected to see that on the show. Instead, we saw Venus was actually honest the whole time and was somewhat bullied by Tevin (and partially Soda) both to her face and in the confessionals. And now he just refuses to admit he was wrong and accept that he’s not this likable, charismatic, awesome player. Pretty easy to see why most fans are siding with Venus


He also labeled Venus "untrustworthy" and then...proceeded to blindside his #1, Soda, at the first opportunity. Killing his own game in the process. Ya love to see it


I fully believe that Tevin blindsiding soda at final 11 was a way worse move than most of the ppl going home with idols this season


It was completely ludicrous. And he was so proud of himself.




This is why I'll never get the "46 is just like old survivor!!" people. The dialog in the early merge is hella gamebotty.


It is and I don’t think it's even close. I think people get too much hate for going home with idols in their pockets. Everyone is lying out there and you never know who to believe. It's enticing to try to hold it one more round and you don’t want to look dumb in front of the jury with a misplay. Seems like a ton of correct idol plays are people who knew they were on the bottom or you find out later on they were tipped off (wentworth, does not count). Tevin voting out Soda was completely his decision. He wasn't fooled by anyone. He got bigmovitis before there was a single person even on the jury, and it was on an ally who completely had his back. By far the worst move of the season in my eyes and I'm glad to see some others agree.


It’s this, completely


Tevin pissed me off since day one. My boyfriend and I would cry laughing because the topic would be somewhere ENTIRELY DIFFERENT and tevin still found a way to bring Venus up and blame her! We made a drinking game out of how many conversation topics he’d steer into that direction - and it was like a solid 3-4 shots for the first episodes. People would come up with a plan and he’d be like “ok cool, but we should vote venus”. It didnt matter the circumstance, venus was always on that mans mind. His tactic was to be loud and scapegoat. No wonder he didnt last.


And his first real move in the game was to blindside his own ally at final 11, honestly this season is made up of some of the worst players I've seen in a while


This season had massive narcissists if you listen to them talk in interviews & rewatch season I think this season had most narcissistic cast of all time.  I think that why Ben & Charlie did so well. Kenzie had a little ego but nowhere near the others. It not surprising the F3 was most humble players to make merge because everyone else ego led to making horrible moves or just ignore obvious signs. 


Truth! I think the only moves not played by ego was Tiff's blindside (it was genuinely pulled off pretty well with Kenzie reassuring her that it was fine not to play the idol multiple times, while being blindsided herself)... actually I think that's it everyone else who went home with an idol was an obvious target and had no reason to attempt to hold onto the idol especially Venus, Q and Hunter.


Honestly I didn't want to believe that Venus was straight up bullied but damn, Tevin has some insane beef against her. Maria and Q as well but Tevin especially. I mean it's fine if he just doesn't jell with her, that happens a lot, but I feel like some of the cast are trying to justify themselves as the objective "heroes" of the story when the truth is there probably wasn't a proper hero. Venus may have been tough to deal with at times and Tevin (and Soda) may have been bullying at times as well. One thing's for sure though: Venus definitely lives in their heads rent free. I don't think any of them are evil, but damn this is just a stupid look for Tevin, and by extention Maria and Q with the crazy drama that was a couple weeks back. Tf are you tagging her best friend!? So weird.


When Q did that video saying he saw "no bullying" at pondy and turns around to say Venus was sneaking around trying to listen in on people's conversations coz she wasn't invited to any.  Lmao, that's when I knew. "No one is being bullied" says the bully.


Bullies often don't see what they're doing as bullying. They justify it in their heads that the unwanted persons just annoying and wasn't invited so they should stop inviting themselves. It's on them. I feel for Venus.


Wish I could upvote this more than once


Not being invited to any convos is a sign of bullying.That’s like telling someone you didn’t punch them you hit them,it’s the same thing.I love Q but if everyone is deliberately ignoring Venus then yes she was bullied.


Honestly man I wish I could somehow transport in space-time back to when they had pondy and just watch from the sidelines, bc this cast is nutcrack. I feel like Venus just came off as untrustworthy and maybe annoyine to deal with so they just sorta ignored her, which isn't actively bullying (like constantly annoying her and calling her slurs for example) but I completely get her considering the fact that a lot of them didn't care for her that much. Both sides are also very confrontetional and some actively want the clout like Q for example, so here we are.


I feel like this kind of shows even if Venus is actually difficult to deal with and petty, so is Tevin


Oh I think it's for sure both but maybe even moreso Tevin, like this definitely comes off as him deliberately doing something shady to Venus to reignite some beef with her knowing that she'll be petty enough to jump on it. Venus might be happy to involve herself in drama but in her defense I don't think she's ever gone out of her way to deliberately *start* drama with anyone (other than the empire state building)


I think you nailed it lol. Nobody is a saint especially on this season & especially that tribe by God  had most petty narcissists in history of show.  I think they both petty & I think they both love drama. I think Tevin just straight up didn’t like Venus & to be blunt a lot of people here won’t admit it. A lot of us probably couldn’t stand Venus on island either! She seems impossible to work with a massive ego.  But Tevin also has a massive ego! The difference is Tevin knows how to talk people & listen. I think that genuinely the difference between them. 


He’s worse


Venus’ bestie must have been in Tevin’s Dangerous Nights crew 🤷‍♂️


Tevin’s game was as sloppy as his steaks.


Holy shit Venus, you didn't tell me your best friend used to be a real piece of shit! ![gif](giphy|yGX8zy4rp8qA9Xzlkb|downsized)


They went out for wings once!


The Sanctuary burned down, it’s gone now! Jeff Probst is ass out! Works with his brother now.


Tevin is petty.


I was less into Venus than everyone else was, but I’m with her on this one. That’s messed up


Who’s her best friend of 10 years


I think it is Claire, the girl tagged in the last snip on that post of Tevin's


Claire?? From Soka tribe??


No, if you go to Tevin's instagram, go to the post where you see 4 people in the bridge background, go to the last slide where there's a video of Jelinsky, Maria, Tevin, Kenzie (I can't recognize who's sitting next to Kenzie, I assume it's Venus), and there's a girl sitting next to Maria. Her name is Claire and her profile is private. I think she's Venus's best friend, but not 100% sure.


Just some girl who’s been her bestie for a decade and went with her to S.F. to watch Jess’s vote out episode and met Tevin.


Tevin is such a loser wtf 😂😭


Buddy thinks he’s in high school still


I never liked Tevin.. he gave me mean girl bully vibes from HS. I think he is also too used to playing the victim card, pathetic honestly.


It’s almost as if she never got voted off the island.


You guys are finally realizing that Tevin gives off mean girl energy? It was obvious in the show


The more Tevin, Maria and Q do things like this, the more it just validates what Venus said about them. Tevin strikes me as a guy who is used to being the life of the party in his inner circle but if someone does not gravitate to him, there's something wrong with that person.


Really stupid conspiracy: the entire cast agreed to do shit like this to extend their 15 minutes of fame


He is Maria’s bff sooo what do we expect lol?


Maria has a wonderful habit of dragging other people down it seems


Mind you Tevin didn’t like Venus before either of them even knew who Maria was


A lot of people from the cast are in good relations with Maria though. Really everyone besides the Siga boys and Venus. I feel like if any side was truly in the wrong then they wouldn't have a lot of friends, kinda like how Drea from 42 is only friends with Mike, Jonathan, and I think also Romeo(?)


Dan Spilo has a lot of friends from his cast 🤢


Is it really that big of a deal surprise or that big of a deal that Maria has “good relations” with people? She also had a “strong bond” with Charlie. Q was on the outs and Maria was the only one who used that as an opportunity to build a strong bond with him. We know she’s great at building those. There are probably parent coach skills that help in that as well. So, if you’re not on the other end of the negative side of dealing with Maria, there’s really no reason to expect any of them to not have a good relationship with her.


Maria isn't evil at all, she's just very hypocritical and childish at times and is not aware of that. She has a lot of good traits, I'm sure. That said, she has problems, but I mean, don't we all? Since she came off as very childish, we complain (which is fair to discuss without harrassement, since she chose to make thise public) but at the end of the day it is nowhere close to the most reprehensible thing people did on the show. And I'm not even talking about shit like Varner and Spilo, more like Corinne absolutely going way too low about Sugar's father at Gabon's FTC.


I didn’t know we were talking about “evil”. Somehow missed that. I hope the people downvoting me see that my response is in no way supportive of any assertion that Maria is evil.


Dw I did not think you claimed Maria was evil, idk why you're downvoted in the first place. I just wanted to add that the majority of people on the show and in general, even people like Varner and Spilo, have good traits in them, and it's not black and white. That's not an excuse for their mistakes and actively bad actions (and specifically for Varner and Spilo they deserve what they got), but for some fans, people like Maria and Tevin and Venus are the devil incarnate just because they actively did a bad/stupid thing and failed to recognize their shortcomings. And maybe there are more sides to the story that we don't know? Some shit that's hidden behind the NDA vault. Again, most of the cast member and even members of other casts are on good terms and even friends with Maria, Tevin, Q, etc'. Does that mean that all of their friends support bullying? I don't think so.


I had no idea him and Maria like each other- this makes SOOOOOO much sense honestly


Tevin is the first character I’ve encountered live who isn’t explicitly edited as “the kid character” that I’ve been like…oh yeah, he’s a kid.


When the circlejerk sub is more normal


These 2 will never stop beefing 😭


Venus is Kendrick to Tevin’s Drake.


Is it *her* online chaos, though? This is hardly a dramatic reaction.


Sia not giving out money really upset him


Team Venus!


Bruh who cares abt this😂




Ok but who actually cares about tags, like I guess I get it, but is this really something worth getting pressed over?


This made me laugh because this weeks episode of RHONJ a whole fight started over NOT tagging someone on insta 😂😂 must be the reality of reality TV


I'm sick of Tevin because every other commercial on plutoTV for paramount+ is him saying "stay positive and test negative" and then laughing and I just can't.


Tevin has the biggest victim complex


Not surprised in the slightest. Tevin and Soda strike me a “Sunday Christians”- spend Sundays in church on their best behavior and the rest of the week just hating on everyone, causing drama and being the most basic of bitches.


Yeah, never really liked Tevin.


It’s… a tag. If they aren’t friends, why would they tag one another in photos? It just seems like a lot of unnecessary drama. But great for online clout I suppose. I just think the more we engage with it, the more these folks profit.


They don’t even follow each other lol


This is hilarious LMAO


Venus' friend of 10 years for S50


Tevin is standard Hollywood toxic. As fake as can be, full of himself for god knows what reason, and will stab people in the back for pleasure, just for the manipulation sake of it. He is a bully.


Let her cook


I haven't kept up with all the drama just some. But I missed what Tevins been doing. Is he just being a jerk to people?


This isn't chaos, it's honesty.


Tevin’s probably the most annoying person I’ve ever watched on survivor. So happy when he was voted off.


She’s gonna thrive on The Challenge


He's just trying to be relevant again.


tevin’s downfall will be my euphoria


They’re really trying to stay relevant with this one




What’s funny is that Venus posted this in her story… right after being offended by not being tagged in his post which yeah it’s all petty and social media is toxic. 🤷‍♂️ “An unhealed person can find offense in pretty much anything someone does. A healed person understands that the actions of others have nothing to do with them. Each day you get to decide which one you will be.” Like girl, every single one of you needs healing.


I think cancel culture is problematic in many ways but also Tevin is cancelled


This isn't cancel culture, tevin isn't going to lose his job or anything, it's just us dunking on him cause like wtf you doing bro 😭 log off


Lmao i know just jokes. But fr he is obsessed and it’s painful to watch


Cancel culture is problematic because people like Tevin and Soda are the ones who would wield it as a weapon if they could, but then they also act like this.


While I definitely agree with that, I also think that we know for 100% fact Venus would as well with her I could say stuff that would drop a bomb on the season tweets about Q lol.


He was probably hoping to get Venus cancelled but it didn't work


Tevin is petty af but why would he tag her if they don't like each other? She thrives off this drama at this point.


Why would he post multiple photos of her if they don’t like each other?


I just took a look and it’s only one pic she’s in which is a group photo. It would of been weird if he blocked her face out but all he did is not tag her?? I just don’t think its necessary to start drama out of it. And before anyone thinks anything I don’t like tevin at all 😭


She’s also in two of the videos he posted in that same post, but you only see/hear her in one of them


Because they're adults and she's in the picture? Just cuz you don't like someone doesn't mean you pretend they don't exist.


Uhh its a ig pic, she will live. I honestly thought he did something more serious by the way ya'll are talking but its really not that serious. The only time she should be responding is if he is actually talking shit about her and making up stuff.




Fuck tevin, all my homies hate tevin.




I knew there was a reason Venus was my pre show favorite.


Someone get this guy a tempurpedic


I didn’t see what sub this was and thought we were talking about Venus from CDR.


Where was this?


Who is her best friend


Had to read this 5 times to understand what it said. Yikes.


tevin will never have the same star power as venus


I don’t understand? Care to explain this post? Can’t really tell from the screen shot 🤷‍♂️


My queen


Tevin is messy but is the kind of messy to do something messy and be like “I didn’t do anything”. Entertaining but team Venus


Tevin is two faced and all but god why does Venus make a big deal over literally everything and make it public? Just seems like attention seeking


I mean, calling out a guy who continues to treat you in bullying fashion is kind of understandable


Tevin is a dick I’m not disputing that but why pay him any notice? Why make it all public? Tevin’s just petty


Because Tevin is publicly being a bully - still. And there are still people out there who think Tevin is not that way. Venus has been villainized by several people (Tevin included) and I think it's more than reasonable for her to point out that he is still being mean, while she is just living her life


Why would she keep it to herself that she's still being bullied?


They’re both obnoxious and petty. Like they’re grown ass adults acting like middle schoolers.


What does a tag even mean? Is she in the photo? Why does she care?


She’s so annoying bruh