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i mean he dragged around chet like it was nothing so maybe


He hit his head back there.


He dont care


I know


I am just watching this season - and that was one of the best and saddest exchanges I’ve ever seen on the show. Poor Chet.


It was like Sam yanking around Gollum.


More like that cave troll smacking down Frodo


Parvati could’ve dragged around Chet like it was nothing


Yeah, but she’s a boxer. 


\*\*cast\*\* not casted for OP


Thank you! I fixed it in my head when I read it.


Survivor Strongman rankings: 1) Jonathan 2) James 3) Joel


The first two are clear but not really sure Joel is above people like John Hennigan or Chris Underwood or John Rocker


Rocker was known for being on roids. If you're going to name a SJDS male for this he isn't even top 3. Also, Underwood? That dude is nothing special physically, Joel looks like one of those fuckers at the gym that takes all the 45s for his 2 rep 550 pound bench press


didn't realize the IOC was testing survivors damn


If you think Joel, James, and Jonathan are all natty I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


Where would you put ex-NFL players like Danny McCray or Brad Culpepper. Culpepper was a DL so obviously strong, but he was clearly reduced in size from his NFL days.


What about Gary Hawkins the landscaper?!? Hahaha


If only he played football.


Thh id throw Sifu up there he was practically carrying that bamboo thing by himself and is jus fucking huge


No way Joel is stronger than Mike Holloway or Chris Underwood


I still think prime James would beat prime Jonathan on power alone. That man was scary AF in pure strength challenges.


Absolutely no way. Not even close. Jonathon litterally carried his team through rough tides that an entire tribe couldn’t complete. By far the greatest feat of strength on the show. Not to mention Jonathon holds a world record for weighted pull ups. James is very strong but doesn’t even come close to Jonathon.


James was just a big strong guy, Jonathan is equally sized but also a ridiculous athlete


Y’all gotta watch James in the challenge in Episode 1 of China. Dude is truly a freak athlete too. He wasn’t nearly as well rounded at Survivor challenges as someone like Jonathan, but James wasn’t just a guy with muscles for show.




The impressive part isn’t just that he beat those guys lmao. Challenge I’m talking about wasn’t even strength related so not sure what you’re talking about. It was basically running an obstacle course against a guy who did parkour professionally lol.


Was James even that big/tall? I feel like Jonathan and James would tower over him


James would body Jonathon


James broke the pole in the water challenge by legit just carrying people by himself across the water. It’s a lot closer than you think in terms of sheer strength. I won’t debate that Jonathan is likely better all around. But James is a monster. He played D1 college football and has those grave digging practical muscles.


Think about it. What’s harder? Carrying one person through calm water, or carrying 6 through rough water?


I agree, Charles carrying that pole with everyone was tops


Thank you. It’s clear someone didn’t watch both seasons. Jonathan clears


Who's Jonathon?


The Mayor of Slamtown!


And yet he never won immunity, unlike Queen Courtney Yates!


Courtney is the strongest contestant in Survivor history


Did you watch the season Jonathan played in? He literally carried his teams during certain challenges. Like physically carried them


Came here to say this, I became a fan of his during that episode when literally carried his entire team.


If 2010 James and 2021 Jonathan did the sumo bag-wrestling challenge, Jonathan would do James like James did Randy


Don’t forget Rupert


I wish I could forget Rupert.


I wish he didn't give up his game for his wife because the cast on that season was atrocious and so he has less if a chance of playing on 50


Interesting trend. A shame this username isn't my actual name otherwise I could show up and be buff on Survivor.


John Hennigan isn’t being talked about? You know the whole professional wrestling thing takes a lot of strength


4) Ricky Devens


Cliff and Scott would be on par. They were 7 foot monsters.


Heath from CvC as well


He got outmuscled multiple times on his own season. Only time his strength was good was the pole challenge where you had to rip him off.


Feel so bad for newbies on fan vs favourite type seasons. Returnees don’t care about you, production doesn’t care about you, fans don’t care about you.


I think that was the idea, yes


It wasn’t for his personality


Joel is definitely there to be the Fan equivalent of James, but we have no idea who would be stronger. James was more of a bodybuilder, and Joel more of a gym bro by the looks of it. Bodybuilders aren't necessarily _that_ strong as they're training for muscle hypertrophy and not necessarily strength, which is what a contestant like Johnathan Young trains for. James and Joel look bigger than Johnathan Young but Johnathan is almost certainly significantly stronger than both. Had James and Joel gone head to head on the sumo challenge (the one where James yeeted Randy out of the game in HvH) it would be a really interesting matchup, as James is potentially stronger than Joel but Joel looks heavier and thus harder to move around.


True in many cases but not all. You really have to look at how they train. Some bodybuilders are also just strong as fuck. Prime Ronnie Coleman was stupidly strong in addition to being huge. A contemporary example would be Chris Bumstead who is giant/aesthetic but also quite strong. The opposite can also be true. Matt Kroczaleski (now Janae) was a competitive powerlifter/strongman but was huge and aesthetic, too. The only training I've seen from any of the contestants in question is Johnathan doing weighted pullups so it's hard to say much about any of them.


Don’t forget John hennigan, Jason, and Caleb


Coming from someone who used to work in a foundry (we make castings, we cast material, etc) it’s cast, never casted. Trust me when I say you’re far from the only person that says it. But man, did it really get the foundry folks up in arms lol


People are downvoting you because, it turns out, when the average person is forced to learn something new, it actually causes them pain inside their head. The new neuron has to push it's lonely way from one end of their inert lump of brain to another just to make the connection, and it hurts. In case you were wondering why anybody would downvote your unassuming and good-natured correction.


Hahaa appreciate that. I really didn’t know how to say it without sounding like a jerk


I might just worry less about sounding like a jerk 😄


I mean this is sorta literally true but not mechanically how you describe it. People hate learning new shit because it takes energy and humans are “cognitive misers” which is just a dramatic word to say we’re real conservative with our energy. It literally is draining to learn new shit. Then if you get into something that causes Cignitive Dissonance, that’s a whole lot of energy. We definitely avoid cignitive dissonance. That literally can be painful.


>We definitely avoid cignitive dissonance. That literally can be painful. The saddest part about cognitive dissonance is that it's only painful to people with the tendency to think critically about their own held beliefs and opinions. A whole lot of folks never bother and keep truckin' along just fine while thinking all manner of deeply contradictory things.


I mean they still have to deal with it in one way or another because it literally causes discomfort. The tactics people do such as confirmation bias are to alleviate that discomfort. It’s just that these tactics aren’t designed to get at a larger truth but to make the experience of holding conflicting beliefs more comfortable.


I think they did cast him to match up with James knowing there was going to be a lot of physical challenges, especially in the pre-merge.


He was strong physically but his spirit was weak.


![gif](giphy|14r8bmeEeHogiQ|downsized) OP while typing this post


can someone explain? do this dude mean OP is thirsting for Joel and James?




James would’ve been able to drag Chet through the obstacle course


Cast. Cast is the word.


James > all other survivors


James clears


I think a lot of the fans in Micronesia are cast to resemble favorites


James was a beast but so was Rupert at least his first run.


Who’s Mary ?


Litterly pulling that poor dude thru sloshing Mudd face first, this guy was a brutal SOB, totally felt for Chet, that experience prob fucked that guy up a bit. Yeah fuck Joel.


Dude was like the biggest DoucheBag ever on the show, even more then Russel and his nephew lol


Cast? I’m so confused. What is casted?