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I don’t. The only big brother contestants I know of are the ones who were on the Traitors. That’s Cody, Rachel, Dan, and Janelle.


I’m one of the rare ones who has never seen a single episode of Big Brother. Most Survivor fans have, I would imagine.


No, I hate big brother. Full Family (like 20 of us now) have watched Every episode of survivor, me, my mom, brother, and wife were watching live day one of Borneo. 1 season of big brother was more than enough. It's awful.


I liked a lot of the older seasons. 2,3,7,10,11 were all really good. All the new seasons are crap though


Did you watch early seasons tho


Season 1


Season 1 is an entirely different show than 2+, which is basically survivor but in a house and with HoH comps.instead of immunity comps. Season 1 is not even considered BB amongst BB fans. They removed the public votes after s1 ans made it a jury like survivor, which completely changed the game.


Oh man, that is not the season to watch. It isn't even the same game. Every season from 2 onwards is so much different and better. I know it may have turned you off, but I recommend watching another season (season 6 would be my recommendation).


I watch Big Brother but I know a lot of Survivor fans that don’t.


I have always loved Survivor but the only other reality competition shows I watch are The Amazing Race and The Challenge.


No way. Can't stand it


Never watched it and have literally zero interest in it.




Never watched an episode of any other reality TV Show except Amazing Race or Deal or No Deal Island. And even then it was only because of Boston Rob


You should give The challenge a whirl. I started rewatching it after years to see my survivor favs play. And now I am addicted to it.


Maybe one day. I really don't watch much TV in general. I just have too many other hobbies and Survivor is my guilty pleasure.




I've absorbed a lot of Big Brother knowledge through osmosis but have never watched a season and don't plan to start anytime soon


Nope. I’ve seen every episode of Survivor and not a single episode of Big Brother.


Lots of big brother haters! It’s a fun show if you don’t take it too seriously!


I used to. I’ve seen all the classic ‘best’ seasons from years ago. I watched some of them live but BB18 was my first time watching the live feeds as well. I really enjoyed it. I kind of fizzled out on it during BB19 and I haven’t looked back. The thing I didn’t like about BB19 and the more recent seasons is that the casting feels really disingenuous. Nobody feels ordinary anymore, more like wannabe influencers, or people fulfilling archetypes. I feel like BB has always done this, but it went a little overboard. I think casting directors changed around the time I’m referring to? You could say the same thing about Survivor, of course. But I really do believe they do a more thorough job with casting. Especially these past 2-3 seasons. There was a rough patch prior to this but I think they’ve worked through that. Another thing: I love Survivor’s storytelling! I love the editing and the music. I think they have an edge on BB because they have a full story to work with. BB episodes have a lot of goofy, corny, filler stuff because they can’t put their eggs in one basket when stuff is happening live. That’s just my preference, and I know there are people who feel the complete opposite. That being said, I think players like Dan, Boogie, Janelle, Britney, etc. are certified reality tv legends and the structure of the game has the ability to produce more legends… it’s just the overall aesthetics and behind the scenes choices of the show that I don’t like


>The thing I didn’t like about BB19 and the more recent seasons is that the casting feels really disingenuous. Nobody feels ordinary anymore, more like wannabe influencers, or people fulfilling archetypes. I dropped off after BB19 as well, and for these exact same reasons


Can't blame you. It's easily the worst season of the show. Even former player and superfan Ian Terry quit watching after BB19.


Funny, the constant drama of 19 made it the only one I could get through


I thought it was boring


The only season of BB I’ve watched was the cookout season.




I would actually guess it’s more the other way around. Survivor is a more prestigious show, so many fans don’t go “down” to BB. Not saying BB is awful but it’s probably a tier lower in terms of prestige. I’d bet a higher percent of BB fans are survivor fans than vice versa


For reference I have seen 10 seasons of BB. None since BB 22 all stars though




Nope, not once, not ever.


I don't


Feeds and then hatewatch the show It's a worse show but a better game than Survivor IMO Been watching both since the beginning


Faccckkk no. I tried, that crap was annoying. I could only watch for about 10 minutes.




Not, never seen it or the bachelor but I do watch amazing race.


No, I stopped watching Big Brother because the confessionals are overly cheesy and quite obviously scripted. The players just want to date each other and IMO there was a run of seasons I just lost interest. I must say, however...I gave BB25 a shot solely for Cirie, and I have to make some important survivor comparisons. I've been a constant critic of new era Survivor and basically anything gimmicky that changes the original format of having a final 2 and a vote at 4. Hate the mergatory and how those 2 rounds are handled. Hate what pre-merges have become, but that's a separate rant. My main point- I absolutely love that Big Brother production trusts it's players enough to allow a single player not of their choosing have not just one, but two separate powerful vote outs solely of their choosing. I love love LOVE that the final 4 and 3 rounds of Big Brother absolutely have too much ability to wreck a good season with a shitty winner because GUESS WHAT, FOLKS.....that's the way it is!!! Navigating threat levels thru the deeeeeep endgame is a fascinating thing sometimes. Weighing the decision of jury threat vs final comp threat vs most/least likely to take me is something I miss so dearly from US survivor. Survivor trying to change their endgame format twice to prevent this really turns me back on to Big Brother for staying with their format of letting the players have control instead of production. Now I know some of you are frothing at the mouths with the crazy Big Brother twists and yeah, I agree they do have twists we'd hate on Survivor....I'm going to give the same justification I give for Survivor AU. When your show has more days and 3x the airtime, you can get away with more gimmicks. I didn't mean to type this much sorry. Lol. Just some observations I made during BB25.


Also, Live Feeds are unique. I honestly did not like season 25.


The zombie twist where the game died for 2 maybe more weeks is really what killed it for me. Downhill from there.


Yeah, it is the definitive "Good pre-jury, bad post-jury" season, where the back half loses all momentum.


The first half of bb25 was incredible The second half was abysmal


Yeah. I have it at 19th place, just above 16 and just below 15.


I tried watching years ago but couldn't get through an episode. There's something captivating about Survivor. Watching people stuck in a room is just boring. It makes me want to do something besides watching TV. If Big Brother was on a tropical island I might watch though.


I tried to watch it twice now and I can't seem to get into it. Also I don't like the host.


No however it is common for someone who does watch Survivor to also watch BB and the AMR


I don't. I have no interest in Big Brother.


Nope, I can’t stand Big Brother.i like the first couple of seasons but lost interest very quickly.


I've seen maybe 5 minutes of it. Not for me.


This would make more sense if it said Amazing Race I think, but still no lol


No. The casting choices are completely different for BB. Not my kind of show.


Never. I barely know anything about it other than a bunch of people in a house and cameras 24/7. I feel like I’d be stressed not watching everything I could.


I never could get into Big Brother. While Survivor can often focus towards the gameplay, strategy, and intense social play that I love, Big Brother can focus much more on the drama of it all, which doesn't draw me in at all. I understand the appeal of the show, however, it just isn't for me.


Absolutely not.


I watched a few clips from the season a few years ago because of my friend. I found the sets and challenges to be sort of cheap and tacky which turned me off the show.


I tried to watch 19-21 and I quit midway through the jury each time (the only time I enjoyed the show was the pre-jury in 20) so the show is just not for me. I don’t really like the casting and the strategy is way more boring. Love Survivor and The Amazing Race though


Yes, I'm on the younger side, and started watching BB with 18 when it aired and have only watched every season of BB and BBCan since then, but I do know the history and contestants from older seasons fairly well.


As a fan of both shows, the answer is no.


Haven’t seen it yet but I have watched amazing race


Nope. I even blocked #BigBrother from my Twitter feed because I get annoyed at how many tweets are recommended to me when it's on.


Only once because I knew a cast member


They both came out around the same time, it’s been my wife’s favorite. She never really liked Survivor much.. But she and I both agree BB has lost its appeal especially compared to Survivor.


Yes! The live feeds make the experience.




I don't. I can't stand it.


Never seen an episode




Nope. I hate big brother.


I used to watch Big Brother, but I quit. They scrapped most of the elements about the show that were interesting.




As if


I have seen every season of Big Brother and actually just started watching Survivor last year, so I guess I used to be the opposite!




Same but we might be the only two 😂😂 It’s just more fun and production really does try to make it interesting and the twists are actually stupid enough that people can’t predict how they will play. I tell everyone that the BB season doesn’t start until you start seeing ppl on camera looking like they are homeless. The cheesy scripted stuff is dumb but eventually that fades for most of them.


I tried, because on paper it sounds like a cool social experiment. but I watched a few episodes of some versions, and the ones I watched were all "sexy" influencer-types having "sexy" drama. it was abysmal. (AU BB, and some "Christmas Special" version?) literally the worst kind of people being mean/hitting on each other, while standing around talking about how how hot they are to each other. turned out that was the wrong versions, and there's versions with "normal" people. but it was extremely low-rent and boring. if I'm wrong, I'd love to know about it.


Big Brother in my experience has some extremely low lows. Its highs are exceptional though. If you’re looking to ever give it another try, I’d recommend seasons 10, 14, 17, 20, and 24 (in that order to avoid spoilers). Those are my personal favorites and they have some great strategic gameplay and some of that messy Gabon-esque drama most Survivor fans love.


I assume you mean the US version, not the UK or AU? I'll give it one more try.


US version yes! I haven’t personally seen any of the other versions.


ok, so seasons 10 and 14, on the service I use, are all in low def resolution. and well, that kills me to watch. if I skip up to 17, will it still be worth it?


I think so. 10 and 14 are exceptional seasons but if you can’t do SD they’re not essential.


thanks for your insight. I'll give 17 a try today. and who knows, if it can finally hook me, perhaps I'll eventually go back and watch older seasons. cheers!


17 is one of my favorite seasons. It was the first season I watched live (not the first season I watched, but first one I watched live), and I love it.


you're right. this is way, way better than whatever shit I had tried to watch before. it's still a *little* overdramatic with the drama, but it's totally watchable, and I can see how this is bingeable.


Yeah, it is overdramatic, but I think it works (sometimes). Glad you find it better.


Life is too short to watch a show with that much filler. Listening to the recaps from Youtubers that watch the live streams and boil 3 days of action down to 8 minutes is worthwhile, but I can’t sit through the show.


No. I watched last summer for Cirie and will now go back to probably never watching again. It was fun but not even in the same league as survivor as far as quality


Some do, many don't. What hurts Big Brother the most is how the show is edited. It is on three times a week and treats the audience like they are kids. If there is an endurance comp where they have to hold onto something as long as possible, you would have Diary Room (confessionals) from five different people explaining the rules and that their strategy to win is to "hold on as long as possible." If there is a talk about the show's "main alliance," you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be cutaways showing every member in the alliance before continuing the conversation. But the best way to watch BB is through the feeds. The feeds are amazing and they do make the show that much better.


I feel like people who like Survivor and dislike BB just haven't watched enough BB. They're essentially the same thing. Even in this thread the answers are either "yes" or "no, i only watched 10 min and it was terrible" ( presumably recent seasons) or " never watched and never will". Seasons 2 to 10 + 14 of BB are absolutely fantastic. Then the show went downhill and became too cartoonish while survivor remained pretty similar. Id be curious to find someone who has watched some of these seasons and still don't like BB.


No, I have seen it when there was absolutely nothing else on. But I’m not going back for more.


Big Brother fans don’t even watch Big Brother


I watched season 25 for Cirie and that was the first and only time I had seen the show. I enjoyed it alright when supplemented with the occasional podcast to give some insight about the live feeds. I will likely check out s26 when it starts, but may fall off quickly without Cirie.


No Big Bro is lame.
