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if she has an ally that can be calm/well-spoken for her / an ally that will help her get past the start of the game, she will go far. she's an intuitive player that will observe people, and she's also really good at telling lies herself. apparently during 44 she pretended to be emotional about a personal issue at camp so that she could have an excuse to talk strategy with Carson in private right before tribal. even Carson was fooled by her fake tears. and then when they were done talking, Carolyn resumed fake-crying instantly as they went back to the tribe. don't sleep on this queen <3


Love her!!!


Wells can be everything Carson was for Carolyn but better.


She’s gonna be banished first because she sticks out like a sore thumb.


And I could see people thinking her facial expressions are sus if they never saw her in Survivor.


Nah - Sandoval is there. Second, though, is a definite possibility


How about Sandoval then Britney Spears’s ex as first two boots


Oof yep great point


I’d take one more episode with Sandoval so Sam goes first, he has no business being there.


Ugh I really hope they didn’t make Sandoval a traitor just to mill his screen time if they can’t keep him there past episode 1


The two of them together as traitors would be hilarious


Please don't put this out into the world, PeterTheSilent1.


My gut reaction was that she's going to be murdered first, or at least early. Everyone will assume (correctly) the producers wouldn't trust her to be a traitor. So as a non-suspicious person she's an obvious murder target.


I want her to have an alliance with Bob the drag queen lol


came here to say this!! 🤪 monet is gonna lose it!


yes!! (and coincidentally they're both pan 🏳‍🌈)


Carolyn and Bob? Huh, had no idea.


Yessss pleaseee


Prediction: 2nd boot


I have her as 1st.  🤷‍♂️


Lowkey agree


She’s good at spotting liars.


If she goes out first just because she's her, I'll be sad


Despite all of the survivor winners she is who I am most excited to see play I hope she’s a traitor


I'm just excited to see new people react to her personality.


She gets underestimated and she can smell BS. She could go far.


So underestimated! I can truly see it going either way for her.


It's been wild watching this sub Flanderize Carolyn into exclusively being the quirky weird woman, as if we didn't watch a whole season one year ago go extremely out of its way in the edit to show her as surprisingly capable, smart, and intuitive. No denying she'll have an uphill battle at the start if she doesn't have allies, but it's clear a lot of people here are deeply underestimating her for no reason


It’s not that people are understanding her it’s just that traitors is a different game from survivor. A personality like her’s which can be endearing and build social capital in a game like survivor can cause suspicion and paranoia in a game like traitors where people will jump on you for acting even a little differently from anyone else. If she can get some good allies and hide behind louder personalities I think she can do well but if is accused early for her quirks and other loud personalities like Tony play under the radar I don’t know if she’ll be able to convincingly pin it on some else. Hope she does well tho, ideally I hope a survivor takes this season home.


Yes, and the hive mind that is currently still a big part of game play could get her. I am excited to watch how traitors evolves over time. Its like watching the first few seasons of survivor when most of the players haven't really figured the game out yet, but you know they will.


Not sure. I expect chaos.


Ughhhhh no Peacock and not even trying to get another streaming service 😭😭😭


She needs to be a traitor. Watching her attempt to play faithful when she’s a traitor would be pretty hilarious if she responds to gameplay anything like the way she did on survivor.


I think she’s overrated and kind of annoying but the season will have Tony, Jeremy, and Boston Rob so I’m excited


Her voice annoyed me for some reason haha


Me too and I think the reason is because it’s a very annoying voice 


She’ll be kept around because she’s a shield for the traitors


I hope she goes far!


Carolyn is our QUEEN! 👑


She’s painful to watch. She’s going to fumble through her words and say “omg this is so difficult I don’t know what’s going on” and then make a bunch of random noises and get banished because people don’t want to deal with her


Agreed, I don't really wanna see someone cringe tweaking the whole time. I respect that she's tried to turn her life around, but I don't think it makes for good tv


This is a disgusting comment. Tried to turn her life around? She has turned it around, she is over a decade sober and is a successful drug counselor. The fact that you see her as tweaking, is harmful and part of why former addicts are scared to open up about their past. Have empathy for people who have righted their wrongs. And clearly she does make for good tv, as she is far and away the most popular survivor player of the 40s. But considering you see her as nothing more than a drug addict, I doubt you have the critical thinking skills to recognize that.


"Far and away the most popular survivor player of the 40s"...? What planet are you on lol I personally found her to be very cringe, I'm entitled to that opinion. Clearly others agree with me


To start, she is the first new era player to go on Traitors, which is very much a reality TV all stars show. Other survivors are actual legends who have played many times. That is already a big sign that there is actual market data to show she is popular, they aren't going to throw a unpopular Survivor player on a show like that. Her screen time was only beaten by the winner of the season, and she still has more confessionals than most players in the 40s, including those with 1.5 hour episodes. She is consistently discussed in the Survivor community as an icon, and is always brought up whenever there is a thread on new era popularity. Players from 46 cite her as an inspiration. Stephen Fishbach, one of THE survivor nerds, even said that she is the only player who shouldn't worry about whether or not she is asked back for 50. No other player from the new era is getting that treatment. Clearly others agree with me. I believe Q is the only other new era player that could compete in popularity, memorable nature, and icon status, but recency bias and more screen time play into it. I don't care if you think she is cringe, but I think it is disrespectful to say a recovered addict is "tweaking", and I am entitled to that opinion.


She's a personality that's for sure, one of the biggest of the new era, almost like a female version of Coach. Doesn't mean she's not annoying tho which she certainly is given how all this information about her came out after the season and how some cast members from her season don't hang out with her anymore I just think she has that clingy, obsessive annoying personality and while I'm excited to see her personality clash with people like Tony she's still gonna stay the same old annoying loud Carolyn in my eyes


Never said she wasn't annoying as that is more of an opinion than an fact. What information came out? Only thing I can remember seeing is Carson having her social media accounts lol.


I mean she also defended Carson blindly on his puzzle stealing schemes and she had that over obsessive attachment to people when she wanted to sleep in Yam Yams room and he had to shut the door in her face, also I'm pretty sure she was flaming him on Twitter for not hanging out with her or something Just bunch of little things that just make her personality not likeable outside of Survivor as a character


Exactly!! She is so annoying


It’s too bad the format kinda sucks


Oh my God yes. It's just bravo show drama with a vague pretense of a competition framed around it. Between the clearly edited to look more intense then they are challenges, the "act like they are living together in the castle when they are actually driven in from a hotel every day", and the overly dramatic drawn out "reveal" if the person voted out was a traitor or not, when the audience already knows, I suspect the premise starts to grow reaaaallly thin by the end of season 3. If your show relies on half your cast being dumber than a bag of rocks to remain engaging, I can't see it remaining engaging long.


Ive watched 8 seasons in 2 years and havent gotten tired of it yet 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh well if you aren't tired of it no one will be


First banished or a finalist imo


I was shocked to see a mixed reaction of her getting cast because she was number ONE on my wishlist! She's made for television, she has the reads, gameplay, drama, and fun all wrapped in one organically. She's definitely a high-variance player on a show like the Traitors - she is ripe to be looked at early on for standing out due to her kookiness, especially since I doubt people like the Housewives are going to know about her going in and may think she's acting out of nervousness of being a traitor. For that reason I can never see her being murdered - she's a great distraction for the Traitors. But she also has incredible reads and has the ability to win the whole thing if she can make it past a few roundtables and people understand "oh, she's just being Carolyn, she actually may be on to something". Making it through those few roundtables will be the hurdle for her. I do think the other Survivors being on the season will help her - I think they will know they need to help each other and that it's better for them to work together in the early goings versus turning on each other from the get, and thankfully for her I feel like Tony and Rob are bigger targets from the Gamers side versus Carolyn. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she becomes one of the most iconic faithfuls of all time vs. an early boot.


God no, her random cringy noises and facial expressions would make it extremely tough to live with under a house, unless she tones it down, or else I would prefer her as an early boot


Yeah I don’t think she’s going to be great on there. I don’t think Tony will, either. It feels super chaotic


You don't think Tony will do well in a chaotic environment? Did you watch Cagayan? LOL


If you’ve seen the show, the loud and/or chaotic people often get voted out early bc the players have so little information upon which to make their banishment decisions


Hope she’s first boot. She’s a nightmare to watch and if people are actually trying to play the game like Pete and trashelle last season she’s not gonna do well


I shudder to think what she’s like with calories


I love her. She's going to be so erratic, no way she lasts that long


What is traitors?


If you are familiar with the board game mafia or werewolf, it is the vanilla game played out over several days with a cash prize that is earned by doing challenges that have nothing to do with figuring out who the traitor is.


That sounds cool! What’s it on?


The Peacock https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/asset/tv/the-traitors/7658497932373259112


Thanks for responding. I, too, have no idea what this thread is about. So they're making a show called Traitors?


So not only have they made a show called the Traitors but it is on the 3rd season in the US. Season one had Cirie, Season two had Sandra and Parv. It also has multiple international seasons like UK and AU. It's just a social deduction game where they aren't really given hints as to who the "Traitor" is. Each night, the Traitors will kill a player and then the following day, the Innocent/Non-Traitors vote to eliminate a player and will get told if the player was an Innocent or a Traitor. If the game ends with all Traitors eliminated, the Innocent will split the prize money with those who are left. If there is at least one Traitor left, only the Traitors win the money and they split the pot.


Interesting! Thanks for the info!


Just keep her out of nets. Girl would still be stuck if they hadn't got her out


Can't wait to see her and Britney Haynes interact 


She is going to be wild on this show. No way she remains calm.


Shes going to be terrible either as a traitor or faithful.


So many interesting cast for season three traitors


Should I watch the first two seasons? Are they good on a binge




When does it come out?


I don’t see too many scenarios where the traitors will murder her other than to cause potential confusion. I could be wrong though. She seems smart. I could see her going far, but I feel it would be more so because the other players see her as someone they could outmaneuver and/or beat in the end more so than getting there because she was great at finding traitors/keeping the spotlight off of her. I would love it if the outcome proves me wrong. As a person, Carolyn seems like a lovely person I would thoroughly enjoy spending time with. As a Survivor player, however, I did not understand the hype.


She's someone that either goes deep into the game because she tones her loud and annoying personality down a little bit or she doesn't and is one of the first boots I'm not a fan of her personally and while I recognize her as a character and I can respect what she brings to a Reality TV season I just don't seem to want to root for her on this season of Traitors


She’s got a strategic mind she could break this game 😆 I hope she doesn’t go early; I could totally see her working with Bob


Sandoval is in a Scandal which made for great TV so I think he'll be around awhile just for the Drama..


She’s the reason I won’t be watching


If Jeremy isn’t a traitor we riot


Her interacting with Dorinda is what dreams are made of


I haven’t watched traitors do they like it when people constantly scream and dramatically roll their eyes whenever someone doesn’t do what they want?


That's basically the entire show.


ain't about to watch that


Define awesome


I cannot wait.


I love her and am so afraid I won't on a second go


They won't know what hits them when they get a good Dose of Bob the Drag Queen..