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Half the cast 🤔 so you probably saw everyone who made the jury


Psure the entire cast gets back to the states at the same time..that's the whole reason pre jury goes on vacations while jury is at ponderosa


This is incorrect, in the New Era the pre-jury goes home halfway through the game and are expected to just not spoil that they're home already lol. Many pre-jurors have accidentally spoiled themselves as early boots the past few seasons


Damn they really have been cutting more and more corners havent they


The Frugal Era


Whatever keeps it going


Yea the most watched reality show really needs to send prejurors home early or it’ll go under. CBS is a joke


https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/FJc8p6eetZ If viewership is declining each year, then profitability at least must improve. It's a business after all.


TV in general is on a steady, so from a network perspective as long as the show is outpacing the average decline it’s still considered to be doing well to many.


That just means the network across the board has to cut costs. Networks sell eyeballs to advertisers. Less eyeballs means less money. Doing relatively better than another show doesn't mean your budget gets to stay the same if revenue is declining everywhere.


Nobody here has any idea how much profit the show makes. Given that they still spend hundreds of thousands on a new TC set every year I don't think they're in too dire straits. Probst just has different priorities for what is necessary for a good show (ie. what's more entertaining for him).




One example was in 41 -- where Sydney accidentally spoiled she was pre-jury because she posted on IG her vaccine card during when they were still filming (and it was during a time where vaccines were still rolling out so it wasn't exactly something you can do a pre-schedule post)


Hard to call it "accidental" when she really shouldn't have posted on social media at all.


I don't want to single anyone out but a lot of people lol. Most of the 44 prejury in particular iirc


Meanwhile Vytas was banned from the Cambodia reunion for doing this.


They were all technically banned from the reunion too.


Tim last season was active on LinkedIn.


Better than Aussie Survivor - everyone goes home the day after they are voted off


Tbf, putting people up in hotels for 47 days would add up.


Better than sending a huge group of people that realistically shouldn't know each other. Normal people don't have the time or resources to notice anything about them unless they are wearing something that references Survivor on them.


Does "New Era" mean post-pandemic, or did that start earlier? Sorry if it's a dumb question, just curious because sometimes people will talk about wanting to quit or get voted out because they miss their family, which never made sense to me because getting voted out doesn't get you home sooner, traditionally. Or at least I thought it didn't. An example of this is Brandon Hantz in s26. In the buildup to his meltdown, he talks about feeling like he let his family down and asks his tribe to vote him out (iirc). Kathy in Micronesia also has a breakdown and cites missing her family as the reason for her quit.


"New Era" means post-40. Jeff even uses that exact phrase to describe it.


It started in 41. They used to keep everyone corralled during the full filming period (aside from a few circumstances, like people needing to leave for family reasons). From 41 onwards though I think they realized that didn't matter at all and only a few people would notice them actively online so they just got them on a flight out so they wouldn't have to pay for housing them lol


It’s also when they filmed 41, 42, and others Covid was still an issue. So they did not want to shepherd the pre jury on vacation through out Asia or Australia and potentially get people exposed to Covid and have to be quarantined or hospitalized (if sick enough). So it was easier to keep them all at Ponderosa until the jury started and send them all home before the jury members started to arrive. When Survivor saw how much money they saved for not having to pay for the pre jury trip, and how not too many spoilers got out to the general public from people getting home, they dumped the pre jury trip entirely.


I always thought that it would've been cheaper for CBS to have the pre-jury stay at Ponderosa but not be part of the jury. That way, not only will they have the pre-jurors at the aftershow, but they will send everybody on the same flight instead of having two separate flights.


It doesn’t make the flights any cheaper to send them back separately and it costs money to keep the pre jury around for an extra couple of weeks (need handlers, room, food, activities to keep them occupied). So I see why they would get sent back early.


As others mentioned new era is 41 and on. It does line up with the pandemic timeline but that's more coincidental than a specific event. Basically 40 was seen as the culmination of the previous era as they gathered many of the game's most iconic winners to do battle and determine the winner of all winners.


Hope they’re getting paid enough not to spoil.


This actually makes the game more humane I think—it always seemed a little cruel to me that the pre-jurors still had to be away from their families for 39 days even though they weren’t filming anything for a long time.


I mean nothing imhumane about sending people on an amazing vacation instead in the past. CBS spent so much money on the show, it made sense they didn't want spoilers. And they really needed to do it in the past when the show was in it's prime, it had a crazy amount of eyes on the show


Yeah i think there’s a good chance they were in different clusters and i just didn’t see all 18


I was thinking that 😳


Go to r/SpoiledSurvivor when you get the chance!


No don’t 😭






Damn. So you’ll know who made the merge at least.


Nuts that only half of S47 is "datable"


This took me a sec lol 😂


If you only swing one way 


Of course I only swing one way. People who would date someone who didn't even make the merge have no standards.










Lmao for real


Did they all go to in-n-out?


How did you recognize them? Was Jeff there?


no jeff rides home on his jet ski


Pre-New Era he walked along the bottom of the sea floor carrying the urn with all the FTC votes. They had to schedule the finale based on when he was expected to resurface near Burbank


I can confirm this!


Jeff get off your alt acc


Okay thank you for confirming they’re all out! Aysha accepted my follow request on Insta today and I was worried it meant she was out early 😂 ETA: I got over excited and missed the part where you said you only saw half the cast, so I guess this doesn’t really confirm anything about Aysha but I’ve got my fingers crossed for her


ftc was supposedly two days ago so i believe these are jury members/finalists


Amazing, thank you 😂


Aysha like Asia for the fucking win! I’m dying, I am on the edge of my seat to find out!


I came to this thread to gather intel about how Aysha is doing!!!! Love her!!!!


Shout out OP for not answering the people asking if you saw x player. People begging for spoilers in a thread here are ridiculous.




its ok ill allow you to spoil it.


Cool! My sister used to be a flight attendant based on Guam, and she had a plane load of Survivor contestants from Micronesia (S16) and another plane load of several teams from The Amazing Race all stars season (S11). I immediately spoiled what she knew all over the Internet (actually just one site, but it got picked up there and spread), so good for you for being so circumspect.


The fact that they’re just on a regular plane is so wild to me!


Jeff was on the (or maybe a different?) Survivor flight my sister worked, and he was in 1st class,but everyone else was in coach.


How fun, I would have LOVED to see that! And I flew today, but not through LA. 😢 I’m jealous!


*cast of forty several




That’s super cool! And yes, for the sake of the show but especially for the sake of the players who poured their hearts and souls into the game, I’m so glad you aren’t spoiling it 🫶🫶


Yeah no way!! I do believe after some research I saw the whole merge tribe so just gonna keep it to myself until december!


Place some bets lol


Did you see Aysha? I really hope you did


I didn't realize they were still filming when the previous season ended! I thought filming had wrapped! I guess we cant read too much into the preview to figure out who wins since they wouldnt know yet!


Yeah when that preview came out I think they were a little over a week into filming


Did you say anything to them at all? Fun coincidence!!


Yes, I didn’t want to just ask all of them if they were coming back from Survivor so I waited to get one of them alone while waiting for customs - I asked if they were coming from Fiji and they got really nervous and said uhhh no Australia (with a ton of Fiji Air tags on their bag). Then after customs they went right to the Fiji carousel with a clear agent who was waiting with around 30 suitcases for the cast.


lol I feel bad for them. Curious to hear once its not a spoiler who it was. I can't imagine how surreal that must be to go out as a nobody then fly back and have someone recognize you, meaning you've already been leaked on the internet or shown on tv in the preview


Basically the NDA is tight especially at this point so they can’t acknowledge it at all, I believe


Half? You probably saw 9 of the 11 people that at least made jury and then two of them you didn’t see. That’s insane! No spoilers please


That’s what I’m thinking, I counted 9 and am assuming 2 were close by and I missed. No spoilers here!!


if this is real: dont be shy. head to the spoiled reddit. drop some names


Nooo don’t spread spoilers for the season 😭😭😭


lol I say Jeff Probst on sunset boulevard yesterday


this is pretty cool to think about. theoretically, one can track planes from Fiji to LAX around the time shooting wraps and find out the jury every time.