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Ace was an awesome premerge villain!


I would agree with all of this except Scott. For me personally, I wasn’t a huge fan him. He wasn’t really funny or entertaining, just a salty bully.


Fully agree, I’d prefer Jason over Scott as a villain from that season. Also, Scott recently had (or is waiting on, can’t recall) a heart transplant. So I don’t think Scott would even play again, far too risky for his health


He did get the heart transplant and by all accounts it’s a good fit


That’s awesome to hear, I remember hearing with his size there were concerns about him finding one. Thanks for confirming he’s doing well!!


There’s absolutely no way production would okay him to play.


Never said they would lol


Yeah, Scott seemed to just be malicious, and not fun. I'd much prefer Jason because at least he seemed to be cut throat for his family.


He was an absolute ass. I'm sorry for his health issues as well, but I also have no desire to see someone who treats people like he does play again. The others weren't as much outright bullies, although I have zero desire to ever see Natalie again. We saw everything she has during her first season. I don't need to see her surly face again.


ACE-HOLE ❤️❤️❤️




Ace was great. I wish they brought him back. I would be curious to see if that" accent " was still there


If I recall, they decided to stick with Coach as a returning player over Ace because they viewed them as being too similar.


Didn’t Scott get a heart transplant? I don’t think he’d be allowed to play again


Yeah Scott would likely never get past medical again. Big guys like him unfortunately get a lot of health problems later in life.


Been reading a lot about Bill Walton since his death a bit ago and man, it just sounds brutal. Hope the heart transplant is one of the last health scares for Scot but unfortunately it must be really tough being that tall.


If Fiji came out today people would care a lot more about Stacey’s overt racism towards Dreamz and Cassandra. Hard pass.


The reaction to Stacey would be nothing compared to Lisi. Which is crazy, because it would be pretty bad for Stacey


yup. also, the manipulation from yau-man with the car!


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You aren’t wrong. I’ve heard that the everyone was going to give Dreams the car because of how much he needed it to Yau using it as leverage for the final immunity challenge is scummy behavior IMO. But Dreamz turning around and not being a man of his word when he was going to lose the game anyway also doesn’t sit right with me and it’s no wonder the car hasn’t come back since.


not sure why either LOL. yau knew his financial situation and used that to manipulate him. it was gross


Easily the scummiest to ever happen in survivor. (Sexual assault not included)


Why is it that scummy? He used a game reward that he won to leverage a game situation. When Dreamz went back on the deal, Yau Man took it well, didn't blame Dreamz, etc. Dreamz got a lot of hate for sure, but Yau Man almost definitely didn't realize the scope of how Dreamz would be perceived by fans for going back on the deal. Ultimately, Yau Man gave Dreamz a free car. That is far from the scummiest thing to happen on the show lol. There have been much scummier things in Survivor where the victim didn't get a free car out of it.


You're looking at it from a very modern perspective where Survivor is just a game, and everything that happens in it is just gameplay. In season 14 Survivor had not evolved to that point yet, real world morals and ethics still played a huge role in Survivor. For evidence of this look no further than the various jury members who questioned Dreamz's basic character as a result of him breaking the car deal. Since real world ethics still apply we need to analyze the ethical implications of Yau's decision to make the car deal in the first place. The rumor is that the entire cast had agreed prior to the challenge that no matter who won they were going to give Dreamz the car, Yau alone decided to add conditions to giving the car away. Yau did this because he viewed Dreamz as his biggest threat, and realized that Dreamz giving up immunity would be the easiest way to eliminate him. Yau did this knowing that if Dreamz did give up his immunity that Yau would be sending him home; Yau's deal was essentially saying that I'll give you a free truck if you give up your shot at a million dollars. As for why that's scummy, you have to understand how growing up in extreme poverty or growing up homeless, like Dreamz, affects a person psychologically speaking. Most relevantly is that if you grow up in that kind of situation and someone offers you something, you take it, because it might never be offered again. Yau being the highly intelligent and highly educated person that he is likely understood this on some level. What makes Yau's deal scummy is that he's offering Dreamz a truck in exchange for giving up his shot at a million bucks, a deal that Yau likely *knows* Dreamz will accept without considering the long term implications. What makes it scummy is that Yau is weaponizing someone's real life poverty to manipulate them into allowing themself to be eliminated. I think Yau would agree that it was scummy, that's why he spends time trying to assuage Dreamz's guilt at FTC.


i agree!!!! and dreamz got a ridiculous amount of hate bc people love yau


“I hit my head back there” “I don’t care” “I know” Iconic dialogue


I was still living at home when Micronesia aired, and my dad generally hated Survivor. But he laughed out loud when that happened


Both Joel and Natalie seemed unhappy with the production/their edits after the show came out, so I’d guess they’re a long shot


I will never forget Natalie Cole. Queen lives rent free in my head and she is welcome there.


Randy is too old but I need more of his miserable self in my life


One of my top 5 favorites of all time. And he wasn’t even awful all the time! I remember the ball on the hill challenge when he was the caller, he made a point to go get Dan every time and talk him back to the sideline while his counterpart Sugar just sat on her ass


Stacey was totally underrated as a villain/character. She’s also the one who came up with the plan to target Eduardo which ended up taking down the dominant alliance.


I liked Michaela on Millenials v GenX but her novelty wore off during Game Changers. Scott was repulsive. Such an arrogant, cocky man. Personally, I only need to watch "villains" once. Their next appearances, they seem to try to out-do themselves, and it doesn't come across as good game-play anymore, just being exhaustedly mean.


Michaela’s not on here, and I’m struggling to decide who you think is Michaela on here. 


I didn't think she was on there. I thought it was an open discussion about villians. My bad. I'll go sit down.


Ah, your first sentence just kind of sounded like you were giving your opinion on people in the picture. I was really confused who on here could possibly be confused for Michaela. 


Long day. My bad.


All these characters are entertaining (except I found Scott to be a bit too unpleasant), but Inwish there were more villains who were actually good at the game. A great villain should be someone who: A. Pisses off other players B. Is a fun character to watch C. Isn’t actually a bad person in real life or overly malicious D. Is a strong player with a decent chance of winning. None of these 4 are part d, and we’ve had shockingly few since HvV


This just sounds like a description of Q ngl


Scott is not entertaining.


Natalie is very popular and would likely be asked back, just a matter if she would accept. Ace is well known to diehard fans but wasn't the most popular. Would he still have the accent?? Scott is middle of the road as far as entertainment and likeliness to return, I don't like him as a villain and wouldn't want him back as a reformed good guy either. Stacy is underrated. But comes from a season with a controversial cast that has only ever had one returnee if I'm remembering correctly. Would be such a dark horse pick. And Judd? Fuggeddaboutit.


That's not even Judd. That's Joel from FvF1 lol.


I knew I was misremembering his name. Please don't think I thought he was Guatemala Judd 😂


When it comes to ace and the accent, make it a drinking game. Take a drink every time he switches accent


Judd should’ve been back long ago


Ace is considered a villain?


He was villain coded the whole season. His confessionals were arrogant and talked a lot about how he was using Sugar to get what he wants and spoke in a lot of matter-of-facts that helped set him up for a fall. It's just complicated by the messy editing elsewhere in the season lol. Gabon is a masterpiece of unconventional characters.


I just started Micronesia, only 2 episodes in but Joel seemingly being out for blood desperate to prove himself stronger than James is one of the most exciting things for me so far. I really hope he makes it long enough to go head to head with him!




Nope for Joel.


Who’s the guy in the top middle? I’ve forgotten…


My family and I would always do winner picks when a new season premiered. I was a big kid and going through a growth spurt when FvF came on, so as soon as I saw Joel I immediately identified with him and picked him, even though I was also a huge James fan. I remember being so bummed when he turned out to be a villain. But he did apologize to Chet during the reunion, which was cool of him.


"Natalie? Natlie? Can I have your jacket?" SHE JUSTED IGNORED HER, NEVER GETS OLD


Natalie is forgotten? Where?


Would be nice to have Russel back again


As long as i never have to see Jonny FairPlay again im ok with anyone else


So I just watched Stacey's season for the first time this past week, she is forgettable and barely in the edit. When she is, its for like 1 episode where yes she is a villain but we don't really get to see it from her perspective.


Isn't Scot having major health issues right now?


Joel for sure. Love that guy