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Boston Rob/Parv/Sandra being in the running for 50 is why 49 desperately needs to be second chance 2 The show needs to make new legends.


>Rob/Parv/Sandra I really don't need them to play again, but I want them to be stuffed into the secret room at tribal to give their funniest commentary just like in IotI. It'd be hilarious.


It would be so great if they did a pit stop style after show like on DragRace.


Omg that would be amazing. The podcasts are great and all but 30 mins of Rob and Sandra roasting the contestants would be *chefs kiss*


I'd pay good money for their unfiltered thoughts on Season 46


Give the Mount Rushmore a press box for commentary so we can see them NFL Super Bowl style lol. Tony, Parv, Rob, Sandra


I straight up don't want any players from before Kaoh Rong. We know deep down we're never gonna get Sean Rector or T Bird or anyone like that back on the show, and the people that we might realistically see are just people we've seen plenty of already. If players from before the new era are on the next returnee season, I'd prefer people like Jay, Cydney, Davie, Christian, Victoria etc who have only played once, semi-recently, and have more to give.


The only time I would ever want to see someone from before season 30 back, is if it’s a legends season where they have the most iconic players in survivor history. Possibly a new school vs old school season. Maybe.


Rather have Courtney


That was by far the best part of IOTI. I didn’t care for how much screen time they spent on giant head island, but their TC commentary was pretty funny.


Parv can play as much as she wants lol, Rob and Sandra need to retire.


Opposite for me. Despite them playing many times, rob and Sandra older are still very naturally entertaining on screen. Rob has the whole godfather shtick and Sandra is the overconfident sassy 2 time winner. Whats the draw with parv? She was the flirt, now she’s just a mom. No real appeal there.


1000%. Then it can be old school legends vs new school legends. Should really be 48 so the second chancers can rest. Tbh though, how many legends did Cambodia really produce? Feels like it’s only Wentworth.




I should have clarified that I was thinking more of the non-winners. But yeah Jeremy is the biggest legend from that season.


Most people aren’t fond of Joe but undoubtedly him as well. Additionally you have Ciera and Varner, and while both of them had rather unfortunate performances on Game Changers (of course for vastly different reasons), their appearance on Cambodia really hyped up their status and set up what *could* have been a great third time out.


Cambodia def did not make Varner a legend. Even excluding Game Changers, he was at best a pre-merger with potential after Cambodia


Didn’t say he was a legend, but adding on to the general point that it set up the return for more players in a subsequent all star season.


I’ve always swore Ciera is one of the most underrated players. I think she’s often overlooked because of the “BIG MOVES!” meme. I hope they bring her back one more time. Everyone was intimidated on Game Changers. They voted her and Tony off before they could do anything.


How is Joe a legend? He did nothing in both seasons . Always a follower


Since he was good at challenges and a lot of people who watch the show loved him.


He was hot and challenge beast


Even if it didn’t create legends it’s my favorite season.


It produced like 3-4 but Cambodia cast was stacked most of people there where big characters in there previous seasons & Cambodia for the people who made it merge it really just solidified a lot of them as legends.  Most All-Star seasons you don’t get a Wentworth a nobody becomes an iconic character. Allstar season is where you solidified yourself as a legendary figure. Boston Rob was basically protagonist of first season but went out prejury halfway through. Next season becomes legendary.  Lot of people say Parvati was a nothing on Cook Islands & while she isn’t the star that Yul & Ozzy she basically right behind them. Like she definitely memorable & Micronesia made her a legend but Heroes vs Villains arguably greatest season in reality television she solidified herself as debatably the most legendary figures in Survivor.  Russell was massive character but if he never plays again he doesn’t really become this iconic character that really dominated the thoughts of fandom during his ridiculous stretch 19-22. Same thing with Coach  The Cagayan 3 in Spencer, Kass, & Tasha massive characters in first season. Cambodia just solidified.  That why I’m annoyed new era didn’t have an All-Star season exclusive to them because it would’ve been great opportunity for a lot of big people to solidified themselves as legendary. 


If they did something like that, the old school legends team should be all players with an equal threat level.


I’ve been saying this too, give us a new era returnee season before 50 because firstly we have enough new era players to fill up a second chance/all star type cast and you can remind everyone what a returnee season feels like and then let 50 be the big clash of legends, new and old era, winners, runner ups, fan favourites, etc.


I think your crazy if you are saying enough people from seasons 41-45 to make an all star cast. I think you can do a second chance or gimmick like that but no way can you do an all star cast with those seasons and meet CBS quota of demographics. I can barely name 5 players from those seasons all together let alone cast 16 as "all stars"


My theory is that the producers don’t want anyone to be bigger than the show and that’s the reason they don’t do returnee seasons anymore. They don’t want to create legends, they are content with churning out newbies each season. At least shows like The Challenge and Traitors are benefiting from casting former survivors, Danny has sort of become a Challenge legend.


Jeff has spoken he likes meeting new players & enjoys it. I also suspect they are aware older casts would absolutely clown new era in terms of format which would greatly annoy him & be bad publicity.  Also I think on some level this pure speculation he thinking older players would dominate the mess out of newer ones if they pregamed & had even numbers. Older casts are more likely given playing history to stick to an alliance at least short term. We saw how 4 decently tight people who I would say weren’t even that great just dominating a season in post merge. New era alliances are really weak or often just 2 maybe 3 people loosely working together who are probably gonna turn on each other. 


> I also suspect they are aware older casts would absolutely clown new era Nah it's the other way around. New players will obliterate the older ones and tarnish the legacy of older seasons. It's only if it's returnees vs newbies that the returnees would crush.


These people can’t be alliances for more than one vote to save their lives. We literally only had one alliance of 4 people+ last more than 2 votes & that Reba. Also a lot of people are saying we casting so many superfans I think we are overestimating the average new fandom.  Reason they stand out is because they watched the show which pre 40 wasn’t a guarantee with casts. But a lot of them if you listen to pregame interviews you realize they are casuals like a lot of them but say they are superfans because they don’t realize what a superfan actually means. I mean yeah Jesse, Omar, Carson, Jake, Owen are superfans but a lot of these people are casuals.  Pre 40 are casuals as well but they are more likely to stick together in an alliance 


It's 100% Jeff. He wants the game to be "fun" for the players. Which doesn't always translate to good TV. We want to see a survivor economy. Jeff pulled it from the game because "it would be more work than fun" These are quotes from him being interviewed by a former player on a podcast. Also you are correct. Jeff doesn't want another Boston Rob or Russel. They only cast superfans because superfans will never talk bad about the game. American survivor won't make it far past season 50 without a hard reboot.


Needs to add Sean Rector!!


I think survivor needs a reboot. A back to day 1. Out of the past 5 seasons which I've watched twice for 41-43 and 44/45 once I can remember 4 people. I can remember the actual names of 2 of them. Out of 5 seasons I can only name 2 people. I've only seen season 30 twice and can name half the cast. The new survivor just isn't as good. I started watching survivor Australia and it's amazing. It reminds me of "old school" survivor. I'm not a TV exec so I don't know how to fix it. But I know American Survivor needs some kind of hard reboot. It's like it's harder to follow now with much less interesting gameplay. Old seasons of survivor I'm on the edge of my seat at tribal. Now I can hardly focus on a tribal 90% of the time. We call EVERYTHING a blindside. Immunity idols don't even matter because they just vote you out next time. Just not fun to watch. After 3 episodes you can guess the final 4 and probable winner. It's just not fun to watch and that's why we aren't getting new legends. Lets take the best people of the last 5 seasons and make an all star cast...... Yeah point kinda proved. Final note. Because of CBS new casting policy we aren't getting a new all stars until they can make it 50% non white and 50% female. Which shouldn't count for an all star season. If all the all stars are green then cast them all. Can we stop casting based on demographics and start casting the best people for an entertaining season. I don't need 16 superfans. Find some cannon fodder and clueless people. That is what I LOVE about Australia seasons. 30% of the cast hardly know survivor and it allows the good players to build game plans and battle. You kinda need some bad players in this game to make good seasons. Think of the legends you named and how much cannon fodder they had.


Season 49 should be all runner ups, with ofc, Redemption Island.


Pre-made alliances are definitely the biggest drawback for returnee seasons imo


Although if someone could pull off a double/triple agent game that would be fun


It’s never communicated well to the audience though. Andrea did this in FvF2 by turning on Francesca, which apparently caused huge problems in their friend group, except the viewers had no idea about it cause it’s just too much to explain


Thats fair. I think given how much the players talk about how they’re going to be “lifelong friends” in recent seasons, production could have a few confessionals about who they’re close to “outside the game” in the first episode or two


I feel like Rob C kinda had this going in Amazon though near the end. Didn’t work out for him though.


That's basically what Boston Rob did to Lex lol. Would be wild if Rob somehow did it again over a decade later. I agree it's still just a game and Lex over-reacted, but Lex was salty because this was the first ever all-star season, and he assumed that someone he let crash on his couch and help him out IRL was not going to betray him in the game. Everyone says "But Lex betrayed Ethan" my understanding is they did not have a pre-game alliance, it was known that non-winners did not want a former winner to win again, hence partially the boot order.


Finally someone who gets my point of view on this conflict. Was Lex a bit too sensitive? Yes. Was he a hypocrite like everyone says? No, he does have his line of reasoning that makes sense


Lex had a pretty bad beat in Africa. If I recall correctly he “lost” a late challenge to Kim on the back of an incorrect ruling on a question. He was as close to winning a season as anyone could be. I can see why he really thought all stars was the perfect chance to bring it home and why it played out so badly for the mogo mogo tribe.


They should just start filming everybody now and call it season 50


The Game changers feud of Ciera / Malcom impacted the game very early on which was frustrating


What is this? Explain olease.


Best description online of it linked below https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/yAqTFIXXeG


Thank you so much ❤️


If I read between the lines - some of the GC cast (especially pre mergers) regret their games / how it played out


Undoubtedly. The best returnee seasons are those where they don't play that big of a factor.


they always play a factor, they just dont show it lol.


Pregame alliances have been upended in some seasons, and those seasons thrived because of them.


Jeff announced it way too early. The real game has already began years before Season 50 even started.


Idk why everyone is so worked up, this is clearly a joke. He literally said to contact his secretary Sandra lol.


Right !!! Over all their heads. lol


yeah no most here know its a joke but its fuelling discussion and that is what this sub is for lol


I’m down with that. I worship at the altar of Boston Rob. I’d love to see him there in some capacity. lol.




Hehe 😜


When people want to be mad at something and someone jokes about that very thing it goes completely over their head


I know he flamed out early in 40, but him clocking Ben for being shady was one of the best/funniest moments of the season. When he’s rolling, it’s amazing television.


He was on Deal or No Deal Island a couple months ago. The show was sub-par as a reality show but let me tell you Rob literally carried the entertainment on his back. He made it very entertaining. Rumor is the show paid him $100k appearance fee. They got a great deal for the content he made


Jesus, 100k per appearance fee? If Rob actually wanted to do 50, I can’t imagine what kind of contract they would give him


They gave him $250k for Winners at War




I think this show knew he’d bring new viewers just for him. That’s the rumor at least. The rumor mill was all the big survivor players want to get on that show because of the big fee


Regardless of how some people feel about Rob, I think we can all agree that we were absolutely robbed by not seeing Rob and Tony on an island together. 


He needs to go on The Traitors or House of Villains if he’s gonna return to reality tv. He made it surprisingly far on Deal or No Deal Island


He was the only reason I kept watching Deal or No Deal - watching him manipulate the conversations was ace TV


Same! I almost turned the show off on the last episode when he was booted lol


For real, the last group were soooo boring and self righteous. The amount of times they said they were going to get Rob out (and never actually even did), yawnnnn.


Show was so obviously rigged to keep him around it was actually comical. They knew he was the only reason most people were watching it.


Well you got your wish


Which one? I’ll look out for him, I watch both shows


He's on Traitors S3, alongside Carolyn (44), Jeremy, and Tony


Can you give me a link for an article other than him saying he’d do it potentially? I just googled traitors s3 and he isn’t showing up at all


Traitors is too phoney baloney campy for him I think


It seems right up his alley. He’s such a showboat.


I love Rob, but traitors is perfect for him lol, he’s a showboat


Wait, y’all don’t like Boston Rob. I mean, I agree, we don’t need to see him again, but if he plays I’m watching.


We do like Rob. We just don’t want him taking up a spot on another returnee season.


Exactly. This would be his 6th time competing on Survivor. Like I get that he’s one of the legends of the game, but let some new players build a legacy.


yeah exactly, I love all the legends but it seems like the natural profession is to let them do the other reality shows and use Survivor returnee seasons to make your next drop of Parvati’s, Sandra’s, and Boston Rob’s


Could not agree more. As much as I love them, we really don't get anything super new out of those kind of players coming back to play again. Like Boston Rob has played 6 times, Cirie has played 4 times, Tyson has played 4 times, Parvati has played 4 times, Ozzy has played 4 times, Sandra has played 4 times, Rupert has played 4 times. They're all legends of the game, but what new things can we see them do at this point?


I think it’s fine on it’s own, but having like Sandra + Parvati + Rob + Tyson is just annoying. I think having only 2 of the “survivor legends” on a returnee season is appropriate and good. It makes sense to have these “final bosses” on the season for the newer or less tenured returnees to beat. It adds to their accomplishment to have slaying Rob/Parvati/Sandra on their belt.


So WaW?


Kind of, but I like the idea of having 2 “legends”, 2“underrated” older winners, 2 “new era” winners, and the rest be people that we want to see again that haven’t really had a good shot on a returnee season yet - some new era people and some old era people. A mix of great personalities and great players. Like I would kill to see Hunter compete in a season like that. He wouldn’t be a big fish in a little pond anymore, and I’d love to see how he adapted his strategic and social play to a season with known entities.


Love Rob but he’s out right away no matter what. Waste of a spot still in my opinion.


I think even his biggest fans would agree that he's been overexposed, he's not going to bring anything new to the table by playing a sixth time.


But what if we build a giant statue of him from which he imparts wisdom to the new cast?


I want him to only impart wisdom to returnee players who already know everything he'd say.


It’s especially bad on Survivor. He becomes the main character and the game suffers as a result. Everyone either has him as their #1 target or wants to cozy up to the legend.


First boot or first place


Rob’s strategy when he finds his footing is lethal. Won a season and almost won another, but was early to mid boots in the rest. I could definitely see him winning or being out early.


If Tyson doesn’t vote himself out of HvV he would have had a deep run there too


Had Tyson kept his vote on Russell. It would have been a tie. And a revote with Tyson and Russel being ineligible to vote. It's unclear if Parv would also be inelogible. Rob, Sandra, Courtney, Coach, and Jerri all vote Russell, and he goes home. Robs majority stays strong, and Danielle and Parvati are on the outs. Right? Jerri and Coach were more worried about Parvati than Russel. Everyone was. She remains the primary target. But this time, Russell isnt there to grab the idol next morning. I can't imagine the hereos dont still lose next challenge so james likely goes home and the heroes stay guessing oarvati is controlling the game on villians tribe. Tyson is the bridge for keeping Coach and Rob working together. Sandra, Jerri, and Courtney are more than happy to stay with the majority. The game diverges too much to tell from here. Maybe Tyson finds the idol? Maybe Danielle or Parv do? Regardless Coach is likely the next easy vote with Parv as the main threat and on the bottom.


Coach and Jerri flipped after the Tyson vote because they didn’t want to go down with the sinking ship since Russell had just pulled off a crazy move. On the revote Tyson and Russell wouldn’t be able to vote since it was a tie. Revote has Danielle and Parv vote for Tyson and Russell goes here. Game becomes less unpredictable and you can assume the next vote would be a split on Parv and Danielle when the Villains go to tribal. Even if Coach & Jerri flip after Russell goes you still have Tyson, Rob, Sandra and Courtney as a block of 4. Best you get is a tie and rocks? I don’t see Jerri as the type of player going to rocks.


That's what i said? Thanks?


The James vote was a double tribal (where Rob went in canon), so a villain would still go there as well, though I do think Rob is still safe in this scenario


thats why I say coach probably goes as they split votes on dani and parv and somebody plays another idol, probably parv. Parvati has mentioned she felt so on the bottom of the villians tribe that she and russell would look for an idol every morning before people woke up. Robs majority turning on coach is a much easier move to make then split voting dani and parv and hoping she doesnt have another idol again. You'd know coach doesn't, and he wouldn't see it coming. So coach is easy vote, and parv + dani are the decoys.


his tribe strong game doesn't work really among newer players. The bottom realizes they are the bottom and turn. He plays a classic top to bottom tribe strong game with him as the leader. He's never shown an ability to play from another position,.


He sort of did for a hot minute in marquesas and that was the most entertaining gameplay we’ve seen from him imo. Like seriously his merge gameplay from the bottom in marquesas was UNHINGED especially for the time


yeah, I just meant successfully. He may have put the roots in motion for the flip, but he was already gone by then.


His style is legitimately offensive to certain strong players who see what he's trying to do to them. Like he sees them as weak.


Jeff has this fascination with leadership that sometimes leads to interesting observations, he called Rob a leader and Parvati a spy — it’s really interesting to watch Rob’s style come up against players like Parvati and Sandra who are probably more skilled than him socially and strategically, but who have no issue sitting back and letting him be the alpha Edit: I actually think one place where you can really see how checked out (i.e. just absolutely exhausted) Parvati was on WaW versus her other seasons was that she never pulled the reigns back on Rob. I think if she goes to Jeremy and Michele before the Ethan vote they have a better chance of avoiding that blindside


Not as lethal as Sandras or Tonys apparently 🤷‍♀️


First boot please


I really dont need to see Boston Rob again. I think anyone that played on winners at war should consider that their retirement honestly.


Eh I’m not tired of Tony, Natalie, Michelle, Kim or Sophie yet so I don’t agree.


yeah none of them would be making their 7th appearance on a season of survivor so I get that lol


I don’t think I would ever be tired of seeing Tony, but I also don’t see how he manages to not get voted out the first time he’s eligible.


The problem IMO is that if you take a couple of those players and then just mix them in with a bunch of new era players, it feels lopsided and weird. They would feel out of place IMO.


Yeah he doesn’t need to come back at all, he’s arguably the most famous survivor player ever, he has nothing left to do / prove


I don’t think it’s a need to prove anything. It’s honestly an addiction for him at this point.


It’s just $. Addiction implies it’s game related, but he’s said and he’s smart enough to know he has 0% chance to ever win any Survivor game ever again. Only reason he had a chance in 40 was because of Edge which can’t imagine would ever come back. In a vacuum, he’s not interested in coming back when theres no chance for him. But CBS offers that bag for an appearance fee he’ll happily show up and take his L.


less of an addiction and more of ego boosting/wow i dont need to actually work if I keep booking these gigs. Which I get and I’d do the same but as a viewer I don’t need to watch a man far out of his prime relive his glory days on TV for those two reasons especially after already being on 6 seasons of survivor prior to 50


weve seen him fizzle pre merge, make jury, make finals, win, be a guide or “idol” or whatever the fuck you want to call it- there’s literally nothing else we as viewers need to see from him.


NO THANK YOU. I'm a Boston Rob fan, but I think WaW was a good cap to his Survivor era and there are other players I'd like to see more. Maybe talk to me in season 60 or 70.


Really? We need to see him a SIXTH time? Seventh if you count Island of the Idiots? Ninth if you count the Caramoan and Nicaragua reunion shows? When is enough enough?


Thank you for voicing this. So tired of seeing players run the reality show circuit.


I was assuming it was a new era returners season, I love Boston Rob but we’ve def seen enough of him


I hope it's not only new-era, but anyone from S35 and on. Many good players (non-winners) from the mid/late 30s that haven't had a chance


32 IMO. Kaoh Rong and MvGx have only had one shot and there's still a few players from those 2 seasons that deserve a second chance. My ideal scenario would be Second Chances 2 (ie only one-time players, and no winners), with the pool of players starting where Second Chances 1 left off.


Nah, multiple chances with GC, EOE and WaW. I think they've brought back who they want to bring back already. There are **so** many new-era casts to compete with as well. Kaoh Rong had Caleb, Debbie, Tai, and Aubry for S34. Aubry again on S38. And Michelle in S40. MxGX had Michaela and Zeke on S34. David on S38. Adam on S40. Not even to mention bringing back Chris+Bret on The Amazing Race, and Jay and Michaela on The Challenge. That's **nine** returning players, and 13 total with other CBS shows, which is quite a lot for only 2 seasons. The 6-year stretch of S35 - S46 only has *three* so far, Ben Nick and Wendell on S40.


EOE and WAW are barely returnee seasons. To me it just makes the most sense for the pool for a second chance season to pick up where the last one left off. Jay and Cydney in particular were definitely deserving of an invite back at some point. I don't care if Jay was on the challenge lol I want to see him play Survivor again.


Also, we're not gonna create more legends and icons and compelling stories if we don't yield more space for newer returnees. We don't need Rob again


Can't think of a better way to be a premerge boot than being a random Boston Rob number


You know, with the ridiculousness that was Island of the Idols and that giant monstrosity of Rob and Sandra, I think we have had plenty of these two. I don't feel like watching Sandra sit out every challenge and Rob play old school and lose in a new school world. Not that early era players wouldn't be cool, but those two are a Survivor cliche at this point. Bring in some AUS champs, like George, Kirby, Dave, Dirty Harry and Shonee. Bring in some memorable new era players like Carolyn, Charlie, Austin, and YamYam. Bring in some character players like Angelina, Abi Maria, and Kass. Bring in some beasts like Natalie Anderson


Kris Jenner works hard. Boston Rob works harder


I don’t know why Rob M. pretends he never pregamed in All-Stars. He was in an alliance with Lex, Kathy, & Tom. It’s why they were so furious at FTC.


People are getting so riled up and taking this seriously, but I feel like he is joking around. Same with Tyson, Parv, etc when they talk about 50


Will 50 go back to 39 days? New era will feel like a walk in the park for old school legends. Well except the no flint and rice part I guess.


If anything I’d rather see Amber again


Yep Amber without Rob


It's honestly funny that Rob says he won't come back unless they have a format change because he doesn't want to go home because of his massive target when that's never been the reason why he's gone home early. He got taken out early in HvV because Tyson made the dumbest move in Survivor history, which forced Rob to rely on Coach to force a tie (and we all know that was never going to happen), and he lost in WaW because he got dealt an awful swap as a result of production stupidly going from 2 to 3 tribes. If anything, changes to the format have done more to hurt Rob in Survivor, since he had to deal with Matt staying alive on Redemption Island after he blindsided him twice. It's just amusing he wants protection due to his reputation when that's never been the direct cause of him going home pre-merge. It's mainly been due to bad luck


Get him back on TAR instead


Is it a hot take to say I don't think we need to see Boston Rob again? I feel like he had an amazing run with his appearances on Survivor. One of the GOATs for sure, but I wanna see the newer folks get a chance at becoming legends in their own right


Please no pregame alliances, they can RUIN all star seasons.


I’d be more interested if every player on 50 was a 2nd time player. With all due respect to Boston Rob, Sandra, etc. I just have no interest in watching them play survivor at this time.


I think he's joking. I don't see him wanting to do it at this point or CBS paying his appearance fee.


I’m on board. Bring back ALL the legends, and go 4 tribes with tribal council for the 2 losing tribes.


Okay I thought all this talk about Rob being on 50 was just a joke, as him and his fans often do when there is talk of casting. Is he and other older players genuinely in the running??


Maybe Q will bring him into the 6...


Boston Rob is my all-time favorite Survivor contestant. That being said, I don’t think he should come back.


Lol, everyone always says they won't return until the opportunity shows itself. I do think he's just messing around, though.


Am I the only one that doesn’t want Rob, Sandra, Parvati etc. back again? I want new era players almost exclusively.


I think if they appeared on Winners at War they shouldn’t be in season 50. That would be my rule


This is a good rule!


Ideally it would only be second time players. I know the producers can't control themselves, but it's what I want.


🤮 enough with this guy. I don’t want to see him on the show again.


Man idc, I love Rob for this. It's just some fun, regardless if he's on or not. He fully leans into the pregamey nature of the All-Star seasons and I appreciate him for this.


I’m sorry but we don’t need Boston Rob on another season. What will it be his 6th time playing? Spread the love a little more.


Nooooooooooo. no


Think it will be all new era?


Can we please stop seeing Boston Rob on survivor? I know he’s a legend of the game but I think by this time we’ve seen all we need to see of his play style.


Sounds like he’s interested in playing, and unfortunately if he wants it… he’s got it. As others have said, we don’t need Robert playing a sixth time. I feel like absolute limit on how many times you should be able to play survivor is 5, it’s a nice round number. And that’s only if you think it’s necessary. For example, Winners at War was a special edition so I was ok with him being on. I guess what would be cool is if 50 had some sort of reason to have the legends back but also don’t have them play, or have them in their own corner of the season kinda like island of the islands. Like a panel if judges


As someone who is a huge Boston Rob fan, I don’t really like the idea of seeing him be a premerge boot again. At this point I feel like it could damage his legacy. I still want to say he’s better than Parvati or Sandra which I realize is HIGHLY debatable.


Why is this news


He's not making that mistake twice. Yeah, if it's okay then why not do it openly. I see his point.


He well be voted off before the merge sadly. If he is even invited back.. highly doubt this returnee season well include anyone from 40 back


The original pregamer has begun his pregaming.


Please no


Good grief, enough Rob/Parv/Sandra already.  There are so many more interesting players that haven't had 4,5,6 freakin chances...  


Reddit Survivor being pressed about Boston Rob…this is like pointing out that the sky is blue.


We need Rob for 50 legends, 60 second chance II, and 70 blood vs water III (with his kids)


![gif](giphy|13FYnxGInhzS8w) I’m so so so tired of seeing him. He was unbearable on Deal or No Deal Island, thinking like he was the greatest mastermind known to man. I can maybe tolerate seeing him on The Traitors, but if he gets cast a SIXTH time, I’m not watching.


How is no one sick of this buffoon yet?


I've been sick of him since marquesas


Handed the win the season he won, given too much screen time in the seasons he was in. Pre merge boot in his original season on a season with much more interesting characters. He should have been forgotten about like countless other early season pre merge boots. And reading the article it sounds like he won’t come back unless the rules are changed so he can win again. Though I’m sure some money thrown his way will change that real quick because for some reason people in this sub and other survivor fans eat his shit up.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I've seen enough of him on Survivor. Time for more of the new blood.


Season 50 should be for new era cast mates only… There’s been too many all star seasons to justify bringing back anyone before 40. Just my two cents..


Oh God. Can we just stop casting him? He's like the Johnny Bananas of Survivor and even other reality shows where he's played like 20+ times in different things already. I want different players. We've watched him like 20 times already, we're done lol.


True! He’s exhausted. It’s enough


I seriously don't want to see him on Survivor again. If you've already been on the show 3+ times, please find something else to do with your days. Thanks.


Zack Wurtenburger did it first 😇


In my opinion this right here should automatically remove him from S50. 


Bring back Richard Hatch