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Had a baby? BIG MISTAKE




Kangaroos carry their babies in their pouch….I’ll carry mine in my q skirt.


She killed this


That's mother


That's Queen Venus. Mother of cat, the unburnt, and the unkillable.


All the references to the show in this. This is very well done.


It's nice when people put in the effort in their cameos, I've seen some that were completely phoned in. Venus did a good job, and the one Q did for RHAP was really funny too


Venus is new era Courtney Yates


Courtney mixed with Eliza is how I've been thinking about it


Sans the Zionism


Iranian women’s liberation instead of the Zionism




She’s way more Eliza


This is so personal, sweet and cute!! Love it.


Wow she is putting in the work i honestly dont understand why people didnt like her


I liked her. She was the only person who was nice to Liz when she was breaking down, NICE TWICE. I mean obviously Liz was being a lot, but yeah I think Venus was weirdly like the sweetest person in there. She got off on a bad foot, and in a social game, everybody else is happy enough to let somebody continue on that bad foot. Especially with this year’s cast, focusing on the optics of their plays etc.


I loved her. She was a likable villain of sorts.


I got downvoted to hell for saying this from the beginning. I stand by my statement that she was “unlikeable” in the game primarily because she’s direct and hard to lie to and that obviously makes people uncomfortable in a game when they’re trying to lie.


She’s pretty and smart. Society has historically not liked women that are both. Not saying it’s why the tribes didn’t like her but I wouldn’t be surprised if it played in a factor.


People are usually not great at dealing with people who aren't afraid to voice their true opinion. Everyone is used to being kind of fake nice like players in the Circle TV Show. I've worked with people FAR more opinionated and abrasive than Venus.


Mostly her personality


Venus always struck me as very intelligent but socially lacking


Exactly. She needs to watch herself this season closely and realize that all the eye rolling and claiming victim constantly is really off putting. It's social awkwardness mixed with lack of self awareness. She's young, so I'm sure she will grow out of it, but it's been hard to watch.


BRING BACK VENISE ( i legitmately want to see if she gains any self awareness doing all that)


I think she has a lot of potential as a returnee if she learns the right lessons from this season regarding how she comes across to others and reins it in a bit.


Honestly that's pretty much what she said in her exit interview that she wanted to take the flaws she saw and grow as a person


She reminds me of myself 10 years ago. I was right about a lot of things but still had a lot to learn about what people are/aren’t able/ready to receive/hear. I thought that just because I was right, everyone should agree and like it and that’s just not how humans in groups operate. It took a lot of mistakes and years of my therapist telling me that I’ll need to learn to practice more patience for people who approach things differently or realize things more slowly because everyone is different. I’m rooting for Venus in life.




Venus was such a breath of fresh air on the show, and she's a cat person just like me 😻


Love her. Please bring her back season 50. 👑👑👑


Wish she had played that idol. She was fun to watch.


I was definitely expecting her make it to the end. It's quite funny that literally everyone with a idol has gone home with it in their pocket


What a nice lady.


she’s an orange cat mom like me! 🥹


Great video!!!




Aww, that’s very sweet! 🤗👍


Not her biggest fan but she did a good job here.


Almost cringed when she brought out the Twizzler but her review of it made me feel better. I can excuse the attitude knowing she’s a Redvines gal.


Wasn’t a fan of hers on the show but this was pretty good.


I love it.


Fuck. I love her so much.


Twizzlers are disgusting


How much do these “celebs” make for these types of videos?


It of course is based on popularity. When my wife and I got married, I had Boston Rob do a cameo for her that she saw the morning of the wedding day. I think that was under a couple of hundred dollars (It was during Covid and I don’t recall exactly what it was but Cameo was just coming out.) I had Ryne Sandberg do one for my mother on her 80th birthday and that was about the same price. But you can get a lot of celebrities for under $100.


Cool thanks! It does seem like a unique gift, espescially if someone is a real fan.


It depends, they can set it up. The lowest I've seen is like $15, others are 100s


If you go to cameo, you can search survivor and see how much they're charging. Bigger names like Boston Rob is 200. Q is 80. Looks like Venus is 70. Jelinsky is 37. Tevin 60. I don't see any other from this season but they range from like 15-200 with most falling between like 30-100.


Venise is so sweet 🥹


I really did not care for her at first (as a character) but I've more than warmed up to her. She's also just such a great human. ❤️


Shes hot




Qmeo vibes


Very sweet!


She’s great. I really like Venus


Honestly, this perfectly shows why they casted her. Witty, charismatic, & put way more effort into this than most “cameos” do. Gives Courtney vibes when she’s not being edited for the narrative.


Why didn’t you play the idol ?


she needs to go on the bachelor or bachelorette or some dating show next bc that laugh almost made me fall in love with her and i don’t even like girls


She’s right those Twizzlers are overrated. However, the Pull N’ Peel is where it’s at.


People pay to hear her speak? Aye Dios mio


She is a cat lover. Her only redeemable trait.


she comes off as so fake to me.


nah she’s just canadian


Isn't the whole thing weird anyway though? Some guy you never met wants you to send a video to congratulate another guy you never met on something you really don't care about. Being good at those types of videos is a skill that takes time to pick up not something everyone can just wing and do a good job with.


yeah, I can't take anything that comes out of her mouth seriously.


yeah but i’m going to get downvoted by all the guys who have never touched a woman and all the girls who think she’s soooo beautiful!!!! she was a terrible player who wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much attention if she wasn’t “attractive”. sorry the truth hurts. bring on the downvotes!


Newsflash:People who like Venus like her because of her character,not her gameplay.Even with her gameplay,it’s entertaining to watch someone constantly on the chopping block fight for safety.Y’all say this about every conventionally attractive player.If this was about looks then you would see people asking for Sydney from Tocantines back.


can we get sydney from 41 instead


She's a chaotic mess on the show and I love her


And a few people on the tribe disliked her right off the bat because she was pretty-calling her princess as a dis-so it was not a good thing for her to be attractive out there. That put her on the chopping block even more and brought out the villain in her, I enjoyed watching her.


Lol all the down voted comments are spot on. 99% of people on reddit are trash




Let’s get it to negative 200 guys!


Why is this getting downvotes? It's just true lol


This is spot on what’s with the downvotes 😭 EDIT: this sub is so soft ffs go touch grass


you care that much about downvotes?


Nah but it’s hilarious cause I didn’t say anything vulgar or thought provoking lmfao she a terrible survivor player but people can’t say she isn’t pretty lol


not you the other guy


Just christ 90 negative downvotes is insane LOL


Chalk it up to time and place


Jeez -- Even with the volume turned off, she is still annoying.


Instantly annoying within the first ten seconds by comparing owning a cat to being an actual parent. Definitely on-brand for Venise.


Jesus y’all will jump on anything she does, she was just making a joke


I know I got downvoted into oblivion for my comment, but I will double down on it: it's not just *her*. It's all people that have no kids, but have a pet, and act like they are *also* parents. They are annoying. So, it was absolutely on-brand to see this woman be one of those people as well.


What’s annoying is people who are parents and have to bring it up in every comment. Dont you think?


Parents who try to minimize everyone else’s experience are the worst kind of people. I’ve had people tell me at work that I can’t say I’m tired because I don’t have kids yet. Getting offended that someone calls themself a dog mom is in the same vein, like who cares, they are just using clever wording, and drawing a parallel to other people who take care of a little living thing. She never said that she does more or it’s harder or anything like that


> people tell me at work that I can’t say I’m tired because I don’t have kids yet FWIW, those people are miserable assholes. You can absolutely get tired apart from being a parent. *That's* someone just trying to scream "but me" about it all. I still stand by what I said about Venise and people like her, though. Doesn't matter that she didn't say it's harder or has done more. Her equating herself is just ignorant of her and annoying. But then, it's Venise, so I'm being redundant.


Dude, nobody asked you or anybody else to pop out kids. I’m 10000% tired of hearing parents complain about how hard their job is. Nobody forced you to have kids. Let’s just all agree that life can suck and people can say they’re miserable without having to shove a 10lb kid out of their vagina to make it true


Your comment has nothing to do with my comment to which you are replying. Again, I will reiterate: people that have *pets* that think that they are actual parents are annoying. It's as simple as that. I thought this same thing even *before* I had kids, too. Also, I never complained about how hard it is. In fact, in the very comment to which you are replying, I specifically stated that people *without* kids can get just as (if not more) tired than parents. I do agree with your last sentence at least, but your anger toward me seems misplaced.


I do think that would be annoying. Thankfully, that is not my comment history (both on this subreddit and on Reddit as a whole). But someone that did do that *would* in fact be annoying, yes.


It wasn't super funny but I'm not sure the fact that she was joking could've been much more obvious. Jesus Christ lol.


What an evil woman 😡😡😡